irclog2html for #dub on 20060106

02:57.31*** join/#dub SC (
03:09.45*** join/#dub SportChick (
08:42.36*** join/#dub purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
08:42.36*** topic/#dub is Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1585 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit :O) || Happy New Year to all BZFlaggers!!!! ||
12:16.27*** join/#dub Birdie (
12:16.27*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
12:19.35*** join/#dub newbie_dont (
12:19.35*** mode/#dub [+o newbie_dont] by ChanServ
14:17.48*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
14:17.48*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
14:58.53*** join/#dub SportChick (
15:08.24SportChickPimpi: ping
15:31.27PimpiSportChick: pong
15:31.34Pimpibb in a minute
15:35.58SportChickPimpi: when you're back ping me
15:43.06PimpiSportChick: ping
15:43.17SportChickPimpi: did meno speak with you?
15:43.38Pimpiabout the bug in ban code?
15:43.53SportChickyeah, I guess that's it
15:44.24Pimpihe banned you accidently and couldn't unban you in advance iirc
15:44.41Birdiehe did unban, she wasnt in the banlist, though still banned
15:44.58Pimpimust have been broken when id bans were added
15:45.52Pimpii have a rewrite of those ban algos in mind anyway ;)
16:10.23*** join/#dub valumz (
16:10.24*** mode/#dub [+o valumz] by ChanServ
16:10.54*** join/#dub |zongo| (
16:10.54*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
16:11.45SportChick|zongo|: hiya
16:11.49SportChickvalumz: hi there
16:12.00valumzhey !
16:12.07SportChickhow are you?
16:12.07|zongo|hoya SportChick
16:12.19valumzoky :)
16:12.55Birdiecreepy, i just sent a bzmail to valumz and just on that moment she comes here
16:13.05Birdiehola Z btw
16:13.22|zongo|heya Birdieboy! ;)
16:14.51Birdiedid you arrived safely with not to much bruises in germany?
16:15.01SportChickwhat are you all doing sitting on irc when there's bz to be played?!
16:15.08valumzlol SC
16:15.21|zongo|Birdie, it was ok
16:15.31|zongo|but ii spent 10h in trains..=:O
16:15.45Birdiei was on "sleeptrains" before, thats even worser:)
16:15.50valumzas long as the food was good, its ok ;-)
16:15.59Birdiefood is very important:)
16:17.20|zongo|well...the dv's food was good ;)
16:17.30|zongo|but food here at uni is awful :O
16:18.18Birdiei knew dv was a cookingqueen
16:18.18valumzi'll send you other sandwiches ;-)
16:26.55|zongo|gotta go now, cu later!
16:27.03|zongo|bye Birdie :O)
16:27.12Birdiecu , take care
16:27.24Birdiedo you love german people more than suisse ones?:)
16:27.42Birdiewasnt referring to you actually, was talking on the whole
16:27.45|zongo|hum for the moment i see only russian ones ;)
16:28.06Birdiei can curse in russian,if you ever need some hints..
16:28.21|zongo|ewwww :/ :)
16:29.29Birdielearned that from nicole, the food influence from people..
17:00.54*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
17:00.54*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
17:03.00*** join/#dub Sporty (
17:16.39*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
17:16.39*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
17:16.50Birdieciao bello my friend!
17:19.01Blue_EyesCiao Birdie :)
17:19.29Blue_Eyesi see on the log there Z before here
17:20.32Birdiehe is in germany now
17:20.49Blue_Eyeshe is more near where you leave?
17:20.59Birdiegermany is close to my country
17:22.15Blue_Eyesthen you can yourselves be seen
17:22.31Birdiei dont know
17:22.39Birdiei'll propably go there in summer(switserland)
17:23.45Blue_Eyesme you had said yourself
17:24.30Birdiei still have to think how to do everything
17:25.35Blue_Eyesyou a six man a lot engaged, will be guilt of the women
17:26.05Birdiei wished,)
17:40.10*** join/#dub SportChick (
22:11.51*** join/#dub Birdie (
22:11.51*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.