irclog2html for #dub on 20050506

07:02.32*** join/#dub Thonolan (
07:05.27*** part/#dub Thonolan (
08:58.15*** join/#dub newbie_dont (
08:58.15*** mode/#dub [+o newbie_dont] by ChanServ
09:32.05*** join/#dub Thonolan (
09:59.44*** part/#dub Thonolan (
10:09.31*** join/#dub Birdie (
10:09.31*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
10:14.06*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
10:14.06*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
12:20.28*** join/#dub kierra (
12:20.37*** part/#dub kierra (
14:49.20*** join/#dub DarthValou (
14:49.21*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
15:45.34*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
15:45.34*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
15:45.49DarthValoublue blue blue!!!
15:45.52Blue_Eyesciao DUB
15:46.10Blue_Eyeshey Darty,how are you?
15:46.15Blue_Eyesciao B
15:46.19DarthValoupretty good! And you?
15:46.32Blue_Eyesme too thx
15:50.39Blue_Eyessry guys i've chg on dub 5156 the lag warning  threshold whit 300 ms it's fine or not?
15:51.45DarthValouwhat was it before?!
15:53.01Blue_Eyesit's 0 before and the lag player play always
15:53.18DarthValouoh, i see
15:54.03Blue_Eyesif you can veryfy and rewrite whit the right parameter
15:54.26DarthValoui cant; but i guess Pimpinella can
15:54.29DarthValouor birdie?
15:54.57Blue_Eyesif i can pimpi when he there, l8r
15:55.07Birdieahem i cant do that
15:55.14Blue_Eyesi on dub 5156
15:55.22DarthValoucu blue blue :o)
16:56.44Blue_Eyesbye see yaa l8r cu
16:57.00*** part/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
17:40.35*** join/#dub kierra (
17:57.53kierrabirdie man?
18:08.10Birdieya sorry
18:08.14Birdiewas playing with your sun:)
18:45.21*** join/#dub rabbit25 (
18:57.26Birdiepimp: still no /gameover for cops on matchserver:(
19:23.43DarthValouPimpinella :o)
19:24.04Pimpinellagood evening my dear
19:25.35DarthValouhow are you doing?
19:26.20Pimpinellajust finished work for today, so i'm fine, ty :)
19:26.27Pimpinellahow about u?
19:26.44DarthValouoh! Nice that you are over for the day!
19:26.47DarthValouim fine, thx :)
19:27.20PimpinellaBlue_Esettings are -lagwarn 300 -maxidle 1800 -lagdrop 3, lagkick should work
19:27.31Pimpinellaoh, he's away
19:28.31Pimpinellaactually i'm mp3ing my music collection
19:28.42DarthValouyay !
19:28.53DarthValouthat means i'll get some more nice mails from you ? ;o)
19:29.05Pimpinellasure ;)
19:29.15DarthValoucool :)
19:44.52*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
19:44.52*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
19:44.53Birdieyou added the command? pimpi?:)
20:54.54*** join/#dub rabbit25 (
21:19.49PimpinellaBirdie: did, yes
21:21.18PimpinellaBlue_Eyes: lagwarn should have been at 300 before, lagdrop is 3
21:21.42Pimpinellayou wan't it lowered?
21:23.52Blue_Eyeshey pimpi i'm here
21:31.46PimpinellaBlue_Eyes: you want lagwarn to be lowered?
21:32.23Pimpinellafinally :)
21:32.33Blue_Eyeswhen i play the parameter was at 0
21:33.10Pimpinellahm, no idea who set it to that#
21:33.20Blue_Eyesbecause many player was laggy and theyr continue, not drop
21:33.47Pimpinellayeah, lag is realy annoying on ducati servers
21:34.01Blue_Eyesi set on 300 but i don't set the lagdrop see you and put the right value
21:34.06Pimpinellaeven much more than on jump servers
21:34.10Pimpinellagood job
21:34.23Blue_Eyeshow is the correct command?
21:34.38Blue_Eyes300 3?
21:34.45Birdielagwarning to 200:(
21:34.47Birdieif possible
21:34.52Pimpinellalagdrop isn't adjustable at runtime iirc
21:34.58Pimpinellajust lagwarn
21:35.00Birdie200 is allready high
21:35.16Blue_Eyesyes for me too
21:35.30Blue_Eyes200 is a right value for me
21:36.32Pimpinellai agree with 200

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.