irclog2html for #dub on 20050606

00:09.07jomojoPimpinella: I have not heard a word from cosmos.  I even emailed him directly.. nothing.
04:10.12*** join/#dub Pimpi (
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08:37.10*** join/#dub Birdie (
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19:07.44*** join/#dub Birdie (
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22:05.46*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
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22:06.00Blue_Eyesnhey all
22:06.19Blue_Eyespimpi i've need of help if you there
22:30.39PimpiBlue_Eyes: here, whats up?
22:35.41Blue_Eyessry but of today afternoon DUB 59998 id down can you restart
22:36.23Pimpithought it was restarted again...
22:37.11Blue_Eyesand happened to the end of the count down
22:37.40Pimpiyeah, already looked for it, but i didn't find the bug yet
22:38.01Pimpicouldn't even reproduce so far
22:38.02Blue_Eyesok is up thx boss
22:38.09Pimpihave fun
22:38.24Blue_Eyes:) cya nite pimpi
23:25.53*** part/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@

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