irclog2html for #dub on 20050811

07:31.06*** join/#dub DarthValou (
07:31.07*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
07:32.11*** topic/#dub by DarthValou -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1608 - DUB: 2nd in the league!!! || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || 1vs1 recording seems to work fine now. A private replay server is available at dub:5159. /replay command is commonly available|| HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birdieboybudblablabla :-)!!!
08:00.09*** join/#dub |zongo| (
08:00.11*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
08:28.09*** join/#dub Birdie (
08:28.10*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
08:29.37Birdielol for the subject
08:33.38*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1608 - DUB: 2nd in the league!!! || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || 1vs1 recording seems to work fine now. A private replay server is available at dub:5159. /replay command is commonly available || HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birdiebuddybuddubbudboi :-) !!!
08:34.02|zongo|is it right? :)
08:35.58|zongo|ack i knew that, i missed one buddy! :)
08:36.01*** join/#dub DarthValou (
08:36.01*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
08:36.20*** topic/#dub by |zongo| -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1608 - DUB: 2nd in the league!!! || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Visit DUB-site at || visit || 1vs1 recording seems to work fine now. A private replay server is available at dub:5159. /replay command is commonly available || HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birdiebuddybuddubbudbuddyboi :-) !!!
08:36.26DarthValou~hail Birdie for growing older and wiser
08:36.26purlACTION bows down to Birdie for growing older and wiser and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
08:37.45|zongo|purl, happy birthday Birdie
08:37.45purlACTION sings the 'Happy Birthday' song horribly out of tune for Birdie
08:38.13Birdiemerci beaucoup Monsieur Zongo
08:38.35Birdie~hail |zongo|
08:38.35purlACTION bows down to |zongo| and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
08:40.03|zongo|~karma Birdie
08:40.03purlbirdie has karma of 21
08:43.18*** join/#dub jomojo (
08:43.36*** mode/#dub [+o jomojo] by ChanServ
09:06.55*** join/#dub DarthValou (
09:06.55*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
09:06.59|zongo|cu later peeps
09:07.05DarthValoupurl, happy birthay Birdie
09:07.25DarthValoupurl, Happy Birthday birdie
09:07.25purlACTION sings the 'Happy Birthday' song horribly out of tune for birdie
09:07.29Birdiepurl is slow:)
09:07.30DarthValoulater :)
10:04.26*** join/#dub Mikk (
10:08.18Birdiehey mikk!
10:08.27Mikkhey :)
13:15.26*** join/#dub RedBaron2 (
13:23.41*** join/#dub Baroness (
14:35.18*** mode/#dub [+o RedBaron2] by ChanServ
14:49.09*** join/#dub RedBaron2 (
14:49.37*** mode/#dub [+o RedBaron2] by ChanServ
14:56.25*** join/#dub RedBaron2 (
14:58.19*** join/#dub kierra (
14:58.19*** mode/#dub [+o kierra] by ChanServ
14:58.31kierraoh my, i have a star
14:58.51*** mode/#dub [-o kierra] by Birdie
14:58.55Birdieyou have what?:)
14:59.11kierra:P, Pimpi gave it to me
14:59.16kierraso you better watch out
15:00.12*** mode/#dub [+o kierra] by Pimpinella
15:00.22*** mode/#dub [-o Birdie] by Pimpinella
15:00.46kierrathank you, Pimpi, for restoring me
15:00.52*** part/#dub Birdie (
15:00.54*** join/#dub Birdie (
15:00.54*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
15:01.28*** join/#dub RedBaron2 (
15:01.35kierrapoor rb2
15:03.24*** join/#dub RedBaron2 (
15:15.32Pimpinellakierra: why poor rb2?
15:16.24kierrahis client or KBCI keeps booting him off
15:16.57RedBaron2its not my KBCI..
15:17.42kierralol :)
15:18.31RedBaron2some1 jinxed my comp..
15:19.08kierranot i sweetie
15:19.20Birdietalking to me kierra?:)
15:19.41RedBaron2pff, you wish birdo :p
15:19.57RedBaron2who else could it be but me..
15:21.19kierrarb2 is my main man
15:21.28Birdieand what am i?
15:21.30Birdieyour main bird?:)
15:21.43kierralol, ok!
15:21.58RedBaron2kierra> rb2 is my main man
15:22.08RedBaron2i'm not so sure..
15:22.36kierraaw, buddy, you had better be
15:22.46kierrathe way you scare me all the time
15:22.59kierrasomething has to keep me from strangling you
15:44.34kierrabetter go cook lunch
15:44.43kierracu soon rb2
15:44.49*** part/#dub kierra (
15:52.08RedBaron2hmm is mum invisible..? i can't see her on this list..
16:39.16*** join/#dub kierra (
16:39.16*** mode/#dub [+o kierra] by ChanServ
17:04.48Pimpinellakierra: /msg chanserv can be substituted by /cs
17:05.37kierrait tells me no such command
17:06.22Pimpinella/cs access #dub list
17:06.27Pimpinellaworked for me
17:07.36kierrai cut and pasted it in....still i get 'No such command.'
17:07.51Pimpinellamaybe an gaim issue
17:25.44*** part/#dub kierra (
18:22.24*** join/#dub Baroness (
18:31.43Baronessoh whys that??? i like bamf...he's nice
18:32.24Birdiewhen i said yesterday he was humiliating a team to beat them in a first match(for them) with 24 1 he freaked out at me..
18:32.38Birdiein the final, he didnt knew after 9 9 and a double kill who won
18:32.46Birdiei explained him it was the first one who is dead
18:33.01Birdie(his desadvantage than..but its the rule)
18:33.23Birdiehe said in public that i'm constantly annoying him and that i'm "trying to amaze people" :(
18:34.18Birdiehe is so nice..
18:34.21Baronessi have never known bamf to do that....usually he is very nice
18:34.51Baronessi have watched him play for 7yrs now...and he is usually so easy going....
18:34.57Birdiei thought that to
18:35.00Birdiebut apperently..
18:35.11Birdiebut oh well, it will be me if you watch him allready 7 years:)
18:35.38Baronessnot necessarily
18:35.57Baronessmaybe bamf is having a really bad day....dont know how else to explain it
18:36.20Birdiehe is having a "2 bad days"
18:36.37Birdieif thats the case what you said
18:37.20Baronessi don't know...all i know is bamf is usually very nice...
19:23.18*** join/#dub Birdie (
19:23.18*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
20:30.01*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
20:30.01*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
20:31.22Birdiepimpinella, how to use replay:(
20:31.29Birdiei tried everything allredy
20:51.14PimpinellaBirdie: just try the working thing ;)
20:51.31Pimpinella/replay list
20:51.53Pimpinellathis shows you all available recorded matches
20:52.21Pimpinellasearch for the one you want
20:52.33Pimpinellalook for it's number
20:52.51Pimpinella/replay load #number
20:52.56Pimpinellato load it
20:53.37Pimpinella/replay play
21:02.15Birdieit worked
21:02.16Birdieyay thx
21:15.17Pimpinellayou were searching for the final mtches?
21:15.28Pimpinellagor them all?
21:15.37Pimpinellagot them all?
21:16.17Birdiei searched for the first one
21:16.20Birdiebig discussion about it
21:18.19Pimpinellathe result?
21:18.30Birdie10 9
21:18.51Pimpinellayeah, it was really close in t lest 3 matches
21:19.00Birdieit was a double kill
21:19.04Birdieand bamf bitched about it
21:19.08Birdiebut he was dead first
21:19.09Birdieso he lost
21:19.49Pimpinellameno and i looked at the logs, at least 2 matches were clearly won by fanta
21:20.14Birdiei know
21:20.47Pimpinellaone of the 2 really close ones was also like fanta won it, though lag might have won it for him
21:21.31Pimpinellai suggested they could review the record or do another game
21:21.44Birdieffanta vieuwed it together with me
21:21.46Pimpinellabut bamf alredy accepted
21:22.41Pimpinellai think it's he correct result this way
21:22.54Birdiefor me to
21:46.01*** join/#dub Birdie (
21:46.01*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.