irclog2html for #dub on 20060325

05:22.57*** join/#dub sniperyyd (i=cristi@
07:06.41*** join/#dub Pimpi (n=frank@
07:06.41*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
09:22.39*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
09:22.39*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
10:02.19*** join/#dub Birdie (
10:02.19*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
12:02.26*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
12:02.26*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
13:35.44*** join/#dub |zongo| (
13:35.44*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
13:37.53*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1603 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit :O) || Welcome to new DUB members: Magical, lucky luke and taz (aka moonpix)!!! || dub servers are down for a while, they'll be restored as soon as possible, might take a day though
13:38.02|zongo|hello all
13:38.08*** mode/#dub [+v sniperyyd] by |zongo|
13:48.11|zongo|Pimpi, any idea when dub servers will be up again?
13:48.26Pimpiasap ;)
13:48.50|zongo|hehe ok ,)
13:51.42Pimpi|zongo|: which one of them was without accel limit?
13:51.53Pimpi5156, correct?
13:54.09Pimpi|zongo|: they are running for now on
13:54.36Pimpionly public ducati servers for now, others to follow, and the name is going to be fixed too
13:55.09Pimpiyet no admin perms for nobody
13:55.16Pimpiworking on all of it
14:05.54|zongo|Pimpi, ok
14:06.04|zongo|Pimpi, yes it was 5156 without accel limit
14:07.35|zongo|btw this is interesting imo:
14:08.10|zongo|gonna ask the devs about it when there will be more people on #bzflag
14:09.13|zongo|actually brlcad knows about it
14:42.36*** join/#dub Rex (
14:42.37*** part/#dub Rex (
14:44.45|zongo|Pimpi, btw dont forget to send me the 1vs1 games (today no mail arrived, i know it's normal), thx! :P
15:27.48Pimpi|zongo|: i don't have access to yesterdays results (nor to any data on that machine) from daily turnaround to around 15:00
15:28.21Pimpino games were played after that since no server was up, except meno's probably
15:39.23|zongo|Pimpi, yes i have meno's data
15:39.39|zongo|and for other matches...well, it doesnt matter ;)
15:40.13|zongo|i just wanted to be sure that u will always send me the results daily as before
15:41.47Pimpiyeah, i have to fix all this
15:42.43Pimpiyesterday just when i was going to move it all to the new server my old isp decided to shut the box down one day early
15:43.42Pimpiwouldn't have been a good idea to get in my way yesterday
15:44.05|zongo|so u lost some data i guess?
15:44.10Birdiecan pimpi actually get mad to?:) i never noticed that:)
15:45.30PimpiBirdie: yeah, i can. you can recognize it when i become very quite and serious and talk slowly and precise
15:46.32Pimpithats jst before i explode
15:47.19Birdieyou always talk serious in my eyes:)
15:48.37Pimpi|zongo|: can you please do a "host -v" for me and tell me the result?
15:53.32|zongo|Pimpi,  sure
15:54.05|zongo|here is the result:
15:54.06|zongo|Trying ""
15:54.07|zongo|;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 57050
15:54.07|zongo|;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
15:54.07|zongo|;; QUESTION SECTION:
15:54.07|zongo|;                 IN      A
15:54.07|zongo|;; ANSWER SECTION:
15:54.09|zongo|          43200   IN      A
15:54.13|zongo|Received 47 bytes from in 544 ms
15:54.27Pimpilooks perfect
15:54.32|zongo|yay :)
15:54.33Birdieif we want to do a touch start now, its no longer to balin?
15:55.28Pimpiit's menegroth now, will work too though, i rerouted it
15:55.41Pimpitouch start won't work for now though
15:56.18Pimpiand probably i'll prepare a better solution anyway
15:57.58Pimpiif somebody feels need to help me, please design a new groupdb for dub
16:00.25|zongo|i dont even know how to create a usergroup there
16:01.08Birdieyou mean a group on bzbb?
16:01.19Birdie(i dont know if i got it what you asked)
16:01.52PimpiBirdie: you asked me once for a groupdb for catay
16:02.31Pimpinah, forget about it, i can make one in a fifth of the time you would need
16:02.45|zongo|im logged there, but dont see any options for doing a group
16:03.25Birdiei want much, but i cant do much:)
16:08.13PimpiBirdie: i won't restore 59997 quite quickly, because i'm missing some data for it. i'm sorry
16:09.30Birdiethe only problem is that much players like to play on dub for the lag
16:09.39Birdie(gu sux for lag lately)
16:09.49Birdieand its not allowed to play official matches on molez his server
16:10.32Pimpii'll try to fiy it asap
16:11.00Birdiefor all your help
16:13.06Pimpiwas 1vs1 acceleration limited?
16:13.48|zongo|yes Pimpi it was
16:14.02|zongo|both ports
16:23.20Pimpidub is up again, but maybe not accessible from everywhere
16:23.25Pimpinot yet
16:23.45Pimpi1vs1 is up too, same as matchserver
16:24.09|zongo|kewl, lemme have a look!
16:24.36Pimpimatchserver are probably not usable yet, dunno if /countdown will work
16:25.11Pimpii need to make a new groupdb first
16:25.23Birdiewhat made you forcing to move over servers? isp closed?
16:26.10Pimpii was unhappy with my old isp, also the included traffic was hardly enough
16:26.33Pimpiviper was running on that box for about 5 month already
16:26.34|zongo|1vs1 and public dub work fine
16:27.33Pimpidon't forget you have noadmin perms at all
16:32.56Birdieand using the old system (no bzbb groups) isnt faster either?
16:35.12|zongo|indeed, countdown doesnt work on 59998 (because i have no perms i think)
17:09.26PimpiBirdie: no, you still need that userdb, but don't worry, i'll make it tonight
18:48.08|zongo|thx for all the work Pimpi btw
18:48.37|zongo|cu all and good evening
18:48.38*** part/#dub |zongo| (

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