IRC log for #devuan on 20210509

00:03.40*** join/#devuan specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
00:07.06Junicchi[    0.938481] udevd[160]: Error running install command 'modprobe -i nvidia-current ' for module nvidia: retcode 1
00:07.18Junicchi^anyone know why is that
00:07.39Junicchimanually running modprobe -i nvidia-current is successfull
00:08.22Junicchiand i have the neccessary modules:
00:09.49Junicchi>install nvidia modprobe -i nvidia-current $CMDLINE_OPTS
00:10.09Junicchii guess the reason is CMDLINE_OPTS, wondering why is that
00:18.07Junicchialso when i try to make a clean nvidia-driver installation i get this error in apt:
00:18.09Junicchiinvoke-rc.d: initscript nvidia-persistenced, action "restart" failed.
00:18.10Junicchidpkg: error processing package nvidia-persistenced (--configure):
00:18.32Junicchithe line that returns error is: invoke-rc.d --skip-systemd-native nvidia-persistenced $_dh_action || exit 1
00:54.08*** join/#devuan se73n (
01:20.25gnarfacetry it without nvidia-persistenced
01:20.35gnarfacethat package often gets left behind from a previous version
01:20.41gnarfacei think it is optional usually too
01:22.25gnarfaceif you run "dpkg -l |grep -i nvidia" it should spit out a list of all the nvidia packges on your system, check to make sure they're all the same version
01:22.39gnarfacesome will have a weird serial number just ignore those
01:22.50gnarfacei'm talkinog about the ones with the XXX.XX numeric format
01:23.04gnarfacethose all have to match
01:23.21gnarfaceif some are still old, remove them and install the current ones
01:23.43gnarfaceJunicchi: ^
01:25.58*** join/#devuan rodper45 (~rodper45@2800:2185:b000:113:88b:3da0:b0a7:9867)
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01:33.03linux_nEvery time i boot devuan on terminal i have to type in terminal pulseaudio --start or else pulse audio wont start. Is there anyway to make it permenant so i don't have to type: pulseaudio --start  every time?
01:34.33*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
01:35.52gnarfaceit's supposed to do that by default, linux_n ... something must have gone wrong with the package install?
01:36.02gnarface... or the init setup...
01:43.36linux_ni have devuan xfce version
01:46.50linux_ni fix the date and time issue now i just need to fix this.
01:48.40*** part/#devuan linux_n (~guest@
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02:50.33linux_nAnyone know the location boot and shutdown scripts?
02:51.10linux_nexample  debian is located on: /etc/init.d/
03:02.54*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
03:04.08gnarfacelinux_n: should be the same place
03:04.29gnarfacelinux_n: like i said, if they're not there something seems to have gone seriously wrong with your install or upgrade...
03:10.22gnarfaceany given package *should* implement that script on its own
03:10.39gnarfacetry "dpkg -S init.d"
03:11.15gnarfaceor better yet: "dpkg -S 'etc/init.d'
03:11.28gnarface"dpkg -S 'etc/init.d'"
03:11.29gnarfacei mean
03:11.33gnarfacewithout the "
03:26.13*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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03:29.58linux_nOn: /etc/init.d/ folder i found alsa-utils but i don't find pulseaudio. Should pulseaudio be in that folder aswell?
03:32.38gnarfacelinux_n: if you're using a graphical login, it is probably started by some session manager actually7
03:33.15gnarfacethat would vary depending on the graphical login software you happen to be using
03:33.44gnarface...said graphical login software's startup script would be in /etc/init.d/, mind you
03:34.00gnarfaceslim and lightdm are common choices
03:45.04*** join/#devuan gour (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/gour)
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04:37.36linux_nI found slim but it has not text saying pulseaudio.
04:41.15linux_ni search with catfish file search in /etc/init.d/ folder contents and didn't find any pulseaudio.
04:44.03*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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06:13.09luser978reinstall pulseaudio package
06:58.00*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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11:54.32user_Beowulf: gitk package deps include dep on git <1.20.x .AND. git >1.20.x ... I have 1.29.x and apt/aptitude pretend not to be able to fix the dependency problem.
11:54.45user_Does anyone have a fixed gitk package link?
11:55.40user_gitk package with strange broken deps is
11:55.52user_Update in aptitude etc does not help.
11:57.33fsmithredyou're typing the version incorrectly
11:57.36fsmithredDepends: git (>> 1:2.20.1), git (<< 1:2.20.1-.), tk
11:59.25fsmithreduser, what problem are you having?
12:00.22fsmithredif you're going to use one of those from backports, you probably need both of them from backports
12:01.12user_git-gui has the same problem
12:01.34fsmithredI don't see what the problem is
12:01.37*** join/#devuan specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
12:01.38user_fsmithred: aptitude and apt unable to install gitk or git-gui, error refers to unable to satisfy deps.
12:01.50fsmithredwhat command did you use?
12:02.02user_Where both packages depend on git <1.20.x or(and?) >1.20.x
12:02.03fsmithreddid it include '-t beowulf-backports'?
12:02.14fsmithredwell, that's the problem
12:02.28fsmithred1:2.29* is in beowulf-backports
12:02.30user_Where does the -t go. Also, I think I have backports in sources.list
12:02.46fsmithredyou have a backports package installed already
12:02.47user_I have 1:2.29* here but that does not fix the dep problem.
12:03.12fsmithredapt/apt-get/aptitude -t beowulf-backports install <package>
12:03.25fsmithredpick your poison
12:03.39user_I have both deb beowulf-backports main contrib non-free ;; and -src in sources.list
12:04.09user_And the command fails as above. Trying again after update package lists.
12:04.51fsmithredyeah, update might help. Looking at +deb10u3 here
12:05.01fsmithredthat's not the bpo version
12:05.44user_Now it works. git-gui also pulls in gitk. I don't understand why.
12:06.08user_This is the *second* time I ran update, 1st time did not help.
12:08.01*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
12:11.17user_Is there a persistent setting for apt to NEVER ask for confirmation again? I let it run for longer ops and come back to prompts I DO NOT WANT TO SEE with 10% of the job done.
12:11.29user_No cli -y etc, something more permanent. Env var?
12:12.10*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
12:12.35lunariodo the devuan live CDs (when run from a usb key) offer some sort f persistence?
12:13.04fsmithredlunario, it depends on how you make the usb
12:13.21user_lunario: yes if you configure it so, i.e. you can use persistent storage. fsmithred is the person to ask, he implemented that, I think.
12:13.22lunariofsmithred: could you elaborate on that? i would have used dd
12:14.15fsmithredif you use dd with the i386 iso, I think you might be able to add a second partition. That won't work with the amd64 because of uefi compliance (interference?)
12:14.40lunarioahh, too bad, i need 64 bit for some programs :(
12:14.41fsmithredI use refracta2usb to make multi-boot live-usb. There are others that will do it.
12:14.50lunariooh wait, maybe not on the live system... :)
12:14.54fsmithredhang on, I'll dig up the readme
12:15.19user_fsmithred: I have Beowulf on refractausb stick and run it on amd64 with persistence partition(s)
12:15.27lunariocurrentl checking refracta2usb on github
12:15.30lunarioah, thanks!
12:15.41lunarioand, good to know user_, i will try it then
12:15.47fsmithredpackages are at sourceforge
12:16.21user_note fsmithred is the authority, I am just a happy user @lunario
12:16.43fsmithreduser_, how did you make the usb?
12:17.07fsmithreddid you dd it?
12:17.48user_I think so. We talked about it then and I did it, last yearish. I had a different nick then.
12:18.11user_But I ran fdisk and made extra parts after dd, and I boot it on BIOS not UEFI.
12:18.15user_BIOS amd64
12:18.42fsmithredwhen I tried with dd, I was unable to create additional paritions.
12:19.36lunarioi am using libreboot, so hope this works there as well :)
12:20.23fsmithreddoes libreboot normally play nicely with isolinux and grub?
12:20.52lunariowith debian-based distros i never had any problems. it's difficult with e.g. arch-based distros though
12:31.50luser978fsmithred: unable to fdisk: on beowulf img dd'd and booted on bios?
12:34.03fsmithreduser_, in man apt-get: Configuration Item: APT::Get::Assume-Yes
12:34.23fsmithredwould go in some file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ I guess
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15:11.58lunariofsmithred: here's what happens when i try to use refracta2usb:
15:12.25lunarioany idea what might be the problem?
15:13.43fsmithredthose file paths look weird
15:13.49fsmithredhow did you partition the usb?
15:14.26lunariosdb1 with fat and sdb2 is a luks-container
15:14.34lunarioi used gnome-disks for that
15:15.55lunariowait, am i using the right (current) version? "refracta2usb .03? 2013-03-11" ?
15:16.56lunarioyes i just noticed. sorry for the confusion... i should have checked, but it was the first one i found in your git repo
15:17.01*** join/#devuan str0mer (~str0mer@
15:17.27fsmithredgit repo???
15:17.45fsmithredget 2.4.3 from February of this year
15:18.45lunarioalso, hi str0mer. do you happen to ride one? ;)
15:19.18fsmithredlunario, if you have trouble, run 'refracta2usb -d' to get a more verbose log
15:19.40fsmithredlog is ~/.refracta2usb/snapshot2usb.log
15:27.25*** join/#devuan str0mer (~str0mer@
15:27.42str0merI have a problem under beowulf with remote cryptroot-unlock.
15:29.10fsmithredwhat exactly are you trying to do?
15:31.00str0merIt always appears "Try again later", but after 3x on the Console the authentication failed, then it works by remote.
15:32.11*** join/#devuan hanx_ (~hanx@unaffiliated/hanx/x-2769695)
15:32.51str0meri'm use dropbear-initramfs
15:33.08fsmithredoh, I have no experience with that. sorry.
15:33.45fsmithredstay logged in and someone might answer. Usually takes minutes or hours.
15:44.27*** join/#devuan leandroramos (~leandrora@
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16:37.41masonstr0mer: What's saying "try again later?" Are you connecting via dropbear?
16:38.38masonstr0mer: And do you get a prompt to unlock? What do you see?
16:45.56str0mermason: on the dropbear session no, on the console yes
16:47.31masonstr0mer: You have dropbear-initramfs installed?
16:49.05masonIt ought to show up both on the console and via dropbear, so make sure you've got your networking coming up in the initramfs.
16:55.05masonstr0mer: That starts off with an error. You don't need an LVM root.
16:55.49masonI guess they're not saying you do, but that's what they talk about. Maybe it's a fine guide given that proviso.
16:56.22masonstr0mer: But anyway, debug the network first. If the network doesn't come up, dropbear can't do anything.
16:56.54str0mernetwork is up
16:57.53masonstr0mer: So, you can ping the box but dropbear isn't listening? I'm still unclear on what precise failure you're encountering.
16:59.50str0merdropbear is listing, no session output after connect, after enter show "try again later"
17:00.21str0mermy english is bad
17:01.05masonstr0mer: Ah, you're able to authenticate successfully to dropbear? Can you also positively confirm that you get a sane error message if you give it a bad passphrase?
17:01.10masonor use a bad key?
17:01.50*** join/#devuan watkinsr (ryan@gateway/vpn/airvpn/watkinsr)
17:03.35str0merthe key is correct. after 3 fails on console, show the ssh session after connect "Please unlock disk sda5_crypt:"
17:06.30masonstr0mer: Hrm, it's been a while since I've run that. I'll have to whip up a reproducer to help more.
17:08.39str0merfalse, the first ssh connect after boot show immediately the message "try again later?"
17:08.58str0merand disconnected
17:11.38*** join/#devuan p0 (
17:15.46masonstr0mer: I've got to take off for breakfast, but I'm working up a reproducer.
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17:19.35str0mermason: I'll also make dinner first
17:37.14*** join/#devuan Guest7542 (
17:38.55Guest7542Hi there
17:39.40*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
17:40.31Guest7542I would like some help setting up network connections on a newly installed devuan (noob here)
17:43.10*** join/#devuan Night_H4nter (~Night_H4n@
17:45.10Guest7542my options are either getting LAN to work with a windows system to download needed packages
17:45.32Guest7542 or finding a way to install drivers for wireless usb offline, transfering them with usb sticks
17:46.03Guest7542but so far I haven't managed to figure out either
17:46.34*** join/#devuan mith_ (
17:46.59p0Guest7542: I've found that a usb-to-ethernet dongle is a lifesaver in these situations -- sometimes you can also tether an Android phone over usb and it will give you an ethernet connection.
17:50.19*** join/#devuan ferdy (~ferdy@
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17:50.55fsmithredGuest7542, are you unable to use an ethernet cable?
17:51.38fsmithredand have you tried ignoring the screen that asks you to insert a usb with wireless firmware?
17:52.34fsmithredjust proceed without it. It will get installed unless it's one of a couple broadcom sets that require you have a network connection first.
17:56.50Guest7542p0 I can set android to usb tethering and plug to devuan but what's next to get ethernet connection?
17:57.32Guest7542fsmithred I have an ethernet cable but LAN won't work properly with the windows pc
17:58.05fsmithredwon't work right how?  Any error message?
17:58.09*** join/#devuan leandroramos (~leandrora@
17:58.47Guest7542I didn't see something similar to the next screen you mentioned
17:59.31fsmithredandroid connects to a wireless router, set it usb tethering ON, set computer to use usb0 as the network interface
17:59.32Guest7542can't connect, tried several ways/tutorials with either devuan or windows as the LAN creator
17:59.37fsmithredin wicd, probably
18:00.27Guest7542can it work if android is the router as in my case?
18:00.29fsmithredyou already installed the system, or you are trying to install the system?
18:00.50fsmithredyou're trying to use a cell phone signal?
18:00.51Guest7542i've installed the system succefully
18:01.05Guest7542yup, don't have a modem here
18:01.28fsmithrednot sure, but you might need another piece of hardware
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18:07.34guest93fsmithred sorry I lost the connection. Phone seems able to support both wireless and tethering at the same time. Could it work? What did you say I should do in Wicd?
18:08.02fsmithredgo to Preferences (upper-right triangle/arrow)
18:08.09fsmithredset the default wireless device
18:08.12fsmithredprobably usb0
18:08.15fsmithredip a
18:08.22fsmithredwill show your interfaces
18:09.22guest93it shows an interface 5 after 3, at usb0, says it's down
18:10.28guest93maybe usb0 (or whatever) at wired instead of wireless?
18:10.41fsmithredoh yeah
18:10.47fsmithredwired interface for the usb
18:11.52guest93still says it's down
18:12.15fsmithredin wicd, click on Connect
18:12.22fsmithredfor the wired interface, I guess
18:12.54guest93with not properties set to anything?
18:13.20fsmithredyeah, you shouldn['t need to change anything for a wired interface
18:13.53guest93It worked!
18:24.48masonstr0mer: I've reproduced your "Try again later" message. Never seen that before.
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18:27.46masonPoking at it anyway.
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18:29.39masonstr0mer: discusses the issue. I'm looking at their workaround.
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18:33.12str0merexit 1 commented out in the cryptfsroot-unlock
18:35.52masonstr0mer: Ah, you've found and tried that already, and it's hanging after that?
18:36.13*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
18:37.00masonHonestly, the last set of systems I used that used dropbear-initramfs were Ubuntu, and it all just worked, so this is my first foray into trying to get it going under Devuan. There might be some sneaky dependencies that come in from Debian.
18:37.17str0merthats work
18:37.27masonstr0mer: Oh, it worked when you tried the fix?
18:37.58masonOr you use Ubuntu at work? Sorry, I've missed some semantics.
18:40.18str0meri change cryptfsroot-unlock on beowulf and update the initramfs
18:40.35masonstr0mer: Did it work? Is it fixed for you now?
18:40.58masonGood! :)
18:41.26str0merthanks :)
18:45.34str0meris my first setup with devuan
18:46.54masonstr0mer: Good. We hope you enjoy it.
18:49.22*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
18:52.40Guest93So I installed the headers and build essential, but make all for the wireless usb drivers results in several errors
18:55.13Guest93error: ‘_timer’ {aka ‘struct timer_list’} has no member named ‘data’
18:55.13Guest93  ptimer->data = (unsigned long)cntx;
18:55.27Guest93error: implicit declaration of function ‘init_timer’; did you mean ‘_init_timer’?
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22:39.03unixbsdhi guys
22:39.40unixbsdI made a little devuan live, with BSD on it as well, on small size :   it runs devuan ascii.
22:39.48unixbsd(to ramdisk of course)
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23:12.54*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
23:18.15*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
23:22.18*** join/#devuan tomg (

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