irclog2html for #dub on 20061004

01:42.53*** part/#dub Grumpfy (
03:58.05*** join/#dub essy (n=SportChi@pdpc/supporter/base/SportChick)
03:58.05*** mode/#dub [+o essy] by ChanServ
05:39.44*** join/#dub essy (n=SportChi@pdpc/supporter/base/SportChick)
05:39.44*** mode/#dub [+o essy] by ChanServ
10:05.10*** join/#dub Grumpfy (
10:07.19*** join/#dub |zongo| (
10:07.19*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
10:16.05GrumpfyHoya zongozong! ;)
10:19.25|zongo|Aloha Grumpfygrumpf! :p
10:22.59GrumpfyHai molta cosa a fare oggi? ohhhhh bad itallian! :)
10:25.24|zongo|molte cosa da fare, si :P
10:25.38|zongo|u make me do mistakes lol
10:29.10Grumpfyyou shouldn't be irritate! ;)
10:29.15Grumpfyhihi! :)
10:29.58|zongo|im not :) im just not yet awake =:O
10:30.04|zongo|(see my haircut :P )
10:30.30Grumpfylol....i can't see!
10:30.44|zongo|sure u can: =:O
10:31.16GrumpfyOhhh me!
10:31.26|zongo|=:O thats it :P
10:31.48|zongo|you're less awake than i am :) m blind
10:32.45|zongo|bon, bon, il faut que je m'y mettes...j'avance pas avec tous ces smileys :)
10:33.05Grumpfyohhh...oui...alors math bien!
10:35.27|zongo|merci :p
10:48.35*** mode/#dub [+v Grumpfy] by |zongo|
10:48.53|zongo|lunch time :P
10:50.48Grumpfybon ap' mister Zong!
10:51.20|zongo|merci à toi aussi!!!
13:24.06GrumpfyZongo, i have a question!
13:28.39Pimpiwe all have questions...
13:29.27Pimpihi Grumpfy :)
13:29.40GrumpfyHi Pimpi
13:40.29*** join/#dub newbie_dont (
13:40.30*** mode/#dub [+o newbie_dont] by ChanServ
13:50.07|zongo|heya newbie_dont!
13:50.19|zongo|Grumpfy, what is your question? :O)
13:52.13Grumpfyoh... hum...est ce que tu peux m'enregistrer comme ?a sur 1vs1....ou est ce que je suis oblig?e d'envoyer un mail?
13:54.29PimpiGrumpfy: you want to register for 1vs1?
13:56.29|zongo|Grumpfy, i already registered you before the Contest :)
13:57.08|zongo|someone told me that u wanted to do it but didnt dare to ask ;)
13:57.26newbie_donthey |zongo| :]
13:57.27|zongo|it's NOT my fault! :P it's all the CAT's fault!
13:57.33Grumpfylol.....oh nooo!
13:57.43newbie_donthow are you all?
13:57.50|zongo|fine thx newbie!
13:57.55GrumpfyJe suis plus tr?s cr?dible! :S
13:58.03|zongo|hehe Grumpfy :P
13:58.13Pimpihi newbie, fine, ty. havn?r seen you in ages :)
13:58.43|zongo|Grumpfy, so u can now play official 1vs1 anytime :P
13:58.49newbie_dontyup, work, school and girflriend eats up all my time :/
13:59.12|zongo|hehe ;]
13:59.42Pimpiquit your gf, don?t forget you have duties ;)
13:59.55|zongo|or quit your work :P
14:01.24Pimpinah, she?ll require all the time he?d get from quitting his job...
14:01.32Grumpfycat.!!! lol why is it the cat's fault?
14:01.38newbie_dontshhhh! or my gf will uninstall xchat!
14:07.13|zongo|Grumpfy, it's the cat, i swear!
14:07.55GrumpfyI don't believe you! lol
14:10.25GrumpfyShe said me that she couldn't register me and she couldn't tell you!!! grrrr
14:11.00Pimpicats always lie
14:11.12Grumpfyhihi....bad cat!
14:14.43GrumpfyZongo, with which nick did you register me?
14:24.45*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
14:24.46*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
14:33.27|zongo|Grumpfy, i registered u under Grumpf
14:33.59|zongo|And please scold the cat for me! :P
14:37.31GrumpfySure, i do it now! :o)
14:38.16Grumpfymalicious cat ! :D
14:42.32GrumpfyAnd ty for the recording! Continue ? bien mather! ;)
14:51.18|zongo|merci :)
16:26.04*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
16:26.04*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
16:27.16Pimpi-M/join #essz
16:35.05*** part/#dub Pimpi-M (
16:39.29*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
18:01.27*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
18:01.28*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
19:44.26|zongo|Ciao Blue_Eyes, ti va una partitella?
19:45.16|zongo|c'è un pò di gente su 5154 ti va di andar là?
19:48.02Blue_Eyesciao |zongo|, si ci vediamo lì
20:10.05*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (
20:15.11|zongo|Blue-Eyes, ci vediamo dopo
20:15.19|zongo|faccio due passi e torno
20:15.20Blue-Eyesok, ciao
20:16.40*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
21:02.43*** join/#dub Pimpi (
21:02.43*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
21:17.56|zongo|Blue_Eyes, son tornato
21:26.42*** join/#dub A_Heart_Attack (
21:26.53*** part/#dub A_Heart_Attack (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.