irclog2html for #dub on 20050418

00:35.39*** join/#dub jomojo (
00:35.39*** mode/#dub [+o jomojo] by ChanServ
00:37.21*** join/#dub jomojo-work (
00:40.21*** mode/#dub [+v jomojo-work] by jomojo
00:40.27*** mode/#dub [+o jomojo-work] by jomojo
01:34.14*** join/#dub jomojo (
01:34.15*** join/#dub jomojo-work ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:34.15*** join/#dub ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
01:34.15*** mode/#dub [+ovo jomojo jomojo-work ChanServ] by
01:35.06*** join/#dub Pimpi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:35.06*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi] by
03:54.47*** join/#dub jomojo-w1rk (
05:27.42Pimpijomojo: you left me msg? where?
05:28.28jomojoi forgot what i asked you to do...
05:28.43jomojosomething was wrong with 1vs1 Pimpi
05:28.47Pimpidunno, nothing logged
05:29.04Pimpiprolly a net issue
05:29.09jomojoalso i thought you were going to make me a cop or something on vipers
05:29.27jomojoanyway a superkill on 1vs1 reset the problem
05:29.42jomojoi am just reading about what a mess the league appears to be in
05:29.46Pimpiyeah, was going to do so... ;)
05:30.57Pimpii don't really understand the whole trouble about increasing reaction speed
05:31.20Pimpieverybody seems to go mad
05:31.51jomojono kidding
05:32.21jomojoi seem to think it is poor sportsmanship by the tlz who don't like the idea that relatively new players can beat them badly
05:32.34jomojothen other teams storm off in anger in response
05:32.47jomojoinstead saying goodbye and good riddens
05:33.03jomojoevery just reacted instead of waiting for information
05:33.15jomojobut simply put this game will sometimes play tricks on your eyes
05:33.53Pimpiit takes more than tweaking mouse settings to beat tlz ;)
05:36.19Pimpi<-- work
05:38.42jomojotlz are actually quite predictable if you just defend very well, and take advantage of your opportunities you have a good chance.  have fun working
08:07.14*** join/#dub newbie_dont (
08:07.15*** mode/#dub [+o newbie_dont] by ChanServ
09:25.30*** join/#dub DarthValou (
09:25.30*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
10:51.05*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
10:51.05*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
11:08.59*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
11:08.59*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
11:09.09Blue_Eyeshi all
11:09.24*** join/#dub kierra (
11:09.36*** part/#dub kierra (
11:10.06Blue_Eyespimpi can you kik my first callsign on dub 5156 because my other haven't admin permissin
11:11.14Blue_Eyesor other dub admin
11:19.42*** join/#dub Blue-Eyes (~Blue_Eyes@
13:49.32*** join/#dub DarthValou (
13:49.32*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
17:03.07*** join/#dub |zongo| (
17:03.07*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
18:20.42*** join/#dub Birdie (
18:20.42*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
18:58.50*** join/#dub DarthValou (
18:58.50*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
19:37.08*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
19:37.08*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
19:37.22Blue_EyesCiao DUB
19:38.03DarthValouciao bello!
19:38.14DarthValouz is on ducati if u're looking for him :)
19:43.32*** join/#dub Ronny (
19:43.52DarthValoubirdie ronny?!
19:44.01Ronnyi have troubles:(
19:44.05Ronnystupid internet
19:44.09Ronnyhow to ghost myself?:)
19:44.14DarthValouno idea...
19:44.26DarthValoujust to tell you that i wasnt away yet (you get my point ;o) ) :D
19:44.52Birdieeh i dont get it?
19:45.01Birdiei wont tell what i really think because if its wrong..
19:45.13DarthValouand i'll be right back :D
19:45.26Birdieyou are fooling me:p
19:49.10Birdieyou are not away i'm so sure
20:00.14DarthValouim off to ducati if anyone wanna join :o)
20:02.57*** join/#dub _bubbles_ (
20:03.42_bubbles_hi all
20:45.37DarthValouPimpinella, would u like to fun 3vs3? :)
20:55.03*** join/#dub Thonolan (
21:56.27*** part/#dub |zongo| (
22:19.29Blue_Eyespimpi ther are you?
22:23.19PimpinellaBlue_Eyes: here
22:23.51Pimpinellayou asked to be deregistered somewhere?
22:25.09Blue_Eyesyes pimpi M1 ask me, i can make of dub 59998?
22:26.14Blue_Eyeshe don't remember the password
22:26.36Pimpinellaoh, meet me there plz
22:26.49Blue_Eyesok thx
22:30.49*** join/#dub ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
22:30.49*** mode/#dub [+o ChanServ] by
22:36.20*** part/#dub Blue_Eyes (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.