irclog2html for #dub on 20070301

03:38.06*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
03:38.06*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
09:09.11*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
09:09.11*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
11:52.57*** join/#dub |zongo| (
11:52.57*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
11:53.42*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the home of DUB! || DUB current score is 1504 (4th place) || Did you know that there were about 10 active bzplayers in southamerica? Nice stats when one thinks that there are 371'000'000 people there, and now we have 2(!!) players less... || Test when you have time, it's fancy style!!! || 1vs1 forum made spamfree and spamprotected, check it out at
11:54.35*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the home of DUB! || DUB current score is 1504 (4th place) || Did you know that there were about 10 active bzplayers in southamerica? Nice stats when one thinks that there are 371'000'000 people there, and now we have 2(!!) players less... || Test when you have time, it's fancy style!!! || 1vs1 forum made spamfree and spamprotected, check it out at || DUB's activity: 0.00!!! :( Let's get pla
11:55.09*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the home of DUB! || DUB current score is 1504 (4th place) || Did you know that there were about 10 active bzplayers in southamerica? Nice stats when one thinks that there are 371'000'000 people there || Test when you have time, it's fancy style!!! || 1vs1 forum made spamfree and spamprotected, check it out at || DUB's activity: 0.00!!! :( Let's play! ||
11:56.52|zongo|Birdie, read the topic :)
14:20.18*** join/#dub ||Wolverine|| (
14:20.37||Wolverine||zongoooo :D
14:43.17|zongo|;O) ciao
15:19.26*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:19.26*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
19:17.44*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (n=Blue@
19:17.44*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
19:20.59*** mode/#dub [+vv catay ||Wolverine||] by Blue_Eyes
20:26.43|zongo|Dub match?
20:58.47*** join/#dub Birdie_ (
21:01.04|zongo|hey Birdie_
21:01.23Birdie_that sucky server, never works
21:01.27Birdie_(my irc)
21:01.32|zongo|If u have time we could try to match ;)
21:01.43|zongo|i just play vbz with benji lost 2-1
21:02.39Birdie_ah did he joined again
21:03.01|zongo|yes ;)
21:03.04Birdie_and i'm almost to bed sry, i'm not worth anything:/
21:03.14Birdie_sry for my inactivity
21:03.19Birdie_my life is really busy,
21:03.21|zongo|i convinced him, coz janis isnt playing until end of march :/
21:03.26|zongo|np im inactive too
21:03.29Birdie_and blue with his kid
21:03.32Birdie_and me with my..everything:)
21:03.33|zongo|same here Birdie_
21:03.50|zongo|im on fancy server right now
21:04.07Birdie_oh ya catay finally did something to that?:P
21:04.54*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie_] by ChanServ
21:18.08Blue_Eyes|zongo|, birdie i can in 10 min
21:39.05|zongo|Blue_Eyes, giochi?
21:39.35cataygiochi = match ? :)
21:39.47|zongo|giochi=you play
21:39.53catayah :)
21:39.55|zongo|from the verb
21:40.06|zongo|but gioco=game
21:40.12|zongo|and giochi=games ;)
21:40.23catayok :P
21:40.23|zongo|to play=giocare
21:40.41Birdie_see italian is so easy
21:40.43cataylooks hard :p
21:40.54catayeven harder then french
21:40.56Blue_Eyeseccomi, si se mi ricordo ancora come si fà!!!!! hehe
21:41.01|zongo|hehe lol
21:41.03cataypapa blue eyes !:)
21:41.10Blue_Eyeshehe, ciao catay
21:41.16Birdie_ciao ciao ciao:)
21:41.16catayheya :)
21:41.28|zongo|Blue_Eyes, dub 59998
21:41.36|zongo|and tsch4
21:42.52catay9 matches got played , so you should get a mail in exactly 1h30 minutes
21:42.52|zongo|Blue_Eyes, tsch3
21:42.57*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (
21:42.57*** mode/#dub [+o Blue-Eyes] by ChanServ
21:47.46|zongo|Blue-Eyes, ci sei???? ti aspettiamo
21:47.54|zongo|forza forza forza
21:53.51|zongo|Blue_Eyes, dove sei????????
23:42.56|zongo|gnite all

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.