IRC log for #dragonbox-pyra on 20160523

00:00.07Lightkeyplus screen?
00:02.21dTalI say I can't figure it out, I've never seriously tried
00:02.27Lightkeyoh, I actually have that setup in a terminal I forgot, and now I see that it somehow died, no response to key presses..
00:03.07dTalthe culprit appears to be screen
00:03.55dTalor at least, I get an empty character in screen
00:04.32dTalon the other hand, I get the stupid \u business in irssi so perhaps it's mangling it even more
00:11.22*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Blue_Shadow (
00:11.53WallyTFW Ziggy from the NBN Co is too dumb to work IT equipment
00:39.41comradekinguThe kid was just crass
00:52.59klopsi-u3anybody want to visit germany
00:53.36klopsi-u3that's all i can offer
00:53.39klopsi-u3great stereo
00:54.01klopsi-u3a good hifi system
00:54.10Wallymake some sense klopsi-u3..
00:54.36klopsi-u3if you want to visit germany, i can let you listen to a great hifi system
00:55.07WallyThat's the last thing i'd want to do in Germany.
00:55.11klopsi-u3there are a couple of nice castles newarby
00:55.22klopsi-u3what would you want to do?
00:55.49WallyTrinkt Bier und springen.
00:56.02Wallyoff cliffs
00:56.16dTalI want to visit germany and greatly appreciate high-quality audio
00:57.02WallyCan already do that at home though xD
00:57.15dTalhowever I'm slightly sketched out by someone who's willing to invite round someone from a different country just to listen to their stereo
00:57.34Wallyhe's probably a cannibal
00:57.36klopsi-u3i've talked to wally for a long time
00:57.42dTaland my surround sound is pretty good already
00:57.46Wallyyou've also been eccentric for a long time klopsi-u3.
00:58.15klopsi-u3yeah way to well informed
00:58.19klopsi-u3about the mass murder going on
00:59.17klopsi-u3i'd be a little less angry about it
00:59.27klopsi-u3if they were killing the flat-earthers on youtube :)
01:01.57Wallyklopsi-u3 please make some sense or i'll have no choice but to kick you again.
01:01.59dTalLightkey how come you version requesting me
01:03.13LightkeydTal: you notice that now? it was from the discussion before
01:03.30dTalyeah I'm slow
01:03.51dTalI should really check timestamps
01:17.16SuperRoachDo that lol
01:17.28klopsi-u3Wally: well it turns out the US govt signed off on a plan to give sarin nerve gas to Al Nusra terrorists in Syria
01:17.31klopsi-u3as a false flag attack to blame Assad government for it
01:17.33klopsi-u3they killed about 1300 people
01:17.41klopsi-u3but the invasion of syria didn't work out for logistical reasons
01:17.51Wallyklopsi-u3.. Still not relevant..
01:17.53klopsi-u3so hillary signed off on a nerve gas attack
01:17.55Wallyor making sense.
01:18.01klopsi-u3i think that's pretty bad
01:18.09WallySure, but take it to ##politics as advised earlier
01:18.47klopsi-u3  life in heaven
01:18.50klopsi-u3a song of mine
01:21.24dTalklopsi-u3 what do you think of the Pyra
01:21.31dTalare you looking forward to it
01:21.55klopsi-u3i just bought it because i love ED
01:23.38dTaltell me more
01:23.49klopsi-u3greatest project ever
01:24.25klopsi-u3a handful of people making a computer
01:24.28klopsi-u3it's heroic
01:24.41klopsi-u3dTal: you come from the middle-east?
01:25.04dTalwhere on earth did that question come from
01:25.12klopsi-u3where are you
01:25.42dTalstop freaking me out man
01:25.58dTalis there a point to this line of questioning
01:26.43klopsi-u3well if you want
01:26.43WallyDo go on klopsi-u3
01:27.02*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+o Wally] by ChanServ
01:27.08dTalyeah I was really enjoying the part about greatest heroic project ever
01:27.28klopsi-u3intel chipsets built in israel
01:27.35klopsi-u3kinect built in israel
01:27.45klopsi-u3it's interesting
01:28.26Wallyklopsi-u3 please.
01:28.31Wallyyou were asked a question
01:28.36Wallyand it wasn't about intel
01:28.38Wallyor israel.
01:29.15klopsi-u3well dTal where you from?
01:29.53dTal"from" is a complicated state of mind, but I live in Wales
01:29.59dTalat the moment.
01:30.52WallyCareer choices dTal?
01:31.06dTalwhat's the question?
01:31.33dTalwhat are my career choices, or do I live in Wales because of them?
01:31.34WallyYour career choices making your location different?
01:31.41WallyI can't phrase it properly right now.
01:31.47dTalboredom makes my location different
01:31.56WallyI see
01:32.13dTalthere's nothing around here I particularly set out to be employed in, I was born in the US
01:32.18dTalbut it's a nice place to live
01:32.34klopsi-u3  dolor  << dtal this is the future for intelligence on this planet
01:32.35dTaland it seems to have worked out
01:32.37WallyWhat are your career ambitions then?
01:33.39dTalI'm not really sure. I bounced around, eventually put in a solid few years doing some really interesting engineering at a startup, and now I'm doing an Msc in EE
01:34.12dTalI'd love to found a hardware startup and do what ED is doing but it looks too risky and hard...
01:34.32dTalHOW he makes it all work financially I've no idea
01:34.43klopsi-u3ED is one of the most awesome people on the planet
01:35.21klopsi-u3like Scott Horton
01:35.43klopsi-u3absolutely driven
01:35.53dTalI would not have preordered, despite everything, had I not seen how Pandora was handled after everything went to shit
01:36.31klopsi-u3pyra is completely not worth 700 euro to me
01:36.57dTalthe cautious approach and the firm commitment to customer service is what gives me the ironclad confidence to plunk down that kind of change
01:37.27klopsi-u3it's the awesomeness of a guy making his dream computer
01:38.51klopsi-u3and geniuses helping him
01:38.59klopsi-u3feel the love
01:39.22dTalthing is I wanted a ridiculous laundry list of things - a qwerty keyboard clamshell linux device with a robust community sold by a company that gave a damn about free software and hackability and spare parts and stuff
01:39.35dTaland here comes Dragonbox and ticks all the goddamn boxes
01:39.42dTalcan't leave that on the table
01:40.27klopsi-u3you're a good person
01:40.49sketchstickI also appreciate that we're sticking closer to Debian this time around.
01:41.04dTaland it comes with Debian preinstalled? WHAT.
01:41.05klopsi-u3a fucking TINY MINORITY ON THE PLANET
01:42.12dTal700 Euros sounds expensive but it's a friggin bargain for literally the perfect thing
01:42.27sketchstickI got tired of fighting against Android's constant attempts at sandboxing and simplifying everything.
01:42.34dTalpeople spend that on iPhones, god forbid
01:43.27sketchstickI want a handheld that has a proper OS on it, that will let me run all my favourite desktop tools and won't preventing me from doing basic stuff like proper file management.
01:44.33sketchstickOh and also I'm a game dev whose best experiences have been with mobile gaming, and I want to play all the classics comfortably in bed or on the couch after a long day etc.
01:45.31sketchstickBeing able to port any content I make over with all the usual libraries and minimal changes is awesome.
01:46.29dTalthe annoying thing about Android, even if you have root, is it's just not designed to be used any other way than through the crappy interface
01:46.59dTaland it's like they went out of their way to do that
01:48.16dTalwhen I rooted my Kindle 4 (which took like a second) and logged in, it was a really familiar layout, standard POSIX stuff - and there were many useful command line tools, which had reasonable built-in help strings
01:48.35dTalit was like the devs had just left, and hadn't even really bothered to lock up or pick up their tools
01:48.49sketchstickI also like tight knit homebrew communities, I grew up on modding and miss that creativity, collaboration and feedback.
01:49.17dTalor the Chromebook, open a terminal in that and boom you're in Gentoo
01:49.24sketchstickI think you guys would be more fun to throw prototypes at..
01:49.33dTalbut Android? hahaha good luck finding your way around that sonny
01:50.26dTalman I can't wait to start hacking on a Pyra
01:50.33dTalfirst stop, phone functionality
01:51.01dTalif I have to write my own friggin dialer I'll get that working
01:51.23klopsi-u3i write great songs
01:51.35klopsi-u3against totalitarian control
01:51.58DocScrutinizer05dTal: there's FSO, and several dialers using it
01:53.06dTalDocScrutinizer05: yeah it's hard to see what does what without installing stuff, I've not found a page that goes "THIS IS A PHONE DIALER THAT RUNS UNDER X11"
01:53.10dTalbut they must exist
01:54.34DocScrutinizer05see above
01:54.51infoboti heard shr is The Stable Hybrid Release (SHR), intended to be a community driven distribution composed of the FSO and some basic applications, that can be configured to use several different graphical toolkits, for example GTK or EFL. SHR is based on the FSO build. At first, SHR was introduced in order to use the Openmoko2007.2 GTK software in combination with the new FSO, but things have changed.
01:56.06DocScrutinizer05FSO itself comes with a minimalistic dialer UI iirc
01:56.28phanboetTotal preorders: 703 [491 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 691x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 354}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 03:45:14 CEST -
01:56.32DocScrutinizer05then there's also Paroli
01:57.44dTalI'm interested in things like call and text log databases
01:57.54dTalwhat layer is that usually implemented at?
01:59.28DocScrutinizer05I'd say
01:59.57infobotextra, extra, read all about it, fso is the mobile devices middleware.
02:00.06*** join/#dragonbox-pyra defaultxr (
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02:21.59dTaloh hello calc85maniac
02:22.12dTalcrazy how much overlap there is in the channels I hang out in
02:54.51*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Blue_Shadow_3 (
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03:08.18klopsi-u3Wally: we gotta be against genocide
03:09.28klopsi-u3vampire grandma false flag sarin gas attack
03:26.51*** kick/#dragonbox-pyra [klopsi-u3!] by Wally (Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.)
03:27.08WallyHe totally asked for that.
03:28.26BlueMaximaI don't even know what that means.
03:28.35dTalposted it simultaeously in #openpandora too
03:29.24xxneolithicxxis it that time of the day already, the trolls are out
03:31.17dTalI don't think he's a troll
03:31.28dTalat least not intentionally
03:32.16*** join/#dragonbox-pyra MaxLanar` (
03:34.56SuperRoachHah yeah dTal
03:37.40*** join/#dragonbox-pyra klopsi-u3 (
03:45.22Wallyklopsi-u3 i've had to ignore you via PM..
03:46.44klopsi-u3##capitalism is a good place to discuss this stuff
03:48.32WallyYes. This is not That channel.
03:51.47Wallyklopsi-u3 go play with stoned.
03:51.50WallyHe loves arguing
03:53.43klopsi-u3join our channel
03:54.13WallyI have better things to do
03:56.33Wallyklopsi-u3 are you drunk or high?
03:56.52klopsi-u3i am stupendous
03:58.02klopsi-u3haven't smoked pot in 6 months
03:58.17WallyDid it fuck up your brain or something
03:58.37klopsi-u3are you implying i have said anything irrational?
03:59.08klopsi-u3feel free to explain your case
03:59.28klopsi-u3you will never, ever win
03:59.46WallyI can just ban you.
03:59.54klopsi-u3but you can't refute me
04:00.06*** join/#dragonbox-pyra DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:00.36WallyNobody is interested in wars here klopsi-u3. We're all here because of the Pyra.
04:01.25klopsi-u3aren't we fans of the pyra because we hate the domination of computing by big government
04:01.47klopsi-u3can i start a thread about that?
04:02.32WallyIf you want.
04:02.40Wallybut put it in off-topic
04:04.06WallyPlease stop posting stuff about it here though
04:04.47klopsi-u3freedom from oppression is core to pyra and pandora
04:05.13WallyEveryone is tired of it here klopsi-u3..
04:05.22WallyYou need to understand that
04:05.24klopsi-u3you are projecting
04:05.27OksanaAnd channels should stay relatively on-topic. Are you interested in mobile or not-mobile edition of Pyra?
04:07.17OksanaAre you going to pre-order both? ;p
04:09.22klopsi-u3lets see how the thread does
04:09.30klopsi-u3i don't like you Wally
04:09.55klopsi-u3well i sort of do
04:12.21BlueMaximanot so excellentr
04:14.21klopsi-u3what you suspect might be possibly wrong with the planet
04:14.36klopsi-u3is probably not as bad as it really is
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05:15.08warshnot sure if it was already stated, but is all of the firmware on the pyra FOSS?
05:15.14warshalso good evening folks
05:15.55slaeshjagNo. GPU drivers are blobs, and I think WiLink8 needs a firmware blob uploaded to it
05:23.10warshI assumed the gpu drives, but wifi as well huh
05:26.44WallyLooks as if exagear isn't working on the Pandora with PyraOS
05:27.17WallyI mean exagear is working but games are not
05:40.38warshany updates when the pyra might ship?
05:40.58BlueMaximaaugust / september at this rate
05:41.56Blue_Shadow_3but to point out, thats the best case scenario
05:44.44warshoy vey...
05:48.02WallyExagear is borked. Wine is fucked.
05:50.09WallyPandora runs out of memory too easily -_-
05:52.39WallyI have NFI how to debug this launch script
05:57.17warshWally: find the garbage file
05:57.19warshhack the gibson
05:57.23warshfind all the solutions
06:03.59Wallywarsh, i've pretty much done everything except delete the folders
06:05.27BlueMaximadelete the folders!
06:06.04phanboetTotal preorders: 703 [491 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 691x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 354}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 08:00:18 CEST -
06:24.17*** join/#dragonbox-pyra ladvan91|99212 (250bf77d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
06:27.45WallyShit is working now
06:36.21WallyTurns out I forgot to declare all the launch files in the default.desktop file
06:39.17BlueMaximatee hee hee
06:39.29BlueMaximaanything good working right out of the box
06:40.44Pangolinslaeshjag: Based on what I researched, the WiLink8 allows for a custom firmware to be used. Is that correct?
06:42.24PangolinI seem to have found a company that implemented full monitor mode for WiLink8.
06:42.57slaeshjagI know nothing about the details
06:43.20PangolinApparently they had a website describing how it was done, but the company was bought out.
06:44.08PangolinThe website is 404 with no google cache or archive records.
06:44.38PangolinOK, thanks for answering.
07:05.41warshgj Wally
07:09.24valhallajust realized that debian includes at least a couple of packages of ringtones
07:09.50valhallathis is very "universal OS" indeed
07:11.12luke-jrTotal preorders: 704 [492 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 692x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 355} @ 2016-05-23 07:11:11 UTC
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07:16.16buZzPangolin: ?
07:16.39buZz> Want to see a demo? Contact us today and try our SD card image for Pandaboard!
07:29.11*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Yotson (~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:a1ac:e8e3:d387:436)
07:32.36*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukey (
08:03.00PangolinbuZz: Thanks! That is the site I was reffering to. I could not get it to show up last time I checked some internet archive databases. I'll add it to my notes. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only individual interested in having monitor mode for the Pyra; there are plenty of posts for it in the Pandora forum.
08:08.07buZzPangolin: find some old employee of that company ;)
08:15.19*** join/#dragonbox-pyra ptitSeb|Work (~quassel@
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08:24.12undexsymslaeshjag: hahaha
08:27.36luke-jrTotal preorders: 705 [493 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 693x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356} @ 2016-05-23 08:27:36 UTC
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08:38.36lukeyvoices everywhere
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09:19.01WallyGee lukey
09:35.06BlueMaximaGOLLY GEE GOSH
09:42.34megaminxwinWally: please for the love of fuck de-voice me
09:42.41*** join/#dragonbox-pyra bredebid (
09:43.09urjamanmegaminxwin: i heard you can command chanserv yourself too ...
09:43.35WallyDamn slaeshjag
09:43.38Wallyfine megaminxwin
09:43.43B-ZaRso fine
09:43.45*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [-v megaminxwin] by ChanServ
09:44.10urjamanokay, maybe that was too much
09:44.17luke-jrWally: please for the love of pyra op me
09:44.17B-ZaRthere's a fine line between fine and fiiiiine
09:44.58WallyIS GOG DOWN?
09:45.52WallyI'm getting an "error" processing request
09:45.58B-ZaRit's you
09:46.03B-ZaRyou are Error
09:46.09B-ZaRgo back to Zelda II
09:46.35B-ZaRwith your brother, Bagu
09:46.38WallyWorks now I guess
09:55.38CloudefWhy am I tired?
09:55.53CloudefWally: I can't handle authority get rid of your OP hat or I'm triggered
09:56.03B-ZaRso you can move easily between locations
09:56.34CloudefB-ZaR: I'm blaming the no lactose milk
09:56.54B-ZaRas good a patsy as any
09:57.19BlueMaximaCloudef there is no 'or I'm triggered'
09:57.21BlueMaximado, or do not
09:57.24BlueMaximathere is no not triggered
09:58.09CloudefBlueMaxima: Your blue color triggers me
09:58.17CloudefGo paint yourself pink
09:59.31B-ZaRCloudef: you sound triggered about being triggered
10:01.00*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+o Wally] by ChanServ
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10:01.10WallyCloudef sure :)
10:01.25WallyApologies, was dealing with klopsi-u3 earlier..
10:01.43CloudefI'm triggered that you are feeling sorry
10:02.34B-ZaRCloudef: stop triggering yourself
10:02.48CloudefI think my trigger is broken
10:02.53WallyWow Cloudef.
10:02.54Cloudefor rather loose
10:03.03Wallywashes Cloudef's pillows
10:03.20WallyCloudef i'm in enough pain as it is.. The Pandora Wifi is the worst
10:03.35phanboetTotal preorders: 705 [493 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 693x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 12:00:20 CEST -
10:03.50CloudefWally: I'm just being retard don't take it seriously
10:04.15Cloudef705 preorders !
10:04.30BlueMaximastill not in production!
10:04.35BlueMaximamy wallet weeps.
10:04.38Wallyblame slaeshjag
10:05.15BlueMaximapoints at Wally
10:05.16BlueMaximaI BLAME YOU
10:05.24WallyI AM TESTING DBPS
10:05.29WallyI am making slaeshjag's system LOOK GOOD
10:06.27CloudefB-ZaR: next month and I'm free
10:06.34CloudefHopefully I will catch fire again
10:06.40B-ZaRCloudef: any plans?
10:06.40WallyCloudef i'll take you! You're free
10:06.46WallyMake me all teh games
10:27.46CloudefB-ZaR: no :D
10:28.20CloudefI haven't done anything meaningful in past 3 years though
10:28.25Cloudefso I hope things will improve after this decision
10:28.46B-ZaRso going back to employment office courses? :)
10:31.05CloudefB-ZaR: Maybe
10:31.23CloudefB-ZaR: I'm going to have fun time telling them that I want to drawn loli porn
10:32.09Cloudefin best case I find something nice though that I can do living and doesn't feel like I break emotionally :P
10:32.16B-ZaRCloudef: maybe they can direct you to some art groups
10:32.20CloudefAnd that benefits me
10:32.25CloudefB-ZaR: that would be nice
10:32.59CloudefOr in the ultimate case, I create some mobile game, earn millions and buy house and shitpost internet all days
10:33.02CloudefJust like notch
10:37.41B-ZaRthe nice feature in notch's case was that his game was essentially a procedural sandbox for a very long time, so he didn't need to do much any content
10:38.09B-ZaRsame for the art stye
10:39.02B-ZaRsome other more recent comparable cases have always had increasing costs as the popularity increases due to more need for hand crafted contet
10:39.42B-ZaRso if you really want to go that route you should find a way to make your players make the content for you :P
10:40.00CloudefI'll just let 4chan /v/ design the game for me
10:40.31B-ZaRyou think they'll pay for it?
10:40.42Cloudeftbh though, I don't think I can do it. I can't do anything which motivation is money :P
10:40.45B-ZaRalso, you think people outside /v/ will pay for a game designed by /v/ :P
10:40.47CloudefI just can do things that I like to do
10:41.00CloudefB-ZaR: well notch is /v/ person
10:41.06B-ZaRdid not know this
10:41.08Cloudefand minecraft early development was strongly done there
10:41.19Cloudefthough that said I don't think /v/ designed it :P
10:41.31Cloudefjust notch shitposting there until he moved to reddit and now twitter
10:46.45CloudefB-ZaR: I'm still very serious about that rendering engine compiler though, I just need something nice inspiration to start doing it, concept, good proto art whatever. Technical beauty doesn't matter if the product it hosts is crap or not interesting
10:52.49B-ZaRCloudef: I still think Nim might be a good fit for something like that. It compiles into C and you can do a lot of compile-time stuff depending on the specific engine being compiled. You wouldn't need to actually make a thing that spews C yourself, just use Nim's compiler to do that.
10:54.44B-ZaRif I've understood correctly what you intend, making the thing generate good code could become a common bug source
10:55.09B-ZaRanyway, you've thought about it more than I have :)
10:56.50*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Stainy (a8f4053c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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11:17.05phanboetTotal preorders: 705 [493 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 693x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 13:15:17 CEST -
11:28.22megaminxwinCloudef: that xkcd comic made me sad when i saw it because its brutally true
11:37.57urjamanyeah, it's like.... yeah digital data can be copied losslessly, but people dont seem to bother ...
11:38.21CloudefYeah, I still have my music collection lossless for reason
11:38.33CloudefI have only few that aren't :(
11:38.55urjamani dont care if its mp3 or jpg, just dont re-encode it :P
11:39.07urjaman(or ogg, whatever)
11:39.17Cloudefurjaman: sadly it will happen due to either crappy software or new format
11:39.27Cloudefe.g. itunes transcodes shit behind your back
11:39.45CloudefI have lots of physical cds I've ripped anyways. It's tedious though
11:39.45slaeshjagdon't use ifumes then
11:39.46urjamanit's a lossy copy, but it'll only lose on the introduction...
11:39.58urjamanyeah dont use itunes, thats a given -.-
11:40.03Cloudefurjaman: some codes like ogg and speex don't actually degrade IIRC if you reencode
11:40.11Cloudefto same format that is
11:40.26Cloudefunless you specify more abusive quality I guess
11:40.39urjamanwell, even jpg -> jpg doesnt actually degrade that much, = it reaches a limit :P
11:40.45Cloudefbut I've also seen hilariously flacs that were not lossless at all :D
11:40.52CloudefI mean the flacs were made from some transcoded itunes rip
11:41.36urjamanor like... text goes blergh with jpg, but ... after that it has become more jpg-compatible :P
11:42.22megaminxwini have basically all my music in flac, the only times i dont are when its completely unavailable otherwise
11:42.36megaminxwini do my best to have everything lossless and in an open format
11:42.41megaminxwinim a bit of an archivist snob
11:43.03valhallamovies are bad for that, however
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11:44.55megaminxwinvery bad
11:45.07megaminxwinat least text is easy
11:45.24megaminxwinopendocument, txt, unicode
11:45.32valhallastill images can be done reasonably, sometimes
11:45.58megaminxwinimages, music, and text, those are the easiest
11:46.02megaminxwinvideo is just
12:01.08CloudefFor lossless video you really want physical archive :P
12:02.14CloudefB-ZaR: I'm pretty much considering it so that I create some specification format with ragel, and there is very few C that isn't generated. Game logic most likely is scripted on some higher level (like lua) all the fast paths would be generated based on specs and target hw attributes
12:02.39B-ZaRsounds fun
12:02.43CloudefB-ZaR: e.g. right now I don't really at least consider I have need for anything more fancy
12:02.55B-ZaRlooking forward to results :P
12:03.05CloudefIt also sounds quite boostrapable
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12:04.17megaminxwinCloudef: is there even any way to do that, i mean film degrades and stuff
12:04.20CloudefHopefully I see 90% of code reducation from glhck, all that runtime stuff done by small tools compile time, with smaller code sizes due to things being predefined
12:04.43Cloudefmegaminxwin: that's true :D
12:04.58Cloudefmegaminxwin: I guess only option is huge disk farm then
12:05.05megaminxwinvery huge
12:05.26Cloudefmegaminxwin: hijack cloudflare and use their servers
12:05.33Cloudefor AWS or something
12:06.19megaminxwineven then its not particularly great
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12:06.39megaminxwinhardly any video content is available in lossless format anyway
12:08.21CloudefI guess FFV1 was developed for video archiving in mind though
12:10.03phanboetTotal preorders: 705 [493 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 693x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 14:00:17 CEST -
12:10.08megaminxwinno one encodes into ffv1 though
12:11.56megaminxwinas someone who wants to preserve everything and who also has chronic depression, i advise we move on since this is depressing
12:12.28sketchstickWhen screen recording, I use libx264-rgb for realtime lossless encoding.
12:13.25sketchstickIt encodes in ultrafast preset, but once it's done I then reencode it in placebo to get the file-size down.
12:13.54sketchstickFor editing, I also prepare a prores proxy file that's a lot fast to edit and swap in the lossless file just prior to rendering.
12:15.53CloudefB-ZaR: there is job applicant to the career posting I made
12:16.01CloudefB-ZaR: he has project called "Jari OS"
12:16.09CloudefB-ZaR: is this coincedence?
12:17.11megaminxwini said lets move on
12:18.30buZzmegaminxwin: :D
12:18.36buZzi just saw you mentioned in a imgur pic
12:18.45buZz(non english)
12:19.21megaminxwin...welp, time for sleep
12:19.36buZzrun away!
12:21.38sketchstickI'm looking forward to seeing what NetVC will bring to the table.
12:22.31B-ZaRCloudef: it's your alter ego
12:22.37B-ZaRthe upstanding finnish youth
12:23.04B-ZaRthe party-mingling people-person
12:23.31B-ZaRthe money-motivated hipstercoder
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12:29.15CloudefB-ZaR: nah it's just russian
12:29.54B-ZaRtime to bike home o/
12:33.42phanboetTotal preorders: 705 [493 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 693x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 14:30:15 CEST -
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15:00.26phanboetTotal preorders: 705 [493 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 693x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 17:00:19 CEST -
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15:56.39Stainyis it werking?
15:59.00GodGinraiwhat, your client?
16:02.15StainyI guess it is :)
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16:09.35urjamanis in sauna using the Nokia 6630 in a plastic bagthing
16:10.34urjamanleaving now though
16:10.43lukeyis not in sauna, not using an Nokia 6630 in a plastic bag
16:11.16phanboetTotal preorders: 705 [493 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 693x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 18:00:16 CEST -
16:18.10lukeynotes further that he is not walking naked on an Vulcano and is not triying to get an LTE Signal with an transparent Pyra filled with mineral Oil
16:19.39urjamanthe list of nots is infinite
16:19.55lukeyits _not_ infinite
16:20.01valhallaoooo, the nokia 6630!
16:21.40urjamani can easily construct a description of an infinite list of things i'm not doing
16:22.24lukeyNo you can't because your lifetime is limited, _not_ infinite
16:23.02urjamanjust include a variable; a la 'i'm not dancing with x monkeys where x 1 ... inf'
16:23.53urjamanhey a description. not the actual infinite list :P
16:24.14lukeyBut that would be just one entry in the List
16:24.25lukeyis right
16:24.35urjamannow my thumb is getting sore
16:24.55lukeyIm typing this from an Pandora so it hasto be right
16:25.11luke-jrlukey: it's what you are NOT doing, so lifetime matters not
16:25.20urjamanmaybe i should use a keyboard :P
16:25.49lukeyluke-jr, But you can't create an infinite List with an finite lifetime
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16:32.54luke-jrlukey: you do not need to iterate a list, for that list to exist as a concept
16:36.42urjamananyways the list of nots is infinite just because there's a limited amount of things you can be doing at once, and the list of different things one "could" be doing is infinite (as above)
16:36.57urjamanany limited number substracted from infinite is still infinite :P
16:37.23lukeyI think my Pandora is damaged
16:39.35urjamangot depressed
16:39.46urjamanthat basically means you're doing nothing, always
16:39.54urjamanthat wasnt what i was going for ;P
16:40.13lukey"waiting for pyra" time is offtopic time for this Channel
16:40.49lukeyWho has an Prototype allready?
16:41.08lukeyDid the Devs sign an NDA?
16:44.44undexsymWhy is it so hard to lose weight
16:45.09urjamangravity? ;P
16:45.53undexsymAnyone here happy with their weight?
16:46.18urjamani'm continually fighting to exist at all ...
16:46.28undexsymHAES fatties and delusional stick figures need not answer
16:46.30slaeshjagnot enough potatoes
16:46.49urjamanwhy do people always need to eat to survive -.-
16:46.54urjamansuch a chore
16:47.00slaeshjagI don't mind my weight, but my belly peeks out a bit too far...
16:47.21undexsymI guess I mean physique
16:47.59urjamani havent measured my weight in years i think...
16:48.22slaeshjagI haven't either
16:48.30slaeshjagbut I should still be somewhere in the 60-70kg range
16:48.32undexsymIIRC you're quite thin?
16:48.57urjamani was hovering around 60-65kg though
16:49.16urjaman(back in 2005 ;P)
16:50.10undexsymWeren't you a teenager back then?
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16:50.27undexsymThat weight can't be right now
16:50.34urjamannot much has changed :P
16:50.36undexsymOr the range
16:50.39slaeshjagI was in that range about 5 years ago
16:50.44slaeshjagor 3 years ago even
16:50.49urjaman(or maybe 2007...)
16:52.26urjamani'll go and test out the movable weight scale here, dangit :P
16:53.05slaeshjagthat almost sounds like a word-for-word translation from finnish
16:53.10undexsymThis is when he finds out he's 130kg
16:53.23slaeshjagI bet that's your weight
16:53.54undexsymIf it were I'd have no problem losing weight
16:54.15urjamanit is
16:54.18undexsymI'm around 75kg atm
16:54.40slaeshjagI was doing good with the excersice
16:54.43slaeshjagthen my bike got stolen
16:54.52slaeshjag22km/day was no problem
16:55.08undexsymNeed to lose weight so I can justify eating everything in japan
16:55.49undexsymslaeshjag: where do you live again?
16:56.06undexsymI ask you this like once a week...
16:56.29slaeshjagundexsym: as of last week, in a suburb to stockholm
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16:57.18undexsymI thought theft was deprecated in proper countries
16:57.47undexsymurjaman: you must be like 165cm right?
16:57.48lukeyman theft
16:58.10urjaman180cm or so
16:58.28undexsymOh, undead then
16:59.07urjamannow need to find a measurement device for that too
16:59.13slaeshjagundexsym: depends on the area
16:59.28slaeshjagundexsym: this is a borderline ghetto, like 90% of people living here are of arab origin
17:00.03undexsymI didn't think it was possible to be 180cm and weigh that little
17:01.01undexsymslaeshjag: so Arabs are the trouble makers around there?
17:01.17undexsymHow heavy are skeletons?
17:01.47undexsym<wa skeleton weight
17:01.49phanboetundexsym: WA: (data not available) ;; URL:
17:01.58urjaman181.5cm says a random wall i drew a line on
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17:02.16lukeyAsk them
17:03.35slaeshjagundexsym: all segregated areas tend to be trouble areas
17:03.38undexsymurjaman: could you quickly just weigh your skeleton thx
17:05.40urjamanits not really removable
17:09.20undexsymSRS tho, why don't you weigh anything?
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17:09.58urjamani'm pretty sure you _can_ weigh way less ...
17:10.08aTcblah... don't measure voltage between ground and live
17:10.11urjaman(or way... like 50kg)
17:10.34undexsymI'm pretty sure you can't while being alive
17:11.04lukeyJust beam youself onto the moon
17:11.27undexsymUnless you're bound to a hospital bed
17:11.55undexsymThen again, you just got up to weigh yourself
17:12.49lukeyRemove your DNA
17:13.01lukeySaves around 100g
17:13.14lukeyAnd you don't die instantly
17:13.41urjamanyeah, only about as fast as from insane amount of radiation ...
17:13.59undexsymCan I see pics?
17:14.10urjamanof me?, no.
17:14.37lukeyhas an Book about radiation near
17:15.39urjamanbut yeah i've been hovering around "underweight" "yay not underweight" "underweight" since 15yo, so i guess its just my genetics...
17:17.41urjamandoesnt really matter to me the actual values, i just try to eat a little more if i feel too stick-like
17:17.55Elw3Or a broken thyroid.
17:18.19halosghostis so excited for the pyra
17:18.47lukeyis so excited for the Pyra
17:18.56lukeyfinnaly OT stuff
17:19.38halosghost ← also, with that, hopefully I can actually start making some solid GUIs for my stuff that will be k on the Pyra
17:20.31Elw3There are 999 other good gui libs....
17:20.45Elw3But yes, just use any new one.
17:21.41halosghostlukey: writing a TUI with ncurses is horrible
17:21.44urjamanncurses <3
17:21.48halosghostsome of the worst cocumentation I've ever read
17:21.54halosghostI love using ncurses applications
17:22.01halosghostI hate writing ncurses applications
17:22.16urjamani've written one, but it wasnt really a TUI...
17:22.21Elw3zenity is good enough for most stuff.
17:22.23urjamanor two actually now that i think, but nah
17:22.23halosghosturjaman: what was it?
17:22.24aTci use zenity for everything
17:22.39urjamanhalosghost: the pandora sudoku solver thing is one
17:22.45halosghosturjaman: kewl
17:22.46lukeyElw3, yes bash is my faforite programming lang
17:22.56Elw3Zeniti is preinstalled on 99% of all linux.
17:22.58urjamanand the another one was a big ascii clock (not released anywhere)
17:23.03halosghostis zenity accessible from C?
17:23.06Elw3What has that to do with bash?
17:23.17urjamansystem("zenity...") ;P
17:23.24halosghostvomits a little
17:23.32Elw3Or whatever you like
17:23.41halosghostso, the answer is “no” :)
17:23.56lukeyElw3, zenity is mostly used in shell scripts
17:24.02urjamanhalosghost: it's just a thing for shell scripts
17:24.09halosghosturjaman: ¯\ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ/¯
17:24.09Elw3I use it in lua
17:24.11urjamansimple gtk+ windows from shell scripts
17:24.14halosghostElw3: oh, cool
17:24.17urjamanso, use gtk+
17:24.25halosghostElw3: that's a solid use-case
17:24.39urjamanlike "text" + yes/no things...
17:24.44halosghostalso, I don't have zenity installed on my machine :P
17:24.47urjaman99% of pandora is zenity
17:25.03Elw3It shuold be, zenity is a standard package.
17:25.11urjamannot really'
17:25.21urjamannobody uses it as much as the pandora stuff :P
17:25.41luke-jrno, gtk sucks
17:25.46luke-jruse qt
17:25.52halosghostElw3: I'm not talking about my pandora; I'm talking about my Arch system
17:25.54urjamanbash: zenity: command not found
17:25.57aTcdialog is probabably more standard
17:26.04aTcor probably
17:26.05halosghostluke-jr: if you make C-accessible Qt bindings for me, I'll use it
17:26.10halosghostluke-jr: till then, pass :)
17:26.11urjamannot on the arch AWS box, even though it has X libs and fluxbox etc
17:26.29Elw3Sure qt.. just ad the extra 200mb overhead, no one will notice.
17:26.32luke-jrhalosghost: glib isn't really C
17:26.58luke-jrElw3: less overhead than gtk..
17:27.11Elw3gtk is standard.
17:27.17urjamanQt isnt thaat bad, if you do it right, but ...
17:27.18Elw3It IS there.
17:27.26urjamannobody forces you on gtk+ :P
17:27.31urjamanmy phone has Qt but not gtk :P
17:27.42Elw3Not a fan of gtk, but i is there on any system.
17:27.47halosghostlukey: hehe
17:27.55lukeyBecause dillo
17:28.04halosghostoh dillo
17:28.05luke-jrElw3: no, qt is standard
17:28.20halosghostneither is standard; both are typical
17:28.25halosghostwhich is, I assume, what you mean
17:28.30luke-jrqt also themes native in gtk envs
17:28.44lukeyWe need an GUI that runs in Kernelspace like onwindows
17:29.05luke-jrgtk doesnt theme nice anywhere else
17:29.13halosghostluke-jr: framebuffer? :D
17:29.28comradekingulukey: when there are no competent UI devs?
17:29.31Elw3Write it in html5
17:29.34luke-jrqt can do fb too
17:29.42Elw3Plays everywhere.
17:29.52lukey+ framebuffer
17:30.08lukeyon RISCOS
17:30.23Elw3Portable like fuck.
17:30.25luke-jrbbl but use qt
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17:34.25lukeyhalosghost, libui: "Runtime Requirements
17:34.25lukeyWindows: Windows Vista SP2 with Platform Update or newer"
17:34.34halosghostlukey: it's cross-platform
17:34.47halosghostlukey: supports Windows, OSX and Linux
17:35.00halosghostthen what's the issue?
17:35.44lukeywhy not Win NT 4.0
17:35.54lukeyThe API hasn't chaanged AFAIK
17:36.09urjamanlots of little things have
17:36.13Elw3Not portable if not running on win 95
17:36.18urjaman(been added mostly)
17:36.34halosghostElw3: lol
17:36.42urjamanso yeah, you could target NT4 and run on a lot of stuff, but then might as well target Win95 :P
17:36.54urjamanless and less APIs ....
17:37.14urjamanand i guess mostly they dont want to bother setting up a windows side compiler that can target such an old windows
17:37.21urjamanand then test that ...
17:37.54urjamanbut yes, i'm the one who'd say "why not XP?" ...
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17:43.26halosghostI like it because it offers a simple API for making GUIs in C
17:43.38halosghostdon't really care much about supported platforms other than linux; they're just icing for me :)
17:44.56comradekinguI tried to look into qt and gtk+ programs and DEs here
17:45.40REDYANK9Hi there, I would like to know which model had the GPS, Gyroscopes, etc.  I don't really need the mobile phone option.  Many thanks
17:45.48comradekinguDocScrutinizer ;)
17:45.59DocScrutinizer05sorry for the noise
17:46.08lukey_RedRingRico, Mobile Edition
17:46.17DocScrutinizer05nickname expiry sucks
17:46.18lukey_REDYANK9, ^
17:46.46Elw3That means gps IS the mobile chip.
17:47.22DocScrutinizer05which drives RMS nuts ;-)
17:47.33REDYANK9Thank you guys.  I greatly appreciate the prompt replies
17:47.40Elw3Dont tell me he commented...
17:47.46lukey_DocScrutinizer05, Why
17:47.56DocScrutinizer05see RYF specs
17:48.08Elw3RMS mailed a flat stupid joke to my distro maintainer...
17:48.49DocScrutinizer05Elw3: well, actually he commented in a email to me
17:49.00DocScrutinizer05on Neo900 though
17:49.05lukey_DocScrutinizer05, but the modem doesn't need any propetry stuff
17:49.14lukey_from the outside
17:49.20urjamanhte modem is made of proprietary stuff
17:49.36DocScrutinizer05from the outside it's completely 'clean'
17:49.49Elw3Is that all he does these days? Commenting other ppl?
17:49.52DocScrutinizer05like a PL232 chip
17:50.25DocScrutinizer05which btw also has some prolly proprietary firmware
17:50.45DocScrutinizer05at leats the FTDI chips do, that I know for sure
17:51.13urjamanthey run actual firmware? ... thats curious
17:51.17Elw3On the chip?
17:51.24DocScrutinizer05FTDI? yes they do
17:51.42Elw3Access code is open source so far i can tell..
17:51.47urjamani kinda assumed they were just functionality-burned-to-solicon
17:51.53urjaman*silicon ...
17:52.15urjamanthough, if the firmware is burned in, does it really matter...
17:52.26urjaman(except that its slower as there is "execution" ...)
17:53.15urjamannah, not those chips
17:53.23urjamani know the vinculums have firmware -.-
17:53.27urjamanor similar
17:54.46urjamanyes, firmware for the Vinculum series
17:55.01urjamanthose are basically just an MCU with an usb host controller :P
17:55.11DocScrutinizer05well, I'm not entirely sure about the FT232 series, but iirc they also have firmware
17:56.46DocScrutinizer05guess how they inplement the vendor/product programmable ID and other stuff in
17:57.06urjaman"Internal EEPROM"
17:57.19urjamanbut thats just "read byte from eeprom, put it out"
17:57.43DocScrutinizer05and you think the core doing that is hardwired?
17:58.02DocScrutinizer05it obviously runs a firmware
17:58.37urjamanokay, that just might, but does it matter? ...
17:58.47urjamani was more concerned about the data transfer
17:58.52DocScrutinizer05not for me. Maybe for RMS? ;-P
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17:59.14urjamanthese chips are really really good at their serial->usb transfer :P
17:59.46DocScrutinizer05PLS8 is really really good at USB->LTE transfer ;-)
17:59.50lukeyscince when do i have voice?
17:59.59urjamansince Wally
18:00.05lukeywhat can i do now?
18:00.17urjaman(special, here that is)
18:00.35DocScrutinizer05the only two things you can do now: brag about it, or get rid of it
18:01.57DocScrutinizer05it's basically Wally's "like" button ;-P
18:03.47DocScrutinizer05well, you also can ignore it which is a third option I'm not sure you couldn't do before you had +V
18:05.55lukeyjust found out about infobot
18:06.05lukeywhfg sbhaq bhg nobhg vasbobg i chose the third option
18:07.01DocScrutinizer05I did `/msg chanserv flags #dragonbox-pyra $myACCOUNTname -* ´ since I don't want to contribute to the >>*** ChanServ gives lukey permission to talk.<< spam
18:07.37lukey`/msg chanserv flags #dragonbox-pyra
18:08.15luke-jrTotal preorders: 706 [494 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 694x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 134, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356} @ 2016-05-23 18:08:15 UTC
18:10.49DocScrutinizer05/msg nockserv info lukey
18:10.57DocScrutinizer05/msg nickserv info lukey
18:11.08urjamantypofest :P
18:11.09GodGinrailukey: voice will let you talk when someone sets the channel to moderated.
18:11.24DocScrutinizer05which never happened so far
18:11.25urjamanand that'll likely never happen
18:12.03DocScrutinizer05for now it establishes a two classes between users
18:12.05GodGinrailukey: but generally, the idea is + === members (that are not aTc)
18:13.43DocScrutinizer05nobody defined the criteria that entitles you to promote to the elite class of +V users
18:14.25DocScrutinizer05and isnce I generally don't want to be member of clubs who accept people like me as members... ;-)
18:14.48lukeyPyra Preorder as criteria
18:14.51urjamanback in the way back it used to be "devs"
18:15.16urjamanbut now Wally just put it on anyone it seems :P
18:15.37DocScrutinizer05Wally's "like" button, what I said
18:16.12*** join/#dragonbox-pyra sketchstick (
18:16.34DocScrutinizer05plus >>*** ChanServ gives XXXXX permission to talk.<< sucks big time
18:16.50GodGinrai^ yea I don't know what that is
18:16.56DocScrutinizer05#freenode basically became unbearable from it
18:17.04lukeyIf ChanServ only was a real person
18:17.07urjamani have such efficient filters that i rarely see that
18:17.21GodGinraiurjaman: I don't ever see that, and I don't have any filters
18:17.23urjamanexcept when you talk after joining, but whatever
18:17.34urjamanGodGinrai: even more efficient filter :P
18:18.07urjamanfor me its 'Mode #dragonbox-pyra [+v lukey] by ChanServ' though
18:18.22urjaman(its whatever the client likes to show...)
18:19.01DocScrutinizer05yep, it's a [404] or whatever message
18:19.02GodGinraiurjaman: I see the mode set.  So the "permission to talk" thing is DocScrutinizer05's client's way of showing the mode set?
18:19.24GodGinraiWhat client are you using?  That seems really abstracted
18:19.42GodGinraiI haven't used Konversation in years
18:19.48GodGinraiI guess I never noticed that.
18:20.43lukeyI use XChat so i can fsck my SD Cards after an Crash on my Pandora
18:20.56lukeyAnd still CHat
18:21.04DocScrutinizer05for hexchat there's even a whole plugin to avoid that, which you damn sure want to use when you /join #freenode
18:22.06DocScrutinizer05for konversation there's simply no known way to make it ignore the mode changes
18:23.33DocScrutinizer05btw on #freenode eir does the vpoicing, not chanserv
18:24.27DocScrutinizer05which makes sense since ACLs can only be so long, and there's not even a filter to find who's +o on ACL, among all those +V only records
18:25.12DocScrutinizer05/msg chanserv access #dragonbox-pyra list
18:25.20*** join/#dragonbox-pyra MaxLanar (
18:26.17DocScrutinizer05/msg chanserv access #freenode list
18:26.28DocScrutinizer05compare ^^^
18:27.38lukeyChanServ doesn't want to talk with me
18:27.53Elw3Not even the bot likes you.
18:28.01Elw3Had to be said.
18:28.06Elw3Out again,
18:28.12lukeyBut Wally does
18:28.23urjamani used konversation last in the dark times of MSN (and KDE 3, but thats not the dark part :P)
18:28.26Elw3Wally is worthless.
18:28.54lukeyHumans are worthless
18:29.07lukeyThe Universe is too
18:29.27Elw3If everything is: nothing is.
18:30.24lukeyThose that aren't preordering are useless
18:30.31DocScrutinizer05tags attribute "this is ACME-FOO" to *
18:31.18DocScrutinizer05lukey: you should be able to do /msg chanserv help
18:31.45urjamanmight be ChanServ though
18:32.07urjamani havent tested :P
18:32.25urjamanjust always though case matters ...
18:32.39DocScrutinizer05actually doesn't
18:33.14DocScrutinizer05please try /msg DocScrutinizer05 test
18:33.45DocScrutinizer05so wth is wrong with chanserv?
18:34.38DocScrutinizer05/query chanserv
18:34.54DocScrutinizer05just to see what's the response code when sending
18:35.34lukeyIt opens n new cnversation window for me
18:35.55DocScrutinizer05or you have chanserv on your /ignore, to get rid of the *** ChanServ gives lukey permission to talk.   X-P
18:36.17lukeyIgnore list is empty.
18:36.25DocScrutinizer05nfc then
18:36.29phanboetTotal preorders: 706 [494 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 694x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 134, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 20:30:18 CEST -
18:38.04DocScrutinizer05lukey: what's the result when you send "help2 in that /query chanserv window?
18:38.17DocScrutinizer05help   even
18:38.36DocScrutinizer05thiough that doesn't make much difference, can also send foooo
18:39.00lukeyhelp worked
18:39.34lukeyHmm ow it seems to work
18:39.58lukeyWhat did i want to do again?
18:40.55lukeyah that list thing
18:41.05DocScrutinizer05access #dragonbox-pyra list; maybe?
18:41.33DocScrutinizer05or   help flags
18:42.50DocScrutinizer05eventually flags  #dragonbox-pyra lukey -* ? If you want to nuke your ACL record
18:43.14DocScrutinizer05if you *really* want that
18:44.13DocScrutinizer05well, I feel better, YMMV ;-)
18:44.34lukeywtf YMMV
18:44.45DocScrutinizer05~wtf ymmv
18:45.26TrashyMG|Workwoah woah... there is another bot in the channel... what are your feeling phanboet?
18:45.48lukeylet phanboet talk with infobot
18:45.51infobotpets phanboet
18:47.46phanboetTotal preorders: 706 [494 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 694x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 134, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 20:45:15 CEST -
18:47.54lukeyGood Boy
18:48.38vagrantc$activity in this channel sure has picked up since the preorder was announced
18:49.14lukeyOfftopic activity
18:49.20*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
18:49.27lukeyexcept for <pyra
18:49.27TrashyMG|Worklukey, eh nothing different.
18:49.53urjamanit was always offtopic
18:50.03urjamannow theres just mooore
18:50.40DocScrutinizer05I think activity is way more on topic than a maybe 21 months ago, when I said "sometimes this channel feels like listening to somebody doing a phonecall... in the subway"
18:50.49DocScrutinizer052 months actually
18:51.07TrashyMG|WorkWell it can't be all discussion on Old computers and spilt milk.
18:52.05lukeyO.k. then different Topic: Why Pyra is shit
18:52.14TrashyMG|Workspilt milk isn't a metaphor.
18:52.42urjamanyeah literal spilt milk
18:53.45TrashyMG|Workand one of the oddest conversations I've logged into.
18:54.25lukeyBut its often so silent here
18:54.49urjamanthats just irc
18:54.50TrashyMG|Workit wakes up at night so I found out when I was drunk last Thursday.
18:55.03slaeshjagwell, your night is our morning
18:56.44TrashyMG|WorkI would've been right at home when I was still doing a 12 hour night shift.
19:00.19infobotwell, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
19:01.28halosghostoh, I've always interpreted UGT's time for any person not actively leaving/entering to be mid-day
19:01.43halosghosti.e., the localtime is still irrelevant
19:03.42TrashyMG|WorkSo with UGT it's not okay to drink hard liquor if you're on IRC, Unless no one logs in for a while?
19:04.36DocScrutinizer05it's always late $somewhere on this globe
19:04.49DocScrutinizer05and it'S always later than last evening
19:04.56TrashyMG|Worknot sure I can live with it being morning all the time.
19:04.57lukeyBut it seems to be okay to smoke hard stuff sometimes
19:09.13sketchstickYay, messing with a 15GB repository on a 300kBps connection.
19:10.04*** part/#dragonbox-pyra mcpi (~user@
19:14.09lukeyWorse than Pandora's WiFi
19:14.28TrashyMG|Workso you have 5*56K and a 300Baud modem tied together?
19:32.06*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Binky (
19:32.06*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v Binky] by ChanServ
19:33.50DaMummy|Y500god wtf is going on the forums lately?
19:34.32lukeyYeah only OT Stuff
19:35.42TrashyMG|WorkI'm confused how is that different than normal?
19:36.56lukeyBut it could be that everything about the Pyra iwas discussed allready
19:41.19buZzi was laughing WAY too hard at
19:42.16GodGinraiwhat is this about the nubs?  Did I miss a new news post?
19:51.30buZzi think that was a reference to nubs issues on pandora, not sure
19:51.33buZzi wasnt around
19:55.54aTcshouldn't have checked the forums...
19:57.32aTcanother one of those "i've never used linux before, i'd like to write device drivers for it" posts
19:57.43aTcwho aparently also doesn't like to do lowlevel stuff
19:58.12buZzforums arent my favorite medium either
19:58.14aTcwould be nice to get someone who actually knows something
19:58.44GodGinraiaTc: you could try scouting on freenode in other channels
20:00.33GodGinraioh, I remember this topic XD
20:01.09aTcat least he managed to compile a hello world, that sgx driver should be finished soon
20:02.09lukeyand hardware video aceleration
20:02.21aTcthat's actually the same
20:02.41aTcthe 2d stuff simply uses the 3d driver
20:02.54lukeyNo not for scaling
20:02.59aTcwell, the official ti 2d driver does
20:03.03aTcwell, did
20:03.17aTcsince they deleted every trace of it
20:03.29aTcyeah, they couldn't get it to work either
20:04.04lukeyThe IVA HD thing or whatever
20:04.07aTcand stuff for that other 2d chip that's supposed to be in there is even harder to find
20:04.30buZzwouldnt it be nice :D
20:04.37lukeyAnd TILER
20:04.47urjamanmoronix as usual
20:05.46aTcyeah, they probably mean fixing their existing "open" kernel crap
20:06.21aTcand probably only for current chipsets
20:06.40aTcnot 4 year old obsolete stuff
20:07.24aTcand if you ask, they just point you at the old 3.8 drivers
20:16.25comradekinguIts almost like they now have that problem that everyone else has been having
20:17.02comradekinguOn that note, it would actually be interesting to get one of their mips boards if they pull something off
20:17.40TrashyMG|Workcan't hug people with MIPS...
20:18.09GodGinrai"we're working on it"
20:18.14GodGinraitalk about a stock quote
20:18.28GodGinraiThey just say that to keep the FOSS hyenas at bay
20:18.52comradekinguThat is less arrogant coming from ImgTec though
20:22.21aTcthey're probably afraid someone will do a better job at the drivers than themselves
20:23.38GodGinraiaTc: Nope, they just want people to pay them money to have their devs make drivers for them.
20:24.10TrashyMG|Workso similar to the Pandora/Pyra model.
20:25.10TrashyMG|Workexcept substitute drivers with cheap community slave labor.
20:25.28GodGinraierm, I believe i was too vague with they/their/them
20:25.37GodGinraiI meant that people would pay PowerVR money
20:25.41GodGinraifor PowerVR's devs
20:25.48GodGinraito make drivers for those people
20:26.01GodGinraiAlthough it could be as you describe
20:26.11aTcthe pandora 3d drivers mostly came from the n900
20:26.12TrashyMG|Workit made sense the third time I read it.
20:26.14GodGinraiwho actually makes the powerVR drivers for the omap?  TI or PowerVR?
20:27.02aTcmainly powervr
20:28.14aTcti does fix a few things in the open bits
20:40.25*** join/#dragonbox-pyra andrey_utkin (
20:44.27*** join/#dragonbox-pyra bredebid (
20:59.21DocScrutinizer05aTc: why are you ooking at 20 days old forum threads?
21:00.17DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote thta guy didn't sound *that* bad
21:01.16DocScrutinizer05he at least preferred linux PC over windows for doing the crosscompiling
21:02.57DocScrutinizer05anyway for driver development you best stay in close touch with the hw folks
21:04.06aTci check the forums about once a month
21:04.19aTcapart from the stuff on the stalker
21:04.25DocScrutinizer05aah. Way more frequently than I do: never
21:05.23*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Klumpen (
21:11.03TrashyMG|Workand time to leave work...
21:12.22buZzit seems mini-pcs are becoming more popular daily
21:13.09aTc1080p 1280x720 ?
21:14.09buZzyeah :D
21:14.13DocScrutinizer05well. a nice black frame doesn't look bad, eh?
21:14.29DocScrutinizer05aah wait, nonsense
21:14.44DocScrutinizer05the 1280 tricked me
21:14.59*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Stainy (a8f40536@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:15.13GodGinrailol, good luck doing anything in Windows 10 on that device with *that* resolution
21:15.19GodGinraiit's a capacitive touchscreen
21:15.26GodGinraiyou'll touch like 5 things anytime you do anything
21:16.00Klumpenwoah, thunderstorm
21:16.50aTcthat means you can work 5 times faster
21:17.28GodGinraiaTc: if your work involves causing fatal errors
21:17.33DocScrutinizer05plus you get time compression by factor 720/1080
21:18.05DocScrutinizer05progressive!!! ;-P
21:18.27GodGinraialso, how is 720x1080 Full HD?
21:18.40aTcthe 1080p is probably the hdmi out
21:19.02Stainywhat we talking about?>
21:19.10GodGinraiit says 5" FHD Touch
21:19.16GodGinraiit would have to be the screen
21:19.18aTcfake hd
21:19.42aTcor it's 1080p interpolated :)
21:20.03aTclike they do with those 500megapixel webcams
21:20.12Klumpenanother bullshit indiegogo
21:20.24GodGinraithe sad thing is... there are 31 idiots who don't see these flaws
21:21.05Klumpenthat's what most people say about us pyrates
21:21.07aTcwell there's already loads of other $80 win 10 tablets
21:21.24Klumpenonly that we're more than 31
21:22.11GodGinraiKlumpen: yea, but aside from the "it's a cell phone" thing, EvilDragon isn't saying anything that is off-kilter
21:22.44aTcguess it's not the cheapest anymore
21:23.06GodGinraiKlumpen: And at least "It's a cell phone" is something that it could be described as as a stretch, whereas that chinese device claiming "Full HD" is just straight up false advertising.
21:24.24Klumpenwhy would someone want to run Win10 anyway?
21:24.35KlumpenI still don't understand
21:24.47GodGinraiKlumpen: plus the chinese device talks up Win10, which would be utterly useless on this device due to its dpi + capacitive screen
21:25.08WallyDrivers too?
21:25.18WallyKVACK slaeshjag.. KVACK
21:25.23GodGinraiWally: hrm?
21:25.49WallyThese people probably piece together teh device with drivers they have found on the internet
21:26.10aTcwin10 is actually pretty usable on a screen like that
21:26.14Wallyor make a VERY basic driver.. that does nothing but look at the appliance and say "hey.. you exist"
21:26.29GodGinraiWally: they probably just expect Android and Win10 to provide them
21:26.43GodGinraiaTc: at a lower resolution, maybe
21:27.48aTcwell, i've only tried it on one of those cheapo 8" tablets.. but it works reasonably well if the application properly supports the dpi settings
21:29.04GodGinraiaTc: this device uses a 5" screen.  That's much smaller than an 8"
21:29.09KlumpenWhat happened to Win8 on mobile devices? Do those get undeniable forced "upgrades"?
21:29.47GodGinraiKlumpen: I believe Win10 is the only thing that forces upgrades
21:30.11GodGinraiIn fact, Win10 is about to go behind a paywall to upgrade to, from what I hear
21:31.52WallyMicrosoft PayWall TM
21:32.28aTcyeah, end of next month.. i'll probably have to upgrade an entire office
21:33.05aTcat least the pro version doesn't whine about upgrading
21:35.39Klumpenthunder and lighting above, I'll shut this thing down, good night
21:35.42*** part/#dragonbox-pyra Klumpen (
21:36.48aTcthat doesn't really help at all
21:37.41WallyI think we're going Win 10 shortly at work
21:37.49WallyIt's going to be pretty crappy really
21:38.00WallyI mean it asks you everytime.. how you want to open a document
21:38.16DocScrutinizer05as if shutting down would help
21:38.31DocScrutinizer05aah aTc beat me to it
21:38.41aTconly problems ive had with it is it forcing its own crap as the default application to open stuff with
21:39.05aTcwhich microsoft claim was a bug, but they don't seem to have fixed it
21:39.21WallyThat's what I mean lol
21:39.26GodGinraiaTc: he could have been shutting down because he was going to unplug.
21:40.04GodGinraiaTc: or shutting down because in the case that the power cuts off, (assuming his pc is safe) he didn't want to deal with being cut-off mid-work/gaming/discussion
21:40.27DocScrutinizer05hah, get a decent UPS
21:40.48GodGinraiDocScrutinizer05: the person who you should tell that to is not here
21:40.57DocScrutinizer05I know :-)
21:41.16WallyWho are we talking about ;)
21:41.16GodGinraiBecause he's busy not getting a UPS :P
21:41.36aTcpower didn't even cut off here when lightning struck my neighbours house and blew up the fuse box
21:41.52WallyAussie power stuff is pretty protected really
21:41.57WallyMost things are earthed
21:42.23DocScrutinizer51at least Imm sure shutting down this one isn't nedd ;)
21:42.31aTcmost power cuts here were cause by me
21:43.34DocScrutinizer05fingers getting thicker every year, it seems
21:44.08aTchad one earlier today even, was measuring some voltages in a remote controlled extension cord thing
21:44.19GodGinraiDocScrutinizer05: now imagine trying to use those tiny-little buttons on the screen of the Gole1
21:44.53aTcand measured between ground and live, instead of live and neutral
21:45.07DocScrutinizer05I'm actually looking forward to Pyra for IRC etc
21:45.42DocScrutinizer05aTc: hehehe
21:45.53aTcat least it proved my rcd stuff works properly
21:46.07WallyIRC on the Pyra doesn't interest me at all
21:46.21Wallybecause X-Chat is balls
21:46.25DocScrutinizer05and it's evidence you're using crappy probing instruments
21:46.54GodGinraiI'll do IRC on the Pyra if I can get a data plan that will hold up well enough that I won't be constantly disconnecting whenever I move
21:46.57aTcwell, not in this case.. this meter has a loZ mode
21:46.58DocScrutinizer05prolly the LED type duspol
21:47.04buZzprobes someone crappily
21:47.12GodGinraiWally: X-chat is balls, so use irssi
21:47.16GodGinraiWally: or weechat
21:47.24GodGinraiWally: or ii
21:47.24buZzGodGinrai: maybe balls are preferred
21:47.59DocScrutinizer05idly wonders what Z has his Keysight U12xx in lowZ mode
21:48.01GodGinraibuZz: given that he said IRC *doesn't* interest him on the Pyra due to this, I would assume not.
21:48.02buZzi wouldnt exclude the option anyway
21:48.22aTcwhich has the advantage that it autoswitches between ac and dc, and i had to measure both the mains, and the 20v dc going to the relay
21:48.31GodGinraiaTc: a Legend of Zelda mode? :P
21:48.49aTcyeah.. it says "hey listen" every time you measure something
21:50.09DocScrutinizer05krhrhr, aTc which model7brand?`
21:50.39DocScrutinizer05do oyu know how Z is loZ?
21:50.51buZzHEY LISTEN .. 2.12 volts
21:51.09buZzi see an esp8266
21:51.34aTcyes, it's the same as the one you saw last time i posted that picture
21:51.48buZzit didnt change in between then
21:52.00aTcno, that isn't a live view of my multimeter
21:52.06GodGinraiaTc: lol
21:52.36buZzhold your hand in front of it while i refresh :P
21:54.14WallyHold the door
21:54.30GodGinraiHold the phone
21:55.31aTc"AutoV mode input impedance increases abruptly from initial 2.1kΩ to a few hundred kΩ’s on highvoltage hard signals"
21:55.54DocScrutinizer05aaaah PTC
21:56.26DocScrutinizer05so pretty close to the LED duspol concept
21:56.31WallyaTc goes BOOM
21:57.49DocScrutinizer05with a 200mA RCD you could get away with it ;-)
22:01.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Pangolin (
22:02.51DocScrutinizer05U1233 LowZ input impedance nominal: 3k Ohm   :-o
22:03.45DocScrutinizer05that's pretty hefty regarding power dissipation at 600V
22:04.33WallyaTc do you have a solution for the Pandora memory problem?
22:04.40Wallyin the Pyra Debian
22:05.53GodGinrai"Pandora memory problem"?
22:06.47aTc"Peak initial load current, while probing 1000VAC for example, can be up to 673mA (1000V x 1.414 / 2.1 kΩ), decreasing abruptly to approx. 2.4mA (1000V x 1.414 / 580kΩ) within a fraction of a second."
22:07.00WallyWhere the pandora runs out of memory and crashes.
22:07.17*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Shinra (
22:07.17*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v Shinra] by ChanServ
22:08.09phanboetTotal preorders: 706 [494 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 694x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 134, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-24 00:00:19 CEST -
22:08.25Lightkeyonly three /o\
22:09.11WallyWe're going to get to 10,000 somehow
22:15.20DocScrutinizer05aTc: yup, PTC
22:15.27DocScrutinizer05smart simple circuit
22:15.33GodGinraiWally: I don't seem to remember having this problem.  Most crashes I've had have been due to unstable clockspeeds or accidentally reseating the battery
22:16.09Wally<wa pi
22:16.10Wally<wa pi in 10 digits
22:16.11WallyGodGinrai you're not using the PyraOS are you :P
22:16.13phanboetWally: WA: π ;; URL:
22:16.14phanboetWally: WA: 3.141592654 ;; URL:
22:16.49GodGinraiWally: ah.  So this is a problem in the PyraOS when running on Pandora hardware?
22:17.03aTcno, it's a problem in Wally
22:17.19GodGinraiaTc: I could see that
22:18.00aTcyou just need to enable some swap if you run out of ram
22:25.26WallyAh yeah.
22:25.44PangolinGodGinrai: Have you considered using a Pi as a irssi/weechat server with mosh? Low power consumption and no WWAN roaming issues.
22:26.21PangolinOh, he signed off... could probably run irc on a esp8266 think so?
22:27.16Pangolinis not being sarcastic.
22:27.25aTcprobably not with a huge history
22:27.47PangolinThat is what I was thinking.
22:27.56WallyRunning IRC on a wifi module haha
22:28.53PangolinI have one in front of me. I was thinking about configuring it to pull the latest number of pre-ordered Pyras every so often and display it on its OLED screen.
22:29.10PangolinWith a countdown.
22:29.21Wallyand a nuclear alarm when they get to 1000 2 months
22:29.46WallyCrazy russians.
22:31.49aTchm, most stuf is for running it as an irc bot
22:32.53BinkyThis tracking page claims my parcel is at the "sortation facility"
22:32.53PangolinYeah, you have an input issue otherwise. If thre is enough memory, you could serve a website for the user to see chat and input messages.
22:33.10Binkysince when was "sortation" a word?
22:34.16xxneolithicxxits a circular sorting, its a facility where they sort shit out in circles :-)
22:34.59xxneolithicxx<--- as uninformed as the person who wrote the word, i know....
22:39.16xxneolithicxxare we there yet
22:39.20phanboetTotal preorders: 706 [494 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 694x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 134, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-24 00:30:16 CEST -
22:46.04*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Zloudef (
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23:01.33SuperRoachGood morning all
23:03.59WallyMorning Brett!
23:06.43*** join/#dragonbox-pyra RaeCarruth (~xxxxxx@unaffiliated/raecarruth)
23:06.47RaeCarruthhi all
23:07.29RaeCarruthcan anyone tell me about the prospective audio quality, via headphones? How does it compare to something like an iPod? Cowon D2? iBasso DX80?
23:08.03Elw3It is 40% better.
23:08.13RaeCarruththan what?
23:08.20WallyRaeCarruth Nobody knows. We don't have a pyra yet!
23:08.33RaeCarruththe chips have been chosen though? right?
23:08.36Wallybut you might be able to gather the info from schematics or wiki yeah
23:08.50Elw3Isnt it the same chip from th pandora?
23:08.56Elw3Or is that just the amp?
23:09.18Elw3I _think_ it is the same.
23:09.25aTcit isn't
23:09.43Elw3But the amp is?
23:09.49WallyI think they changed the amp
23:09.52RaeCarruthI can't see anything on the tech spec page
23:10.03Elw3Huh? When, where?
23:10.12*** join/#dragonbox-pyra BlueMaxima (
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23:10.45WallyED has promised audiophile stuff
23:10.57RaeCarruththat's what I've heard but which chips? which amp?
23:11.38Elw3A 40% better one.
23:12.04WallyRaeCarruth, I think Elw3 is trying to say he has NFI
23:12.31aTchm, the one ti just removed the docs of
23:12.31RaeCarruththat much is clear
23:12.37RaeCarruththanks for your help Elw3 :D
23:12.41aTcpasted a link to that stuff last week, and it's gone now :)
23:13.06WallyThis guy on the forum too though
23:13.50aTci think they also put the pandora stuff on the prototype board
23:13.58aTcbut not sure what's going to happen to that
23:14.16aTcor what extra crap is going to be added
23:14.33Wallyyeah nobody really knows yet.
23:20.02WallyYeah no worries RaeCurruth
23:20.31*** join/#dragonbox-pyra RaeCarruth (~100101@unaffiliated/raecarruth)
23:20.54RaeCarruthcan someone post that link again
23:21.02RaeCarruththe pyra link
23:21.02Wally[09:13:18]  <aTc>
23:21.07RaeCarruththe one before
23:21.19WallyIt's got nothing to do with audio but [09:13:04]  <+Wally>This guy on the forum too though
23:22.28RaeCarruthis the twl6040 confirmed?
23:28.51PangolinOK so when talking GSM/GPRS/EDGE support, the world is split into two: one side using 900/1800mhz with the other side being 850/1900mhz. My question is, do both variants of the Mobile Pyra support at worldwide GSM/GPRS/EDGE?
23:29.39WallyThat's a really good question
23:29.41WallyShould be fine.
23:29.49aTcit's all on the site
23:30.35Elw3staaay calm Wally
23:30.51PangolinThanks, believe me I've tried to research this before bothering everyone. I have a table with all the freqs and bands highlighted. My table shows that both variants should support worldwide GSM/GPRS/EDGE
23:31.11WallyThere's a really good graph on that page
23:31.55phanboetTotal preorders: 706 [494 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 694x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 134, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 356}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-24 01:30:14 CEST -
23:32.04Elw3Slowly rising?
23:32.25PangolinYes, I see. I made my own after someone in this chatroom mentioned that compatibility should be based on band number and not frequency alone.
23:32.35SuperRoachNeed 750!
23:32.56Elw3So, milestone reached?
23:34.02SuperRoachWell for that no... its 706
23:34.11WallyWe already have 706 ;)
23:34.18Wally750* i you include the pre-preorders
23:34.24SuperRoachHe needs 750 to have enough money for a non split 1000 order
23:34.31Elw360 pre-pre-pre,,,
23:34.52SuperRoachAh. Yeah the prepre increments his money less of course
23:35.04WallyI think ED said it needs to be 900 now or something
23:35.07PangolinWally: Thanks for humoring me. I wanted verification that my research was correct. I intend to use the Pyra in the US, and I am fine with only having GSM/GPRS/EDGE while traveling.
23:35.27Elw3I still need to convert.
23:35.28WallyJust use wifi
23:35.50WallyElw3 hurry up
23:35.56*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
23:36.00Elw3And i will probaly buy enough shop vouchers to buy it without a third bank transfer.
23:36.10PangolinED Quote: "Once we have about 900 preorders, we have enough funds from the downpayment to start a full production of 1000 units."
23:36.33Wally^ That
23:36.43Elw3900 for 1000 sounds tight.
23:36.59WallySuperRoach got any cool VR stuff lately?
23:36.59BlueMaximathat's with 5% failure rate compensation iirc
23:37.02Elw3Like no profit in there.
23:37.06SuperRoachIts 900 half/preorder payments remember
23:37.12SuperRoachNot full payment.
23:37.15BlueMaximaProfit comes later ;P
23:37.16WallyThat's true.
23:37.28WallyED said he needs to sell 3000 units to be out of debt with investors
23:37.41RaeCarruthhow much is he in the hole for?
23:37.41WallyThat'd be a happy day.
23:37.42SuperRoachIt'd be different if it was a full downpayment amount
23:37.46Elw3I imagine many will pay it fully now.
23:37.49WallyQuite a bit RaeCarruth
23:38.00Elw3The vouchers work for that...
23:38.09*** join/#dragonbox-pyra kow777 (
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23:38.17RaeCarruthis any of that from the open pandora UK fiasco?
23:38.19WallyYay the net split is done!
23:38.20RaeCarruthis this all new debt?
23:38.50DocScrutinizer05Pangolin: ((talking GSM/GPRS/EDGE )) see
23:38.53WallyED is also giving people who didn't get their pandoras a pyra at cost
23:39.08Elw3investments are no real debts.
23:39.24RaeCarruthneo900 could do with a new body
23:39.35WallyOnce the case moulds are done then that's pretty much that
23:40.06DocScrutinizer05and yes, use band number, not frequency which is somewhat bogus
23:42.11DocScrutinizer05RaeCarruth: the new body is exactly what we can't afford
23:43.43RaeCarruthpity - i loved my nokia n900, still the best 'phone' I ever had
23:43.45DocScrutinizer05actually the whole project originated from "is there any existing case we could use for GTA04?"
23:43.58aTchm, the soldering station i bougt 8 years ago for 45 euro is now 87 on the same site
23:44.02SuperRoachVr stuff wally - vr lans with people online rocks. Indie games are good
23:44.09aTcshould have invested my money in those
23:44.14WallyI will be able to join you in VR land soon
23:44.22SuperRoachSpace sims are zomg
23:44.29Elw3Invest in soldering stations?
23:44.39SuperRoachAnd i havnt even playef elite dangerous yet. Your getting vr too?
23:44.48aTcit nearly doubled in price
23:45.02WallyYeah getting a Vive soon
23:46.13*** part/#dragonbox-pyra xxneolithicxx (
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23:48.19Pangolin] Thanks Doc. I'll look i
23:48.27Pangolin*into it
23:49.17DocScrutinizer05Pangolin: yw
23:49.55DocScrutinizer05Pangolin: note that afaik Pyra only offers the US and Eu version of PLS8
23:50.49Wallyenabled swap. stuff works now
23:51.05WallyI should just use the 512MB Nand as SWAP
23:51.29WallyaTc if I were to map the rest of the pandora keys would you want that file?
23:51.30xxneolithicxxWow thats a larger color pallette than I expected shown on the forum
23:51.55aTcwhy bother
23:52.04aTcjust use the existing one
23:52.08RaeCarruthdid anyone reconfigure their open pandora keyboard for dvorak or colemak?
23:52.33WallyIt's missing crap though.
23:52.36Wallylike $ :P
23:52.43WallyI know 4 is mapped to $
23:55.55*** part/#dragonbox-pyra xxneolithicxx (
23:58.00*** join/#dragonbox-pyra CrypticSquared (~CrypticS_@unaffiliated/crypticsquared)
23:58.20aTcis that what you're trying to make ?
23:59.32aTcit's loaded using that xinitrc there

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