IRC log for #dub on 20111102

10:29.09*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
10:51.42*** join/#dub ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
10:51.42*** mode/#dub [+o ChanServ] by
13:21.53*** join/#dub YourNickName (~YourNickN@
13:22.22*** part/#dub Guest82162 (~YourNickN@
13:25.12*** join/#dub Guest82162 (~YourNickN@
13:25.32*** join/#dub Guest82162 (~YourNickN@
13:25.50Guest82162fucking irc
13:26.18konedjetohate it
23:16.46Pimpinellacatay: got a mail delivery failture:
23:17.00PimpinellaMessage 1RLjwV-0005Tw-22 has been frozen.
23:17.00PimpinellaThe sender is <>.
23:17.00PimpinellaThe following address(es) have yet to be delivered:
23:17.41Pimpinellaany idea where that came from?

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.