irclog2html for #dub on 20050406

02:11.02*** join/#dub Pimpi (
02:11.02*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
06:16.26*** join/#dub DarthValou (
06:16.26*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
07:38.29*** join/#dub DarthValou (
07:38.29*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
07:52.33*** join/#dub newbie_dont (
07:56.58*** join/#dub |zongo| (
07:56.58*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
08:05.26Pimpi|zongo|: try for privs plz
08:06.15Pimpioh, forgot something...
08:06.52|zongo|i am on 59998 for few min...then i gtg
09:41.14*** join/#dub Birdie (
09:41.15*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
10:15.56Birdiebonjour mademoiselle
10:16.06DarthValoubonjour Monsieur Birdie :)
10:16.45Birdietous va bien?
10:16.55DarthValououi! Im gonna go home and eat :)
10:17.16Birdieeating is very important in your life;)?
10:17.26DarthValoui've been starving since... 9h :D
10:17.44Birdieyou dont eat in mornings?
10:17.57DarthValouyes, but probably it was not enough this morning ;o)
10:18.07Birdieonly a cookie isnt enough
10:18.14DarthValouwell, im going to quickly drive hom and then i'll be right back :o)
10:18.20DarthValouoh, and the cat's food?
10:18.29Birdieif you feed your cat:
10:18.33Birdieone cookie for you, one for me:)
10:18.38DarthValouyep :)
10:18.45DarthValouwell, im running and see you very very soon :)
10:18.51Birdiesee you soon
10:41.37*** join/#dub DarthValou (
10:41.37*** mode/#dub [+o DarthValou] by ChanServ
10:42.30Birdieyou can run fast
10:42.52DarthValouor maybe i drive fast ;)
10:43.18Birdiedo you have speed limit in switserland?
10:43.23DarthValousure we do
10:43.26DarthValou50 in town
10:43.32DarthValou120 on highways
10:43.38DarthValou80 outside of town
10:43.53Birdiethe same as in belgium
11:54.15DarthValouPimpi, i just found that on the 1vs1 forum :
11:54.34Birdiedv: dub page looks nice now:)
11:54.35DarthValouI just went to look at the server (5160) and forgot that my client starts two bots (sorry about that) anyway off they went and played. It did as an observer allow me to look around the map which was good. Funny thing is the bots were sitting at 9-9 and killed each other, game over but the server said they both won. Has there been a draw before and how are the points scored if it happened ?
11:54.55DarthValouthx birdie ;)
12:08.52*** join/#dub |zongo| (
12:08.53*** mode/#dub [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
12:15.36Birdiehi zongo
19:30.00*** join/#dub Privia (
19:31.08*** part/#dub Privia (
19:57.27*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
19:57.27*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
19:57.46Blue_EyesHey hey hey :)
21:23.18*** join/#dub menotume (
21:23.24menotumeMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch !!!
22:39.03menotumematch ?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.