IRC log for #devuan on 20210427

00:00.38*** join/#devuan specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
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09:20.42systemdlete2ok, once again, I forgot:  Does Star use the devuan repos, or does it have its own?
09:21.13systemdlete2I'm trying to do a star net install, and it complains that there is not a valid release file.
09:21.42systemdlete2It seems to be almost identical to the devuan net install, so I'm wondering why it is failing.
09:22.32onefangIt's possible you hit that package repo while it was syncing to the upstream package repo.  It happens every now and then.  Wait ten minutes and try again.
09:22.51systemdlete2onefang:  Thanks!
09:22.58systemdlete2(I figured it might be that)
09:22.59onefangIf it's saying which repo, lemme know which it is.
09:29.30onefangThat says, which is the DNS round robin, but doesn't say the actual mirror IP it resolved to for you at that time.
09:31.20systemdlete2You know what?  Somehow I don't think the network is set up correctly.  I'm checking
09:33.43systemdlete2It's nat'd ... I was able to do this with beowulf, so I'm not sure what's up.  I cannot reach the Internet, so I have more to look at yet.
09:36.14systemdlete2onefang:  nvm.  I fingerchecked... I have network again.
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14:17.15john24i seem to have an issue with with a TP-link adapter is anyone here willing to help?
14:19.02john24i am currently on devuan chimera
14:19.22john24the wifi adapter uses a realtek chip
14:19.38john24according to lsusb it's a RTL8192EU
14:19.56john24which should be included on the firmware-realtek package
14:20.14john24but i still can't get the system to use it
14:21.07Tenkawawhen you do a dmesg | grep firmware do you get any firmware missing messages?
14:22.32john24oh i should also say that the unstable repo is also enabled
14:22.38Tenkawathe RTL8192EU has a fair number of variations.. its not quite as straightforward of a driver as it should be
14:23.40Tenkawaif you do a google search you'll see that its got many variations of the chipset that might need specific branched drivers
14:25.15john24at least i know it works on ubuntu and windows...
14:25.31john24so its not dead :)
14:25.37Tenkawawhats your kernel config show for CONFIG_RTL8192CU
14:26.05Tenkawait may just not be modprobed
14:26.22Tenkawaor not enabled in the kernel at all
14:28.01john24its CONFIG_RTL8192CU=m
14:28.31onefangIs it a TL-WN722N?
14:29.02john24V6 to be exact
14:29.35john24or i think its V6? the paper on the back says V6 linux says its V5
14:29.37onefangThe 722 is what I have on my test box, I can help with that, but not any others.
14:29.42Tenkawajohn24: is that the odd one?
14:30.20john24I do happen to also have a WN722N
14:30.32Tenkawathis is a really obfuscated chipset
14:31.57john24TN-W722N is atheros though onefang
14:33.31Tenkawaer I typoed
14:33.52TenkawaI said EU once and then CU once
14:36.03*** join/#devuan bilbo_b (~quassel@2a02:908:172:a2c0:20d:b9ff:fe35:b114)
14:36.12john24ah just noticed that
14:37.01Tenkawadoes it match this lsusb?
14:37.04TenkawaUSB 2357:0107
14:37.46john24i guess i should check for CONFIG_RTL8XXXU ?
14:37.47TenkawaRTL8XXXU is the driver you want
14:38.10onefangIf you need help with a TL-WN722N let me know.  I'll turn on my test box and go digging.
14:38.31Tenkawaif you look below 2 git projects for it
14:39.57Tenkawaonefang: completely different driver than yours
14:40.13Tenkawayours is Atheros.. his is Realtek
14:41.11onefangThat's why I'm only affering help for mine, he said he has one of those as well.
14:41.32Tenkawaahh ok.. cool… ath9k are good devices too
14:53.05*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:53.52*** join/#devuan johnt440s (~john@2a02:587:620b:9cb7:39aa:d2cb:9229:490)
14:54.06johnt440snow it works
14:55.01hiddenerlong live devuan
14:55.20johnt440sgotta say i really do like openrc
14:55.50hiddeneri have it with openrc too ;)
15:00.54*** join/#devuan cimmeria1 (~cimmerian@gateway/tor-sasl/cimmerian)
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15:13.04onefangI have a document in PDF that I need to sign, and a graphics tablet I can use to do the signing.  Anyone know any software in Beowulf that would let me do that?
15:13.36onefangIf not, something I ran use to add a graphic file on top of the PDF, coz I can always scrawl my signature in GIMP.
15:14.50onefangNo I don't own a printer.
15:23.50onefangHmm, LibreOffice might work.
15:25.13nemoonefang: heh. gimp is my fav method to scrawl a signature layer ☺
15:25.17*** part/#devuan Joril (
15:25.41nemoonefang: be real careful with libreoffice's PDF editing
15:25.45nemodoublecheck the final result
15:25.49nemoagainst the original
15:26.26onefangAny other PDF editing software that I don't have to be careful with?
15:26.54nemoupdf has this built in apparently
15:27.01nemobut haven't used it
15:27.14onefangGIMP wants to split the PDF into page per image.
15:27.22nemoonefang: problem with libreoffice is it's editing the PDF as a vector doc then exporting and I've had layout issues afterwards, or missing bits
15:27.34nemoonefang: you can choose to do layer per page instead in the GIMP import
15:27.38nemoonefang: it's my preferred way to do it
15:27.46nemoI've filled out like 20 page PDFs full of text that way
15:28.03nemoI just add text fields everywhere, then drag the next page above 'em, start a ton more text fields, sometimes cloning
15:28.32onefangupdf isn't in Beowulf according to synaptic.  Is it part of another package?
15:29.19nemohas an ubuntu PPA apparently, so could probably download a .deb from there...
15:29.24nemoI'm unfamiliar with it though
15:29.26nemoI just use gimp
15:29.43nemosomeone else on that stackexchange provided a script. that seems kinda fiddly to me
15:36.52onefangAh, looks like GIMP can export all those pages into one file.
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16:00.52onefangThe instructions at the bottom of that stackexchange page nemo posted, using GIMP, did the trick.  Though I scrawled on a new layer inside the PDF layers instead of doing a separate PNG.
16:01.00onefangThanks nemo.
16:06.14nemoonefang: yeah. that's what I do
16:06.26onefangBasically - open the PDF in GIMP, use default "pages as layers".  This gives you one page per layer.  Turn off the visibility of pages on top of the one you want to scrawl on.  Create new layer, move it on top of the target page layer, scrawl on it, merge it down.  Make all page layers visible.  Export as PDF, choose layers as pages, and invert the order of layers.
16:06.47nemoonefang: actually, what I really did was.  A decade ago I took a nice fat black permanent marker, scrawled my signature real big on a white page, scanned that at a high resolution, opened it in Inkscape and used their trace function
16:06.59nemoonefang: I then exported it to svg and I use it whenever I have a stupid form to fill out.
16:07.12nemoimport the svg as a layer into libreoffice, gimp, whatever.
16:07.30onefangI have a graphics table I use as a mouse pad, that I can use for scrawling easily.
16:07.38nemobeen meaning to get one of those
16:07.47nemoesp since I lost wacom stylus on my phone *sniff*
16:07.58nemonote 4 was best android phone, hardware wise. I miss it
16:08.10onefangIt's an ancient Wacom, but it still works fine.
16:08.42nemoyeah. samsung notes use wacom licensed stylus. it is awesomeness. since I had to abandon my note 4 last year due to failing hardware, I've lost my stylus.  I guess I should buy a proper tablet
16:09.00nemomaybe one of those where you can mirror the display for easier drawing
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16:09.13onefangI even do OpenSim terraforming with it.  B-)
16:09.47nemoonefang: the svg file is still a timesaver though
16:10.00nemobut thankfully signatures like that are rare these days. mostly just government forms
16:10.08nemono one is that dumb elsewhere
16:10.19onefangYep.  So rare I forget how to do my own signature.  lol
16:13.31onefangThis was a step up from "we use this web site to digitally sign documents", but that web site wants me to agree to FIVE legal documents before I even got to see the document, four of them lengthy.  I'm not agreeing to FIVE legal documents for some unrelated web site, I'm signing this one damn legal document I need to sign.  So she sent me a PDF instead.
16:14.02onefangBut now I'm getting off topic.  lol
16:22.09nemoonefang: have you seen the hilarious (and thankfully rarely necessary) tool to make a PDF look faxed for signature purposes?
16:23.12nemodon't use the website. just read the comments
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