irclog2html for #dub on 20050704

03:26.59*** join/#dub Pimpi (
03:26.59*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
10:16.43*** join/#dub Birdie (
10:16.43*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
14:33.31*** join/#dub DarthValou (
14:33.32*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
16:07.06BirdieBonjour mademoiselle!
16:49.07DarthValoubonjour Monsieur! (sorry, im cooking ;-) )
16:56.59DarthValouno no no!
16:57.06DarthValoupotatoes, salad and fish :)
16:57.23Birdiemake of those potatoes french fries!
16:57.35Birdieand fish..take those long snakes in the water if you know what i mean
16:57.47Birdiethe normal fish is not really something i like, but the special ones..hmm:)
16:59.27DarthValouim sorry, we only have the regular fish ;-)
16:59.50Birdiei'm sure you make it like every one would like it:)
17:00.32DarthValouhehe, i dunno about that!
17:00.38DarthValouyou'll have to ask z later ;-)
17:01.13Birdieif he is complaining this evening with "bah i'm hungry"...:)
17:03.48DarthValouim sure he will :)
17:04.38Birdieyou know the boss;)
17:05.19Birdieoh tell him to put longhair in my group, i dont care to play against one more player, it will be hard to play against every one on my group anyway
17:06.24DarthValoui think he is getting ready to add another group...
17:06.34DarthValouhe says there will be too many people
17:06.43Birdiehe has right
17:06.45DarthValouso everything is going to change
17:06.54Birdiebut first 2 pass wont help than
17:07.01Birdieyou have 10 people than
17:07.06DarthValoui think he is coming so you can talk iwht him :)
17:07.07*** join/#dub |zongo| (
17:07.07*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
17:07.12Birdieyou cant make a knock out system with that
17:07.14Birdieoh ya..
17:07.23BirdieIF i may give my opoinion:)
17:07.33Birdieyo zongo
17:07.46Birdieadding another group is good in one vieuw but bad in another
17:08.02|zongo|im not going to add ONE group
17:08.10Birdie4 more..
17:08.12Birdieand the winners pass?
17:08.27Birdieone request:
17:08.30Birdiedarthvalou in my group:)
17:08.34|zongo|i have 26 players for the moment
17:08.43|zongo|i need 32
17:08.53|zongo|but i can do with less
17:08.53Birdiehmm must be possible
17:09.08|zongo|each group will have 3-4 players
17:09.16|zongo|hopefully 4
17:09.27Birdiei think you need those 32 players to make 8 groups
17:09.32Birdie3 is very few in a group
17:09.44Birdiemaking one mistake may knock you out
17:09.46|zongo|i know but thats life :)
17:09.48Birdiewich is stupid
17:10.00|zongo|its suspense :)
17:11.05Birdiebut you cant do the thing you wanted than
17:11.07|zongo|what i'd like is to have 16 players for the second stage
17:11.13Birdiei know
17:11.19|zongo|i can sort of
17:11.40Birdieooh 16
17:11.49|zongo|i will think about it when i'll have all players registered
17:12.00Birdieif you make much people in one group
17:12.03Birdieit will be better (for me)
17:12.07|zongo|its non sense to talk about it if we change each day :)
17:12.08Birdiei'm 10 days away:)
17:12.19Birdiepeople would have to wait long than till i can play again(with such long break:) )
17:12.42|zongo|i think we can manage these 10 days
17:13.00|zongo|please remind me the dates ur away
17:13.21Birdiealso its not really "good" to have 8 groups of 3 4 where first 2 will pass, way to few will go out
17:13.36Birdie15 till 25 july
17:13.39Birdiesorry read question to late
17:14.19|zongo|first stage of competition: from 11 july to 20 july
17:14.40|zongo|second stage: from 21 july to 28
17:14.59Birdieif you have 1/8 finals
17:15.02Birdiewith 16 players
17:15.09Birdieyou would have to wait way to long for me
17:15.28Birdieif the second stage(including final?) is till 28
17:15.31|zongo|its better to have 16 players
17:15.47|zongo|1/16 finals will be from 21 to 28
17:15.54Birdieooooh like that
17:15.58Birdieoh ya its no problem than:)
17:16.04|zongo|then more quickly
17:16.21Birdieoh what about this:
17:16.26Birdieimagine you have 30 players
17:16.33Birdie6 groups of 5 persons
17:16.42Birdiefirst 2 pass
17:16.48Birdie+ the 4 best 3th ones
17:17.08|zongo|could be ok
17:17.20Birdieyou have some "space" if more people join or not
17:17.21|zongo|i was thinkin about one of these solutions
17:17.24|zongo|i know
17:17.28Birdieyou can take 6 persons in a group if needed
17:17.39|zongo|thats why i told u its nonsense to talk about it before i have all players
17:17.54|zongo|i had all of this in mind
17:17.59Birdiei dont doubt that:)
17:18.05Birdiei'm just trying help your mind;)
17:18.16|zongo|but i was too lazy (and bad headache) to talk about it right now :O)
17:18.22|zongo|hehe thx
17:18.51Birdieits the best solution imho i think
17:18.57|zongo|i agree
17:19.20Birdieyou dont have to talk about it every day because you have space between solutions:)
17:19.26|zongo|i start the 6 groups tomorrow i guess
17:21.36|zongo|thats almost cheating :P
17:21.48Birdieno no no
17:21.51Birdiedidnt meaned it like that:)
17:22.25Birdieoh ya if i may give one more hint
17:22.43Birdieput teazee as one of the "groupleaders" he is at least as strong as the better 1vs1ratio people
18:25.19|zongo|i changes again the groups
18:25.41Birdiethats why:)
18:25.44Birdielet me look
18:26.39Birdiestill open for changes?:)
18:26.52|zongo|not now
18:27.09|zongo|its just an approx thing
18:27.16|zongo|btw remember one thing
18:27.22|zongo|2-3 passes in each group
18:28.00BirdieC is the the most "less hard" group i think
18:29.25|zongo|true but i dunno who to put on that group
18:29.40Birdiechange thono and teatree?
18:29.53|zongo|i'll wait until registrations are done
18:30.42|zongo|same problem will be with group A then
18:30.57Birdieor foo and cheese?
18:31.11|zongo|k thats beter
18:31.24|zongo|but anyway it gonan change 29 times again :O)
18:31.34Birdiestill a week of registration
18:31.42|zongo|but i'll make that one and then stop for today
18:32.08Birdieisnt stevens "to weak" to be the "better skilled leader" of a group
18:33.17Birdiei think i'll have problems if it stays like this, to find my teammates to play
18:33.40Birdieoutside the dub cheerleader than;)
18:33.41DarthValoufinding me is not that hard ;-)
18:34.05Birdiei can reach you anytime:)
18:34.08Birdiei even can call you;)
18:34.09|zongo|only cold_steel will be hard to find
18:34.16Birdieand he is damn laggy
18:34.18Birdiehe is from australia
18:34.27Birdieon gu(german server) he has 350 average
18:35.08Birdieput a 200 laglimit and say IF people play with it above it, its their own risc
18:35.35|zongo|well its only for 1 player apparently
18:35.56|zongo|u should see if its playable
18:35.59Birdielowtop isnt playing:)-
18:36.14|zongo|if not u may play him on a australian server :)
18:36.24Birdiethat doesnt excist:(
18:36.29|zongo|btw im gonna play a lil bit on 5156
18:36.35Birdiehave fun
18:38.36|zongo|we have one player less...
18:38.49|zongo|Mr_Molez just told me he wont do the tournament
18:39.06Birdieput teatree than instead of him
18:39.24Birdiebut you have to do something with A than
18:39.34Birdiechange thono and cold steel?
18:39.57|zongo|nah nah
18:39.59|zongo|i'll wait
18:40.12Birdieit can change lol
18:40.14|zongo|im tired of changing every 3 minutes
18:42.08Birdiehmm one player you should surely catch for it
19:24.56DarthValouand pimpinella too :o)
19:26.22Birdiegood idea:)
19:30.42Birdieits funny
19:30.51Birdieyesterday we discuss everything about those groups
19:30.56Birdietoday its completly different:)
19:31.51DarthValou(im not sure z is that happy about it ;-) )
19:32.03Birdie(lol its a bit much work:) )
19:32.12Birdiebut he may always call me to help
19:34.42Birdiethee is propably yummy
19:34.46Birdiegood score and his style
19:40.05DarthValouoky :)
19:40.13DarthValou(im away now; see you later :D)
19:40.56Birdiesee you later mme

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