irclog2html for #dub on 20070210

00:04.50*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
00:04.50*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
01:28.58*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
01:28.59*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
12:43.06*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
12:43.06*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
15:28.29*** join/#dub zire[] (
15:28.32zire[]would you be intrested in opening this room on my net?
15:29.29catayzire[]: doubt it
15:30.24*** part/#dub zire[] (
15:41.51*** join/#dub Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:41.51*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.