IRC log for #devuan on 20210428

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10:40.24ychaoucheHello #devuan
10:40.50ychaoucheIf I want to run a script at boot time, should I just call it from /etc/rc.local or is that a bad idea ?
10:42.57rrqshould be fine; make sure that rc.local doesn't return with failure though
10:43.46ychaouchethe comment inside rc.local says "This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel."
10:44.20ychaoucheSo in theory there's a possibility that my script would be run more than once
10:44.40rrqif you change runlevel
10:44.42gnarfaceonly if you change runlevels manually
10:44.56gnarfaceeverything just uses runlevel 2
10:45.06gnarfacerunlevel 3 now?
10:45.10ychaouchehow many multiuser runlevels are they anyway ?
10:45.13*** join/#devuan eyalroz (
10:45.15ychaoucheare there*
10:45.39gnarfacei don't think there's any distinction?
10:45.41gnarfacenot sure
10:45.50rrqman inittab
10:46.09rrqoops wrong window
10:46.27gnarfaceoh, there's 4 of them
10:46.31gnarface1 isn't, apparently
10:47.17GyrosGeier0 is shutdown, 1 is singleuser, 2-5 are multiuser, 6 is reboot
11:02.50*** join/#devuan eyalroz (
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12:59.52*** join/#devuan Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
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13:44.28jonadabTraditionally, 2 was multiuser without X11 logins (you could use startx...), 3 was multiuser with X11.
13:44.50jonadabAnd I guess 4 and 5 were for room for expansion, not sure.
13:45.36*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
13:46.55jonadabIn practice, I think most modern distributions only normally ever use runlevel 3, and reboot/shutdown.  Unless you trigger one of the other runlevels manually somehow.
13:47.01Tenkawaback in the old old days 5 was x
13:47.13jonadabOh, was it?  Ok.
13:47.23Tenkawa25 years ago
13:47.25jonadabI didn't start using Linux until 1998.
13:47.33jonadabSo I don't know the _early_ history.
13:48.48jonadabI do remember that in Debian 1.3, X11 wasn't on the main CD, you needed an additional CD, or remote repositories.
13:49.38Tenkawayeah... it was a mess
13:49.59jonadabAlso, that was the dselect era, which was terrible.  apt is so much better.
13:50.38Tenkawawhat are they trying to do with startx btw?
13:50.48jonadabNow?  No idea.
13:51.09Tenkawaoh I thought someone in chaneel asked something I missed
13:51.31jonadabTraditionally, you could use startx to start an X11 GUI after you logged in.  As opposed to having X11 running already and logging in through it.
13:51.42jonadabI suppose that still works?
13:51.46jonadabHaven't tried it lately.
13:51.56Tenkawayeah... painful but it works
13:52.36TenkawaI like the ease of *dm :)
13:52.45jonadabIt was useful if you were having issues getting your XF86Config file right.
13:53.32Tenkawaor trying to get X -configure to produce a useable file
13:54.18Tenkawa(that got bad once AMD & NVIDIA came on the scene )
13:54.35jonadabOh, I had Matrox graphics cards back then.
13:55.35jonadabBut there could still be things I wanted to tweak, like trying to get a scrollmouse wheel working, or multiple resolutions for ctrl-alt-+ / ctrl-alt--
13:55.39TenkawaI started on Unix itself in 79... never even had a need for graphical terminal at that point
13:56.38jonadabThere are relatively few things you *need* a GUI for.  Photo editing is one.
13:56.59jonadabBut it's kind of nice to have.
13:57.18jonadabEven if all you use it for is to run terminals.
13:57.34jonadabWell, terminals and a web browser, these days.
14:00.12GyrosGeierDebian never used any other runlevel than 2
14:01.01GyrosGeierand I still log in on console and run "exec startx"
14:01.21GyrosGeierthat's a lot saner than allowing root logins on X11
14:02.25TenkawaGyrosGeier: and debian isnt the only os/linux out there
14:03.15Tenkawamany others use tradional sysvinit levels
14:03.52Tenkawaand actually you are wrong
14:06.39Tenkawaroot@OMENPC:/etc/rc3.d# ls -l | wc -l
14:06.39Tenkawa/etc/os-release - PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
14:07.48*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
14:09.34GyrosGeierdefault config in Debian is to install start/stop symlinks into all multiuser runlevels
14:09.49GyrosGeierbasically, so admins have a base for local customizations
14:10.19GyrosGeierso there is no difference between runlevels in packages
14:10.34TenkawaGyrosGeier: yes.... and if you want to get pedantic... it uses systemctl so these runlevels arent  used at all
14:10.50GyrosGeierunlike redhat, which installed xdm into runlevel 3, but not 2, and set 3 as default
14:10.53Tenkawalike I said though.. this isnt all distros
14:11.29Tenkawaer systemctl/systemd
14:14.58Tenkawacheers all.. impendending storm approaches... snow 3 days ago.. tstorms today... figures
14:15.04*** part/#devuan Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
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16:41.19ham5urgIs it possible to boot up without GPU (headless) and pass the built-in GPU of the server towards a VM?
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18:37.22ErRandirI think you would need to blacklist DRM in your hypervisor kernel, not start anything display manager and X server, and pass through the PCI device of the GPU into the VM.
18:48.54rwpham5urg, Yes.  Do a web search for "kvm gpu passthrough" and you will find many guides on how to do it.
18:48.57rwp(I have looked into it but so far have not done it myself yet.  But supposedly it works.)
18:50.59lts-There may be complications if it's the internal GPU though
18:52.01rwpI think it always needs to be a secondary gpu that is otherwise not touched by the host system.
18:53.02rwpI was trying to set up a VM to run an old game that I liked.  Thought gpu passthrough might be required.  But then found using the Cirrus emulation worked excellently and did not need it.
18:55.20*** join/#devuan alexus (~alexus@gateway/tor-sasl/alexus)
18:55.43rmwow wow exactly what I'm wrangling with today...
18:56.29rmI did not succeed with the primary GPU yet
18:58.29*** part/#devuan alexus (~alexus@gateway/tor-sasl/alexus)
18:59.21rmit appeared like setting "vfio-pci.ids=..." would allow the VFIO driver to grab the GPU early during boot
18:59.55rmbut now reading the previously posted link, it might be also needed to save and provide the VGA BIOS
19:03.36*** join/#devuan amesser (
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20:12.13ham5urgrm, did you succeed to pass through the primary GPU?
20:12.53rmnot yet, I did not reboot to try the vfio-pci.ids= yet
20:13.05rmand just now downloaded the BIOS for my card and prepared that
20:13.10rmdid not reboot for that either
20:13.25rmtry and tell me how it goes :)
20:13.47rmfirst I have to figure out how to make the secondary GPU to be the console GPU for host
20:14.06rmradeonfb failed to load on secondary GPU on previous attempts
20:14.14ham5urgrm, why you need the secondary gpu? Try without any GPU. Remotely
20:14.50rmI like being able to still access the host console directly
20:15.04ham5urgI use a usb-serial device for that
20:16.10rmit wasn't a big deal previously to run an old PCI video card as my primary "GPU"
20:16.40rmso I upgraded literally today, and now the console GPU wants an entire PCI Express slot
20:16.53ham5urgrm, AFAIK, you swith gpu0 and gpu1 via bios/efi
20:16.53rmso yeah I might reconsider how necessary that is, actually
20:17.26rmI don't remember seeing there a literal option to do that
20:17.48rmpeople say on forums this is sometimes swapped as a side effect via disabling CSM
20:17.51ham5urgI remember one for dell computer, but won't bet for my actual machine.
20:18.03rmthere could be, but only if "gpu0" would be the onboard one
20:18.09rmnot for when you have multiple ones in PCI-E
20:19.30ham5urgWhy not pass the secondary? You need an Intel GPU inside VM?
20:20.31*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:20.57rmIf I want to keep my console-only old Radeon X300SE GPU as primary, that means keeping it in the first PCI-E x16 slot, and that throws both of the main slots into x8/x8
20:21.02rmseems like a waste
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