irclog2html for #edev on 20051123

00:16.43*** join/#edev joe_bleau (
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07:09.24*** join/#edev linnuxxy (n=dave@
07:12.11linnuxxyhow to get the ifconfig information in C?
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13:09.03*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
13:15.42prpplagueho ho ho
13:25.45*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=Ken@
14:18.51*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
14:26.25*** mode/#edev [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
14:36.38prpplague~seen sorphin
14:36.40purlsorphin <n=dans@> was last seen on IRC in channel #edev, 23h 5m 52s ago, saying: 'prpplague: he wandered off to mess w/ the farm critters'.
14:43.00prpplagueho ho hum
14:44.35*** join/#edev T0mW (
14:44.47T0mWprpplague: what's up?
14:44.54prpplagueT0mW: howdy
14:45.02prpplagueT0mW: just thought i'd invite you in here as well
14:45.06T0mWprpplague: got your own place now?
14:45.29prpplagueT0mW: yea
14:46.02T0mWhmmm, guess I'll have to see if I can find a KB Toys outlet
14:47.07prpplaguehehe, yea the JB's are good little boxes to tinker with
14:47.20T0mWthat is about 30 miles from here
14:47.31jbevrenI want a couple mp3 kits :(
14:47.38*** join/#edev Genesis (
14:47.47T0mWprpplague: I've got my own tinker box, this project
14:50.04jbevrennod.  google maps is better
14:50.38T0mWheh, fast too!
14:51.09T0mWah, hybrid map
14:52.28T0mWpretty good detail, I can see that guy scratching hisself in the parking lot
14:53.30jbevrenalthough half my directions cover street names highway 3 has in varying towns
14:53.54jbevrenthe directions should be 'get on highway 3, drive west for 110 miles'
14:54.13T0mWrt 6 in PA
14:54.21jbevrenyoure in PA eh?
14:54.24jbevrenI used to live in scranton
14:54.49T0mWactually snydersville
14:55.06T0mWabout 8 miles south-southwest
14:57.15T0mWI want this for my car, I want a LCD screen hooked into
14:57.24jbevrenthat'd rock
14:57.32jbevrendoesnt google let you download the directions?
14:57.34jbevrenI closed the window + gps
14:57.54T0mWI wonder how much GSM costs?
14:58.40T0mWOne guy I knew had one of those GPS + Mapping thingys in his Buick
14:58.57T0mWit was OEM
14:59.45jbevrenI cant get GSM through more than half my trip for thanksgiving
14:59.59jbevreni'd love to get gprs (is that the sattelite one?)
15:00.07jbevrenno, gprs is the transit for gsm I think
15:00.14jbevrennono, gps is positioning
15:00.21jbevrenthere's a sattelite service similar to sat phones
15:00.21Genesisgprs is for gsm data traffi :)
15:00.49jbevrenanyway, google should market their map service on dvd
15:00.55jbevrenthat would be most awesome
15:03.16*** join/#edev sunrunner20 (
15:06.08Genesismore precision
15:06.15Genesisbut it's vaporsatellite
15:08.31T0mWprpplague: link for the S3C44 is broken on juicebox site
15:10.13prpplaguedoh, samsung's web site sucks
15:12.47Genesisbigger company is
15:12.53Genesisworse is the website
15:13.00Genesisintel is crappy
15:13.53prpplaguecnn has a better web site than foxnews, but i hate the coverage that cnn gives
15:14.48Genesiscnn is a big shit
15:15.03Genesisi see what they told on french problems
15:15.25Genesisthey place some french town in italia , spain , deutschland ...
15:15.39Genesisat more that 1000 km that they are really
15:15.50prpplagueGenesis: i forgot about you being in thick of that
15:16.45Genesisthey tried to make the social conflict of hundred of desoriented 15 years old pb in a segragation pb ...
15:22.20T0mWprpplague: oooo!  Juicebox does Thumb code!
15:24.35jbevrenthumb is a cool concept
15:25.35T0mWit is not bad: 22% code reduction on non-optimized (-O0) and 32% smaller if -O2 over ARM32
15:25.58jbevrenyep, and it executes faster (of course) over a 16bit bus
15:26.05T0mW32% smaller is a real compelling reason to use it
15:26.05jbevrenreally shrinks design requirements
15:26.22T0mWyeah, wonder if the kernel can be done in Thumb?
15:26.24jbevrenat one point I was going to use an arm7 cpu as a coprocessor on my commodore 64
15:26.28jbevrencause I'm wacko like that
15:26.39jbevrenT0mW: That would be interesting to know
15:26.53T0mWjbevren: why not, I have two ARM processors on this board here
15:27.26T0mWjbevren: I gave my commodore 64 away about 8 years ago
15:28.04T0mWsome Ham wanted to use it for RTTY
15:28.22jbevrentheyre good RTTY units
15:28.29jbevrenmy friend used a vic20 for years
15:28.36T0mWI liked Amtor myself
15:29.09T0mWI think I still have that HAL 200hz modem downstairs
15:29.15jbevrenStudy: Eating Fish Makes Your Genitals Smell Like Fish
15:29.26jbevrenI never got into rtty
15:29.32jbevrenI just watched my friend heh
15:29.46T0mWneiter did I, but I had a blast on 20m Amtor
15:29.50jbevrenthey gave him a permanent license since he was a radio operator in viet nam
15:30.13T0mWjbevren: what's your callsign?
15:30.25jbevrenwe were going to set up a packetradio link between our houses.. apparently he can operate a radio at my house under his license
15:30.34jbevrenRon's is wb0zla (old) and kc0cc (current)
15:30.41jbevrenI'm not on ham, so I dont have a sign
15:30.51T0mWjbevren: why not?
15:31.11jbevrenI dont have any equipment, and enough time is eaten by idling around the house and visitng my sister.. :)
15:31.13T0mWno big deal
15:31.26T0mWI was into Ham radio before I got IRC
15:31.45T0mWand, before I could touch-type
15:32.16jbevrenI got into irc when I was running linux on a 40M harddisk
15:32.25jbevrenslackware 3.1 had a copy of /usr on the cdrom
15:32.27jbevrenhandy, that :)
15:32.45jbevrenbefore then, I swore by win95.. bleck. :)
15:32.53T0mWyeah, slackware --> redhat --> mandrake
15:32.55jbevrenthen my 2gig drive died and I had no choice
15:33.09jbevrenslackware -> redhat -> slackware -> suse -> slackware -> debian
15:33.23jbevrenbeen using debian for about 5 years now
15:34.29T0mWCP/M-80 --> commodore 64 --> MSDOS [2,3,4,5] --> Win2 --> win3 --> winNt4 --> slackware --> redhat --> mandrake
15:35.03T0mWjbevren: you're like a Phildelphia Eagles fan when it comes to Slackware
15:35.14jbevrenlast time I used slack was 5 years ago :)
15:35.24jbevrenlinux was great, but I couldnt find a distribution that suited me
15:35.29T0mW"they're looking good again, I go root for them"
15:35.33jbevrenuntil I found debian, I tried this and that, but slack was as close as it got
15:35.42jbevrenspeaking of cp/m,
15:35.48jbevrenhave you heard of Vector Graphics?
15:36.07T0mWI didn't like the package manager, and they took too long to incorporate stuff
15:36.22jbevrenah.  My friend acquired an unknown VG system
15:36.35jbevrenit's in a timeshare config (3 terminals, one cpu, 3 48k ram cards)
15:36.44jbevrennobody knows what it is
15:36.50jbevrenany idea?
15:36.59jbevrenthat was helpful :P
15:37.06jbevrenthankfully though we found schematics and manuals
15:37.15jbevrenIts an impressively simple design
15:37.16T0mWI was running Apple Pascal for a while on some Corvus 10Meg drives
15:37.31jbevrenthe CPU timeslices on the three terminals, and each one has its own respective ramcard.
15:37.36jbevrenso 3 copies of cp/m are run at once
15:37.39T0mWCorvus made a file server for the Apple II
15:37.43T0mWCorvus made a file server for the Apple II+
15:37.56jbevrenit wasnt just for apple
15:37.57T0mWuh huh
15:37.59jbevrenI see the stuff on ebay now and then
15:38.04T0mWreally, heh
15:38.19jbevrenI keep my eyes open for oddball IIgs hardware
15:38.19T0mWI ported apple pascal to the commodore 64
15:38.45T0mWreverse engineered the p-code machine back into asm source
15:38.57T0mWjust wanted to see if I could do it
15:39.57T0mWman! this little Philips processor has more memory inside it than I had on most of my early computers (including floppy drives)!
15:40.38T0mWactually it has a bigger "hard drive" (mmc) than most of the computers I've owned
15:41.19jbevrenwhat cpu's that
15:41.46jbevrenfunny, thats the core I was going to use
15:41.59jbevrenbut the implementation was 33mhz, 8Mbit flash, 8k sram
15:42.01jbevren32 GPIOs
15:42.03T0mWI'm running it at 58 and change
15:42.07jbevrenabout the size of your smallest fingernail
15:42.25T0mWthe one is 128K Flash + 64K SRAM
15:42.25jbevrenit was goign to be used as a scsi coprocessor (bytebanging scsi on its gpio lines)
15:43.04jbevrenthats pretty dang good
15:43.08jbevrendoes it have a slave bus ;-)
15:43.18T0mWI don't have a lot of I/O pins, it is a 48pin package about 5/16" square
15:43.49T0mWjbevren: the other processor is 512K Flash + 32K SRAM
15:44.09T0mWI wish it was the other way around!
15:44.35T0mWI could write a DOS using the MMC and a hunk of good sized RAM
15:44.52T0mWload stuff from the MMC and execute to RAM
15:45.14jbevrenlike ACE for the c64
15:45.18jbevrenits a diskbased OS
15:45.32jbevrenI use it cause it has a decent terminal and assembler :)
15:45.42jbevrenalso has nice tools like grep
15:45.48T0mWI'm thinking of doing that for the configuration: load program from MMC for the menu screens and such
15:45.58jbevrengrep is like 5-6k in size :)
15:46.12T0mWI like my linux box
15:46.14jbevrenthat includes its own getopt() code
15:46.26jbevrenoh I love mine
15:46.29T0mWthere is so much cool stuff on it
15:46.42T0mWperl, sed, xargs, cut, ...
15:46.46jbevrenbut when it comes to tinkering, I still like my c64
15:47.10T0mWjbevren: naw, I design hardware, that is where I get that out of my system
15:47.29prpplaguethe pixter is still one of my favorite arm based devices
15:47.40T0mWpixter? pixter....
15:47.49T0mWwtf is a pixter?
15:47.50jbevrenT0mW: I dont have any experience in making hardware for higher-frequency systems
15:48.17jbevrenthe acorn riscpc's are my favorite, but Ive never used one :P
15:48.26jbevrenthey were a bit of a trendsetter
15:49.20T0mWooo yeah, nice periphs on that chip
15:50.52T0mWprpplague: still taking your kids' toys apart?
15:51.04T0mWprpplague: you big meanie!
15:51.41prpplaguehehe yea i always buy double
15:51.58jbevren24 address bits, nice
15:52.03T0mWone for daddy and one for junior
15:55.01jbevrenthe link to on is 404
15:56.17prpplagueyea, its a real pain keep those links uptodate
15:57.28LinuxCartbut why did they work for me¿?
15:57.30T0mWspam is on the rise again, anybody else notice?  I've been averaging about 80 a day
15:57.33jbevrennot that it matters,
15:57.39jbevrensharp's document locator is apparently offline
15:58.14LinuxCartso it is temporary, isn't it¿?
15:59.19prpplagueboth sharp and samsungs web pages work at random times
15:59.40LinuxCartvery adecuate... :|
16:01.35T0mWcrap, Linear technologies semi must have been sold
16:01.48T0mWthe url won't work anymore
16:02.33T0mWwhew, just changed their url
16:06.29T0mWanybody know anything about bifilar windings on a torroid?
16:09.12LinuxCartwhat do you mean¿?
16:20.53prpplagueok someone help me out here, i'm having a brain cramp
16:21.07prpplaguei have a const char **value
16:21.16prpplaguei need to assing a string to value
16:21.32prpplaguewhats the quickest way to do that?
16:33.55prpplagueshouldn't i be able to just do a value[0]="somestring" ?
16:40.54prpplaguei hate it when i know what i need to do, but not how to do it
17:07.19LinuxCartbut prpplague do you want to do it in declaration time¿?
17:08.02LinuxCartin runtime i think the best way to do is with strcpy
17:08.07LinuxCartor memcpy
17:08.19LinuxCartmaybe you'd prefer to use strncpy or memncpy
17:09.54prpplagueLinuxCart: already found the problem thanks
17:22.10LinuxCartis it related what I have said¿?
17:26.48prpplaguebad declaration
17:33.56prpplaguehmm about the smallest i can make apex is abou 9100 bytes
17:42.14*** join/#edev prpplague (n=billybob@
19:50.26*** join/#edev catastrop (
20:40.33*** join/#edev GPSFan (n=Ken@
22:02.58Genesisbonne nuit

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