irclog2html for #dub on 20050323

00:01.42*** join/#dub kierra (
00:16.31*** part/#dub Blue_Eyes (
00:21.50Pimpinellahey kierra, how r u?
00:22.04Pimpinellafelt the earthquake?
00:23.18kierrawhat earthquake....where?
00:23.32Pimpinellasanta monica
00:23.47kierralol, no...I'm in florida
00:24.02Pimpinellaoh, thought you were in ca
00:24.35kierrawe're in the midst of a tornado watch from bad storms at the moment
00:24.35Pimpinellawho told me , dv probably?
00:24.51kierraDV knows im in FL
00:25.16kierrawould it be possible  for me to be an admin on dub servers
00:25.50Pimpinellapublic or also the private ones?
00:25.59kierrai had asked Z last week and he told me to clear it with you
00:26.10kierrawould it be ok to do both?
00:26.45Pimpinellasure, wont do private tonight though
00:26.59kierranp, at your convenience
00:27.56kierrathank you, pimpi
00:28.16Pimpinellawhats your global login name?
00:28.33Pimpinellaor don't you use global login?
00:28.46kierrawould kierra be ok?
00:29.03kierrai am globally logged as mother mellus
00:29.11Pimpinellano hit for kierra at bzbb :(
00:29.13kierrabut am thinking of adding kierra
00:29.28kierrai can add it
00:29.51kierrago ahead with mother mellus....
00:31.46Pimpinellajust added /countdown pause and /countdown resume :)
00:32.13kierraof all the dub, you're the one that I see the least
00:32.56Pimpinelladon't play that much, not enough time
00:33.22Pimpinellanappy time for me
00:33.43Pimpinellagnite kierra
00:33.46kierragood night and thanks again
00:34.05Pimpinelladon't let those stroms blow you away
00:34.16kierrai'll try not to
00:34.23kierrasee you tomorrow
02:06.46*** join/#dub Pimpinella (
02:06.46*** mode/#dub [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
02:24.04*** join/#dub _bubbles_ (
02:24.04*** mode/#dub [+o _bubbles_] by ChanServ
07:19.37*** join/#dub ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
07:19.37*** mode/#dub [+o ChanServ] by
08:47.58*** join/#dub newbie_dont (
08:47.58*** mode/#dub [+o newbie_dont] by ChanServ
13:54.56*** topic/#dub by Pimpinella -> Welcome to the notorious Donjon's Ugly Beasts channel || Greetings to our friends from other teams || Welcome to all Jr. Dubians!!! || New fresh DUB-site available at =) || DUB team score 1462 || try out new features on, start a match with /countdown, pause it with /countdown pause, resume with /countdown resume
19:11.45*** join/#dub Birdie (
19:11.45*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
19:21.03*** join/#dub RedBaron2 (
19:34.17*** join/#dub Birdie (
19:34.17*** mode/#dub [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
20:11.20Birdiepimpi can you deregister dmp's account?
20:11.36*** join/#dub Blue_Eyes (
20:11.55PimpinellaBirdie: why?
20:11.56RedBaron2hey blue
20:12.00*** mode/#dub [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
20:12.30Blue_Eyeshey Red, Ciao DUB :)
20:12.40Birdiebecause he asked
20:12.45Birdiehi blue
20:13.03Birdiedmp's account on 5156
20:13.09Birdiei guess he lost his password or something like that
20:13.23Pimpinellaadd him to
20:16.50Birdieeh i think i dont have those perms?
20:18.11Pimpinelladidn't fix perms there yet
20:19.53Birdiein other servers cops are able to set people to groups?
20:19.57Birdie(your servers)
21:28.56*** join/#dub newbie__dont (
21:28.56*** mode/#dub [+o newbie__dont] by ChanServ
21:30.38PimpinellaBirdie: yep, they have on viper
21:31.53Pimpinelladue to a patch that allows me to specify exactly which groups can be set by another group
21:48.10*** join/#dub jomojo (
21:48.10*** mode/#dub [+o jomojo] by ChanServ
21:49.27jomojo~seen jomojo
21:49.32purljomojo is currently on #bzleague (1m 22s) #dub (1m 22s) #bzflag (1m 22s).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 5s
22:15.05*** join/#dub ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
22:15.05*** mode/#dub [+o ChanServ] by
22:19.46*** join/#dub RedBaron2 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.