irclog2html for #dub on 20060601

00:09.19*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (
01:59.17*** join/#dub BlueEyes (
03:09.22*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
03:09.22*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
03:52.08*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
03:52.08*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
06:16.44*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
06:16.44*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
07:58.01*** join/#dub jomojo (
07:58.03*** mode/#dub [+o jomojo] by ChanServ
10:04.04*** join/#dub Birdie (
10:04.06*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
11:02.30*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
11:02.30*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
15:55.30*** join/#dub |zongo| (
15:55.30*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
18:10.58*** join/#dub Pimpi-M (
18:39.17*** join/#dub Birdie (
18:39.17*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
18:39.41*** join/#dub |zongo| (
18:39.41*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
18:41.03Pimpi-MWb z
18:43.30|zongo|heya Pimpi-M! :P
18:43.40|zongo|what does the M stand for?
18:43.54|zongo|any dubian up for a game btw? VBZ is online
18:44.10|zongo|Birdie, jomojo, Pimpi?
18:46.58|zongo|are you driving? (or more precisely is your wife driving?) :)
18:48.43Pimpi-MNo, just outside working
18:50.04Pimpi-MExposed 2 bordom
18:50.13Birdiesorry just got home, went cycling (amazing isnt it) ,and i'm close to falling down:)
18:50.18Birdieworking with your mobile?
18:53.44Pimpi-MHrm, mobile = m. phone
18:54.52Birdielets match them
18:55.03Birdiei got recuperated faster than i thought:)
18:55.03|zongo|hehe i hope they still are there
18:55.08Birdiebenny asked me
18:55.15Birdiedub 59998?
18:55.23|zongo|levi and sniper there
18:55.29Birdiewow lots of vbz
18:55.32Birdiebamf is on pb
18:55.43Birdiewhere is blue:)
18:55.46|zongo|gonna see if blue is on so we can play 3v3
18:55.52|zongo|calling him :P
18:57.39|zongo|hope he will come
18:57.45Birdieyou had contact?
18:57.54|zongo|i just let the phone rang
18:57.59|zongo|as he asked me to do
18:58.00Birdieskype you mean?
18:58.10|zongo|no no mobile phone :P
18:58.18|zongo|like pimpi's one :P
18:58.28Birdiedo you have my number actually?
18:58.33|zongo|hmmm no
18:58.37|zongo|or lemme see
18:58.40Birdiewe can try it like that to in future
18:58.58|zongo|no i havent
19:01.25*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
19:01.25*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
19:01.48|zongo|welcome Blue_Eyes !
19:01.55|zongo|59999 is waiting for you :P
19:02.09Blue_Eyeshehe arrivo,59999
19:06.52|zongo|jomojo, are u there?
19:07.13|zongo|jomojo, if u can come to 59999 dub
19:18.13*** join/#dub Pimpi-M_ (n=Pimpi-M@
19:49.22*** topic/#dub by Birdie -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1684 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit :O)
19:54.12Pimpi-M86 points?
19:57.36Birdiewon vs vbz
19:57.39Birdieso 24 more
19:57.44Birdie1684 now:)
20:20.48*** topic/#dub by Birdie -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1705 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit :O)
20:23.30*** mode/#dub [+v Pimpi-M] by Birdie
20:25.08*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
20:25.08*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
20:26.34Birdiewe should do that:)
20:26.46Birdiefirst time dub gets over 1700?
20:28.44Pimpi-MOnce b4 iirc
20:29.06|zongo|im not sure...
20:29.13|zongo|for me it's the first time
20:29.21Birdiefor me to i think
20:29.22Blue_Eyesyes i think too
20:29.33Birdiecause dub was low when i got in
20:29.42Birdieand it was always "wow 1500" "wow 1600"
20:29.47Birdieand now "wow 1700"
20:30.02Birdiei think dub was around 1300 or 1400 when i joined
20:30.15Birdiea long time ago:)
20:31.30Pimpi-MI remember when it was<900
20:34.10Birdiei had to loose all the matches
20:34.13Birdiedid like 30 before i won one
20:34.19Birdieand when we finally got a tie, it was vs dub;à)
20:34.24Birdieand zongo got mad o_O
20:35.44Birdieand yet he asked me to join dub:)
20:36.10Birdiei got a lot of skill from wizard and mikkel when i started to play duc, but teamplay i mostly got from you
20:36.19Birdieand skill improved to
20:36.29Birdieand now i try to keep my level but its hard:)
20:36.54Pimpi-MZ didn't even had a computer of hgs own
20:37.47Birdieaw thats bad
20:38.35|zongo|yeah indeed, i was playing at work!
20:38.45|zongo|i even came on weekends to play :)
20:39.04Birdiethe good old starting addicted days
20:39.25Pimpi-MAt some point he went back to office at night to play there
20:39.38|zongo|hehe lol yes, u remember that!
20:39.44Birdieand all thought, wow what a motivated guy to work
20:40.16Blue_Eyeswhen i join in dub i played whit an SGI Octane 1 whit BzFlag 1.06 :)
20:41.19Birdiei started playing bzflag when it was 1.10.4 or 1.10.6
20:42.06Blue_Eyesme and Z play always the match in the lunch time
20:42.29Blue_Eyesremeber always vs root and bomber or calico
20:42.33|zongo|first time i played with Blue_Eyes was for IST championship, it was for the Italian team :)
20:42.43|zongo|he was soooo bad :O)
20:42.46Blue_Eyeshehe yes
20:43.24Blue_Eyesi think a good idea organize another one
20:43.30|zongo|i was first play with w339
20:43.37|zongo|yes, that would be nice
20:44.00Pimpi-MWow, then you play for aprox 10 years now?
20:44.07Blue_Eyesbut first we must finish the 1vs1 championship ;)
20:44.27|zongo|it was only 2,5 years ago or so
20:44.44|zongo|2 years ago i started 1vs1 league
20:44.55|zongo|and i was a newbie by then :P
20:46.30Blue_Eyesim a DUCATI Site Member Since: 2003-11-24
20:46.41Pimpi-MThought about blue; 1.6 is ancient
20:47.00Blue_Eyesbho or 1.10.06
20:47.43Blue_Eyesit's a default install on SGI whit IRIX os
20:48.14Blue_Eyesin the game section hehe :)
20:49.32Pimpi-MYes, i first saw it on a sgi indigo
20:49.56Blue_Eyesgreen or violet? hehe
20:50.58Blue_Eyesi think again now  the sgi machine was great
21:43.17|zongo|nite all silver-star dubians :)
21:51.29*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (
21:52.29*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (
21:54.06*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (
21:56.30*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
21:56.30*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.