IRC log for #dub on 20080205

08:34.20*** join/#dub catay (
08:34.20*** mode/#dub [+o catay] by ChanServ
12:27.26*** join/#dub Pimpi (
12:27.26*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
12:47.33*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
12:47.33*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
16:28.54*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
16:28.54*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
19:33.14*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
19:33.14*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
19:42.13*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
19:42.14*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
20:12.49catayPimpinella: I would like to allow unregged players also again on the pb server
20:13.01cataybut the torblock plugin should be installed first
20:13.29cataydo you mind if I compile it on my system and upload it , or do you rather wanna do it yourself?
23:37.57Pimpinellacatay: you can build it on your system, but keep in mind that it's still debian sarge/oldstable
23:38.44Pimpinellaif you use a too young libc or gcc it probably won't work
23:39.09Pimpinellaand, well, i was quite happy with reg only ;)
23:39.36Pimpinellabut i'll let that up to you ;)
23:40.20Pimpinellaif you're on debian you might want to use debootstrap to create a build chroot
23:41.56Pimpinellathat eases things, as you don't have to configure with  all those outdated libs...

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