IRC log for #dub on 20100119

01:32.29*** join/#dub llrr (
04:20.06*** join/#dub purl (
04:20.06*** topic/#dub is Welcome to the home of DUB! || DUB is inactive || Test when you have time, it's fancy style!!! || 1vs1 forum made spamfree and spamprotected, check it out at ||
04:51.24*** join/#dub purl (
04:51.24*** topic/#dub is Welcome to the home of DUB! || DUB is inactive || Test when you have time, it's fancy style!!! || 1vs1 forum made spamfree and spamprotected, check it out at ||
10:30.53*** join/#dub llrr (
15:54.30*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:54.30*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
16:28.13*** part/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
16:45.14*** join/#dub Pimpi_ (
16:45.14*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ

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