irclog2html for #dub on 20051015

01:17.57*** join/#dub ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
01:17.57*** mode/#dub [+o ChanServ] by
07:45.49*** join/#dub Birdie (
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09:49.08*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
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11:39.02*** join/#dub jomojo (
11:39.07*** mode/#dub [+o jomojo] by ChanServ
15:40.29jomojoBirdie are you around?
15:40.49Birdiepropably for only 5min, why?
15:42.19jomojoi was thinking adrenaline league match
15:42.46Birdiewe have people visitting our house soon for the whole evening, and i have to be there
15:42.54Birdiethey would come at 6
15:43.01Birdie5.45 now
15:43.07jomojoyou suck bird man.. lol
15:43.12jomojowhere is zongo when i need him?
15:43.24Birdiezongo is quiet busy lately
15:43.27Birdieyou can try thono
15:43.34Birdiethe only one you can reach propably for the moment
15:45.08Birdiewe need more active members:)
15:49.25jomojoBirdie i haven't seen thono around either
15:49.40Birdiedunno than
15:49.43Birdieno idea how to reach bamf
15:49.47jomojodoes he use other things than irc?
15:49.53Birdiezongo wont be around before late this evening if he allready will be around
15:49.58jomojomaybe we should get a few more player
15:50.00Birdieehm not that i know from
15:50.19jomojomaybe meacan..  i wonder if he is any good?
15:50.31jomojoi know he is involved in the league but not on a team
15:50.34Birdierusty i think, very rusty
15:50.49Birdiewell zoly wanted 2 refererees who arent in a team
15:50.53Birdiemeacan is one of them:)
15:51.09jomojowell i will run him through a fun match
15:51.13jomojoscrew what zoly wants
15:51.15Birdieehm nvm
15:51.18Birdiehe is on a team
15:51.26jomojosince when?
15:51.28Birdiewith orange
15:51.57Birdiewhy is zoly gone btw?
15:52.03jomojoif zoly still want's a say he can kiss my white ass.. after leaving and not even helping the league continue
15:52.10jomojoyeah gone
15:52.23jomojohe through  a childish fit, closed down everything left the league
15:52.34jomojoand wouldn't respond to any emails requesting maps
15:52.42Birdiewhy has he done that?
15:53.12Birdie(thono just logged in on the ducati league site)
15:53.53jomojowell that does me no good.. no way to chat with him instantly there
15:54.27Birdiewhy did zoly closed everything?
15:54.55jomojobecause he was screwing things up
15:55.01jomojoand people were calling him on it
15:55.40Birdiescrewing things up like?
15:56.08jomojoit's sort of a long and boring story.. that doesn't really make any sense unless you are dealing with an oversensitive child who has to have everything his way, even it is wrong.
15:56.22Birdieooh its some one like that
15:56.31Birdieand who "putted him down on the ground"?
15:56.44jomojoseriously people suggested the names of the maps like accurate pillbox were boring and should be changed to something more catchy
15:56.48jomojohe got upset
15:56.55jomojothat wasn't why he left
15:57.11jomojobut it is a good example of childish behavior
15:58.11jomojoi think many people, including me told him he was being unrealistic to expect immediate results and business of the league and his sights.  And it would take time
15:58.18jomojohe didn't care for that answer
15:58.28jomojoand that he just needed to change a few things and be patient
15:58.43jomojolike learn how to run a public server with proper admins who don't abuse privs
15:59.03Birdiehe had admins who did abused them?
15:59.14Birdieactually i never was on any of those servers, so i dont know:(
15:59.37jomojothat's what i heard.. made a bunch of twits admins
15:59.41jomojohell i don't know
16:00.01jomojoi just told him how to properly set it up so that it worked and only  use global
16:00.08jomojohe was a child
16:00.30jomojohe may have been pissed because i wouldn't give him admin privs on the server
16:00.54jomojobut he told me he would have unbanned anastasia beaverhausen
16:01.00jomojoi explained that wasn't his call
16:01.07jomojonor allowed to unban anyone
16:01.15Birdieis such an ass
16:01.20jomojono kidding
16:01.28jomojodumb ass
16:01.37Birdieadmins privs on the silvercat match servers from adrenaline?
16:01.44jomojoi even tried to make peace with her so she could play on match servers
16:01.52jomojoshe said to "go fuck yourself"
16:02.16*** join/#dub Rex (
16:02.35jomojoyou mean did i set up adrenleague for admins.. for league servers.. yes
16:02.54jomojoit will also be used on pimpi servers
16:03.13jomojoand any other adrenaline league match servers set up elsewhere
16:03.42Birdieyou said you didnt wanted to give him privs on the server
16:03.56Birdiethe server = silvercat server, or the silvercat match server for adrenaline
16:04.38jomojoi didn't care to have him as an admin anywhere if he cared to unban beaver
16:04.55Birdiewell i think he didnt liked he didnt even got admin privs on a match server from "his" league
16:05.45jomojoand wouldn't respect the rules of not unbanning someone else's ban
16:05.54jomojooh that list wasn't set up until later
16:06.22jomojooh yeah right
16:06.25jomojoi see
16:06.37jomojowell i didn't trust zoly
16:06.42jomojohe was childish then
16:06.46Birdieand indeed unbanning sux IF you dont ask the one who banned the guy, if unbanning is ok
16:06.50Birdiehe is around 20 i thought
16:06.56Birdie:)oops he is a big immature
16:07.07jomojoi just worked with him because we had a common gola
16:07.20Birdiea what?
16:07.55Birdiewell people arriving
16:07.57Birdiei have to go
16:07.58Birdiecu jojo
18:26.55*** join/#dub kierra (
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18:27.07*** part/#dub kierra (

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