irclog2html for #dub on 20060129

03:49.11*** join/#dub ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
03:49.11*** mode/#dub [+o ChanServ] by
04:55.50*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
04:55.50*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
07:43.07sniperyydcome on
07:43.17sniperyydi have sth important to say
10:09.50*** join/#dub SportChick (
11:12.00*** join/#dub |zongo| (
11:12.00*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
11:15.21sniperyydhi |zongo| im compiling BZFlag ^_^
11:24.19*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
11:24.19*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
11:27.09Blue_Eyesbuongiorno buongo
11:39.24|zongo|hehe hi all
11:39.28|zongo|sniperyyd, cool :P
11:39.35|zongo|on a linux machine?
11:40.13|zongo|Blue_Eyes, oggi se giochiamo ricordami di collegarci su ts
11:40.30|zongo|sniperyyd, ok i saw your message on #bzchat :P
11:40.41|zongo|Pimpinella, thx for the reply on the forums
11:41.04|zongo|btw this means there is a server with acceleration limit and one without even on 1vs1 servers???
11:48.43sniperyyd|zongo|: yes on linux machine
13:00.02*** join/#dub Birdie (
13:00.03*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
13:04.59Pimpinella|zongo|: no, both limited
13:05.36Pimpinellai thought about making a ducati match server without limit though
13:05.50Pimpinellaas requested by a couple of players
13:18.12|zongo|maybe 59999 without limit while 59998 with it
13:23.13Pimpinellaprobably, or yet a third one
13:23.44Pimpinellathere should probably be an overall agreement about portnumbers
13:24.07Pimpinellaso everybody would know if a server has limits or not
13:27.37|zongo|5154 is limited, so maybe 59994 could be limited as well
13:27.50|zongo|or 59996 unlimited dunno
13:28.27|zongo|well i messed up, since 59998 and 59999 are already limited just add a new port like 59996 with unlimited
13:28.41|zongo|since 5156 is unlimited (i hope i made it clear :)
13:29.51Pimpinellaor 60000 probably
13:36.30|zongo|ah yes, why not :)
13:41.55PimpinellaBlue_Eyes: selectional pong
13:48.45Blue_Eyeshehe ciao pimpi, we are on 59998
13:48.54Pimpinellaic :)
13:54.54*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (
13:55.26PimpinellaBlue-Eyes: so gag you're here
14:08.05|zongo|Birdie, Pimpinella, ctf match? :P
14:08.19Pimpinellaunfortunately no :/
14:08.36|zongo|ahhh ok, np :)
15:15.57*** join/#dub SportChick (
15:22.50|zongo|Pimpinella, port 60000 is certainly better :)
15:23.13|zongo|(after some thoughts :)
15:26.33SportChickPimpinella: hi
15:26.46SportChickPimpinella: I rebanned molez from dub last night
16:11.05|zongo|cu laterz
16:12.19Birdiesportchick: very good
16:12.46sniperyydwhat did molez do on dub?
16:26.47Pimpinellasniperyyd: whatever he did there last night, he's unwanted and stays unwanted
16:27.29PimpinellaDB might get a 2nd chance, not molez though
16:27.37Birdiedb does????
16:27.53sniperyydDB = DUB?
16:28.05PimpinellaDB = Death Barrel
16:29.27sniperyydPimpinella: did you look at that map???
16:30.01Pimpinellai had an email conversation with DB for a while and i think he understood some things
16:31.11Pimpinellasniperyyd: well... too much work, really i'm sorry...
16:31.32sniperyydPimpinella: anyway, doesnt matter, i gived a-delusion a pm to look at them
16:32.31PimpinellaBirdie: i'd appreciate to see BD return as the player he was about a year ago
16:33.42Birdiei remember you saying on irc that db ruined your trust in him, and that he got you really mad, and that those people dont get yet _another_ chance
16:34.02Birdiesome really respected people stood up for him several times
16:34.12Birdieyet he decided to be one of the biggest jerks ever
16:34.20Birdieand still he gets another chance?
16:35.28Pimpinellahe explained why he did it, and actually  (reviewing a couple of logs) molez was always the bigger jerk of both
16:36.29Birdiewhatever reason it was, is it enough to get another chance after something like this?
16:36.41Birdieif you look at what they did
16:36.51Birdiethey = cause they did it together, decided together to do like that
16:36.56Pimpinellathere are conditions he has to fullfill, if he does he has earned another chance
16:37.43Birdiei think its not fair for the other players
16:38.34Pimpinellayeah, thats what i told him. i can't differ which objections on the blogspot site were originated by him, but that it doesn't matter either, because he did nothing to stop it while he could have done
16:38.55Pimpinellanot fair for who in particular?
16:39.03Birdieits amazing how db can arrange everything. He was an ass, did stupid, than arranged together with molez (and some one else?) to do that stupid. now he goes saying sorry sorry, searches some excuses, and there he is again
16:39.31Pimpinellaoh no, it won't be that easy
16:40.43Pimpinellait'll hurt his pride to return. guess yourself if thats hard for DB or not...
16:41.07Birdieactually i hope every one refuses to play him
16:41.36Birdieif you would do a poll under all players of the league, how much would vote him to get him off? 90% 95%?
16:42.03Birdiedid you saw the activity in the league since HoW (so DB) is gone?
16:42.20Birdiebefore that hardly a match outside HoW was there, now there are 5maches daily
16:43.01Pimpinellamaybe many teams will refuse to match him anyway, but thats his price too
16:44.13Birdiemeh your the boss but i totally dont agree with this
16:46.10Birdieand with me 90-95% of the regular players
16:52.00Pimpinellai'm only the boss if it comes to who's allowed to play on my servers, anything else is up to others, including you Birdie...
16:53.12Birdiewhat i dont get is that you will make a desicion that 90% of the regular players dont agree with
16:53.39Birdiei'm not speaking of all players now, but the close league crowd who know about it
16:54.18Birdiei had people coming talking to me over and over to say how happy they are DB was banned
16:54.34Birdiealthough he gets conditions, it wont erase the fact he did in the future
16:54.39Birdiefacts *
17:05.05Pimpinellawell, his credits are used up, and he knows it.
17:05.31Birdiethey are used up, but still you allow him back?
17:06.31Birdiehe got a lot of chances, got postbans(not allowing to post anymore) on the league site for his behavour, he got so much warnings, than he did the known stuff, of course he has no credit anymore, but you do give him another chance?
17:06.31Pimpinellai will allow new players to pla either, and they don't have credits either
17:07.44Birdienew players are new, they have to find out what is ok and what isnt, the "older" players are there to help them with that
17:07.55Pimpinellai expect him to be a different player than he used to if he comes back - it's one of the conditions, and he knows it pretty well.
17:10.39Birdiepeople will never see him as a "new player" if he becomes one, but the ass with the past, that cant be erased
17:10.57Birdiemuch people will never give him  a chance anymore including me
17:11.19Birdiethere are people banned for ever for much less than this
17:11.35Birdieits like he is the untouchable god now
17:15.44*** join/#dub Mr_Molez (
17:16.41*** mode/#dub [+b *!] by Birdie
17:16.46*** join/#dub tokimi (
17:16.55*** kick/#dub [Mr_Molez!] by Birdie (Birdie)
17:17.02*** part/#dub tokimi (
17:36.26Pimpinellahe initially had reasons to start this cheating stuff, and his reasons weren't bad. Finally he understands that the way he handled it was totally wrong
17:38.04Birdiepff since when can there be "good reasons" to cheat
17:38.33Birdiewell i hope you relook your discussion well though
17:38.44Birdienot the discussion
17:38.51Birdie(searching the word)
17:38.56Birdiedesicion:) thats it
17:41.15Birdiewhat i also dont get is that you risc so much unhappyness, frustration, etc by doing this
17:41.35Birdiethere will come big discussions if you allow him back
17:45.52Birdiethere is lots lots of activity now, i didnt saw any stupid behavour since he is gone, every one happy. Allowing him back will rehold people from playing matches, will give many frustration cause he gets away with it _again_
17:50.45Pimpinellai have no problems removing the ban considering the cheating offenses, but thinking of the intimidations it's no easy decision to give him a chance either
17:51.09Pimpinellahe'll have to clean that up first
17:53.06Pimpinellai know there'll be no forgiving from your side, but i guess many others will forgive.
17:53.54Pimpinellaand if he can play matches or not isn't up to me!
17:54.37Pimpinellai can only give him a server to play, i'm not running the league
17:54.44Pimpinellai'm no team captain
17:55.02Pimpinellai'm just a server op
17:55.42Pimpinellawith a heart thats probably a lil weaker than yours
17:56.51Birdiethere are other matchservers outside yours (catay and zees) but dub is the _main_ leagueserver who has to give the good example. and even if they allow him back in the league itself, he need servers to play on. Dub is the only matchserver (with proxs but he gets banned there for ever) where is all the activity lately, i would like it much more to be there, if he wants to match he can go to catay and zeeserver, but i wont go there
17:57.46Birdieyou have to clear whole your banlist if you unban him
17:57.52Birdieif you want to fair
17:58.07Birdiecause 90% of the banlist havent done as much as he did
17:58.33Pimpinellait's no matter what he did, but what he's going to do
17:59.01Pimpinellaplayers are banned to keep servers frindly, not to punish people
17:59.43Birdiepeople get chances to prove the trust, to prove its correct to allow them there...didnt db got enough chances before?
17:59.55Birdiewhy do you want to risc it again?
18:00.32Birdieseems like he gets away with everything, whatever he does or did
18:01.07Pimpinellabecause i ever saw that DB has a lot to give and i still think he has
18:01.22Birdiei dont want to sound "from a height" now if you know what i mean, but i play much more than you and i think know more people to, talk more to regular players, know what there is going on, and believe me unbanning db isnt the right thing to do
18:01.59Birdiehe has a lot to give, but also took away much from several people
18:02.32Birdie"a lot to give" thats all a mather of opinion of course
18:03.39Pimpinellayeah. thats why he has to make his peace with enough of them to make me think that he can come bak without breaking the server peace
18:04.06Pimpinellathis might happen sooner or later or never
18:04.27Pimpinellaif he does though he'll get his chance
18:04.47Birdieand who are the people he has to "have peace with"?
18:04.55Pimpinellaand he'll walk on very thin ice then
18:05.16Birdieis it really worth all the risc?
18:06.10Pimpinellanobody in particular, but surely meno, SC, kierra...
18:07.11Pimpinellathose who were insulted most and can be expected to accept his apology
18:07.34Birdiei think i'm in the group of the "most insulted players" by him
18:07.55Pimpinellanot really in the latter group though
18:08.05Birdiewhat do you mean?
18:08.20Pimpinellaformer <-> latter
18:08.46Pimpinellathose who can be expected to accept his apology
18:09.13Birdiewell isnt it normal i cant accept it? he insulted me person, in public every single day
18:09.31Birdieforum discussions, always brought me into it, dragged me into sh*t..
18:10.05Birdiei think me and sc are his biggest victimes
18:10.13Pimpinelladunno if it's normal, i think it's a matter of personality
18:10.32Pimpinellaand pride
18:11.07Birdiehmm so you want peace between him and sc, but not with him and me?
18:11.12Pimpinellawould i accept in your situation? i gues i would
18:11.24Pimpinellai'd appreciate
18:12.01Pimpinellai tink he must have tried, but i've not much hope you'd accept
18:12.08Birdielook i'm a nice guy, i can forgive much, but once your "done" in my eyes its over, and that means you got a lot lot LOT of chances and he screwed them all up
18:12.50Birdiehe dragged me into every worst thing ever
18:12.54Birdiedoes he regret anything?
18:13.00Birdiehe might say he does, but i'm sure he doesnt
18:13.27Birdieand i regret bigtime, that with saying sorry to some people, he might get a chance to come back
18:13.40Pimpinellathats the difference between me and you, i'll always give anther chance if somebody proves worthy to get one. he hasn't yet, but he might
18:14.11Birdiewe both know db is good with words, if he talks much to sc and kierra, i fear they might forgive him, while i know they dont want it insidely
18:14.51Pimpinellaok. then he'll get banned again quite quickly
18:15.47Pimpinellaas i said, the ice he'll walk upon will be thin,. he shouldn't try to jump
18:17.13Pimpinellacall me stupid, but it's the way i am. You may say that i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one. ;)
18:17.47Pimpinellagt run. i'll bbl
18:18.04Birdiemeh your not stupid, but in my poor humble eyes:) , i think you need to set a line how far you can go
18:18.14Birdiehe drove over it by much
18:18.16Birdieok cu later
22:01.53*** join/#dub |zongo| (
22:01.53*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ

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