irclog2html for #dub on 20050612

01:44.06*** join/#dub purl (
01:44.06*** topic/#dub is Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1446 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Welcome to all Jr. Dubians!!! || New fresh DUB-site available at || EXTRA EXTRA: ultra hardcore server crashing at Do anything that makes our matchserver crashing, so we might finally hunt down the bug
02:32.38*** join/#dub purl (
02:32.38*** topic/#dub is Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1446 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Welcome to all Jr. Dubians!!! || New fresh DUB-site available at || EXTRA EXTRA: ultra hardcore server crashing at Do anything that makes our matchserver crashing, so we might finally hunt down the bug
02:33.34*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
02:33.34*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
03:19.22*** part/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
04:10.03*** join/#dub Pimpi (
04:10.03*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
08:34.35*** join/#dub Birdie (
08:34.35*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
08:56.46*** join/#dub Cedric (
09:10.05*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
12:24.37*** join/#dub |zongo| (
12:24.37*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
12:25.04*** join/#dub DarthValou (
12:25.04*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
12:25.25*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
12:25.26*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
12:27.00|zongo|Blue_Eyes, ho ristartato il server
12:27.11|zongo|non so se è servito a qualcosa
12:28.03Blue_Eyessi io l'ho detto a pimpi ma credo non ci sia
13:46.43*** join/#dub DarthValou (
13:46.43*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
13:51.31DarthValou*testing again
15:28.15*** join/#dub |zongo| ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:28.15*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
15:33.45Pimpihah, you're talking in secret languages about me
15:34.32Pimpibtw. i found at least on bug, not sure if it's the one that makes the server frequently crash
16:21.25|zongo|ah, what bug?
18:27.55*** join/#dub purl (
18:27.55*** topic/#dub is Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || DUB team score 1446 || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Welcome to all Jr. Dubians!!! || New fresh DUB-site available at || EXTRA EXTRA: ultra hardcore server crashing at Do anything that makes our matchserver crashing, so we might finally hunt down the bug
19:03.41*** join/#dub DarthValou (
19:03.41*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
19:03.53DarthValouBirdie ?
19:04.03|zongo|i need a teamie :O)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.