irclog2html for #dub on 20061102

02:49.49Mr_Molezuh how do i turn my onjoin off ?
02:55.24SportChick~onjoin -Mr_Molez
02:55.24purlSportChick: ok
02:55.42SportChickMr_Molez: it SHOULD be off now
04:48.04SportChicksure, np
09:19.51*** join/#dub Birdie (
09:19.52*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
15:15.22*** join/#dub purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:15.22*** topic/#dub is Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1477 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || DUB's goal: play :O) || Pimpi matched!!! ||
16:08.10*** join/#dub |zongo| (n=zongo@about/essy/1vs1Master/Zongo)
16:08.10*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
16:14.12|zongo|heya dubbers, vbz online on dubpub!
16:14.22|zongo|Birdie? :O)
16:14.33|zongo|Pimpinella?? :O))
16:37.09*** join/#dub moonpix (
16:37.09*** mode/#dub [+o moonpix] by ChanServ
16:39.07|zongo|heya moonpix! :P
16:41.17moonpixyo z
16:41.28moonpixfound you ;)
16:41.44moonpixup for match?
16:42.30moonpixnthere are some vbzs online i guess
16:43.00moonpixheading to pub dub
16:43.10|zongo|me too
17:38.42*** join/#dub moonpix (
17:38.42*** mode/#dub [+o moonpix] by ChanServ
18:05.11*** join/#dub Mr_Molez (
18:05.12*** mode/#dub [+o Mr_Molez] by ChanServ
18:05.26Mr_MolezSportChick: didn;t work ;)
18:41.57Birdiematch match match match
18:42.08BirdieMr_Molez, |zongo|, pimpinella?
18:46.13Mr_Molezsure in 5 mins
18:46.38Birdievbz and untamed just started 3vs3, after?
19:00.22*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
19:00.22*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
19:01.13*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
19:01.14*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
19:16.27*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
19:16.27*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
19:17.28*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
19:17.28*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
19:18.45*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
19:18.45*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
20:24.55*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
20:24.55*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
20:25.51*** mode/#dub [+vv Admirarch orange] by Blue_Eyes
21:20.00*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1472 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || DUB's goal: play :O) || Pimpi matched!!! ||
21:37.41Birdieyou tied FMJ:s
21:42.05|zongo|dunno who played actually :P maybe Viking and Mr_Molez , not sure though
21:43.08Birdiepropably molez;D
21:43.27Birdiewho played for them?
21:43.39Mr_Molezcannonballgay and syntox
21:43.51Birdiesyntox:s who the hell is that
21:43.58Mr_Molezu dont know syntox ! ?
21:44.07|zongo|a pb player
21:44.09Mr_Molezwow u need to get out more
21:44.12*** topic/#dub by Birdie -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1472 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || DUB's goal: play :O) + beating vbz || Pimpi matched!!! ||
21:44.18Mr_Molezhe was a ducati player before pillbox
21:44.31Mr_Molezseen worse
21:44.31|zongo|yeah good on pb
21:44.38Birdieyou have seen me:)
21:45.46*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1480 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || DUB's goal: play :O) + beating vbz || Pimpi matched!!! ||
21:46.06*** topic/#dub by Birdie -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1480 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || DUB's goal: play :O) + beating vbz and barons before some one else does :)|| Pimpi matched!!! ||
21:46.18Mr_Molezi think we need to set individual goals for each other
21:46.20Mr_Molezwere all rusty
21:46.43Mr_Molezlike to get 10-0 on a public ducati server :P
21:46.50Birdiethats not hard
21:46.56Mr_Molezok 15-0
21:46.59Birdiemy goal is to beat vbz
21:47.06Birdieor i dont quit bz ever
21:47.17Mr_Molezvbz aint hard to beat
21:47.21Mr_Molezhe and catay beat them
21:47.34Mr_Molezbarons is what i wanna win with dub i beat them in how
21:47.48Birdiewe all need skill than:)
21:47.55Birdievbz..depends who plays
21:48.04Birdielike today bamf gilly genzo
21:48.11Birdiebest trio from vbz?
21:48.14Birdie(if root doesnt play)
21:48.26Mr_Molezif its 3v3 forget it i wont win with them
21:48.42Mr_Molezwell depends
21:48.54|zongo|gnite all
21:48.59Mr_Molezi if i relearn how to kill people quickly i  might cope
21:49.38Birdiewe pretty much suck lately
21:49.40Birdiedub is the rusty team
21:50.17Mr_Molezi just cant seem to concentrate like i use to
21:50.31Mr_Molezsomething has changed
21:50.32Mr_Molezduno what
21:51.16Mr_Molezi dont take drugs
21:51.19Mr_Molezand i rarely drink anymore
21:51.24Mr_Molezmaybe thats it
21:51.26Mr_Molezi dont drink
21:51.46Birdietoday i drinked my first beer in 4days
21:51.50Birdiei was shocked myself
21:51.56Birdieand i sucked in lately
21:52.03Birdiethats it, alcohol is the bz drug
21:52.04Mr_Molezi aint drank in umm umm 2 weeks
21:52.10Birdieyou dont go out ?
21:52.14Mr_Molezwait no 3 weeks
21:52.26Mr_Molezaint had no money to go out
21:52.34Mr_Molezthere is a party this sa
21:52.38Mr_Molezbut i cant go no money
21:52.54Mr_Molezdont wanna go anyway last 1 was pretty boring
21:53.07Birdieas woman, you have less problems
21:53.12Birdieyou just get drinks
21:53.14Birdiefrom boys like us:)
21:53.19Birdiei thought you worked?
21:53.31Mr_Molezwell i could go and drink the beer other ppl have got but i dont like doing that
21:53.44Mr_Molezwhat makes u think that ?
21:53.51Birdieyou told me?
21:53.55Mr_Molezi did ?
22:30.54*** join/#dub RoMy (

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