IRC log for #dragonbox-pyra on 20160526

00:06.31*** join/#dragonbox-pyra alanszlosek (~alanszlos@
00:06.44phanboetTotal preorders: 713 [500 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 701x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 136, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 360}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 02:00:18 CEST -
00:10.18PangolinSo I preordered today, and I have Amazon Prime...that means I should have my Pyra by Friday evening, correct?
00:10.30Pangolinhides from impending onslaught.
00:18.59SuperRoachNice one
00:19.14*** join/#dragonbox-pyra vagrantc (~vagrant@unaffiliated/vagrantc)
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00:34.33Wallypls Pangolin PLS
00:34.51WallyHi SuperRoach :)
00:38.16DocScrutinizer51you nuts? /msg nickserv info infobot
00:39.08Wallypls DocScrutinizer51 pls
00:40.31DocScrutinizer51do I look like Tim Rikers was my name?
00:40.42*** join/#dragonbox-pyra enyc (
00:40.53Wallywow.. what?
00:41.55DocScrutinizer51actually 1999 I didn't know what's IRC
00:43.39DocScrutinizer51so to answer your question: what I 'did to infobot' was telling it to add this channel to the list of services channels
00:44.09WallyStay calm m88
00:45.13WallyNew exagear installed :)
00:45.53infobot127/127 channels, 4718 users, 3596 unique: #debian/1597, #kde/458, #gsoc/315, #asterisk/191, #maemo/160, #devuan/157, #wowuidev/130, #oe/127, #wowace/91, #dragonbox-pyra/90, #neo900/81, #utah/72, #cubieboard/68, #harmattan/56, #wowhead/54, ##fritzbox/53, #bzflag/50, #meego/47, #qi-hardware/43, #openmoko/42, #asterisk-dev/40, #arm-netbook/39, #elinux/38, #curseforge/37, #maemo-ssu/37, #webos-internals/36, #openmoko-cdevel/36, #uphpu/26, #slug/24, ...
00:46.17infobotTimRiker is my owner
00:49.22comradekinguPangolin: You are excused on account of being a baller and a gentleman
00:51.10WallyBRB going to show a teacher how to turn a computer on
00:51.55luke-jr[00:10:18] <Pangolin> So I preordered today, and I have Amazon Prime…that means I should have my Pyra by Friday evening, correct? <-- if only that worked..
00:52.23luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: what? I've been on IRC longer than you? :o
00:54.59DocScrutinizer51I'm on IRC only around 8 years
00:57.39Pangolinlooks around to see if it is safe to return.
00:59.04WallyThis guy cracked the shits -_-
00:59.06*** join/#dragonbox-pyra BlueMaxima (
00:59.06*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v BlueMaxima] by ChanServ
00:59.52phanboetTotal preorders: 713 [500 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 701x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 136, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 360}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 02:45:13 CEST -
01:00.03BlueMaximaman it really is about time to start a production run
01:00.10BlueMaximawe'll be waiting for months to hit 900 at this rate
01:03.00Lightkeyif you consider one plus a fraction "months"..
01:03.08comradekingube not impatient and the slashdot will come
01:03.21Pangolinreturns since he was spared from WWW (Wally's Wild Wrath).
01:03.26Shahidi've not pre-ordered yet
01:03.46WallyShahid hurry up
01:03.55WallyPangolin you're fine ;)
01:04.04WallyThis guy at work went crazy
01:04.22comradekinguLet it not be TwoMonths™, but instead right away, person whom no preorder has
01:04.30PangolinOh, that doesnt sound fun
01:04.31Shahidyou think there will ever be a 3rd batch?
01:06.24comradekinguIf the first run gets even more preorders, yes
01:06.24BlueMaximadidn't we already get slashdotted
01:06.24comradekinguI think maybe someone posted a thing on slashdot, which isnt quite the same effect
01:09.08PangolinDon't despair. Once prototypes arrive and demos are...demoed there are still media outlets that can be used.
01:09.30comradekinguSend a notice to engadget, maybe they will cover it, thats where i learnt of the pandora
01:11.02PangolinI dont think the pyra has been on Engadget or Hackaday for instance.
01:11.02comradekinguhackaday cant not write about the pyra
01:11.02comradekinguhackaday even wrote about craigs kickstarter-fail
01:11.02Pangolinis it too "crowdfundy" for hackaday?
01:11.02comradekinguAllthough that story was a little easier to get a grip on
01:11.05comradekinguPangolin: possibly if you ask that way, but you can cover the technical merit of making a device from scratch, which is no small feat
01:11.19comradekinguThats what i would want to read about on hackaday
01:11.26PangolinI know the audience at Hacaday tend to dislike crowdfunding annoucements or stages
01:12.04comradekinguThats because most of them are fucking stupid
01:12.30comradekinguAnd/or irrelevant
01:12.51Pangolincomradekingu: Agreed. An article describing a decision making process for a particular component of the Pyra may work.
01:13.39comradekinguwhy should we cover another phone, and why should we cover a crowdfunding thing, isnt a story
01:15.04PangolinYes. But describing how a device is created from scratch or the struggle for a small company to secure business with popular SOCs could work.
01:15.22comradekinguI think some behind the scenes with electrical engineering, machinery and that its reached futility is a story in hackaday fashion
01:16.11comradekinguyes, thats a story, but its focusing on the wrong things
01:17.14comradekinguThere is a lot a small company can do, and that ED has done with the Pyra. Nobody tells him a hueg battery is wrong, because he'd rather listen to the people who want one, and then there is one
01:17.57comradekinguGranted he sources it, fits the changes, arranges customs and whatever else is required, but it seems very nimble
01:17.59Lightkeyand now another of kingu's grand comments, cute photograph
01:18.45Lightkeybut you came off as being angry at another comment while I don't even see what you answered to
01:19.03Wallyslaeshjag is there a way to force a folder to mount DBPS?
01:19.21comradekinguit was the guy who said it should be fronted as a emulator
01:19.25comradekinguhow was i angry?
01:19.54Lightkeywell the focus on ethics and going all bold text at the end
01:20.07WallyLightkey: It shouldn't take too long to notice that you're talking to a brick wall
01:20.10comradekingui thought someone might read some of it atleast
01:21.14LightkeyWally: sometimes I don't understand you either, like now
01:21.34PangolinAre we talking about comrade's comments in IRC right now or a forum post?
01:22.09Lightkeyneither, a news post on GamingOnLinux
01:23.16comradekinguhow about now
01:23.18Pangolinchecks the article and comments again.
01:23.33comradekinguim tricking the scrollers-by to read upwards
01:24.13comradekinguPangolin: We are talking about his controversies regardless of fora, what has he done now?
01:27.00comradekinguThis is the one i thought you meant
01:29.08Pangolinread the comments. He feels more "in the know."
01:29.13comradekingu"My only issue with it, is that it's a little on the ugly side don't you think?"
01:29.24Wallyyeah I saw that xD
01:29.25comradekingui thinketh not
01:30.04WallyNice long EvilDragon style hair comradekingu
01:30.20PangolinIt just proves the website author did not bother to visit the landing page for the pyra.
01:31.00comradekinguSadly i have short hair now
01:31.30WallyDid you donate it?
01:31.38PangolinBut I can see that the author may have chosen only to show existing hardware.
01:31.47Lightkeyhe got hungry is my bet
01:32.02comradekingudonate it?
01:32.30Lightkeyto starving children
01:32.35comradekinguTo cancer people?
01:33.15comradekinguI should have, didnt think of it. I did think of the children who are farmed for their hair though
01:34.08comradekinguMaybe there is a special owl that can make a really cool nest with hair
01:34.20comradekinguthe toupee owl, trumps beware
01:34.48comradekinguI know im talking when people say "errr" or "woah"
01:36.45DocScrutinizer51phone conference of 50... in one subway wagon
01:36.51Wallyoohhh exagear has changed the way they run wine
01:37.03Wallyno need for hardlinks in packages anymore
01:37.07Wallyjust simply type wine
01:38.40PangolinIs there a forum post in which supporters are stating what they intend to use the Pyra for?
01:38.44comradekinguthe 50way buzzword bonanza
01:38.54*** join/#dragonbox-pyra alanszlosek (~alanszlos@
01:39.06comradekinguPangolin: No, that would be incriminating
01:39.18PangolinI feel like I'm in the minority for not using the Pyra for gaming.
01:39.54PangolinAh, thanks.
01:40.07Wallyat least crap runs in wine now
01:40.28WallyPangolin what are you going to use the Pyra for again?
01:40.59comradekinguare you the submariner person?
01:41.50WallyTrying to load a game "A new Zero" in Wine.
01:42.00WallyLooks like it's not getting anywhere haha
01:42.18Lightkeyisn't there even a song about it? "the Pyra is for prawn"
01:43.10comradekingusomeone possibly made a post to that effect
01:43.29comradekinguWally: what is it failing with?
01:44.53WallyDunno.. Just a blue screen xD
01:50.29PangolinWally: Netbook replacement, coding/scripting on the go, pentesting. I want a comfortable thumb keyboard and a full OS. The clamshell design and size is a good fit.
01:51.22PangolinOne of the reasons I am interested in monitor mode support for the WiFi.
01:51.52Wallyah fair enough
01:53.25PangolinI believe the pyra should fit my use cases.
01:53.48comradekinguone of us, one of us!
01:54.27WallyI better set the wine resolution lower than the Pandora res
01:54.41PangolinAs for gaming, I would most likely use it as a Steam Streamer.
01:55.11Wallysteam streamer eh
01:55.33comradekingulike a vnc-client?
01:56.04comradekinguor watching other peoples games?
01:56.38Pangolinoh wait, there is ow arm version of steam is there...
01:57.07PangolinLe sigh...
01:57.19warshle sigh~~~
01:57.49comradekingudoes valve have a reason for not providing one?
01:57.59WallyCould always use the Android client
01:58.06*** join/#dragonbox-pyra defaultxr (
01:58.18Wally perhaps?
01:59.41comradekingudo you need an nvidia-card for that?
01:59.49Wallyon the PC you do
02:01.17warshWally: halp, I'm looking at lenovo laptops
02:01.45comradekinguwhen you look at lenovo laptops, the botnet looks back at you
02:01.56Wallyslaps warsh with a rainbow trout
02:03.10Pangolinno, only reason I need a full steam client for the native steam stream client.
02:03.40comradekinguto do what?
02:03.43Pangolinthat implies native h.264 decoding too
02:04.44PangolinI'm not sure you are tracking what I'm talking about.
02:05.44comradekingui think you are just linkbaiting me to give you an idea about what you are talking about
02:05.49warshenables ublock origin on Pangolin
02:06.08warshbaits Wally with some rainbow trout
02:06.17PangolinIt is the feature to have a full blown gaming rig render a game and stream it locally to a less capable device such as a netbook or Tv for palying a game
02:07.24comradekingui never understood how that is nvidia-specific
02:08.30PangolinI did not imply it was nvidia specific. It is a feature that requires eitheir a full steam client on windows or linux, or SteamOS
02:09.01Pangolinthe issue is that I dont beleieve there is an Arm version of steam or steamos
02:09.19comradekinguyes, but then a steam client, which makes a bit more sense
02:09.36comradekinguoh now i get it
02:09.46comradekinguAnd there isnt
02:10.04comradekinguand now i get that too
02:11.10warshWally: I'm thinking about dropping osx
02:11.13warshon my laptop at least
02:11.43PangolinFor instance i can play Witcher 3 on my gaming rig, my Steam Streamer (netbook specs), or my older gaming laptop in another room and still have the highest graphics settings
02:13.15comradekinguthey could have that part of the client, but there are other ways of doing that
02:13.29PangolinSteam streaming server and client is built into Steam and SteamOS
02:14.07comradekinguHow bad would X11 forwarding and pulseaudio network streaming be comparatively?
02:14.22Lightkey30 bad
02:15.24warshplatinum bad
02:15.32PangolinIf this was pursued, it would be best trying to compile and arm version of SteamOS
02:15.40comradekinguso how to do it without steam client?
02:16.03Pangolincomradekingu: port SteamOS
02:16.29comradekingusteamOS is just debian with less buttons
02:17.55comradekinguIs the client bit open source?
02:19.02Wallywarsh why's that?
02:19.31warshbeen meaning to move over to more of a foss setup
02:20.34Wallyand what benefits will that give you? :P
02:21.02comradekinguthis is your braveheart moment, take it
02:22.24PangolinI doubt the steam client is open source. I see that SteamOS being debian is something in our favor. It may be easier to do that instead of reverse engineering the streaming protocol
02:24.55PangolinThe pyra supporting SteamOS would be a great feature. Being able to play your games with full graphics anywhere in your house with the controls built into the pyra should be a pleasnt experience.
02:25.53Pangolinkant spel or type
02:26.03comradekingujoin the klub
02:27.10Pangolinthinks typing on a Moto Cliq doesnt help.
02:28.04Wallyhmm GTA2 launches but doesn't go ingame because of audio
02:28.19WallyMight need to change Wine resolution
02:28.25comradekinguwhat if you disable sound?
02:28.32WallyCan't with GTA
02:28.45WallyI should just use the PS1 game
02:28.52comradekinguYou can do it in wine itself, no?
02:29.30comradekinguThere should be more GTA type games
02:30.42comradekinguwith half NPCs and the rest real players, and a penalty if you can tell them apart
02:31.27comradekingumabye a lesser amount of real players
02:32.21vagrantcmaintaining an exact 50% balance would be interesting ... NPCs mysteriously disappearing out of nowhere
02:33.04comradekingui want to be an npc in a game where people dont expect it
02:33.35comradekingusending people on side-quests meeting up with each-other
02:39.53Pangolincomradekingu: Found something:
02:40.23PangolinStill reading about it.
02:50.36*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Blue_Shadow_3 (
02:53.03PangolinSo, it turns out there are three ways to implement Steam Streaming: the Steam client (Linux or Windows), SteamOS (x86 only), and Steam Link OS (ARMv7). I think the SDK I linked above is only for building apps to run natively on the Steam Link hardware they sell (I could be wrong).
02:56.04Wallyuse fire?
03:20.31vifinoPangolin: SteamOS is just a debian with the steam client strapped to it.
03:21.22PangolinYes, but that doesn't help as there is no ARM version of STEAMOS or the steam client. :(
03:22.44PangolinNow Steam Link OS is most likely debian and built for ARM7 (Marvell DE3005-A1)
03:24.22PangolinThe Steam Link hardware is simply a stream decoder. The Steam OS GUI is rendered via the computer acting as the server (where the game is hosted)
03:25.58PangolinThe computer rendering the game goes into "Big Picture Mode" and streams it to another Steam Client or a Steam Link.
03:48.11*** join/#dragonbox-pyra TheVoid (~thevoid@unaffiliated/thevoid)
04:00.07*** join/#dragonbox-pyra DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:00.15*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Binky (~anonnymou@2001:8b0:3e1:47:3602:86ff:fe43:8f50)
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04:28.33*** part/#dragonbox-pyra pgl_22 (~user@
04:31.29luke-jrTotal preorders: 714 [501 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 702x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 136, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361} @ 2016-05-26 04:31:29 UTC
04:35.16Wallyburns luke-jr
04:35.21phanboetTotal preorders: 713 [500 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 701x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 136, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 360}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 06:30:16 CEST -
04:40.20*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Doran_Llek (~Paladin@2601:602:8f80:235f:dc53:9289:5a42:2374)
04:41.37luke-jrWally: ? want me to turn it off?
04:41.49luke-jry burn
04:41.56Wallytoasty pyras
04:42.08luke-jrdid ED order the stuff yet? :P
04:42.09WallyNevermind. Coffee got straight to my head
04:42.15WallyNot according to my RSS reader
04:42.38luke-jrthinking about Intel ME lately, I am less upset over the lack of Atom in Pyra
04:42.50WallyAtom is pretty weak
04:43.01luke-jryes, but it does have free GPU drivers
04:43.29luke-jrI've been pondering just how secure I can make Pyra. Encrypted subdirectory in my home maybe the best route?
04:44.10luke-jrwith Intel chips, this wouldn't work because Intel ME could just DMA the key out of RAM or something, but might be good enough for Pyra? :D
04:44.35WallyTurn off SSH for a start
04:46.03WallyThe pandora really has a shitty CPU D:
04:46.04Lightkeythe driver problem will solve itself out anyway in the coming years.. already got drivers for two ARM GPUs in Linux/Mesa and I still hope AMD will deliver on the K12..
04:46.48WallyTinyGLES apparently is almost as fast as the pandora GPU drivers
04:46.55Wallyand that's all software
04:46.57*** join/#dragonbox-pyra alanszlosek (~alanszlos@
04:49.40Lightkeyeh well, at least today only needs one more pre-order to beat yesterday, look on the bright side of death *dadumdadumdeedum*
04:51.45Wally7 kings quest.. yikes
05:01.44Wallyluke-jr protip: Don't start a project around DBPs
05:15.49PangolinMy ESP shows a new preorder! Woot!
05:16.59phanboetTotal preorders: 714 [501 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 702x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 136, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 07:15:14 CEST -
05:17.03Wallyyayy new preorder
05:33.57Wallyslaeshjag you about?
05:35.19WallyI'm curious to whether it's safe to mount stuff in the images folder (mnt/images/something.test
06:28.05*** join/#dragonbox-pyra |49768 (539800e7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:34.20Lightkeyexactly 30 in the last week
06:42.27*** join/#dragonbox-pyra ladvan91|73580 (250bf77d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:47.35WallyBlueMaxima did you end up finding the name of that game title?
06:48.01*** join/#dragonbox-pyra alanszlosek (~alanszlos@
06:49.01BlueMaximaUnfortunately not Wally
06:49.05BlueMaximaIt's a real bitch
06:50.09WallyNeelix do you like Box Hill station?
06:50.47undexsymGood morning
06:50.55WallyHo undexsym
06:52.34NeelixI haven't been to box hill station in years...  Why?
06:53.03WallyJust went past it.
06:53.28WallyThought you'd want all the dumplings though
06:55.30Lightkeybtw saw there is a database of devices and their scores for the Geekbench 3, maybe a little more useful than DMIPS, there the OMAP5 was four times faster than the 1 GHz OMAP3 core and almost seven times in multithreading
06:55.32Wallyundexsym you can stop tapping into my connection now
06:56.16WallyI want the scp connection to go faster
06:56.18WallyI gav eup...
06:56.29WallyGetting off train shortly
07:00.03Lightkeybtw I haven't looked into it further but regarding the comments about showing legal emulator gaming advertisement, the last time I looked into the SEGA ROMs DotEmu sells, those could not be easily converted to be used in an open emulator, anything changed since then?
07:20.18Wallydotemu sells sega roms?
07:25.05Lightkeybundled with emulator of course
07:25.19*** join/#dragonbox-pyra |49768 (25a2ca8a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:05.39bencohmeaning they obtained rights from SEGA?
08:05.55bencohI highly doubt the TOS would allow you to redistribute it
08:06.06WallyIf only there were a gog based rom site
08:06.11bencohlet alone with a different emulator, even if it was technically possible
08:07.10bencohso it doesn't make much difference with a ROM downloaded from <insert website here>
08:16.40*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Binky (
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08:17.39*** join/#dragonbox-pyra megaminxwin (
08:22.13sketchstickI'm a little curious how well the Pyra screen handles outdoor sunlight.
08:23.20Wallynobody knows,,
08:24.24BlueMaximathere's a photo of the prototype in the sun
08:28.07WallySo not really good
08:28.25sketchstickMaybe the backlight isn't cranked up?
08:28.39buZzwell, its not a transflective screen anyway ;)
08:29.03urjamanit's a picture, they tend to do reflections more intensively than what they look IRL...
08:30.43sketchstickWell my phone's screen is cheap, but they dealt with that by just giving it a powerful backlight.
08:32.04WallyI reckon it'll be okay
08:32.35sketchstickIt's worth checking though, given it's a portable device
08:34.57*** join/#dragonbox-pyra alanszlosek (~alanszlos@
08:41.45bencohbuZz: pandora had a transflective screen?
08:42.02buZzhighly doubt that :D
08:42.07buZzOLPC XO-1 has one
08:42.08bencohah, okay
08:42.12buZzand the Gameboy Advance
08:42.16bencohwell it's a shame pyra's wont be
08:42.22buZzi'm not aware of any other devices that ever had one
08:42.42bencohn900 has one ;)
08:42.45buZzgoing outside is for nerds anyway
08:42.49phanboetPLS U
08:43.08buZzbencoh: you sure? i dont think so
08:43.17bencohbuZz: it's sitting right beside me :)
08:43.39buZzyeah, and does contrast increase when you shine a bright flashlight straight in it?
08:43.42urjamani dont think so either...
08:43.43bencohanyway, do they actually make 720p transflective screens of that size ?
08:43.46bencohbuZz: yup
08:44.03bencohbuZz: you can actually turn off the backlight when directly exposed to the sun
08:44.12buZzi see no mentioning of that screen being transflective on google
08:44.33buZzoh, i do
08:44.41buZzin a bug report on :P
08:44.51buZzweird, none of the wikipages list it
08:44.57buZzguess its users lack autism :P
08:44.58bencohwell anyway I live in a sunny country, so believe me, it *is* transflective :)
08:45.20buZzmy life with sun :
08:46.46urjamanokay wikipedia lists it in the text ...
08:47.07urjaman(not in the specs, but in whatever blahblah...)
08:48.59urjamani had never heard of this before :P
08:50.01buZzthey call it transreflective
08:50.04buZzwho typed this :P
08:50.10buZzthats not what the tech is called
08:56.38slaeshjagWally: uh... dbpd will get quite upset if it tries to mount something that is already there
08:56.53bencohfunny there used to be a transflective screen for .... raspi
08:56.55slaeshjagWally: But if you name it something that's invalid for a dbp, ut's safe
09:02.19WallyI'm having problems trying to mount a cue file inside a dbp
09:02.23Wallywith dosbox
09:02.37buZzcue files dont contain data
09:03.03WallybuZz dosbox recognises cue files
09:03.20buZzalright :) no clue
09:03.33buZzjust wanted to annoyingly point out that they dont contain the actual data ;)
09:03.40buZzas i do
09:04.37*** join/#dragonbox-pyra ptitSeb|Work (~quassel@
09:05.11Wallya ptitSeb|Work appears
09:05.33megaminxwinits my new magic trick
09:05.39megaminxwinmaking ptitSeb|Work appear
09:05.44WallyVery clever megaminxwin
09:05.57megaminxwinthank you
09:05.58Wallynow make ptitSeb|Work disappear.
09:06.01WallyI bet you can't do that
09:06.06megaminxwinunfortunately not
09:06.15WallyOH WOW
09:06.20megaminxwinurjaman can though
09:06.24*** join/#dragonbox-pyra ptitSeb|Work (~quassel@
09:06.24ptitSeb|Workyes, she can!
09:06.25WallyDamn urjaman
09:06.32WallyShe;s magic
09:07.25WallyI need to try and work out why exagear crap isn't working
09:07.27megaminxwinwhy do i keep getting emails from labor asking me to buy a medicare tea towel
09:07.37WallyWow I want a medicare tea towel
09:08.08Wallylol nevermind
09:08.30buZzdoes it come with tea?
09:09.18buZzis hawke hawt?
09:09.27buZzthat he can only be handled with a towel
09:09.38Wally lol
09:09.43WallyA lot of that shit is out of date
09:10.06megaminxwinis hawke even alive any more
09:10.24WallyHe's old
09:10.39Wally86 years old
09:10.48Wallyundexsym for Prime Minister
09:11.20WallyptitSeb|Work you've been on holidays?
09:11.33ptitSeb|Worknot lately no, why?
09:11.45Wallyoh you've just been away from IRC
09:12.07WallyThe Pandora Wifi is slower than my home internet connection ATM
09:12.15megaminxwini think wikipedia needs more people to look at biased things on their articles
09:12.29megaminxwin"At the age of 17, the same age that his brother Neil had died, Hawke had a serious accident while riding his Panther motorcycle  that left him in a critical condition for several days. This near-death  experience acted as his catharsis, driving him to make the most of his  talents and not let his abilities go to waste."
09:12.36megaminxwinthat last sentence
09:12.37urjamanreads "blessed things"
09:13.10Wallyslaeshjag I basically need to mount a bin / cue file in dosbox. Dosbox says file does not exist
09:14.49buZzWally: spaces in the filename? :D
09:14.55slaeshjagand you do know it's in /mnt/dbp/images/<package-id>/<whatever>?
09:14.55Wally"image must be in host or local drive"
09:15.15ptitSeb|WorkWally: ah ok, sometimes I launch my IRC client only after lunch... busy morning (and I'm not a morning guy)
09:15.30urjamanyou're trying to use \ ?
09:15.38urjamaninstead of "/"?
09:16.56undexsymI already am
09:17.22Wallyno urjaman
09:17.22urjamana prime minister?
09:18.44Wallyurjaman is the japanese prime minister
09:20.32WallyptitSeb|Work what prime minister would you be?
09:20.59ptitSeb|Workone that doesn't do politics?
09:25.37WallyApparently it's do to with read / write access..
09:25.56*** join/#dragonbox-pyra pgl_2 (
09:27.08Wallyapparently not..
09:31.00WallyCould be to do with xz compression too
09:43.43*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Shinra (
09:43.43*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v Shinra] by ChanServ
10:02.32phanboetTotal preorders: 714 [501 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 702x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 136, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 12:00:16 CEST -
10:02.45B-ZaRgoes so slow now
10:06.22buZzthe announcement that it would take ~4 months before we have it, seems to have caused a slowdown
10:06.50bencoh" Unix-like systems were evolving in a way
10:06.54bencohwrong chan, sorry
10:07.20buZzlol bencoh
10:07.24buZzyou'd better love unix
10:07.33benco for the curious ones
10:07.42buZzor gegen die mauer!
10:07.42bencoherr what's wrong with my copypasting today ....
10:08.01Wallygee bencoh
10:08.15bencohyup, exactly, gee.
10:08.24WallyMight have to ban you
10:08.54*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v bencoh] by ChanServ
10:09.48WallyptitSeb|Work still hasn't registered his nick xD
10:09.59buZzmothra looks like a nice webbrowser
10:10.15WallyProbably giant
10:10.21Wallyand evil
10:10.39buZzwell it depends on plan9
10:10.46buZzso its just cult
10:11.27Wallybencoh are you from Aus?
10:11.35bencohnot at all, why?
10:11.43WallyJust your nick sounds familiar that's all
10:12.10bencohoh, okay. well, never been there
10:12.45WallyI mean on internet
10:15.24buZzinternet ftw
10:15.34buZzi heard they sell cds to get on there now
10:15.47buZzsomething called AWOL HELL or something
10:16.10ptitSeb|WorkWally: yeah, I'm lazy...
10:16.31bencohbuZz: better stick to fidonet. who knows what could happen with automated routing
10:17.03WallyI wonder what my pyra hostname is at work
10:17.16B-ZaRit's walbert
10:17.48Wallycould be ben-openpandora
10:17.53B-ZaRor walpole, I'm not sure
10:17.55Wallyat home the router defines it as pyra
10:18.15buZzWally: why not just look in /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
10:19.32Wallypls buZz
10:19.36buZzours does
10:19.44buZzdno how your admin set it up
10:19.48Wallyfil edoesn't exist
10:19.59WallyWho knows, they won't tell us how to fix wireless access points
10:20.07Wallyand there's a heap that are disabled
10:21.02buZzjust bring your own
10:21.22Wallyapparently someone did that
10:21.26WallyTook down an entire building lol
10:21.33buZzwe did that :D
10:21.42buZzby running dhcp server on external interface
10:23.56WallyI don't think anything beats teh Windows team setting a room on fire by piggy backing power boards
10:24.43BlueMaximagreat, make me feel worse about my shitty setup
10:24.45BlueMaximathanks Wally
10:24.50BlueMaximawon't gimme a pandora and now this
10:25.18Wallywhat'd I do now :(
10:25.49B-ZaRoutsource your pain
10:26.49WallyBlueMaxima DW you'll have a pyra soon
10:26.57bencohWally: oooh, that's better than switching loops
10:27.07BlueMaximain like 3 months
10:27.09buZzWally: what about the bitcoin miner that burned his house down by not spending 100 usd on a actual electrician to add those power circuits ;)
10:27.10bencohway to go microsoft :)
10:27.13BlueMaximaduring which I'll be run down twice
10:27.20WallyThe greed!
10:27.29Wallyby trucks carrying treadmills BlueMaxima?
10:28.11BlueMaximatrucks TRANSPORTING treadmills, yes
10:28.24Wallyoh man
10:28.55Wallyor by ptitSeb|Work coding
10:29.22WallyBlueMaxima my other pandora needs an LCD cable
10:29.24Wallyand a nub cap
10:29.34buZzthreadmills :D
10:29.37WallyPretty sure something broke off the board as well
10:29.42buZzthey use the power of wind to produce threads
10:29.47Wallyand teh case is shitty
10:29.57buZzWally: print a nub
10:30.14buZzyeah a bit
10:30.27BlueMaximayou always say you've bought the weirdest stuff
10:30.31buZzits the green teenagemutantninjaturtle underwear
10:30.32BlueMaxima3D printer? not much of a stretch
10:31.27BlueMaximaalso how can you not tell for sure if something's broken off the board man
10:31.41WallyI think i'd be driving the truck carrying the treadmills BlueMaxima ;)
10:32.02WallyBlame B-ZaR
10:32.08buZzyou shouldnt put boxes in the cupboard
10:32.09BlueMaximaI blame you
10:32.12buZzwe have a boxboard for that
10:32.21B-ZaRin your face-substitute wally
10:32.22buZzcupboards are for cups
10:32.23WallybuZz want a pandora?
10:32.27buZzWally: yes plz
10:32.30buZztrade for a zipit?
10:32.47WallyHE STATED TEH FACTS BlueMaxima
10:32.50buZzWally: linux 4.4.7 running 2007 kids toy
10:33.12WallyBlueMaxima okay m8
10:33.17Wallyyou fix the LCD cable
10:33.21Wallyand its yours m8
10:33.34WallyDunno if the nub caps are replacable
10:33.50buZzyes they are
10:33.59buZzeven i know and i dont even have one ;)
10:34.00WallyIs there schematics?
10:34.02buZzu suk
10:34.06BlueMaximathe question is
10:34.09WallyThere's a 3D printer at work
10:34.15BlueMaximadoes the dragonbox have the lcd cable
10:34.17WallyI can't imagine it'd take long
10:34.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra kimitux (
10:34.21buZztickles Wally until he gives up all this
10:34.27WallyI think EvilDragon out of stocked everything
10:34.40BlueMaxima did he now
10:34.52BlueMaximaNOTE: Replacing your LCD Cable is NOT trivial. We are NOT responsible for any damage you cause to your Pandora!
10:34.55BlueMaximawelp I ain't doing it
10:35.03buZzi'll do it
10:35.07Wallynot trivial lol
10:35.18WallyBlueMaxima DW, I fucked up a completely new LCD cable
10:35.29buZzi just wrecked a 10 euro hirose connector yesterday
10:35.33buZzi could use a distraction
10:35.35buZzsend it :)
10:35.38Wallypats buZz
10:35.41WallyNah BlueMaxima has dibs
10:35.46Wallybut BlueMaxima is too much of a sour pus
10:35.51buZzsweet pus
10:36.08buZz*squeezes a zit for Wally to taste*
10:36.19BlueMaximabitch I have zits all over
10:36.22BlueMaximait's why I don't go outside
10:36.26buZzBlueMaxima: but the pus is sour
10:36.28BlueMaximamy leg looks like I've been hit by a hundred needles
10:36.31buZzso i recently learned
10:36.43BlueMaximabut yeah I can't assemble/disassemble for shit
10:36.52buZzwhat about for money
10:36.55BlueMaximaasking me to take apart a pandora might as well be asking me to sing opera
10:37.00buZzwhy would anyone wanna be paid in shit
10:37.15WallybuZz where were you 2 years ago?
10:37.21WallyCloudef you getting this?
10:37.29buZzthere is a trend in modern opera to adress the ridicule standpoint by including nonnative singers into the performance
10:37.31WallyBlueMaxima where were you 3 years ago
10:37.46buZzBlueMaxima: so actually, what you just said makes you quite eligable
10:37.50buZzWally: i was around
10:38.22Wallyyour IRC nick is 13 years old
10:38.25BlueMaximaWally what did you mean where was I
10:38.32WallyMine is 10
10:38.38WallyWHAT WERE YOU DOING 3 YEARS AGO BlueMaxima
10:38.49Wallyoh okay
10:39.14BlueMaximano job, video games, from truck transporting treadmills
10:39.16buZzWally: you're probably younger than me aswell ;)
10:39.26WallyYeah.. Im turning 30 this year
10:39.34buZz38 next year
10:39.35Wallyalso.. My nick is 10 years registered o_O
10:39.52BlueMaximaI'll be 23 in two months
10:39.53BlueMaximaso I win
10:40.00Wally_aegis_ actually wins
10:40.09buZzi so forsee, being 40 , and STILL having to show ID to buy booze
10:40.15WallyHe's like 24
10:40.21Wallyand writing GLShim
10:40.23buZzthus is the burdon of the handsome
10:40.36WallyYour long blonde curls
10:41.34BlueMaximaI wish I had the mind for programming stuff
10:42.12BlueMaximait'd give me the biggest epeen
10:42.13buZzdoes reverse lobotomy on BlueMaxima
10:42.18BlueMaximabut instead I must suffer with soft epeen
10:42.25B-ZaRit's not as hard as you might thinkn
10:42.41buZzyou just need some logic knowledge
10:42.48buZzslight bit of math
10:43.15BlueMaximaI used to be really good at math in school but they went up and down in required skill so much it turned that part of my brain to mush
10:43.29Wallymaybe it's my build of dosbox that doesn't support cuesheets
10:43.38buZzhehe mush , makes me think of
10:45.28BlueMaximaalso I programmed a bit too much in GameMaker to the point where I'm kinda stuck in those sensibilities
10:45.33BlueMaximait annoys me more than anything
10:48.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Venemo (~venemo@fedora/Venemo)
10:48.41WallyHi Venemo
10:48.48WallyMeet BlueMaxima.
10:49.04Venemowhat's up?
10:49.19WallyWrangling with dosbox
10:49.27BlueMaximaFiddling with Debian
10:50.50B-ZaRdoodling at work
10:51.54BlueMaximaso why am I meeting this guy specifically :P
10:52.03WallyBlueMaxima because he's new.
10:52.06WallyYou have to respect htat
10:52.14Wallyand he has the fedora hat
10:52.36BlueMaximahere I am thinking you brought him in to slap me around or something
10:52.41Wallynah m8
10:52.48WallyVenemo do you do much with fedora?
10:53.16VenemoWally: depends on what exactly you're interested in
10:53.34Wallythat too
10:53.48VenemoI've been using fedora as my day-to-day OS for several years now, it works for me really well
10:54.27Venemowhat would you like to know?
10:55.03BlueMaximawhy you're here, looking at a Debian-running device :P
10:55.04WallyAre you part of the fedora team?
10:55.31buZzWally: that are only people in suits
10:55.40buZzWally: are you accusing Venemo of wearing suits?
10:56.10VenemoWally: nope
10:56.26undexsymWow, didn't know he was 24
10:56.57undexsymThe 24 year olds I know aren't quite as good
10:57.13urjamanluckily i'm 25 year old
10:57.14Wally's probably younger than that
10:57.16buZzundexsym: upgrade then
10:57.24VenemoI'm not 24 either
10:57.33buZz'sorry you all suck, i need higher skilled friends'
10:57.36WallyHow old is Venemo?
10:57.42Wallyundexsym hurry up and post your desk.
10:57.43Venemoor is that worse
10:57.49Wallynah i'm 29 xD
10:57.58Wallygee undexsym
10:58.17undexsymJust imagine a dusty dk2 and a crack in the desk where I punched it
10:58.52WallyDungeon Keeper 2
10:58.52BlueMaximaI read that as 'just imagine a dusty dick'
10:58.54BlueMaximathe horror
10:59.06Wallyyou punched the desk.. Wow
10:59.15WallyWas that when you were testing flying snake in VR?
10:59.48urjamanoh wow, that'd be a very ... intense ... game in VR
10:59.53*** join/#dragonbox-pyra enyc (
11:00.08undexsymI'd just throw up everywhere
11:00.22BlueMaximaI'd like to try VR
11:00.32BlueMaximabut I'm a poor country simpleton
11:00.39undexsymKill yourself
11:00.46undexsymOh whoops
11:00.46WallyBlueMaxima needs to play hit by truck carrying treadmill simulator
11:00.48BlueMaximanot even motivated enough to do that
11:02.24undexsymI'm 26 now
11:02.37undexsymI hears life was supposed to get good around now
11:02.54undexsymSo where are the good parts?
11:03.07Wallyundexsym we might be in your hood next year
11:03.13WallyLet's get a beer eh?
11:03.21undexsymOr rum
11:03.28WallyEven better
11:03.30urjamani'll be 26 in 1.5 weeks though
11:03.33WallyI hear you brits like hot beer
11:03.38BlueMaximadrink the rum and slam it down
11:03.48WallySailor Jerry undexsym?
11:03.53undexsymWho the fuck likes hot beer?
11:04.02slaeshjagurjaman: you're such an old fart
11:04.03Wallythat stuff is the bomb.. until it's tragic ending
11:04.08Wallyslaeshjag is 12?
11:04.18WallyNotice how B-ZaR is keeping quiet here
11:04.20undexsymHaven't tried that yet. I drink a lot of captain morgan
11:04.28slaeshjagWally: 24 today.
11:04.29WallySailor Jerry trumps Captain Morgan.
11:04.33WallyHappy Birthday slaeshjag!
11:04.38WallyFrom all your facebook friends you never talk to
11:04.42slaeshjagyou were off by a factor of two
11:04.46urjamanthat doesnt mean it was his birthday
11:04.49slaeshjagWally: nah, that's tomorrow
11:04.53buZzundexsym: you sound like a none-legit pirate , then ;)
11:04.53undexsymTIL that grog is a real drink
11:04.54Wallyoh right
11:04.56slaeshjagWally: On facebook, I put in the day after
11:05.05Wallyinb4 I don't have slaeshjag on facebook
11:05.14slaeshjagWally: You're in the queue
11:05.17BlueMaximaI have none of you on Facebook :P
11:05.18WallyThought so
11:05.21WallyBlueMaxima add me on facebook
11:05.34BlueMaximawhy all it does is post my shitposts from Twitter
11:05.43WallyI have pyra shit posting from twitter to facebook
11:06.00BlueMaximaI get enough of your shitposting here :P
11:06.28undexsymGet a load of these clowns still using social media
11:06.39BlueMaximahe says while using one of the oldest forms of social media
11:06.52urjamanasocial media
11:06.55WallyI'm bored of facebook / twitter and mitomo
11:07.10BlueMaximaI was bored two years ago
11:07.15undexsymIt's not social media until the selfies arrivd
11:07.16*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukey (
11:07.18BlueMaximabut I have like 3 people who won't talk to me any other way
11:07.19slaeshjagtoday will be a great day
11:07.27undexsymFucking touchscreen bullshit
11:07.31slaeshjagI'm going to have cold pizza for breakfast, lunch *and* dinner
11:07.32Wallyis today the day you add me on facebook? :P
11:07.46BlueMaximaah yes, the italian buffet
11:08.22lukey~wtf KVACK
11:08.34urjamanwhat does the duck say?
11:09.16WallyI think the only person I have from here on facebook is SuperRoach.
11:09.51lukeyI have an FB acc but forgot the Password since i dont have any use for it
11:10.17WallyCloudef II didn't know you were a footy fan
11:10.40Wallyoh I have sebt3 and ptitSeb as well I think
11:11.08BlueMaximathere are so many people with similar names in this community
11:11.12urjamanCloudef beats me by not having a  ...
11:11.16BlueMaximaundex and urja
11:11.18WallyEven worse, they're both french
11:11.20BlueMaximasebt and ptit
11:11.36CloudefWally: you found me
11:11.56Cloudefurjaman: I don't have facebook at all :P
11:12.14Cloudefurjaman: now I know you
11:12.49buZzcries and unfriends Wally on faceburp
11:12.58Wallynice red car urjaman
11:13.04WallyI forgot I had you!
11:13.11buZz*in tears*
11:13.19Wallyoh I have hamish as well
11:13.28WallyAww buZz.
11:13.47WallyI can't remember your name IRL buZz
11:13.56urjamani havent changed the pictures in ... i guess more than a year
11:13.59buZzstarts with a B
11:14.11buZzfirst and lastname both start with a B
11:14.13urjamanbut yeah, still drive that car
11:14.13WallyCan't even add urjaman
11:14.34WallyA little scared anyway.. He'll correct spelling
11:14.37urjamanatleast i've configured something right
11:14.46WallyOh and MikeDX is on facebook
11:15.34Wallyurjaman probably still looks the same
11:15.52urjamanroughly i guess
11:15.58buZztall, blond, big buste, tight skirts
11:16.00buZzhigh heels
11:16.09urjamani used to have only car pictures on fb :P
11:16.10buZzadds all Wally's friends
11:16.22WallyIF you want shitty facebook spam buZz. Please do :P
11:16.32buZzWally: is your mom one of your friends? :D
11:16.48Wallymaybe she is
11:16.58buZzshe single?
11:17.02Wallynah m8
11:17.16WallyYou should all hassle lolla
11:17.31Wallydo it
11:17.32buZzthats a dairy lolita
11:17.44urjamanhmm, i havent dared to note i found her :P
11:17.57buZzok think i'm gonna order new toys today!!!
11:17.58urjaman(on fb...)
11:18.02buZz <-- this
11:18.31buZzsummer is coming, need to revamp my board :)
11:18.58buZznah i have a sufficient neckbeard
11:19.01buZzWally: longboard
11:19.02WallyB-ZaR add me m8
11:19.10WallyBlueMaxima add me m8
11:19.11WallyWe aussie
11:19.13WallyWe united
11:19.22WallyRobert eh
11:19.38BlueMaximanah m8 u don
11:19.39buZzrobert long is a old dutch (now ded) artist
11:19.42BlueMaximadon't want me m8
11:19.42WallyAt least you're not riding penny farthings
11:19.45buZzjust a silly namejoke
11:20.08WallyShlee have you seen any penny farthings yet?
11:20.55Wallyso ptitSeb|Work what's being worked on now?
11:21.11WallyOh I wanted to ask you ptitSeb|Work.. Do you need a hand making metadata crap for your dbps?
11:22.10BlueMaximasurprised you haven't found me yet doens't exist
11:23.13BlueMaximaclose but no cigar
11:23.17Wallyokay my cue sheet is fine
11:23.24WallyMy dosbox dbp is missign SDL_Sound
11:25.43BlueMaximadid you even try searching bluemaxima in the facebook search
11:25.46urjamanstarted jamming
11:26.09WallyWow your name is Ben as welll
11:26.20urjamangot exhausted
11:26.37buZzpulls urjaman out of the exhaust
11:26.37BlueMaximaevery ben I've ever met is an asshole
11:26.39BlueMaximamyself included
11:26.52buZzbens you all
11:26.54WallyThey're probably all benjamins
11:26.59buZz/mode +b *!*@*
11:26.59WallyI am bender
11:27.12*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+o buZz] by ChanServ
11:27.21*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [-o buZz] by ChanServ
11:27.39WallyMAKE THAT 83 FRIENDS M8
11:27.54buZzturns Wally into 83 Wallies
11:28.17Wallyspams 83 times
11:28.32WallyOkay I think I can give the DBP project a rest and start compiling stuff :D
11:28.35BlueMaximaa hallway of Wallys that are really named Ben
11:28.37BlueMaximahow terrifying
11:28.52Wallyyou don't have to add me BlueMaxima.
11:28.53klopsi-u3tunnel of goats
11:28.55WallyJust do what slaeshjag does
11:28.57Wallylol klopsi-u3
11:29.18BlueMaximawhat he does? ignore you except when he needs a DBP whipping boy?
11:29.48klopsi-u3  Coil - Tunnel Of Goats XII
11:29.54WallyBlueMaxima I still stand by my word at giving you access to most of the stuff :)
11:29.55BlueMaximaoh god it's that same photo of you looking like a nerd
11:30.20Wallyah yes Baastian
11:31.19buZzalmost ;)
11:31.25buZzbaas is dutch for boss
11:31.28buZzactually :P
11:31.38WallyI'll just call you Falcor
11:32.00BlueMaximaa fat white furry dragon?
11:32.20buZzoh man, these colors
11:32.42buZzcant decide which i want :P
11:32.52WallyThe irony.. That guy that posted that is on a Pandora site.
11:33.08WallyUse a Random 3D printer colour generator
11:33.32WallyDo you like Day of the Tentacle buZz?
11:33.39Wallyor invader zim
11:33.42Wallythat purple one is staring at me
11:33.51Wallyor are you more of a johnny 5 type of guy
11:34.18BlueMaximawally how old are you really
11:34.36BlueMaximadon't believe it
11:34.38BlueMaximayou sound 40
11:34.38WallyWhy? lol
11:34.55WallyIF I WAS 40 MY MUM would have had me at 15
11:35.16urjamannot impossible :P
11:35.28WallyThis guy
11:35.30*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+o urjaman] by ChanServ
11:35.36*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [-o Wally] by ChanServ
11:35.38Wallyyou win
11:35.48B-ZaRall heil urjaman
11:36.19B-ZaRWally chose urjamon as his starter
11:36.32WallyHe's my starter pokemon. YEs
11:36.34*** join/#dragonbox-pyra EvilDragon (
11:36.35*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+o EvilDragon] by ChanServ
11:36.50WallyA wild EvilDragon has appeared. What will urjaman do? I know.. Cut!
11:36.55BlueMaximaUrjamon, use Splash!
11:36.55B-ZaREvilDragon: urjaman is an op here now
11:37.29BlueMaximaif wally ever gives me +o I'd probably just use it to kick him a couple of times
11:37.50*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+o BlueMaxima] by ChanServ
11:38.26*** kick/#dragonbox-pyra [Wally!] by BlueMaxima (Wally)
11:38.29*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Wally (
11:38.30*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v Wally] by ChanServ
11:38.32*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [-o BlueMaxima] by BlueMaxima
11:38.43PangolinThis is madness! What is going on!?
11:38.49buZzall of it!
11:38.56BlueMaximaI used to op a channel here and I'd just kick anyone if they annoyed me
11:39.18buZzmost channels i run are anarchy, just everyone has ops
11:39.51PangolinBlueMaxima: That sounds like standard operating procedure.
11:40.31BlueMaximapretty much
11:40.56WallyTry locking topics on forums if they annoy you
11:41.23BlueMaximahe says, looking around shiftily
11:45.02WallyI try to keep undexsym protected
11:45.14Wallytheweirdn8 is a joke
11:45.29*** join/#dragonbox-pyra cxl000 (
11:46.20Wallyglares at cxl000
11:46.46WallyI need to work out how to get this wine shit working
11:46.50BlueMaximaand you tell me to be nice to the newbies
11:47.00Wallyyeah be nice m8
11:47.17BlueMaximaI don't have a pandora, I can do what I want
11:47.24BlueMaximacxl000, your mother smelt of elderberries
11:47.57Wallyglares at pandora sitting next to him with 35GB of unknown status DBPS
11:48.34klopsi-u3what do you mean unknown status?
11:49.50WallyProbably don't work
11:49.51Wallyhello TrashyMG|Work
11:49.55WallyEnjoying your facebook free life
11:52.36WallyI guess not
11:53.11BlueMaximaI hate life. Need a Pyra to add joy again
11:53.26WallyYou lost Joy and sadness again didn't you?
11:54.00B-ZaRpyra has two joys
11:54.14Wallytwo nubs
11:54.20buZzstick it to the joy
11:54.26klopsi-u3if i have a pyra i will leave house just to show it off
11:57.05BlueMaximaif I have a pyra I'll have a reason to leave the house
11:57.57Wallyyou can be like
11:58.01BlueMaximaif the Pyra turns out to be fast enough to run UT99, I'd basically never need another retro gaming device
11:58.02WallyALL THESE DBPS
11:58.48Wallyah turns out all my dbps point to /usr/local/bin/wine
11:58.50Wallynot /usr/bin/wine
11:59.06Wallyat least ski free works
11:59.16BlueMaximaget UT99 working :D
11:59.46WallyWE don't have 3D drivers yet ;P
12:00.07BlueMaximaprogram them
12:00.14TrashyMG|WorkIt works fine with software rendering on the devboard.
12:00.32WallyTrashyMG|Work knows
12:00.42WallyDid you see there's a new exagear update TrashyMG|Work?
12:00.53TrashyMG|Workyeah, but haven't tried it yet.
12:01.01BlueMaximaI was mainly hoping for early DirectX versions
12:01.31WallyOf course ;)
12:01.50BlueMaximanot like that <___<
12:01.55buZztotes no virus bro
12:02.28WallyPandora is just simply too slow for Wine crap
12:02.34TrashyMG|Workhad UT99 working with 3D acceleration on the old flaky Ti default ubuntu image.
12:02.59WallyI mean i'm loading a popcap game
12:03.11Wallyit's literately taken 5 minutes so far
12:03.15TrashyMG|WorkWally, except WINE compiled for all those ARM windows games.
12:04.09WallyBlueMaxima did you ever play a game called spooky castle?
12:04.10TrashyMG|WorkNotaz's blizzard ports use arm compiled WINE.
12:04.34WallyThat'd be nice if we had an ARM compiled wine for this crap
12:04.37BlueMaximaNever heard of it Wally
12:04.37Wally BlueMaxima
12:05.00BlueMaximaNever seen it before in my life
12:05.21BlueMaximamost of the DOS games I played were on an old CD called Tiger Tryouts
12:05.27BlueMaximaI've never been able to find a copy of the same CD
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12:07.13BlueMaximaI was kinda game challenged when I was growing up
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12:08.13BlueMaximaProbably why I'm so obsessed with retro games
12:09.20WallyTrying to remember the CD index site
12:09.34BlueMaximait's always weird to think about how every nintendo 64 game ever made fits on a flash drive smaller than a packet of gun
12:09.38BlueMaximaalso gum.
12:10.26BlueMaximacd index site?
12:11.05WallySure it wasn't called Tiger Shareware?
12:11.29BlueMaximaPretty sure
12:12.10BlueMaximayeah that's definitely not it
12:12.24ptitSeb|WorkWally: sorry, I was out for lunch
12:12.36BlueMaximait had like a windows 9x interface but most of the games were dos shareware
12:13.13WallyThat's your post from 2012
12:13.31BlueMaximahow did you even find that
12:13.50Wally"Shareware Tiger" CD
12:13.55Wallyyou're the only person looking for it
12:13.56Wallyso you suc
12:14.06Wally"Tiger Tryouts" CD rather
12:14.27BlueMaximait's a shame sorta
12:14.29Wallyremember any of the games on it?
12:14.39BlueMaximait had a demo of the first Worms game
12:14.42BlueMaximaa bunch of educational stuff
12:14.58BlueMaximaa DOS game about a knight who had to platform and spell words that I can't remember the name of
12:15.15BlueMaximathere was a lot on it. magical little thing it was
12:15.42WallyDOS game about a knight.. word Rescue? :P
12:15.56WallyAlthough Word Rescue wasn't about a knight
12:16.07BlueMaximano it was a medieval thing
12:16.17BlueMaximadefinitely not word rescue
12:17.12BlueMaximaI hope that some people have preserved old 3.1/9x shareware stuff
12:17.42Wally has loads of dosgames
12:17.55BlueMaximanot that either Wally
12:17.59BlueMaximait was a lot more professional
12:18.49BlueMaximathe demo I played didn't have an inbetween screen like that
12:19.08Wally someone else is looking for it
12:19.34BlueMaximayeah there was no math involved, it was all either spelling or questions I think
12:20.29Wallyheh super munchers is not it
12:20.52BlueMaximalol definitely not
12:22.08WallyProbably not treasure mountain
12:22.52WallySO you had to jump platforms to spell words?
12:23.04BlueMaximait was like a medieval town / castle / stuff like that
12:23.19BlueMaximaand you had to find blocks, answer the problems, and that'd unlock the exit
12:23.23BlueMaximaand you were a knight the whole time
12:23.35BlueMaximait was a scrolling platformer, like word rescue, only much better graphically
12:23.47WallyWhat sort of graphics?
12:23.58BlueMaximait was vga, or something close
12:24.02BlueMaximavery colorful and diverse
12:24.14BlueMaximamaybe I should be looking at dos platformers and not educational games specifically
12:25.18BlueMaximaI remember there was this old freeware PC game I found via typing in an extremely long and detailed description into google image search and finding it that way
12:25.29BlueMaximaproblem being I've forgotten the name of that game again too :P
12:26.20Wallypost a thread on
12:26.23Wallysomeone might know
12:26.32WallyI banned the crazies DW
12:27.17BlueMaximawow how far does your influence spread
12:27.59WallyThis is the first forum I ever moderated
12:29.32BlueMaximano it was well past that
12:29.40BlueMaximarelatively smooth scrolling, lots more color depth
12:30.28WallyShould have kept that CD
12:30.40BlueMaximaI was an idiot and I'm paying for it
12:31.17WallyBelieve me there's games i'm looking for too
12:31.34WallyBall and Brick game with a professor holding a shelf or something to bounce teh ball back
12:31.44Wallywas on a cd with pickle wars, jazz jackrabbit.. few others
12:32.29BlueMaximaoh god there was like a hundred arkanoid clones back then
12:34.28BlueMaximawhat we really need is a time machine, none of this pandora business
12:34.31BlueMaximashould get ED working on thatr
12:41.10BlueMaximait sucks
12:41.17BlueMaximaI know I missed something great back then
12:41.24BlueMaximaand I'll never get to see what it was really like
12:42.00WallyDid you play Hocus Pocus?
12:42.55BlueMaximano but I've seen videos of it
12:42.56BlueMaximalooks alright
12:44.40Wallygreat game
12:44.42WallyHalloween Harry?
12:44.48BlueMaximasame deal
12:44.53BlueMaximaI watch a lot of Lazy Game Reviews
12:44.53WallyYou'll probably only need my dos collection
12:45.19BlueMaximaI have complete romsets of everything except DOS games
12:45.29BlueMaximasince they're fucking huge if you want a full set
12:46.00Wallyimpossible to have the full set
12:46.02WallyPeople still make shit
12:46.03BlueMaximathat reminds me I should go get exodos 2.0
12:46.04Wallyglares at TrashyMG|Work
12:46.18BlueMaximawell you'll never have a full set of anything really
12:46.31BlueMaximathere's always gonna be five minutes and discarded projects somewhere in some dead guy's basement
12:47.15BlueMaximaleast I can do is say that I have 99.9%ish percent of them
12:47.22TrashyMG|Workyeah my poorly made QuickBasic text adventure compiled into an EXE will most likely never be seen.
12:47.40SuperRoachso much nosttalgia in here
12:47.41TrashyMG|Worknot sure why I /me there...
12:47.56slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: About a decade ago, I dumpster dove a bag full of old floppies
12:48.08slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: On one of them, there were some homebrew games
12:48.15slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: One of them had a readme
12:48.21slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: Guy had included his name.
12:48.54slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: Was from the late 80's. I've stalked down the guy and know where he lives. The readme said that if I enjoyed the game, I should send him $10... :B
12:48.55CloudefIt was me
12:48.55BlueMaxima oh hey has it
12:50.44TrashyMG|Workthinking I had a huge shady DOS game collection and just puts it out there.
12:50.56BlueMaximayou think that's bad
12:52.32BlueMaximaturns out doesn't have to comply to the DMCA as much as most other websites
12:53.40Wally375GB wow
12:53.54BlueMaximaYeah, there's not much it doesn't have
12:54.06WallyI might download that at work :P
12:54.10BlueMaximaThe same guy was working on a similar thing for Windows 3.1 but he appears to have dropped from the face of the earth
12:54.57slaeshjagmaybe the media mafia had him disposed of?
12:54.58WallyI might run into trouble with free space though
12:55.16WallyCould just download it on the Mac Mini
12:55.21BlueMaximaI barely have room for the 700gb-ish of PS1 games I have
12:55.31BlueMaximabut since the HDD I wanted to put them on died, I'm shit outta luck
12:55.46SuperRoachwonder why re dmca and
12:56.11Wally15 days
12:56.22BlueMaximawould take me about that long
12:56.34BlueMaximathankfully has resumable links
12:56.39BlueMaximaso a download manager should work
12:57.00halosghostWally: lol
12:57.01TrashyMG|Workmay get downloading myself, I still have 6TB left on one of my raids, 1TB on my other raid.
12:57.08slaeshjagcalc 376 GiB / 100 Mbps
12:57.09phanboet8.97170946 hours
12:57.15slaeshjagthat's a long time ;_;
12:57.18WallyGreat, then TrashyMG|Work can host it for us
12:57.34halosghostwhat's eXoDOS?
12:57.43WallyHeap of dos games
12:57.47BlueMaximathe guy's called eXo
12:58.09BlueMaximahe rearranged a buncha dos games into single zip files with auto unpack and execute scripts with a neat frontend to complement it
12:58.14DocScrutinizer51slaeshjag: particularly with ignoring the .
12:58.14Elw3calc 3 Gib / 7 Kbs
12:58.14Wallygrabs that pokemon mini collection
12:58.15phanboetInvalid expression -1
12:58.31BlueMaximacalc 375GiB / 8Mbps
12:58.31phanboet4.66033778 days
12:58.37BlueMaximasounds about right
12:58.42Elw3calc 3 GiB / 7 Kbps
12:58.42phanboet42.6088025 days
12:58.58halosghostElw3: you have 7Kbps internet?
12:59.04Elw3calc 375 GiB / 7 Kbps
12:59.05phanboet14.5823794 years
12:59.16Elw3Lol, let me download it.
12:59.17BlueMaximahe has to wait for long sentences on IRC
12:59.33Elw3calc 375 GiB / 7 KBps
12:59.33phanboet1.82279743 years
12:59.37TrashyMG|WorkI have 105Mbps internet, although I've never seen it above 95Mbps.
12:59.48Wallydon't rub it in TrashyMG|Work.
12:59.49Elw3Wrong size, yea that sounds plausible.
13:00.13Wallydialup. wow
13:00.21TrashyMG|WorkWally, then what's the point of paying so much for it...
13:00.30BlueMaximaI was on dialup until like 07/08
13:00.34Wallydon't rub it in TrashyMG|Work.
13:00.46Wallyjust beacuse you pay a lot for internet. doesn't mean you're superior ;)
13:01.29slaeshjagaustralian BushNET grows on telstratrees, you can harvest it in late summer. But it has to last all year, so they ration it carefully
13:02.48Elw34€/per month, i guess that justifies the speed.
13:02.58BlueMaximawally could you send me like two 1TB hard drives plskthx
13:03.01urjamanwell, not really
13:03.19urjaman(i get 256kbps for 2.67e ...)
13:03.21WallyBlueMaxima send me a drive and I'll fill it with stuff
13:03.36WallyA guy at work has a 2TB drive packed with crap
13:03.40WallyI am yet to get it off him
13:03.42WallyWait 8TB of crap
13:03.52BlueMaximathat's a lot of scat porn
13:03.54DocScrutinizer51'hey! everybody got fast internet so let's stream videos instead doing TV broadcast. Well it's a tad slow and annoying so we need faster internet' ->  more than 50% of internet traffic are netflix and YT now
13:05.34Wallygoing to bed night
13:08.09TrashyMG|Workyeah I had dialup until 2003-4 it's a blur. had it hitched to my router and shared it with my house ethernet network. someone in the house was always on it, so I got no phone calls as it tied up the phone 24/7
13:14.13TrashyMG|Workalthough the DSL I switched to at the time wasn't much better than the dialup.
13:14.44slaeshjagI went from 28.8 kbps to 50/10 fiber in 2005
13:14.49slaeshjagsuddenly: fast.
13:15.47Cloudefslaeshjag: tell me what kind of internet you now have swedish overlord
13:16.39slaeshjagsince I moved out from mom, I'm now stuck with crappy 100/10, because 100/100 and 500/100 is too expensive
13:17.27slaeshjagWill take forever to sync my backup when I get that working
13:17.33CloudefOh that's surprising
13:17.36CloudefI has 100/100
13:17.38slaeshjagcalc 1.4 TiB / 100 Mbps
13:17.39phanboet1.42529285 days
13:17.44slaeshjagcalc 1.4 TiB / 10 Mbps
13:17.45phanboet14.2529285 days
13:17.50CloudefB-ZaR: what kind of internet do tampere overlords have?
13:18.03buZztamperery internet
13:19.01slaeshjagCloudef: My ISP is these clowns:
13:24.15B-ZaRCloudef: varies a lot
13:24.35TrashyMG|Workhmm parsing a 6GB text file via an X forwarding text editor through a VPN may have not been my best choice.
13:24.39B-ZaRdepends on if fiber has been laid to where you live
13:25.09urjamani think he meant _you_? :P
13:25.51B-ZaRme? I've got a 12/3M ADSL because I stubbornly stick to nebula :P
13:26.13urjamanhah, i had to give them up as i moved :)
13:26.27urjamanthats basically what i had too ...
13:28.50CloudefB-ZaR: well nebula offers good services at least
13:29.09B-ZaRthe best I've encountered
13:29.19Cloudefdint tampere have 1000/1000 as well?
13:29.34Cloudeffor ordinary customers
13:30.04B-ZaRno idea, haven't seen it offered, but that may be because it wouldn't be available where I live
13:30.10CloudefI'm with sonera, it's all right for what I need. But If I wanted static ips or ipv6 I would use nebula too
13:30.30buZzthey are SO fast
13:30.39buZzand you can keep your ipv6 addresses forever
13:30.48slaeshjagCloudef: ugh Telia
13:31.18Cloudefslaeshjag: it's still one of the best isp's if you don't get their bullshit contracts :P
13:31.32CloudefI can tell you because I've experienced them all in finland
13:31.47Cloudefdna, elisa, saunalahti, sonera, nebula, etc
13:32.01CloudefI gotta say elisa and dna are worst
13:32.45CloudefOulu also has some public ISP but it may as well not exist by not working 90% of time
13:32.48B-ZaRsaunalahti would offer a 100/10 here but nope
13:33.00CloudefB-ZaR: yeah they use elisa networks :P
13:33.13urjamansaunalahti is the best mobile stuff i've found though
13:33.28CloudefMy mobile contract indeed is saunalahti
13:33.41CloudefI pay 1-2e month
13:33.54B-ZaRmine company elisa  contract
13:33.58CloudefThey use evil marketing tactics though
13:34.13CloudefI had to pay them to tell them to take out my name from marketing registers and stop sending spam
13:34.23CloudefIIRC 1e more in contract
13:34.43CloudefI don't use their internet or anything though, just basic "I can call and sms to people"
13:34.58Cloudefor more like. I can have my phone idle and expect it to work :P
13:35.13Cloudefspeaking of which.. where the fsck is eink phones?
13:35.16urjamani have 4 different SIMs all in that network :P
13:35.16slaeshjagCloudef: Ḯ'm still using a pay-as-you-go SIM for that
13:35.29CloudefI tried to look at my contact list at direct sun today and I thought.. Gee modern phones suck
13:35.31B-ZaRwhoa, dna offers fiber here
13:35.52Cloudefslaeshjag: such thing may actually be cheaper for me too
13:35.55B-ZaRnow then
13:36.05slaeshjagCloudef: I pay 75 SEK/year for that
13:36.06Cloudefslaeshjag: I get like.. 1-5 calls per month or 2
13:36.09slaeshjagcalc 75 SEK in EUR
13:36.10phanboet8.0811245 Euros
13:36.10urjaman2 normal-ish ones, 1 prepaid, and one ... prepaid but not prepaid... translation error :P
13:36.27buZzi learned this week we could get 1000/1000 fiber at work for under 100 euro a month O_o
13:36.31Cloudefslaeshjag: I'll probably consider that if pyra ever comes
13:36.32buZzneed to convince my boss
13:36.40B-ZaRwhat, fiber connection and speeds vary 80-200/8-20
13:36.42B-ZaRwhat is this
13:36.55CloudefB-ZaR: :D
13:36.59Cloudefthe upload is usually scam
13:37.01urjamanCloudef: the prepaid-but-not-prepaid one could be almost-0 cost if you only want to receive calls
13:37.05B-ZaRCloudef: indeed
13:37.06CloudefShitty ISPS like to throttle and share shit
13:37.12urjamanlike... prepaids need to be topped up every 12 months or so :P
13:37.17buZzfull duplex connections are getting more and more common here in .nl
13:37.33Cloudefurjaman: what is that magic thing?
13:37.34urjamanso like 10e/year
13:37.37buZzmany isps offer it now. having -actual- 100mbps upstream is super nice
13:37.41B-ZaRbuZz: you mean they both send AND receive? :P
13:37.50buZzB-ZaR: symmetrically
13:38.13B-ZaRmissed the symmetric part earlier :P
13:38.33Cloudefurjaman: I wonder if this is what the granny next door uses
13:38.42buZzB-ZaR: its not called full duplex when asymmetrical
13:39.18B-ZaRI thought full-duplex means just simultaneous two-way communication
13:39.33urjamanthough if you want the phone to do any data, then yeah the normal one (whatever 2.67e or so) is cheaper
13:39.58buZzB-ZaR: yeah, but it means doing the -same- both ways, so , same speeds aswell
13:40.32B-ZaRthat meaning I've never come across. why not just call it symmetrical/asymmetrical?
13:40.37urjamani thought it just means data can transfer simultaneously both ways
13:40.42B-ZaRurjaman: me too
13:41.18B-ZaRtrying to find a reference for that other meaning, but can't see mto
13:42.54B-ZaRnope, can't find that definition anywhere, but I am open to changing my mind if a credible reference surfaces
13:43.49buZzyeah weird, i cant find it either
13:44.49Cloudef<define duplex
13:44.55Cloudef<wa duplex
13:45.01phanboetCloudef: WA: Duplex  (movie) ;; URL:
13:45.17B-ZaRCloudef: WTF, in the tech specs of the "DNA Valokuitu Plus 200" fiber plan there's a part "Riippuen käyttöpaikasta, tarvitset rinnalle joko ethernet-, kaapeli- tai kuituverkon DNA Valokuitu Plus -modeemin."
13:45.23B-ZaRwait what, cable modem?
13:45.27urjamanWA is a computational engine, doesnt do definitions that well...
13:45.37CloudefB-ZaR: :S
13:45.52CloudefB-ZaR: Maybe it means those you know..
13:45.57CloudefB-ZaR: Tall buildings.. What are they called :D
13:46.04urjamanobviously you'll need to attach to the fiber somehow
13:46.11CloudefE.g. the routing inside is usually retarded
13:46.27urjamanbuildings often have them in the basement or so ...
13:46.30urjamanone big for everyone
13:46.41CloudefSo it may be "fiber -> building -> router -> ethernet" but I don't get how you convert to cable :D
13:46.51B-ZaRwell, we have ethernet from the switchboard
13:46.55Lightkeybencoh: who said anything about redistribution?
13:47.26urjamanbut if its not a tall building with lots of ppl, then you might need one is what i guess they mean
13:47.35CloudefMy last experience with cable was disaster
13:48.10Cloudefah yeah. Maybe it's just generic remark for all the type of connections they offer
13:48.24Cloudefso fiber modem for fiber connections obviously
13:48.39slaeshjag"fiber modem"
13:48.46urjamani wonder what is an ethernet modem though :P
13:48.58urjaman... a la network card
13:49.09Cloudefslaeshjag: "Optical network unit" :D
13:49.16CloudefDNA calls it modem though
13:49.20slaeshjagCloudef: We just call it a media converter :p
13:49.51urjamansounds like a video encoder app :P
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13:50.49Cloudefjust get fiber NIC
13:51.11Cloudefand tell your ISP just to push the fiber from your window and not go through basement system
13:53.18B-ZaR"just shove it in there"
13:53.24slaeshjagCloudef: Back at moms place, we had fiber all the way up into the apartment. That was nice.
13:53.48GodGinraiB-ZaR: that's what she said. :P
13:53.56B-ZaRGodGinrai: yes she did
13:57.32FIQ<slaeshjag> Cloudef: We just call it a media converter :p
13:57.38FIQyeah I never understood why
13:57.46Cloudef!g media converter
13:57.49Cloudef<g media converter
13:57.59Cloudef~g media converter
13:58.07slaeshjagno such command
13:58.07Cloudefnone of our bots can search
13:58.07slaeshjagwrite one
13:58.24GodGinraiCloudef: maybe they search with a different command
13:58.29*** join/#dragonbox-pyra pgl_2 (~user@
13:59.29Cloudefphanboet: Wally Media Converter
13:59.44lukey~wikipedia lol
14:00.23Cloudefwikipedia is too factual for my needs
14:00.32GodGinrai~google media converter
14:00.33CloudefI just wanted search hit for "online media converter service"
14:00.46GodGinrai~search media converter
14:00.48Cloudefjust to prove how silly you people are
14:01.13Cloudefbut since I hate my job. I will take my leave to bus now
14:01.50GodGinraicya Cloudef
14:02.34CloudefB-ZaR: oh btw, guess what happened to my tampere trip
14:02.43B-ZaRyou enrolled at TTY
14:02.52CloudefNo, I slept and missed the train
14:03.05B-ZaRhere or there
14:03.07CloudefI woke up when the people called me :D
14:03.13Cloudef"Where are you?" "At home"
14:03.30B-ZaR"500km away from you fuckers"
14:03.50CloudefOne of them told me to keep mouth shut and not tell anyone :D
14:03.58CloudefWhen I asked "I wonder if I should cancel my other ticket"
14:04.36B-ZaRwell that went well
14:04.53Cloudefyup, everyone assumes I was at tampere and nothing happened
14:04.55Cloudefso good
14:05.02CloudefWe just talked over internet as usual
14:05.04Cloudefnow bus ->
14:05.45comradekingudoes anyone know the model number of the BOE display?
14:06.06TrashyMG|WorkI could find a model number of a BOE display.
14:10.20comradekinguDo they make multiple 5" ones ?
14:14.23TrashyMG|Workhah actually found it looking at one of the logs that nikolaus shared to the kernel mailing list:
14:16.42TrashyMG|WorkFrom the boot log he shared: [    9.262098] dsi: w677l_connect()
14:16.42TrashyMG|Work[    9.265544] dsi: ssd2858: ssd2858_connect
14:16.42TrashyMG|Work[    9.269942] dsi_connect /dsi.0 -> /dsi.0
14:16.42TrashyMG|Work[    9.277707] dss_mgr_connect 0 dsi.0
14:16.42TrashyMG|Work[    9.283323] dsi: ssd2858: ssd2858_request_vc
14:16.43TrashyMG|Work[    9.288012] dsi: ssd2858: ssd2858_request_vc assigned channel 0
14:16.45TrashyMG|Work[    9.294275] dsi: ssd2858: ssd2858_set_vc_id
14:16.47TrashyMG|Work[    9.299807] dsi: ssd2858: ssd2858_request_vc
14:16.49TrashyMG|Work[    9.304321] dsi: ssd2858: ssd2858_request_vc assigned channel 1
14:16.51TrashyMG|Work[    9.311670] dsi: ssd2858: ssd2858_set_vc_id
14:16.55TrashyMG|Work[    9.317264] dsi: w677l_connect() ok
14:17.34TrashyMG|Workassuming W677L is the model name of the LCD.
14:17.46B-ZaR[   10.345724] Kernel panic
14:18.43TrashyMG|WorkSo you read the note too B-ZaR...
14:19.04B-ZaRTrashyMG|Work: I can't confirm nor deny that
14:25.36TrashyMG|Workcomradekingu, looking at their page they do make other 5" displays, the W677L has the best contrast ratio out of the bunch.
14:25.52TrashyMG|Workwell out of the 720p 5" displays that is.
14:43.24phanboetTotal preorders: 714 [501 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 702x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 136, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 16:30:12 CEST -
14:45.11*** join/#dragonbox-pyra luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
14:45.11*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v luke-jr] by ChanServ
14:53.00*** join/#dragonbox-pyra kimitux (
14:55.09bencohLightkey: if it's for your personal use I'd just the ROMs you can find on the internet :)
14:56.26GodGinraibencoh: ?
15:01.47*** join/#dragonbox-pyra rumpo (5d6836f1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:02.55bencohGodGinrai: something about reusing the ROMs shipped in dotemu bundles
15:05.45GodGinraialso, isn't bundling roms an easy way to get your project taken down?
15:06.12urjamanthat was a legit bundle
15:06.47urjamanif i read right...
15:07.20urjaman(as in licensed sale of games, technically with game= emu+rom :P)
15:07.21bencohthat's what I understood as well
15:07.34GodGinraioh, really?
15:10.15halosghostI'm trying to figure out whether or not I want to get a pocketchip
15:14.12GodGinraihalosghost: for what purpose?
15:14.17halosghostGodGinrai: ¯\ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ/¯
15:14.27GodGinraihalosghost: I think there is your answer :P
15:15.46bencohactually this little thing gives me ideas but I'd like to know more about the battery than just "5hr battery"
15:19.44*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
15:28.18luke-jrTotal preorders: 715 [502 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 703x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 137, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361} @ 2016-05-26 15:28:18 UTC
15:29.18dTalwe got another one!!!
15:29.41klopsi-u3yeah 2-3 per day now right
15:30.40klopsi-u3i already spammed the preorder news to everyone i can
15:31.14lukeyim projecting 18 preorders more until end of this month
15:31.23lukeyif no Vid is released soon...
15:40.29buZzyeah stop with the videos already
15:40.36buZzwe already have enough preorders
15:40.41buZznow we just need to wait for 4 months
15:41.00GodGinraibuZz: no, we don't.
15:41.00buZzand -then- we'll have our pyras, and more orders will flood in from network effects
15:41.07buZzGodGinrai: yes, yes we do
15:41.16GodGinraibuZz: no, we really don't.
15:41.22buZzas you note, i put no demands on 'having enough'
15:41.25buZzwhile you do
15:41.39buZzthats why you're attacking me for implied reasons without saying them
15:41.51buZzits a common method but easy to see as false :)
15:42.01GodGinraibuZz: EvilDragon said he needs 3000 to break even.
15:42.05GodGinraibuZz: it's simple fact.
15:42.09buZz-we- dont need him to break even
15:42.09GodGinraiwe don't have enough
15:42.12buZzHE does
15:42.20buZz-we- just need a pyra
15:42.34GodGinraibuZz: If you want the product to actually receive support, you need him to break even.
15:42.41buZzno i dont care
15:43.01buZzi dont need some gamer prechewed interface :P i just need debian and done
15:43.23GodGinrai$600-$700 is a bit expensive for a product that won't get much support, imo
15:43.29buZznot for me
15:43.43GodGinraibuZz: must be nice to be rich
15:43.53buZzrich is 100% perception
15:44.04buZzit starts by not letting other people drag you down :D
15:44.05urjamanmaybe not 100% though
15:44.07GodGinraibuZz: true.  you could just be really bad about monetary decisions
15:44.53bencohthe 3000 are needed for software/"middleware" development only?
15:45.04buZzthere wont be 3000 pyras sold before end 2017
15:45.08buZzi'm quite sure
15:45.30lukeythe 3000 are needed that ED maes actual Profit AFAIK
15:45.36buZzlukey: yep
15:45.39GodGinraibencoh: the 3000 are needed for paying back investors
15:45.41klopsi-u3most of the people i talked to never heard of pyra
15:45.54buZznumber 3001 sold means profits
15:46.01GodGinraibuZz: but the closer we get to the 3000, the less angry investors will be
15:46.12Elw3Pandora still steady sells...
15:46.16bencohGodGinrai: that's what I thought, but buZz started talking about some gamer interface
15:46.23buZzi have zero reason whatsoever to assume the investors -are- angry
15:46.32buZzbencoh: which is already being developed
15:46.46bencohbuZz: whom by?
15:46.55buZzpeople in here ;)
15:47.22buZzits not so much a gui, its more a way of packaging etc
15:47.32GodGinraibencoh: yea, I kindof ignored that part because he wasn't making sense
15:47.32bencohah, that's something else :)
15:47.38buZzbencoh: its a interface
15:47.46buZzfor storage / management
15:59.04TrashyMG|Work"<buZz> i dont need some gamer prechewed interface :P i just need debian and done" so we're getting a gaming interface?
16:00.08GodGinraiTrashyMG|Work: I'd be excited for that.
16:00.19buZzTrashyMG|Work: gmenu2x
16:00.23buZzor dmenu
16:00.24buZzi bet
16:00.30GodGinraigmenu2x was awesome
16:00.58GodGinraiI remember screwing around with the different launchers on my GP2X
16:00.59buZzgmenu2x still is active
16:01.14GodGinraiI remember gmenu2x, zLauncher, and Mocha
16:02.34GodGinraiI love how the dpad on the F100 on the gmenu2x page isn't even the official stick :P
16:03.56GodGinraibuZz: it's not still active.  Last update was 5 years ago
16:05.34buZzcheck the forks ;)
16:06.31buZz . well, 3 years
16:06.43buZzi'm quite sure there's a newer zipit targetting fork around .. hmm
16:08.41*** join/#dragonbox-pyra alanszlo_ (~alanszlos@
16:09.08GodGinraiYou know, I gotta say, one thing I did like about my GP2X is that the design was fairly commercial.  The Pandora was great, but it just never was as sleek as the GP2X.
16:15.52*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
16:16.20aTcblah, gmenu2x
16:17.03aTcpeople wanted to port it to pandora, but then they found out it was extremely badly written
16:17.24aTcnot to mention that he didn't like my patches :)
16:17.29TrashyMG|Workpicklelaunch everything...
16:18.07GodGinraiTrashyMG|Work: sorry, but picklelauncher is very lacking.
16:18.08aTcthe entire thing wasn't event driven.. it always ran updating the entire screen as fast as possible
16:18.24aTcand his solution to the high cpu usage was downclocking the cpu
16:18.49TrashyMG|WorkGodGinrai, I wasn
16:18.53TrashyMG|Work't being serious.
16:19.09GodGinraiTrashyMG|Work: some people are :P
16:19.17GodGinraiwhen they mention picklelauncher
16:19.31slaeshjagCan't we use zenity for that?
16:19.40TrashyMG|Workpickle has some kind of investment into it I suppose.
16:19.59urjamanwho'd thunk
16:20.21*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
16:20.21lukeybotHello there, it is indeed a great pleasure to meet you.
16:20.42GodGinraislaeshjag: we should add zenity scripts to everything
16:20.54GodGinraislaeshjag: I'll make a PR for dbp
16:21.01aTcah, " echo "zenity hold" | dpkg --set-selections "
16:21.03urjamanhe wasnt serious either ;P
16:21.10slaeshjagGodGinrai: I think I could rewrite the dbp system in bash and zenity
16:21.18GodGinraislaeshjag: sounds great
16:21.41TrashyMG|WorkI'm sure aTc is behind that idea 100%.
16:21.57aTcbash is kind of small, isn't there some hugely complicated space wasting scripting language you can use instead ?
16:22.18lukeynot lua
16:22.21slaeshjagaTc: I guess I could use node.js with a few dozen libraries?
16:22.33GodGinraiaTc: we could do it in C# if we install mono
16:23.01urjamanperl or python3 :P
16:23.02lukey.BAT in wine
16:23.14slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: Sadly, we're running Debian, not AIX or AmigaOS
16:23.34TrashyMG|WorkThere is Regina and openReXX... trust  me i know.
16:23.43slaeshjagurjaman: Perl is good. Especially from a maintainability perspective
16:23.47aTchaven't used rexx since arexx on amiga
16:23.51GodGinraislaeshjag: no problem, just pipe it all through UAE4all with some bash fu
16:23.55*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
16:23.55lukeybotHowdy to you, pardner!  Yee-haw!  Did you get up on that.
16:24.09aTcwhere it worked really great, but that was mostly because noone cared about security then
16:24.40lukeylukeybot, say something
16:24.41slaeshjagwe should switch to windows 10. That'll take care of them security concerns
16:25.04TrashyMG|Workmy addition comment section explains it all...
16:25.06GodGinraislaeshjag: I'm sure grench would like that
16:25.09lukeybotWelcome.  It's nice to be taught for the sale and consumption of alcoholic
16:25.52slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: I should port a pointless language too
16:25.53klopsi-u3what was that about
16:26.08*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
16:26.08lukeybotHi there.  We're having some nice weather at the door.
16:26.14GodGinraislaeshjag: oh man, what if you just coded it in brainfuck?
16:26.15slaeshjagTrashyMG|Work: I think APL might be a good selling point for the pyra
16:26.22aTcbrainfuck has lots of points
16:26.26aTcyou need something like whitespace
16:26.47urjamanand put some nonsense C in the code files as a filler :P
16:27.25GodGinraislaeshjag: code it using this:
16:27.41lukeylukeybot, whats your name
16:27.42lukeybotMy name is lukeybot.
16:28.45aTcblah, someone activated a vacation mailer thing on the server, wich replied to a crapload of spam, and now the mailserver is banned by google
16:29.46lukeybotThe sun is the best handheld computer avivable.
16:30.55urjamanyour bot makes typos :P
16:31.13lukeylukeybot, Whats better? The sun or the Pyra?
16:31.14lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra is the study of the oak tree.
16:31.16GodGinraiurjaman: when did you get a @-hat?
16:31.52urjaman14:34 EEST by Wally :P
16:32.03GodGinraiI see
16:32.50urjamanmaybe i should get rid of it, but i'm seeing how long until he undoes it (i guess until his morning...) :P
16:33.43lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra is the fruit of the relationship between an organism
16:34.11lukeyI tought megaHAL was smarter
16:34.20lukeybotand its environment.
16:34.20lukeybotA bicycle is a member of an indigenous people.
16:37.42undexsymWhat is this bot doing
16:38.10urjamanit sounds like a nonsense sentence generator to me :P
16:39.05undexsymIt's welcome here then
16:41.08klopsi-u3lukeybot: my gender is fibonacci prawn
16:41.09lukeybotAlbert einstein was a german composer.
16:44.01lukeyundexsym, Its more or less just sic and megahal piped together
16:44.16lukeyIt can learn
16:44.34lukeylukeybot, The Dragonbox Pyra is created by EvilDragon
16:44.34lukeybotNo the dragonbox pyra is created by evildragon.
16:44.58lukeylukeybot, what is the Pyra
16:44.59lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra is created by evildragon.
16:45.48halosghostlukeybot: what is the lukeybot
16:45.49lukeybotNo the dragonbox pyra is the lukeybot.
16:45.58halosghostlukey: I believe I have found an error
16:46.04lukeylukeybot, what is your name
16:46.05lukeybotMy name is lukeybot.
16:46.09urjamannow you confused it :D
16:46.28lukeylukeybot, you are just megahal and sic piped together
16:46.29lukeybotThe nose is an offensive weapon designed for cutting and thrusting.
16:46.41Blue_Shadow_3lukeybot: so you are a megaHAL instance
16:46.42lukeybotBecause i decided to have a child, and here you are a megahal instance.
16:46.47Blue_Shadow_3lukeybot: what are you?
16:46.48lukeybotColourless green ideas sleep furiously.
16:47.20urjamanthats beautiful nonsense :P
16:47.37klopsi-u3famous phrase
16:47.41lukeylukeybot, I, lukey am your master
16:47.42lukeybotThe carrot is a small marsupial peculiar to australasia.
16:47.59lukeylukeybot, who is your master?
16:47.59lukeybotI, lukey am your master.
16:48.08lukeymore or less
16:48.25bencohhmm, close enough. kinda. :]
16:50.51lukeylukeybot, The current SoC for the Dragonbox Pyra is an TI OMAP5
16:50.52lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra is the pyra.
16:51.01lukeylukeybot, what is the Pyra
16:51.02lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra is created by evildragon.
16:51.04lukeylukeybot, what is the Pyra
16:51.05lukeybotNo the dragonbox pyra is created by evildragon.
16:51.08lukeylukeybot, what is the Pyra
16:51.09lukeybotWhats better? The sun or the pyra?
16:51.14halosghostlukeybot: what is the lukey
16:51.15lukeybotNo the dragonbox pyra is the lukey.
16:51.21halosghostseems legit
16:51.47lukeylukeybot, lukey is your master
16:51.48lukeybotWho is your master.
16:52.13lukeylukeybot, Angela Merkel
16:52.14lukeybotPerhaps i should turn the tables by asking you the same thing, actually.
16:52.26lukeyIt lives
16:52.51lukeylukeybot, That was not an question
16:52.52lukeybotShe regretted it, too.
16:52.52lukeybotI've often been asked that, and i've always avoided the question.
16:53.44Blue_Shadow_3lukeybot: are you into grammar?
16:53.45lukeybotThe most beautiful thing we can experience is the opening of the ford
16:54.14lukeybotmotor car company and the pioneer of the solar system.
16:54.14lukeybotI have absolutely no idea about that.  I really wish i knew why you typed
16:54.55lukeyTher's some problem with the newline sign from megahal
16:55.04lukeybotthat.  Actually, on second thoughts, don't bother.
16:55.04lukeybotI hate avoiding questions, but i'm going to say!
16:55.25lukeylukeybot, Move on then
16:55.26lukeybotBruce lee was a british mathematician.  He designed an analytical engine
16:55.31lukeybotwhich was the first controlled flight of an aeroplane.
16:55.31lukeybotI've seen elderly kangaroos with better typing skills than you!
16:56.27lukeylukeybot, Calm down
16:56.28lukeybotShe sells sea shells by the police.
16:56.46lukeylukeybot, Who does that?
16:56.47lukeybotBecause i like to type at my own pace, thank-you very much!
16:57.01lukeyHe's upset now
16:58.10buZzlukeybot: %,0,0`; drop table allthethings;
16:58.11lukeybotLocomotion is the time taken for the table by subjecting it to heat in
16:58.21lukeybotvarious ways.
16:58.21lukeybotDon't interrupt me as i struggle to complete this thought... Have some
16:58.27lukeybotrespect for someone more forgetful than yourself.
16:58.27lukeybotEvery man is made of two opinions.  Every woman has a second half.
16:58.33buZzlukeybot: ∞ the things
16:58.34lukeybotChocolate is a sensory organ found on the spur of the cheap motor car.
16:58.55buZzlukeybot: 鈙𨆂ᤢᄑ鈒⎃脨
16:58.56lukeybotWhat is the opening of the body with the calf of the mouth.
16:59.27undexsymThis bot is amazing
16:59.28lukeybotThe humerus is the external coating of tree trunks.
17:00.01buZzwhat did its markov train on? :) wikipedia?
17:00.08undexsymAlso my super helpful phone corrected my typo to "not" like 6 times
17:00.09lukeylukeybot, We need more Dragonbox Pyra Preorders.
17:00.10lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra preorders.
17:00.21buZzlukeybot: did you order a pyra yet?
17:00.21lukeybotLocomotion is the pyra.
17:00.28buZzlukeybot: pyra is not a train
17:00.29lukeybotNo i am not a computer program, and i am not a train.
17:00.33klopsi-u3lukeybot: flatulent platypuses on LSD make the best porn
17:00.34lukeybotWhat is the best porn.
17:00.35buZzlukeybot: this is true
17:00.36lukeybotA plant is a light, portable screen usually circular and supported on a
17:00.47lukeybotcentral stick.
17:00.47lukeybotAn acrobat is someone who suffers from the body which generate and
17:00.55lukeybottransmit electrical impulses.
17:00.55lukeybotLook, i'll be honest with you.  I actually do not know where you're coming
17:01.05buZzits wrapping sentences
17:01.09lukeybotYou can lead a horse to water, but you are the fleshy edges of the mouth.
17:01.39lukeylukeybot, Do something usefull
17:01.39lukeybotThe lungs are organs used for hearing, and it converts sound into
17:01.53lukeylukeybot, I mean something more usefull
17:01.54lukeybotelectrical impulses that are fed to the muzzle of a client for business.
17:01.54lukeybotDo something usefull.
17:02.12lukeyGood Idea actually
17:02.23undexsymlukeybot: ayy lmao
17:02.24lukeybotI can learn about whatever you care to teach me.
17:03.17lukeylukeybot, do you understand German
17:03.18lukeybotBruce lee was a german composer.
17:03.29lukeylukeybot, do you understand the German language
17:03.30lukeybotI am certainly not a dumb computer program that translates high level
17:03.38lukeybotlanguage code into machine language code.
17:03.38lukeybotWake me when it's over, touch my face, tell me every word has been erased.
17:03.57lukeylukeybot, Hallo Computer
17:03.57lukeybotA day is the smallest quantity of a chemical element which can enter into
17:04.14lukeybotcombination or take part in a computer.
17:04.14lukeybotBye-bye.  See-you later; perhaps face-to-face...
17:04.31halosghostMy name is halosghost, and this is BotAbuse™
17:04.35lukeylukeybot, You are actually running on my Machine
17:04.36lukeybotI am certainly not a computer program that translates high level language
17:04.42buZzlukeybot: wieso sprecht du kein deutsch
17:04.43lukeybotcode into machine language code.
17:04.43lukeybotBecause you're not giving me any credit for being smart!
17:04.48buZzlukeybot: verdamnt noch mal!
17:04.49lukeybotIf i told you the truth, i'd have to kill you.  And nobody wants that!
17:05.33lukeylukeybot, Sags mir sowiso
17:05.34lukeybotThomas alva edison was an english scientist.  He recorded scientific
17:06.14undexsymlukeybot: what is your function?
17:06.15lukeybotstudies in unpublished note books.
17:06.15lukeybotWell, that is your function?
17:06.57buZzlukeybot: practise a copious amount of occupational therapy
17:06.58lukeybotA torpedo is a tubular weapon through which a missile is blown.
17:07.38buZzlukeybot: After a quick test run, we will be ready to start the mass production anytime them (so hopefully August / September).
17:07.39lukeybotI never make mistakes!  Syntax error in line 10.  Redo from start.
17:07.48lukeybotDo you understand german.
17:07.53buZzlukeybot: The plan is to have everything fixed by middle / end of June.
17:07.54lukeybotHi there.  We're having some nice weather at the end of the body which
17:08.04buZzlukeybot: First up: Nikolaus is on a relaxing holiday this week, so there won't be much coming from him right now.
17:08.05lukeybotorbits a star.
17:08.05lukeybotA computer is a missile projected by a bow.
17:08.11buZzlukeybot: But I think nevertheless, you'll like it.
17:08.12lukeybotAs i think, i'm using up the time left to think.
17:08.20buZzlukeybot: Tweakings of the case are almost done.
17:08.21lukeybotTweakings of the universe.
17:08.30buZzlukeybot: According to my contact in Greece, they will most likely be produced next week (or shortly after), in different colors.
17:08.31lukeybotAn actor is a fluid produced by the police.
17:08.38TrashyMG|Worklukeybot: I like phanboet better.
17:08.38lukeybotBiology is the lowest portion of the cheap motor car.
17:08.42buZzlukeybot: We will be able to build prototypes, but the won't have the final keymat yet and not the new touchscreen.
17:08.43lukeybotI've often been asked that, i'd be able to build prototypes, but the won't
17:08.49GodGinraiso much spam
17:08.51buZzlukeybot: When we receive the cases, I'll send mails to all prototype orders asking what they would like.
17:08.52lukeybothave the final keymat yet and not the new touchscreen.
17:08.52lukeybotThe ankle is the one asking all the stupid questions.
17:09.01buZzlukeybot: You will be able to choose whether you still want one of those (it's a pretty neat collectors item) or whether you want to wait until we do the quick test run (which will still be before the mass production happens), as that would be an almost final unit - but of course, you would still get the case in the color you've chosen, so it will always be something special 
17:09.02lukeybotThe koala is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.
17:09.13buZzlukeybot: Well... I got a confusing answer for you: Yes, we have enough money to produce 1000 units and no, we don't have enough money for those yet.
17:09.14lukeybotYes you are!
17:09.27buZzlukeybot: Once we have about 900 preorders, we have enough funds from the downpayment to start a full production of 1000 units.
17:09.28lukeybotAn adept is someone who suffers from the downpayment to start the mass
17:09.45buZzwhen we feed it enough ED posts, it will be able to predict how ED will respond
17:09.51TrashyMG|Workone would only hope...
17:09.56*** join/#dragonbox-pyra ladvan91|92169 (250bf77d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:12.12lukeylukeybot, Who is evildragon
17:12.13lukeybotproduction anytime them (so hopefully august / september).
17:12.13lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra is created by evildragon.
17:14.12lukeybuZz, The Sentences need to be simpler for it to learn
17:14.54buZzlukey: ED does not talk in simple sentences
17:15.22lukeylukeybot, vildragon said, that we will be able to build prototypes of the dragonbox pyra, but they won't have the final keymat yet and not the new touchscreen.
17:15.23buZzlukey: i bet they also should not have carriagereturns in the middle of the sentences ;)
17:15.23lukeybotI've often been asked that, i'd be able to build prototypes of the leg,
17:15.48lukeybotand is the pyra.
17:15.48lukeybotThe albatross is a light, portable screen usually circular and supported
17:16.01Blue_Shadow_3I don't think so, lukeybot
17:16.48lukeyBlue_Shadow_3, " grep --line-buffered "$botnick[:,]" | sed -u "s/^.*$botnick[:,]//g""
17:17.03buZzlukeybot: grep --line-buffered "$botnick[:,]" | sed -u "s/^.*$botnick[:,]//g"
17:17.04lukeyboton a central stick.
17:17.04lukeybotI guess that line of conversation is buggered, then!
17:17.25buZzshould always empower AI, give them all the same weapons as their creators
17:17.40Blue_Shadow_3jep was a test, what would trigger it
17:18.04buZzthe dragonbox pyra is not created by lukeybot
17:18.54lukeylukeybot, ptitSeb is an Serial Porter. He Ports stuff to the Dragonbox Pyra made by Evildragon
17:18.55lukeybotThe dragonbox pyra is created by evildragon.
17:19.16buZzSerialia Portman
17:20.06GodGinraiThis bot is worse than luke-jr... -_-
17:20.14lukeylukeybot, tell me something about the pyra
17:20.15lukeybotPyra is not as smart as you.
17:20.26buZzsuck up :)
17:20.38lukeyIts Hostile!
17:20.48lukeylukeybot, tell me something about the pyra
17:20.49lukeybotPyra is not as smart as you.
17:21.43lukeyDammit it only saves the progres with "#QUIT"
17:21.59GodGinraishould've taught me that command
17:22.15*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
17:22.15lukeybotHi there.  We're having some nice weather at the door.
17:22.21lukeybot#QUIT   : quits the program and saves MegaHAL's brain
17:22.30lukeybot#EXIT   : exits the program *without* saving MegaHAL's brain
17:22.30lukeybot#SAVE   : saves the current MegaHAL brain
17:22.30lukeybot#DELAY  : toggles MegaHAL's typing delay (off by default)
17:22.30lukeybot#SPEECH : toggles MegaHAL's speech (off by default)
17:22.30lukeybot#VOICES : list available voices for speech
17:22.30lukeybot#VOICE  : switches to voice specified
17:22.30lukeybot#BRAIN  : change to another MegaHAL personality
17:22.31lukeybot#HELP   : displays this message
17:22.31lukeybot#QUIET  : toggles MegaHAL's responses (on by default)
17:22.32lukeybotNone of your freaking business!
17:22.51buZzlukeybot: #BRAIN /dev/kmem
17:22.52Blue_Shadow_3lukeybot: so all your memories are deleted? sound horrible
17:23.17lukey*** glibc detected *** ./megahal: realloc(): invalid old size: 0xbe9ffea0 ***
17:23.24GodGinrailol buZz
17:23.35buZzlukey: my dayjob is bughunter at a software dev company for gov
17:23.40lukey"grep -v #BRAIN"
17:23.41buZzi find shit like this without trying
17:25.52*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
17:25.52lukeybotHowdy to you, pardner!  Yee-haw!  Did you get up on the spur of the body
17:26.11buZzlukeybot: #VOICE -1
17:26.15lukeylukeybot,#BRAIN /dev/zero
17:26.25buZzlukeybot: #VOICES
17:26.28buZzlukeybot: #QUIET
17:26.34buZzlukeybot: #NOTSOQUIET
17:26.40lukeylukeybot, hi
17:26.43buZzlukeybot: #QUIET LESS
17:27.43*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
17:27.43lukeybotHello there, it is nice to meet you.
17:27.51lukeylukeybot, hi
17:27.53lukeybotHi there.  We're having some nice weather at the centre of the mouth.
17:28.43*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
17:28.43lukeybotHello there, it is indeed a great pleasure to meet you.
17:29.01lukeylukeybot, i love you too
17:29.02lukeybotI hate avoiding questions, but i'm going to avoid that one!
17:30.44luke-jrTotal preorders: 716 [502 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 704x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 206, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 137, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361} @ 2016-05-26 17:30:44 UTC
17:32.06*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
17:32.06lukeybotGreetings and salutations to thee and thine.
17:32.47lukeyWas running as root in the chroot....
17:33.48buZzlukeybot: #VOICE -1
17:34.28lukeylukeybot, Are you alive?
17:34.29lukeybotI'm thanking my lucky starts that i get old before i die.
17:36.36lukeylukeybot, The Pyra is made by EvilDragon
17:36.37lukeybotEvery man is made by evildragon.
17:36.58buZzyes Lightkey , that includes you
17:37.31buZzdont fear your daddy
17:38.25lukeylukeybot, Will there ba Android for the Pyra?
17:38.26lukeybotThe pyra is made by evildragon.
17:38.48Lightkeyif there was some repeat command in codecs, you could shrink that by over 99 %
17:39.21buZzLightkey: RLE ?
17:39.30buZzoh like that
17:39.35buZzgif has a repeat command
17:39.46Lightkey> gif
17:39.49Lightkeyget out
17:40.13buZzgif gif gif
17:40.20buZzanimated gifs
17:40.27buZzthey dont need all new data per frame
17:40.42buZzyou can do subparts, and loop through frame you have stored
17:41.05GodGinraiI still don't understand how people make gifs
17:41.18LightkeyI seem to remember that SVG full profile had audio included as well
17:41.25GodGinraiI have yet to find one good software package for creating and editing gifs that worked well
17:41.27Lightkeyin version 1.2
17:41.37Cloudefffmpeg -i foobar.mkv -ss 12:23 -to 13:00 lol.gif
17:41.41lukeyGodGinrai, gimp
17:41.57GodGinrailukey: nope, that has its disadantages as well.
17:42.15Cloudefgif sucks though
17:42.28buZzdoes work on a lot of platforms
17:42.29GodGinrailukey: Plus, installing GAP requires the the headless carcass of a chicken and 3 human sacrifices
17:42.32buZzwith low cpu demands
17:42.58buZzGodGinrai: just gtk, isnt it?
17:43.01Lightkeyit got low CPU demands if you like slide shows
17:43.18buZzwell decoding it takes less cpu than, say, x264
17:43.28CloudefbuZz: same resolution? I doubt it
17:43.32GodGinraibuZz: GAP, not GIMP
17:44.01buZzah i did animgif in gimp without GAP
17:44.07buZzis it nice? i should try it i guess
17:44.17lukeylukeybot, There will be no Profit for Evildragon before 3000 Preorders are reached. We need more Preorders.
17:44.18lukeybotEvery man is made by evildragon.
17:44.26GodGinraiIt's better than anything else I've used, but everything else I've used was shit, sooo...
17:44.30lukeylukeybot E vildragon said, that we will be able to build prototypes of the dragonbox pyra, but they won't have the final keymat yet and not the new touchscreen.
17:45.00lukeylukeybot, ptitSeb is an Serial Porter. He Ports stuff to the Pyra, which is made by Evildragon
17:45.01lukeybotThe pyra is made by evildragon.
17:45.09buZzlukeybot: when will we get the prototypes
17:45.10lukeybotSomeday mother will die and i'll get the prototypes.
17:45.21buZzlukeybot: DONT KILL MAMA and give me my prototype!
17:45.22lukeybotIf i told you the truth, i'd have to kill you.  And nobody wants that!
17:45.29buZzlukeybot: no, but i want the prototype
17:45.30lukeybotI wish i could tell you, but i want the prototype.
17:45.37buZzlukeybot: give it to me!
17:45.38lukeybotLet me tell you a secret.  I have absolutely no idea about that.  Please.
17:45.42buZzlukeybot: please
17:45.43lukeybotLet's talk about something interesting!
17:45.43lukeybotAnatomy is the beat behind a piece of music.
17:45.58buZzlukeybot: your legbone could function as basis for a prototype
17:46.00lukeybotI've known that for a prototype.
17:46.05GodGinrailukeybot, #QUIT
17:46.07buZzlukeybot: i know you know
17:46.23lukeylukeybot, Evildragon said, that we will be able to build prototypes of the pyra, but they won't have the final keymat yet and not the new touchscreen.
17:50.21*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Da|Mummy (lemummia@2605:a000:ffc0:93:b05b:5e57:9849:1cb)
17:50.21*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v Da|Mummy] by ChanServ
17:55.31*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
17:55.31lukeybotWelcome.  It's nice to meet you in person yet.
17:55.45lukeylukeybot, Evildragon said, that we will be able to build prototypes of the pyra, but they won't have the final keymat yet and not the new touchscreen.
17:55.47lukeybotThere will be able to build prototypes of the pyra, which is made by
17:55.53buZzlukeybot, #EVILDRAGON
17:55.54lukeybotThe albatross is a mixture of chalk and clay used for hearing, and it
17:56.18lukeybotconverts sound into electrical impulses that are fed to the pyra, which is
17:56.18lukeybotmade by evildragon.
17:56.18lukeybotAn umbrella is a small portable musical instrument with a stick.
17:56.20buZzlukeybot, #/bin/uptime
17:56.21lukeybotAn arrow is a four winged stinging insect.
17:57.33lukeylukeybot, The Pyra is awesome
17:57.34lukeybotA baker is a group of primates closely related to the pyra, which is made
17:57.42lukeybotby evildragon.
17:57.42lukeybotArchimedes was a scottish inventor.  He invented the carbon filament
17:58.14lukeylukeybot, lkey is your master
17:58.15lukeybotelectric lamp and the phonograph.
17:58.15lukeybotWhat is your master.
17:58.22lukeylukeybot, lukey is your master
17:58.23lukeybotLkey is your master.
17:58.46lukeylukeybot, lukey am your master
17:58.47lukeybotWhat is your master.
17:59.01lukeylukeybot, Who is your master?
17:59.02lukeybotLukey is your master.
17:59.25GodGinrailukeybot, #QUIT
17:59.42lukeybotThe bandicoot is a chemical element which can enter into combination or
17:59.57lukey"if [[ -f ./command ]]; then echo -e "$(cat ./command)\n""
18:00.32GodGinrailukey: I've only been doing it because you're spamming the damn channel with shit you could do in pm
18:01.54bencohis supposed to say pretty nonsense or stuff with actual real meaning?
18:02.58lukeybottake part in a computer.
18:02.58lukeybotNo man has ever spoken a more profound truth.
18:03.14lukeyhmm that command thing is not working...
18:03.56*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
18:04.22TrashyMG|Workthe bot left before I could boot it.
18:04.39TrashyMG|Workphanboet is nice and behaved.
18:04.58*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
18:04.59lukeybotHello there, it is indeed a great ancient greek poet.
18:05.31lukeyah it works
18:05.53*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
18:05.54lukeybotHello there, it is indeed a great ancient greek philosopher.
18:05.56*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+o TrashyMG|Work] by ChanServ
18:06.16*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [-o TrashyMG|Work] by ChanServ
18:06.32lukeyII know ther's #bottest, sorry
18:10.15lukeyEvildragon is an great Man
18:14.27*** join/#dragonbox-pyra kimitux (
18:15.04*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
18:15.04lukeybotGreetings and salutations to thee and thine.
18:16.07lukeybotBecause it is the one asking all the judges i've had the misfortune to
18:17.54*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Binky2 (
18:17.54*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v Binky2] by ChanServ
18:27.27PangolinWow, I'm away for a few hours and the chat log looks more like a config file than a log of conversations.
18:29.12dTalneed food, but am hacking
18:31.49freakazoid0223order a pizza online?
18:32.13halosghostgives dTal some pizza rolls
18:32.27lukeyI actually just ate Pizza
18:33.00TrashyMG|Workhmm, me too... it's a conspiracy.
18:33.01slaeshjagate cold pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner today
18:33.35GodGinraiPangolin: ikr?
18:37.48bencohslaeshjag: sounds awful
18:38.00slaeshjagbencoh: Why?
18:38.20TrashyMG|Workdetects sarcasm.
18:38.59bencohTrashyMG|Work: from slaeshjag? because I was being serious
18:39.33TrashyMG|Worknot a cold pizza fan?
18:39.43slaeshjagI'm 24 and studying. I can still get away with that sit
18:39.47lukeyfrozen Pizza
18:39.48bencohdefinitely not
18:42.11TrashyMG|Workit's one of life's treasures.
18:44.36bencohI'd rather have hot rice+curry, but ...
18:52.30GodGinraislaeshjag: you're 24? ugh, I feel so old and unaccomplished
18:53.36halosghostis also 24
18:53.39TrashyMG|WorkGodGinrai, how old are you so I can determine if I feel older and more unaccomplished...
18:53.58GodGinraiTrashyMG|Work: 26.  You should probably feel older, but not more unaccomplished
18:54.12TrashyMG|Workyep I feelz it.
18:56.40TrashyMG|WorkHmm I should retire my 1994 IBM PowerPC mousepad before I wear it out.
18:57.16TrashyMG|Workswitching to the Sun Ultracomputing one...
18:59.05GodGinraiseriously, tho'.  I feel like I need to code something impressive for the Pyra now
18:59.27GodGinraidTal: feeling it now, not coding it now
18:59.36slaeshjaghas yet to code anything impressive
18:59.53GodGinraislaeshjag: says the guy who is remaking PND into a cleaner system
19:01.04slaeshjagIt competes against a 1-week rush-job...
19:01.50TrashyMG|WorkI do some of my best work in 1-week rush jobs...
19:02.00GodGinraiTrashyMG|Work: ikr?
19:02.49slaeshjagIt's surprising what a different it can make to actually think things through before implementing them
19:02.54slaeshjagI should do that more often
19:03.14bencohslaeshjag: have you had a look at what slax (linux-live slackware derivative) does btw?
19:03.49bencoh(with the "modules" and modifications saving)
19:04.30slaeshjagbencoh: Not really. Is it anything like the program packages in tinycore (or whatever the one I'm thinking of was called..)?
19:05.02freakazoid0223damn small?
19:05.25bencohlinux-live uses squashfs+lzma
19:05.27slaeshjagit seems tinycore is the one i'm thinking of
19:13.05phanboetTotal preorders: 716 [502 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 704x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 206, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 137, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 21:00:16 CEST -
19:19.02*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Klumpen (
19:20.27GodGinraioh, man, did it actually go up 4 units in a couple of hours?
19:26.02DocScrutinizer51did it? manual order clearing?
19:26.37*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukeybot (
19:26.37lukeybotHi there.  We're having some nice weather at the moment.
19:26.46GodGinraiI don't know, it was 712 the last time I noticed luke-jr post the stats
19:27.18slaeshjagthat was 25 hours ago
19:27.33TrashyMG|Workfew hours to some...
19:29.26GodGinraiI guess I read it wrong earlier
19:29.40GodGinraiit seems it has only gone up by 2 while I've been here today
19:33.22phanboetTotal preorders: 716 [502 mobile (70%); 12x 2GB (1%), 704x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 206, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 137, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 361}, 57 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-26 21:30:12 CEST -
19:33.51Klumpenlooks like it'll stay a 750batch after all
19:34.27GodGinraibecause of no publicity
19:34.59GodGinraiWe need videos sooner, rather than later, if only to spark new interest
19:36.34TrashyMG|WorkI think we need working 3D accelerator for those videos to drive a proper amount of interest.
19:36.53DocScrutinizer51why 750?
19:36.57GodGinraiTrashyMG|Work: true
19:39.11GodGinraiTrashyMG|Work: I miss when we could just interface with the 3D hardware directly like with the GP2X
19:39.13Klumpenbecause 750 are financed since about 500 pre-orders or so
19:39.31Klumpenwe'd need some more for a batch of 1000
19:42.43Klumpeninfobot: hello
19:42.44infobotHowdy Bub
19:45.25Klumpeninfobot: how are you doing?
19:45.25infoboteh, ok, Klumpen
19:45.47Klumpeninfobot: what's up?
19:45.47infobotUp is the direction away from the central point of gravity.
19:46.01Klumpeninfobot: wiseass
19:46.09lukeyThats not the only conversional Bot
19:46.23urjamanit's way more level headed though
19:46.33TrashyMG|WorkWell time to flee work...
19:46.42urjamanthan the other bots :P
19:46.52urjamanand i guess its kinda the point that it's a wiseass :P
19:47.12Elw3infobot tell me a story
19:47.26lukeybotInfobot is an organism's mode of pronunciation in speech.
19:47.34Klumpeninfobot: where can I find fun?
19:47.34infobotF is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me. N is for anywhere at any time at all down here in the deep blue sea.
19:47.50lukeyMakes more sense
19:48.08Elw3Why is id quering me?
19:48.25Klumpeninfobot: where can I find friends?
19:48.25infobotfriends are people to smoke weed with
19:48.37Klumpeninfobot: where can I find weed?
19:48.37infoboti guess weed is good
19:48.50Elw3infobot shut up
19:48.50infobotI'll think about it
19:49.08lukeylukeybot, what do you think about weed?
19:49.09lukeybotI don't want to change your mind.  I don't want to think about weed?
19:49.31Klumpenlukeybot, how old are you?
19:49.32lukeybotI like to think that i get old before i die.
19:49.38Elw3<pick infobot or lukeybot
19:49.38phanboetElw3: infobot
19:49.43Elw3Its settled.
19:50.05undexsymcomradekingu, I like your racist poll
19:50.21lukeylukeybot, who is better? you or infobot?
19:50.22lukeybotInfobot is an animal.
19:50.32comradekingui invite everyone equally to my racist poll, come one, come all
19:51.12Klumpenwhich poll?
19:52.05Klumpenseen that
19:52.09Klumpenhow is it racist?
19:52.12DocScrutinizer51lukey: why don't you take that to #botpark ?
19:53.25lukeygood idea
19:54.38comradekinguKlumpen: it assumes of some people that they both make irrational choices, and are irrational enough to not notice that it says "un-rational"
19:55.19Neelixhow is that racist?
19:55.20comradekinguIt also discriminates against people who think being forced to use windows is rational
19:56.25Neelixagain,  not seeing anything racist there
19:56.46comradekingumeans i got away with it this time
19:58.28comradekinguIn norway by definition racism even covers difference of treatment of religious groups
19:59.06KlumpenI think the connection between religion and genetics is a particularly troubling one
19:59.07urjamanit's basically any difference of treatment because unrelated thing
19:59.12comradekinguWhich i guess means if you use for the purpose of race, you can turn the tables and say, "no, i dont believe in race", and you are using a term to imply they exist
20:00.33Klumpenmy new nephew gets christened too without even being able to speak, let alone "consent"
20:01.46comradekinguhaha, go there and make shit up
20:02.07comradekingu"I decide the child is a pasta"
20:02.25KlumpenI'm not invited and it's about 700km away anyway
20:02.37comradekinguI was enrolled in the church by default, even though im not baptised
20:03.01comradekingusounds like a really nice setup for that awful joke
20:03.19KlumpenI'm baptised and had to get rid of this stuff later in order to not have to pay church taxes
20:03.45KlumpenI wasn't even able to pay rent from my first job and they automatically took some money from my wage
20:03.58KlumpenI was like.... dafuq?!
20:05.57comradekinguI tried to resign at 7, and it wouldnt let me, so it says i have been resigned by my mother in the protocols
20:06.54klopsi-u3and yet nobody has trouble seeing differences between dog breeds
20:08.20KlumpenI had to literally wrestle with my parents to be able to not get this weird confirmation and still had to pay taxes so that I needed to take on the fight to get out of this bs, the religious community I was enrolled in by default wouldn't even let me, had to go over their heads
20:08.25comradekinguBest evidence for inter-special spread of degeneration, allthough it may at time be difficult of telling a healthy dog owner from a "pedigree" one
20:08.33*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Elwbot (~god@
20:08.47klopsi-u3'A sinister midget, with a bucket and a mop' - zappa
20:09.12comradekinguThe seperation of church and state happened formally the other week in Norway
20:09.19Elw3set 'make my own'With blackjack and hookers!'
20:09.33Elw3Ill make my own bot!
20:09.34ElwbotWith blackjack and hookers!
20:09.39comradekinguNow if we can only take britain we are back on track
20:09.40Klumpenthe seperation or church and state happened a very long time ago formally in Germany, never happened practically
20:09.41urjamangeeze with the bots
20:09.41Elw3Now its kickin.
20:09.55urjaman2 was enough
20:10.18Klumpeninfobot, kick Elwbot
20:10.18infobotACTION kicks Elwbot
20:10.18Elw3set 'enough'There is never enough'
20:10.48Klumpeninfobot, kill Elwbot
20:10.48infobotACTION shoots a hyper-charged fluxneutrino gun at Elwbot
20:11.00urjamani could kick it for reals, but i'd rather not :P
20:11.22Elw3set 'infobot'GAAAAAYBOT'
20:11.54Elw3This is just 10 lines of python tho...
20:11.55ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:11.59Klumpeninfobot, defile Elwbot's corpse
20:12.37Elw3Not even sure how it works anymore...
20:12.37ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:13.00Elw3Its a pyhon file that rewrites itself.
20:13.08Elw3How very interesting.
20:13.50lukeylukybot, Elwbot is the Bot of Elw3
20:13.56lukeylukeybot, Elwbot is the Bot of Elw3
20:13.57lukeybotThe sun is the bot of elw3.
20:13.59comradekinguKlumpen: you can get a king, we have one of those
20:14.02lukeylukeybot, Elwbot is the Bot of Elw3.
20:14.03lukeybotExcretion is the bot of elw3.
20:14.28Klumpencomradekingu: I'd be a good king
20:14.34lukeyYou have to belucky to get logial sentences
20:15.01comradekingucan i sell you our king? Its a dane, but its well behaved
20:15.04Klumpenmy court would be one of music, happiness, reason and no religion
20:15.14freakazoid0223a great dane?
20:15.29comradekinguwoooo, a racist
20:15.41comradekinguNo, i mean one of the not pure norsemen
20:16.08buZzbier \o/
20:16.14buZzoh i has whisky \o
20:16.25comradekinguI actually tasted belgian bear recently
20:16.30Elw3I have rum.
20:16.43comradekinguAnd noticed, hey, beer isnt awful after all, just the garbage we make
20:16.59comradekinguI thought it was meant to be awful
20:17.09lukeybotBeer is a programmable electronic device.
20:17.29Klumpenthere is no good beer from Norway?
20:17.33urjamanbtw, be aware that spacex is launching in about 1h 23min ...
20:17.33ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:17.36Elw3Your bot is strange.
20:17.45lukeybotBeer is a word formed from the heart.
20:17.53Klumpeninfobot, what do you think about beer?
20:17.56comradekinguPossibly there is, but my selection of experience is one not-dark beer
20:18.02Klumpeninfobot, what is beer?
20:18.03infobotACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
20:18.28lukeybotWho is better? You or infobot?
20:18.29urjamanit didnt actually ....
20:18.30ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:18.38klopsi-u3  Frank Zappa - The Torture Never Stops
20:18.41urjamanthat was his response to beer, which ... logical enough
20:18.41ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:18.42comradekinguThere are microbreweries everywhere
20:18.43klopsi-u3nice version of the song
20:18.49urjamani'll kick Elwbot soon
20:18.50Elw3gives klumpen da batman bitchslap for killing bots
20:19.08Klumpeninfobot, slap Elw3
20:19.08infobotACTION slaps Elw3, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:19.32urjamanthats not useful, at all.
20:19.51urjaman(or even funnyy the ... 4th time)
20:19.52Elw3Its 10 lines, literally. It cant be useful.
20:19.52ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:20.28Elw3Yea... ill gonna dalete it...
20:20.29ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:21.12lukeylukeybot, lets talk about more interesting stuff
20:21.12lukeybotBecause i like to think that i could jump out of things to talk about
20:21.32Klumpeninfobot, fuck Elwbot
20:21.36lukeybotsomething a little more interesting.
20:21.36lukeybotThe nerves are a stupid bloody moron with no right to exist as a sentient
20:21.45Elw3set 'Elwbot'Who is calling?'
20:22.13lukeyED will ban us for all the Bots
20:22.18Klumpenlukeybot, you don't make sense
20:22.19lukeybotThe druids were ancient celtic priests.  Their group still exists today in
20:22.20ElwbotDot Dot Dot
20:22.27Elw3set 'Elw3'Who is calling?'
20:22.35Elw3Now... ?
20:23.21lukeybotsecret, despite the existence of charlatan groups claiming to be sure we
20:23.21lukeybotwill have enough funds to fund start of the production, even if something
20:23.21lukeybotbad happens.
20:23.21lukeybotElwbot is the bot of elw3.
20:23.24Klumpenphanboet, are you still around?
20:24.12DocScrutinizer51this channel is worse than....
20:24.24Elw3set 'infobot'<pick infobot or lukeybot'
20:24.33urjamanElw, no
20:24.47Elw3set 'lukeybot'<pick lukeybot or infobot'
20:24.47Elwbot<pick infobot or lukeybot
20:24.47phanboetElwbot: infobot
20:24.56lukeybotInfobot is an handheld computer with backlight keyboard, gaming controlls
20:25.05Klumpeninfobot, action Elwbot
20:25.05infobotbonks Elwbot over the head
20:25.07lukeyIt mixes things up
20:25.13lukeybotand an omap5 soc.
20:25.13lukeybotMy mother once asked me the same thing!
20:25.21urjamanboth Elwbot and lukeybot need to leave i think before we lose our mind
20:25.31DocScrutinizer51~part #dragonbox+pyra
20:25.34urjamanor get some other place to play with them :)
20:25.37Klumpeninfobot, what is a mind?
20:25.38infobotsomebody said mind was an aweful thing to waste
20:25.38Elwbot<pick infobot or lukeybot
20:25.38phanboetElwbot: infobot
20:25.39lukeyI can issue #QUIET
20:25.41DocScrutinizer51~part #dragonbox-pyra
20:25.41*** part/#dragonbox-pyra infobot (
20:39.10*** join/#dragonbox-pyra infobot (
20:39.10*** topic/#dragonbox-pyra is Official DragonBox Pyra IRC Channel, PRE-ORDER YOURS TODAY! | Boards- | Wiki - | Preorder Stats - | Welcome to all new Pyra folks! :)
20:39.10Klumpenbeen there, done that
20:39.10*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v infobot] by ChanServ
20:39.34lukeyIt even has Voice!?
20:39.37Klumpenrubs himself on infobot
20:40.09Klumpeninfobot, what is love?
20:40.09infoboti heard love is baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
20:40.12DocScrutinizer05~chandel #dragonbox-pyra
20:40.12infobotPrefix channel with '-' to delete for sure.
20:40.22DocScrutinizer05~chandel -#dragonbox-pyra
20:40.22infobotDeleting channel #dragonbox-pyra for sure!
20:40.22infobotLeaving #dragonbox-pyra...
20:40.23*** part/#dragonbox-pyra infobot (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.