IRC log for #dragonbox-pyra on 20160522

00:05.58DocScrutinizer05sooo, who's getting #700 (official)
00:07.35BlueMaximaWally is! Because he's rich.
00:07.46RaeCarruthhe is?
00:07.57Lightkeythe chance that whoever got #700 about eight days ago is also in the channel, is slim
00:11.28DocScrutinizer05I meant order #700, not serial number #700
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00:20.22dTalhttps:// I FIXED IT
00:20.58BlueMaximaWHAT'S THAT, SONNY?
00:33.46DocScrutinizer05dTal: awesome!! :-)
01:15.06dTalwow rygD totally failed to get the joke
01:40.37*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Gotwake (43ecb4b6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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01:46.39*** join/#dragonbox-pyra DJW|Home (
01:55.10dTalon the forums
02:20.38*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Blue_Shadow_31 (
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04:00.05*** join/#dragonbox-pyra DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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06:52.53*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Envil (
07:54.19phanboetTotal preorders: 699 [487 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 687x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 132, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 351}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-22 09:45:15 CEST -
08:00.56*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v infobot] by ChanServ
08:01.07*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [-vv DocScrutinizer51 DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
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08:14.51luke-jrTotal preorders:  [487 mobile (%); x 2GB (%), 687x 4GB (%)] {Stand2GB: , Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 132, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 351} @ 2016-05-22 08:14:51 UTC
08:18.09BlueMaximalol what
08:18.30BlueMaximashoots Wally
08:24.46Tsesarevichsomeone broke it
08:28.16BlueMaximaI blame Wally
08:28.18BlueMaximashoots Wally
08:30.10luke-jrTotal preorders: 699 [487 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 687x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 132, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 351} @ 2016-05-22 08:30:10 UTC
09:03.01*** join/#dragonbox-pyra RaeCarruth (~xxxxxx@unaffiliated/raecarruth)
09:44.05*** part/#dragonbox-pyra RaeCarruth (~xxxxxx@unaffiliated/raecarruth)
10:48.52*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Shinra (
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10:50.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Peixinho (Elite12500@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-mprludyyfuzkbvhe)
10:59.59Trezkeraww, almost there. One more to 700
11:06.01luke-jrproduction start yet? :P
11:06.16luke-jrEvilDragon: did hns add the CSI solder pads?
11:13.25*** join/#dragonbox-pyra bredebid (
11:15.16TrezkerAre we there yet? (Note the sign saying 700)
11:16.32*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Stainy (a8f4053e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
11:19.21luke-jrTotal preorders: 700 [488 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 688x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 132, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352} @ 2016-05-22 11:19:21 UTC
11:19.35StainyWell done no.700
11:21.17phanboetTotal preorders: 700 [488 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 688x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 132, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-22 13:15:15 CEST -
11:21.28Wally760 orders!
11:21.35Wally240 to go
11:21.52slaeshjaggreat. 1 week in the ghetto and my bike is already MIA
11:21.59Wallyaww slaeshjag
11:22.21slaeshjagI liked that one. It was with me all the way through my teens
11:22.38Wallymaybe you can find it?
11:47.35DocScrutinizer05Wally: thanks for -o, now I may shamelessly promote Neo900 again ;-P
11:49.31TrezkerYAY! 700 Pyra!
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12:13.59ShleeThose 60 pre-pre orders are appartently all dead?
12:14.08ShleeWhat the hellis going on with those people
12:14.45DocScrutinizer05well, for Neo900 we have about 200 of those dead people
12:14.51DocScrutinizer05almost 50%
12:15.36DocScrutinizer05I asked exactly same
12:20.11DocScrutinizer05lesson learned. I secured ~500 cases/mechsets aka N900 and then it took months to collect a just 300 preorders despite we had >450 prepre - so I couldn't source the secured devices and the option vanished
12:21.58*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
12:25.10StainySo they paid.. but aren`t using the voucher right?
12:26.01DocScrutinizer05yes, we sent vouchers for our prepre and they never converted them into a preorder. Just like those 60 here, so far
12:27.55StainyI guess Ed has their details? ( hopefully ) and he can get in touch with them
12:50.54luke-jrTotal preorders: 701 [489 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 689x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352} @ 2016-05-22 12:50:54 UTC
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12:54.53Lightkeyfinally, the graph is flattened again
13:02.33*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Yotson (~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:c54f:f659:57ba:2df9)
13:08.16Stainyanother mobile one
13:45.28Binky2still predicts a spike when the first units start shipping
13:52.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Elw3 (~elw@
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13:57.06TrezkerYeah, not all people are willing to put money on something that isn't shipping yet.
13:58.12DocScrutinizer05that's a candidate for the most silly spike ever then, since when devices ship there's no point in ordering since they are already built. So all customers who wait with ordering until devices ship whill have to wait an undefined time longer until eventually their devices can get built
14:00.08DocScrutinizer05I however would rather count on decent prototype videos to generate more preorders
14:00.20Trezkerit's just that group of people who just wait for proof that the thing actually reached production.
14:01.05DocScrutinizer05yeah, the old chicken/egg problem
14:01.41DocScrutinizer05"won't pay until production started"  vs "won't start production until paid"
14:02.14Trezkerat this point we have solved that issue though. The egg has been laid. We're just waiting for it to hatch.
14:03.32DocScrutinizer05yeah, seems ED plans to build a some 20% more devices than preordered, so there actually might be a 10 to 15% available for off_the_shelf sale after production
14:04.45DocScrutinizer05the rest of customers will inevitably have to wait for production of next batch, so situation isn't that different to now
14:05.52Elw3I guess 20% is the worst case failure rate safety buffer.
14:06.10Trezkerwasn't it something like 5%?
14:06.10DocScrutinizer05that would kill the project
14:06.20DocScrutinizer05yes 5% sounds reasonable
14:06.30Elw3_worst case_
14:06.36Elw3Always be prepared.
14:06.38Trezkerand that's guaranteed by the factory
14:07.27Elw3Imagine they produce a batch of 100 and the shipping car catches fire, that falls under failure too.
14:07.38DocScrutinizer05that's their problem
14:07.49Trezkerno shipping insurance?
14:07.59Elw3No, ours. The devices are missing.
14:08.23DocScrutinizer05no, GC will have to produce more devices then
14:10.28DocScrutinizer05_worst case_ is somebody nukes Bavaria and *all* devices and the complete crew is lost
14:11.09DocScrutinizer05nobody can prepare for _worst case_
14:12.32Elw3Unless you know when the volcano breaks out...
14:15.08DocScrutinizer05Trezker: thanks, was about to say "the rest is risk management" :-)
14:17.17DocScrutinizer05for such risk management you either have agreements like with factory (GC, 5% max failure rate), or you get insurances and avoid risky operations like moving all boards in a single car
14:24.22TrezkerInsurance is a whole industry all about risk management.
14:27.55FIQDocScrutinizer05: more than 5% failure rate would be covered by GDC iirc
14:28.10FIQanything <=5% is on ED
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14:31.57DocScrutinizer05not by GDC, Nikolaus has no account assigned to handling that. It's handled by GlobalComponents afaik
14:33.01DocScrutinizer05they know their manufacturing process and thus they can do proper risk management and take the needed measures to ensure the 5%
14:33.19DocScrutinizer05whatever it takes
14:35.23DocScrutinizer05Trezker: indeed
14:36.04SuperRoachMorning all, I have made franken goggles.
14:36.17DocScrutinizer05Trezker: and they make truckloads of money from 99.9% of their customers not having any clue of risk management ;-D
14:36.54DocScrutinizer05imagines goggles in white/red design :-D
14:37.11Trezkerand then do everything in their power to avoid payout for things they promised they would pay for.
14:37.26SuperRoachattaching ski goggles to styrofoam pisses me off. Glue isn't good enough
14:38.12DocScrutinizer05styrofoam is a bitch to glue it to anything
14:38.57DocScrutinizer05but hey, it _can_ get done, just needs the right glue
14:39.21DocScrutinizer05plus correct praparation and design of the joint
14:39.50SuperRoachDocScrutinizer05, is there a special kind of glue? I've been using wiping down the surface along with a hot glue gun
14:40.55DocScrutinizer05I visited a 30 min ago
14:42.19SuperRoachtranslating all the things
14:42.34DocScrutinizer05I bet there's an english version too
14:43.06*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
14:43.23DocScrutinizer05heck NO!
14:43.36SuperRoachfucking lol!
14:43.52SuperRoachI was awkwardly shifting through translate that doesn't do the form options
14:43.58buZzDocScrutinizer05: its not spelled 'worst case'
14:43.59SuperRoachWhat's foam in german?
14:44.03buZzDocScrutinizer05: its 'wurst kase'
14:44.21SuperRoachI love ambulance in German. FRANKENWAGEN.
14:44.35buZzSuperRoach: schaum, btw
14:44.45buZzin dutch its schuim
14:45.26DocScrutinizer05SuperRoach: styrofoam is Syropor(R) in Germany
14:45.34DocScrutinizer05Styropor obviously
14:46.09DocScrutinizer05trademark socialized
14:46.23DocScrutinizer05like scotchtape in English
14:46.41DocScrutinizer05which btw is Tesafilm in German
14:46.57SuperRoachI'm amazed at how strong polyeuretholene (spelling) is. Stuff feels stronger than wood.
14:49.47DocScrutinizer05try  it lists Polystyrol along with a plethora of other materials. However take care: PE and PP are not in that list!
14:51.46DocScrutinizer05also I'd probably use a hot 2..3mm diameter wire to melt-poke holes into the Styrofoam, where the glue has excellent grip
14:52.25DocScrutinizer05the deeper the holes, the better the mechanical grip in the flimsy styrofoam
14:53.53DocScrutinizer05if you manage to make that wire stick in the foam and you can't remove it enamore - all the better, just cut it flush to the foam's surface and use it as additional anchor
14:55.28DocScrutinizer05the 100%-repair gel is based on N-(3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl)ethylendiamin
14:55.53DocScrutinizer05nice stuff
14:56.10DocScrutinizer05alas takes 24h to cure
14:58.14SuperRoachThats a lot to take in
14:58.37DocScrutinizer05:-) don't ask me when you're not prepared for a veeery long answer ;-D
14:58.43SuperRoachThat's a really good idea btw!
14:58.52SuperRoachI never thought of poking some holes in it.
14:59.43SuperRoacheven if I were to poke a tiny hole at the top and bottom, and run a wire/cable/string or whatever through each and holding it on to the front. It'll make it still removable.
14:59.51DocScrutinizer05maybe sumply use simple flathat nails which you heat up and poke them into the foam
15:00.27buZzDocScrutinizer05: wrong btw
15:00.30DocScrutinizer05you'll need one of them every 2 to 3 cm though
15:00.35buZzTesa is a different brand than Scotchtape
15:00.40buZzScotchtape = 3M
15:00.44buZzTesa = Tesa
15:00.44DocScrutinizer05I know
15:00.50buZzyou can buy 3M tape in germany no problem
15:00.55buZzand Tesa in UK
15:00.57DocScrutinizer05I talked about socialized brandnames
15:01.08buZzi boycot those :P
15:01.10DocScrutinizer05like Maggi
15:01.15buZzi call that liquid salt
15:01.18SuperRoachaw man even ducttape!!!
15:01.32SuperRoachIf that sticks it may be a good interim.
15:01.33buZzducttape is actually not a brand, ducktape is
15:01.57DocScrutinizer05SuperRoach: ducttape known to fail on Styrofoam
15:02.26DocScrutinizer05not always but way too often
15:03.10SuperRoachso many branded things like tissue/kleenex. It's more obvious when viewing another culture from the outside.
15:03.41DocScrutinizer05only works when you got a solid surface, from hot molding the foam. Most foam isn't hotmolded though, neither treated after forming to increase the surface hardness
15:05.28SuperRoachexcellent advice
15:05.47SuperRoachI think I have a spot in mind I could place a hole in and use some wiring
15:06.09DocScrutinizer05prolly not, the foam is way too soft for that
15:06.18DocScrutinizer05any wire will just gut through it
15:07.19DocScrutinizer05you could use iron wire and heat that up electrically, then while heating it embed it deep into the foam and let it cool down. That will stick
15:08.50SuperRoachoh i mean with the ski goggles, wired going over the front and attached to the top/bottom
15:10.05DocScrutinizer05maybe a nifty methos that however needs evaluation since I just figured it: use Spax screws, clean them (!!!), drive them into the foam, then heat them up in microwave oven
15:11.05SuperRoachaww, another set of screws? hehe
15:11.26SuperRoachyou are really on top of these things DocScrutinizer05. What's  your background?
15:11.39DocScrutinizer05scientist :-)
15:12.13Trezkerwhat type of scientist?
15:12.19DocScrutinizer05actually I often call myself an EE
15:12.33DocScrutinizer05but that's only part of the story
15:12.39TrezkerEccentric Ewok?
15:12.47infoboti heard joerg is a natural born EE, ex HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko. Usually known as DocScrutinizer. Initiator of
15:13.25DocScrutinizer05Electronics Engineer
15:18.15TrezkerI studied electronics, but then I went programming and forgot everything.
15:18.57DocScrutinizer05you never forget how electrons work, once you made friends with them ;-)
15:19.51DocScrutinizer05everything beyond is just derived science
15:20.38TrezkerYeah, like math. There's really just a few basic rules. The other stuff is derived, but still hard to figure out.
15:20.39DocScrutinizer05however glue for example is only loosely related to electrons ;-)
15:21.15TrezkerI also play Go, few rules but complex situations happen.
15:21.42DocScrutinizer05reminds me on circuit design
15:22.26DocScrutinizer05and aren't the Go things called 'chips'?
15:22.39DocScrutinizer05aah ok
15:23.15Elw3go... i play that with schokolade chips, when i beat them i eat them.
15:23.19DocScrutinizer05anyway, AFK. BBL. big bluebox calling
15:23.57TrezkerElw3, could get messy if you have melty chocolate
15:23.59DocScrutinizer05Elw3: do you play white or black side?
15:24.14Elw3White rosa....
15:24.29Elw3Dont play _that_ often.
15:24.32DocScrutinizer05mind you, you'll eat the opposite color
15:25.14TrezkerI'll play white then, not that fond of white chocolate.
15:28.16Elw3Its just a sugar coating
15:28.30Elw3Inside is brown milk chocolade.
15:28.45TrezkerEveryone who sees go stones for the first time say it looks like candy
15:29.16Elw3inb4 /me bites teeth out playing on real stones.
15:29.25*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Gotwake424 (43ecb4b6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:30.07Gotwake424Can anyone tell me the count at 05/1/2016 21:00:59
15:32.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Peixinho (Elite12500@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-zywralkbfnxrobyd)
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15:50.05phanboetTotal preorders: 702 [489 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 690x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-22 17:45:20 CEST -
15:51.25buZzbefore preorders opened? :D
15:54.19luke-jrTotal preorders: 702 [489 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 690x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352} @ 2016-05-22 15:54:18 UTC
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15:59.58dTalwell my prediction died instantly
16:07.37slaeshjagGotwake424: have fun
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16:21.06Gotwake424thanks slaeshjag
16:22.31Gotwake424Cool, in the first 500
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16:25.24DocScrutinizer05~pyra-presales-stat is and
16:25.25infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay
16:25.50DocScrutinizer05~listkeys pyra
16:26.14DocScrutinizer05~listvalues pyra
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16:51.37buZzfirst 2 hours of preorders = 134 pyras
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17:01.26LightkeyGotwake424: well it's around 330, so over 500, depending on how many of those were pre-pre-orders
17:03.11slaeshjagmore than 99 prepre left at that time
17:03.26Lightkeyyep, but that was from three days later
17:03.31Lightkeyso who knows
17:08.55Lightkeythough now I wonder what happens if those 60 pre-pre-orders left will not choose a model until production, would they be bumped up to the second batch (in the slim chance that the first batch is really only 500)?
17:09.08buZzLightkey: yep
17:09.17aTcthe already paid, who cares
17:09.23buZzLightkey: and if they then still dont order a pyra, they might shift to batch #3
17:09.27Elw3How much time do i have left?
17:09.27buZzor batch #8
17:09.33aTcand it's a manually updated value, so it should be a bit less than 60 now
17:09.34buZzElw3: ~4 months
17:09.47buZzaTc: could != should
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17:15.25LightkeyaTc: not necessarily, there were.. five days from 65 to 64 and then only one day to 60
17:15.46DocScrutinizer05aTc: ((already paid)) not the full preorder amount aiui
17:16.00buZzthey paid 200 euros iirc
17:16.17buZzi keep mixing that up
17:16.24buZzstill, not the full preorder amount
17:16.28buZznot the full order amount
17:16.37Lightkeyyes, I have a déjà vu :-P
17:16.40aTcyeah, but they don't get a pyra
17:16.48aTcif they don't respond anyway
17:16.58DocScrutinizer05aTc: ack
17:16.59buZzif they never respond, ED gets free money
17:17.16buZzalthough, being a gudguy, he would probably just move it to store credit
17:17.21DocScrutinizer05buZz: actually nope, that money is in limbo state
17:17.38buZzbut, ED has it, right?
17:17.41buZzor eh, dragonbox
17:17.52StainyYeah he doesn`t get the money until they use the store credit thing
17:18.27DocScrutinizer05yes, technically. But he can't *use* it for anything other than paying partial for a device to build, and that device can't really get sold then except to the prepre donor
17:19.19DocScrutinizer05and since it's not enough to actually build a device, it's in limbo
17:20.43DocScrutinizer05I.E the voucher owner _could_ decide to buy something else for it, eventually
17:21.14DocScrutinizer05unless the voucher has an expiry date which I think it doesn't
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18:09.13*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Klumpen (
18:09.19Klumpenhello, lovely geeks
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18:16.17comradekinguKlumpen: heia
18:16.29Klumpenhello Viking
18:17.47comradekingumy mask, it does nothing
18:18.45Klumpenyou mean the old Loki mask you've found in the cavern?
18:23.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Peixinho (Elite12500@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-lckqiwglplgqknyl)
18:27.41comradekinguive been saving gerbils for ages, only to make me a horse, but now i am not
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18:28.05comradekinguit was the too many legs that gave it away
18:30.54Klumpentough luck
18:32.09Klumpenchat loading
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18:41.05comradekinguWatching those used to provide information
18:43.56Klumpennow their always stuck at 99% most of the time ;)
18:45.20dTalI don't know what you're spewing in here but all I see is a bunch of \u2588 and it's painful to look at
18:46.12Klumpenpain is a great teacher, so they say
18:46.17Lightkeyit's this hip new thing, Unicode
18:46.30urjamanpainful progress bar
18:47.13KlumpenLightkey: *lol*
18:47.31dTaljesus what next
18:47.43dTalyou'll be pasting HTML in here at this rate
18:48.52Klumpen“Knock, knock.” >Who’s there?<  ...very long pause….  â€œJava.”   :-o
18:48.56Lightkey"The origins of Unicode date to 1987" wow
18:49.00Lightkeyolder than the WWW
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18:51.07*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
19:00.57urjamanthe origins of everything date back to about 13.7 B years ago ;p
19:01.18*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Peixinho (Elite12500@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-hdunxbsrlnfqwfcv)
19:06.18Klumpenit's the thought that counts
19:07.19phanboetTotal preorders: 702 [489 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 690x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-22 21:00:14 CEST -
19:08.15Klumpencould the last 60 pre-pre-orders please stand up, please stand up?
19:18.48*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Peixinho (Elite12500@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-mmgirskfsvqtjscd)
19:23.36*** join/#dragonbox-pyra cxl000 (
19:37.48*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Peixinho (Elite12500@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-bfnlyzvlopeqdekd)
20:05.22phanboetKlumpen: Sending help in query
20:07.57phanboetTotal preorders: 702 [489 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 690x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-22 22:00:16 CEST -
20:08.17Klumpen<twit EvilDragon1717
20:08.18phanboetKlumpen: User EvilDragon1717 doesn't seem to exist
20:08.49Klumpen<twit Michael Mrozek
20:08.49phanboetKlumpen: User Michael Mrozek doesn't seem to exist
20:08.55Klumpen<twit EvilDragon
20:08.55phanboetKlumpen: User EvilDragon doesn't seem to exist
20:08.57urjamanthe twit has been broken forever afaik
20:09.51Klumpen<fibo 1024
20:09.51phanboetFibonacci number 1024 is 4506699633677816191404865591201603611210057765586363088692424961083421629061324540306009631764407814868917761514659447075449365476418924571096193010086458680628417980162101749952294888691146652624641609216913571840
20:10.20Klumpenat least the useful tasks still work....
20:11.10phanboetlukey: Sunday 2016-05-22, week 20
20:12.35phanboetTotal preorders: 702 [489 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 690x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 352}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-22 22:00:16 CEST -
20:12.51Elw3Over 700
20:13.24lukeythose are the last twitches from phanboet
20:14.40Klumpen<pick patch or death
20:14.40phanboetKlumpen: patch
20:15.41Klumpenphanboet wants to live
20:22.20Klumpenlacks 6 front action buttons
20:22.25lukeyI hate
20:22.34Klumpenwell actually lacks 2 beside the existing 4
20:22.58Klumpengolem still exists? why?
20:23.14lukeybecause Trolls keep it alive
20:23.41*** join/#dragonbox-pyra mcpi (~user@
20:29.09luke-jrTotal preorders: 703 [490 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 691x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 353} @ 2016-05-22 20:29:08 UTC
20:30.14Klumpen<pick VR or AR
20:30.14phanboetKlumpen: VR
20:31.18Klumpengood night
20:31.20*** part/#dragonbox-pyra Klumpen (
21:07.16*** join/#dragonbox-pyra andrey_utkin (
21:12.08*** part/#dragonbox-pyra mcpi (~user@
21:14.03*** join/#dragonbox-pyra DJWillis (
21:21.12LightkeyDragonBox Pyra again on the Linux Action Show feedbacks :-D
21:25.43*** join/#dragonbox-pyra lukey (
21:40.32*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
21:44.59*** join/#dragonbox-pyra Droidi (53fada40@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
22:04.30Wally<twit @evildragon
22:04.31phanboetWally: User @evildragon doesn't seem to exist
22:05.29*** part/#dragonbox-pyra Stainy (a8f4053e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
22:09.50Wallyundexsym please fix phanboet
22:09.55WallyWith a hammer..
22:15.20Lightkeylooking at his account, I don't understand why @EvilDragon chose that nick
22:16.09phanboetTotal preorders: 703 [490 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 691x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 353}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 00:15:15 CEST -
22:16.22Lightkeyso.. five
22:55.26SuperRoachReading above - unicode came out as late s as 1987? Aw man.
22:55.54*** join/#dragonbox-pyra freakazoid0223 (
22:56.14WallySo did unicorns.
22:56.59*** join/#dragonbox-pyra BlueMaxima (
22:56.59*** mode/#dragonbox-pyra [+v BlueMaxima] by ChanServ
22:59.55phanboetTotal preorders: 703 [490 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 691x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 205, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 133, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 353}, 60 pre pre-orders left @ 2016-05-23 00:45:15 CEST -
23:01.59luke-jrTotal preorders: 703 [491 mobile (69%); 12x 2GB (1%), 691x 4GB (98%)] {Stand2GB: 8, Stand4GB: 204, US2GB: 1, US4GB: 134, EU2GB: 3, EU4GB: 353} @ 2016-05-22 23:01:58 UTC
23:09.39WallyBlueMaxima pls
23:09.39phanboetPLS U
23:09.49BlueMaximaYES PLS U
23:17.11WallyPLS U
23:20.36BlueMaximaBUT PLS U
23:20.46Wallypls me
23:20.59BlueMaximagod I hate being broke, I can't afford Overwatch :|
23:21.52WallyYou don't need it m8
23:25.28BlueMaximait sucks cause if we were paying the same price for the game as americans I would be able to afford it but nooooo
23:35.35*** join/#dragonbox-pyra klopsi-u3 (
23:51.46LightkeySuperRoach: not quite, discussion started then, also UTF-8 is from 1993, astonishing that it was almost non-existent on the WWW until 2007 and now it's at 87 %
23:56.32Lightkeythe turning point for IRC was probably 2010, when mIRC added support in version 7.1
23:57.52dTalI know I'm on the wrong side of history for being curmudgeonly about it, it's just that I can't figure out where in the stack it's broken and it annoys the bejeesus out of me seeing all those stupid u's
23:58.05Lightkeyman, the discussions in certain channels were annoying before that time because you can only define character sets for whole networks in clients
23:58.37LightkeydTal: most likely your font
23:59.04dTalI highly doubt that
23:59.31dTalMy terminal is unicode-capable, no problem
23:59.46klopsi-u3  The Boys From Arkansas  << WHY THE ARABS HATE US
23:59.56Lightkeyoh yes, irssi and terminals

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