IRC log for #devuan on 20210424

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12:51.14user__Hi. Does Devuan use a git installed on some private servers? I just found this in another context:
12:51.41user__It lists a number of alternatives to github at the end. I assume Devuan went it's own way with this?
12:53.39*** join/#devuan Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
13:24.28user__furrymcgee: is that marketing or are you answering me?:)
13:25.34buZzuser__: there is btw
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13:50.56furrymcgeeI am not talking about devuan private servers but the issues with gitlab
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14:16.09*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon ( is git related somehow?
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15:23.45*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
15:29.26XenguyWith wicd taking a vacation in chimaera, do the alternatives basically boil down to network-manager (nm) and connman?
15:30.27Xenguyrm, of course, but for managing public wifi etc.?
15:30.55rmdunno. I'm only half-serious of course
15:31.13rmwicd doesn't work with my laptop's wifi for some reason even in beowulf
15:31.23XenguyI agree with you, for a PC that mostly just stays put, in one location
15:31.32rmI don't use a ton of different wifi networks, so I'm fine with /e/n/i so far
15:31.51XenguyENI, I like it : -)
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15:32.54XenguyI have read people who use wpa-supplicant and assorted hacks to manage different public wifi connections, so it's probably doable
15:33.12XenguyI do prefer some setup that isn't too crude
15:33.36XenguyAnd somehow I have a feeling that I just can't bring myself to use nm
15:34.02XenguySo maybe connman is the first wicd alternative to try
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16:20.14*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
16:21.22XenguySo that was amusing:  I uninstalled wicd, and then tried to apt-get install connman  : -P
16:21.50XenguyBased on this I was able to deduce a clear need for more kawfee!
16:23.06XenguyI was able to ifdown and then ifup eth0, gain a network connection through ENI, and then did:  apt-get install connman cmst
16:23.49XenguyThe latter is a QT based interface to the connman daemon, and so far I like it, and it works quite easily...
16:25.38XenguyOne thing I'm not sure about is the namserver situation, as I have /etc/resolv.conf chattr'd to immutable, and AFAIK am using unbound for DNS, yet connman appears to be referencing my ISP's nameservers, so will need to investigate this further...
16:26.50Xenguyfsmithred, Did you ever recall what it was about connman that rubbed you the wrong way initially?
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16:35.19fsmithredXenguy, not sure what it was before, but currently, I don't like connman because it doesn't show the IP address easily and it doesn't show nearby wireless signals easily.
16:37.02Xenguyfsmithred, Good point, I have only verified that it handles my wired connection, i.e. haven't tested any wifi functionality yet
16:37.54Xenguycmst shows the current IP address in one of the tabs
16:39.07XenguyHuh, cmst seems to be showing wireless AP's fine also.  Were you using the GTK frontend perhaps?
16:43.15fsmithredI tried both.
16:44.01fsmithredwicd shows it the easiest - you just hover on the tray icon.
16:45.48XenguyYeah, takes a couple of clicks to get that in connman
16:46.52XenguyNot a showstopper, but I don't like how connman rescans the wireless AP's so frequently (perhaps there is a way to configure rescanning to be manual only).  But again, not a real showstopper...
16:47.29Xenguytuxd3v is mentioning a ncurses program called 'ceni'.  Might have a look at that too.
16:48.06fsmithredI've tried it; it works; it's probably the lightest of the bunch.
16:48.12fsmithrednot counting
16:48.51XenguyOh hyeah, I think you mentioned that script once upon a time...
16:49.47XenguyI really only need this kind of thing for public wifi managment, otherwise I can just use ENI actually, since I use ethernet at home, not wireless
16:50.07fsmithredit's in devuan experimental
16:50.15fsmithredand has been there since jessie
16:50.51onefangENI works fine for WiFi at home.  They wont let me run an Ethernet cable across the hallway.
16:50.55XenguyLooks like it's in beowulf here
16:51.27fsmithredwhere are you looking?
16:51.39Xenguyfsmithred, me?
16:51.49fsmithredyeah, what's in beowulf?
16:53.31fsmithredI have my laptop set up to use e/n/i with bridged networking in runlevel 2, and then uses wicd in runlevel 4 for when I'm away from home.
16:54.23Xenguyfsmithred, Sounds like a fancy setup
16:54.39fsmithredyou could have just said 'ceni'
16:54.54XenguyI though I did = )
16:54.58fsmithredceni should be in all suites. It's not new.
16:55.16XenguyCool, think I might take it for a spin, but more kawfee first
17:02.39*** join/#devuan Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
17:11.41XenguyWas wondering how I was going to remember 'ceni', and then realized it probably stands for 'curses e/n/i'
17:12.35XenguyRight or wrong, it's a mnemonic that works for me : -)
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17:27.18fsmithreddoes it edit that file?
17:29.02XenguyConfirmed, I just looked at the man page for ceni, and it gives this:
17:29.12XenguyOh sorry
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17:29.16XenguyScratch that
17:29.43Xenguy^^ that
17:37.26gnarfacei vaguely recall that wpa_supplicant is extensible through bash script hooks, and you can indeed manage wifi connections that way if you're clever
17:37.51gnarfacei found it simpler to just have a static config too though
17:38.50Xenguygnarface, Maybe one of those is the script previously mentioned?
17:39.08gnarfacenot sure really
17:39.14XenguyI'm thinking Ceni might be the sweet spot, but will need to do some testing
17:49.12*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
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18:46.55XenguyGonna stick with connman/cmst I think; Ceni looks a tad crude
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19:10.24unixbsdplasma41: have fun, 18mb, and little memstick ;)   I made a little bootable memstick to run on my notebook:
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19:15.28Xenguyfsmithred, I spotted one more GUI called wpagui, ever messed with that one?
19:16.40unixbsdno yet. I am trying to decode plpbt.bin to try to see how it works.
19:17.15unixbsdXenguy: why not in FLTK, do you need one?
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19:18.32Xenguyunixbsd, FLTK?
19:23.18fsmithredXenguy, I looked at it very briefly. It's not a candidate for default.
19:24.26Xenguyfsmithred, Certainly, just curious about it as a minimal method to manage changing public wifi configs
19:24.56fsmithredprobably good for anyone who doesn't know how to edit wpasupplicant files (like me)
19:25.09XenguyMight try it sometime if we're ever allowed to get out and about again
19:43.29unixbsdI just made a little gui for your wpa gui
19:43.45unixbsdhave fun... sh
20:04.15*** join/#devuan melodie (~melodie@unaffiliated/melodie)
20:08.42melodieI am trying to get new users in Devuan 32bits to get the same look and feel as I wish to configure. I have a first user with another background, icons and gtk theme, and did a full sync of the ~/.config/xfce4 directory to /etc/skel/.config but when I create a new user the background (which I put into /usr/share/backgrounds) is not there, instead it's a dark blue bg (not bad, but not what I expected). Also two other things have not come throught : I
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20:46.38Walexmelodie: some bits of the configuration probaly are in 'dconf' because they are in 'xfce4-settings'
20:47.49Walexmelodie: you can find which files contain which bit of configuration indirectly by changing the configuration and then running in the home directory something like 'find. -type f -mmin -5' afterwards.
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21:07.57Xenguyfind .
21:09.01melodieWalex what is "-mmin" ?
21:09.11melodiethanks Xenguy
21:10.11melodieI have done a cp -R on xfce4 (in .config) to xfce4-backup, then changed some things, then did a diff -r
21:10.23melodiethen changed some parts in /etc/skel/.config/xfce4
21:10.25Xenguymelodie, np (the space matters).  I think -mmin etc. is saying to find, "find all the files that have changed in the last 5 minutes
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21:10.59XenguyBut I don't know for sure, just a guess.  man page would know, of course
21:11.02melodieI will check dconf now
21:11.09melodieyes of course
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21:26.05unixbsdxfce4 needs xfce4 settings daemon to be started.
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21:26.39unixbsdmake sure also that either your use .gtkrc or the xfce4 deamon, one is fine.
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21:56.41tuxd3vwhat's hapening...a great purge?
21:59.12hagbard_net-split, nothing out of the ordinary, since the dawn of irc
22:00.31rwpNetsplits happen!
22:06.41tuxd3vEven "crashoverride"  was unable to override.. :)
22:10.26tuxd3vho boy I was terminated too on wesnoth, the undeath terminated me..
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22:12.54tuxd3vmatbe soemone just... hit the button??
22:19.10melodiehagbard rwp that was a Great Split
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22:25.59tuxd3vdoes any one knows how do I print in Mate desktop?
22:28.14Xenguytuxd3v, I don't have a printer anymore, but I used to just set up CUPS, and provided you have a friendly printer, things would generally work
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22:29.31tuxd3vI remember that in tha past there was a applet in Control center for the printer..
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22:29.44tuxd3vbut I don't see it there :(
22:29.48tuxd3vXenguy, ^^
22:31.13Xenguytuxd3v, Here on Beowulf, I have:  Control Center > Administration > Print Settings
22:35.35tuxd3vI don't have this:  Control Center > Administration > Print Settings in Chimaera :/
22:36.06tuxd3vit could be
22:36.22tuxd3vI am trying to find what package brings it..
22:36.29XenguySounds like a serious one, if so
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22:39.47tuxd3vwell, maybe its there, but not activated, I didn't found it, I checked it now..
22:40.02tuxd3vmaybe some file is preventing it from appearing..
22:40.11tuxd3vdon't know
22:40.58systemdlete2I have been finding btrfs to be a disaster.   I don't know how I got conned into believing it, but I went and started making all new filesystems btrfs.  I am having more than a bit of buyers remorse.
22:42.08systemdlete2I began moving back to ext4 yesterday.  I started with my host system, hoping that would kill most of the fallout.  It took me about 8 hours of downtime to complete the change.  And now the host seems happy enough, but only time will tell -- until the next calamity, if any.
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22:43.54systemdlete2Meanwhile, some of the VMs (also tainted by many btrfs thanks to my ignorant decision to deploy btrfs everywhere) are experiencing odd issues.  Today, I tried to modify a file on one of the VMs and discovered I couldn't because it had been remounted (!) readonly.   The VM was behaving odd overall, so I rebooted.
22:44.46XenguyGood to know, if btrfs is not ready for prime time
22:44.48systemdlete2This has got to be the worst thing since the appearance of that borgmonster u-no-wott.
22:45.22systemdlete2Xenguy, there is literally a page on a wiki listing all the problems with it.
22:45.39XenguyWIP then  : -)
22:45.53systemdlete2Kind of like its big brother systemd
22:46.58XenguyI go with 'stable' nowadays; my mad tinkerer days are over
22:47.23XenguyI tinker to make things 'just work' now
22:47.47systemdlete2Worse than all this is the fact that I had carefully handcrafted several "template" VMs with solely btrfs -- so that I could just clone these templates to create new VMs when I needed them.  I created several varieties of beowulf including star and refracta versions with various dimensions
22:47.57systemdlete2Very convenient... until now   :(
22:48.56systemdlete2Xenguy:  Actually, I have never been much of an adventurer.  In fact, it is surprising that I bought into this farce so quickly.  I am extremely conservative as it comes to trying new stuff.
22:48.56XenguyWell just because btrfs isn't fully ready now, doesn't mean it won't be some day
22:49.50systemdlete2It's a combination of having gotten burnt numerous times as well as my years working in the conservative environment of a brokerage house where we had to be very very careful about deploying anything -- new or old!
22:50.11systemdlete2I agree.  And maybe trying it out on just a few select VMs would have made much more sense.
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22:50.49systemdlete2Either way, I won't do THAT ever again.  I'm going back to my original mindset: Don't be afraid to try new stuff, but do so carefully, especially at first.
22:50.51aliceussrHello, comrades!
22:51.21rwpI have been hearing about btrfs for years.  Technology of the future.  And the future isn't here yet.
22:51.36*** join/#devuan Wafficus (~Wafficus@
22:51.40rwpHowever I was surprised to learn that Facebook uses btrfs extensively on their many thousands of servers.
22:51.59WafficusHow do I upgrade Devuan to basically Debian's testing branch?
22:52.04aliceussrPlease tell me when is the next version of Devuan coming out?
22:52.04rwpAll of them are probably doing exactly the same workload though and therefore not going to tickle any new or random event problem.
22:52.24systemdlete2rwp: One more reason NOT to use FB
22:52.24WafficusI ask because I want Emacs 27.1, and the current Devuan stable only has Emacs 26, so I would need this, and don't mind the testing version, since I use Debian 10 testing on a work VM just fine
22:53.01rwpHello aliceussr.  I am just another user but generally a Devuan release will follow the associated Debian release after a short time.
22:53.47aliceussrrwp: Ok, big thanks for your answer!
22:53.58systemdlete2rwp:  Anyway, yours are exactly my sentiments.  But what can we do when such wares are offered to us at these great prices?  They seem like bargains, until we actually start using them that is.
22:54.21rwpaliceussr, It's hard to give a definite solid answer because releases have always happened "when they are ready" without a fixed schedule.
22:54.46rwpBut generally Debian/Devuan releases occur every two years in the late Spring.
22:55.47systemdlete2maybe good to let new users know that there might be some delay to release devuan after debian releases theirs, due to numerous changes that could need to be made first.
22:55.48rwpaliceussr, For users that wish to test out the release candidates as they evolve there is the Testing suite.  Currently named Chimaera.  That will become the next Stable when it releases.  It is still changing.
22:56.28aliceussrrwp: OK! I long wait next release Devuan. *DRINK*
22:56.58rwpIs there something in particular you are wanting or needing?  Such as Wafficus who is wanting to use Emacs 27.1 in the next release?
22:56.59systemdlete2aliceussr:  Beowulf has been good to me so far (sans btrfs of course).
22:57.21systemdlete2aliceussr: Check backports.  Many times newer packages are available there.
22:57.35aliceussrsystemdlete2: Ok, thanks!
22:57.43rwpIf you have not seen it then this wiki page contains useful information about releases.
22:58.51rwpAnd this is the associated Devuan information page:
22:59.13rwpWafficus, You say you are wanting to upgrade from Stable to Testing?
23:00.57rwpWafficus, I have seen some various issues currently with Devuan Testing "Chimaera" since it is a moving target.  So I might recommend a backport of Emacs if that is the only thing that you are wishing.  That would be safer at this moment.
23:00.59systemdlete2(I never considered checking the bug tracker for btrfs before deploying it.)
23:01.06systemdlete2(Everywhere... ::headslap::)
23:03.30rwpWafficus, I just looked and Emacs 27.1 is available on Beowulf from beowulf-backports which makes it probably the best solution for you.
23:04.14rwpsystemdlete2, I feel like I should start expounding on the virtues of xfs now to see if I can entice you into switching from ext4 to xfs. :-)
23:04.55rwplaughs evily...
23:05.05Wafficusrwp:  gotcha, can you guide me how to use the backports in tha case for Devuan to allow for Emacs 27.1?
23:05.20systemdlete2You see how vulnerable I am at this tender moment, and yet you continue to woo me...   you stinker you!
23:05.34rwpAt installation time the devuan installer usually places a beowulf-backports line into the /etc/apt/sources.list file.
23:05.48rwpPlease look at that file and let us know if you have that line there.
23:05.49systemdlete2thinks rwp may be part of the borg
23:05.59Wafficusrwp: gotcha, looking in that directory now
23:06.09melodiethis has helped me get lightdm working in Devuan
23:06.15rwpI am Pentium of Borg.  Division is useless.  You will be approximated!
23:06.16melodieI like it over slim
23:06.28melodieslim is too light not comfy
23:06.51melodierwp DoctorWho revisited?
23:06.57systemdlete2LEGALIZE DIVISION BY ZERO NOW!
23:07.01rwpI think it was fsmithred who was trying to discourage me from slim not long ago due to arrested development on it.
23:07.15systemdlete2(it's a trump rally, ok?)
23:07.38systemdlete2but I am o.t. now...
23:07.43rwpmelodie, That was a joke on this old bug:
23:07.44melodierwp if you like the smallest go for nodm
23:07.51melodierwp let me see
23:08.15Wafficusthat's the output of sources.list
23:08.44melodieaha ok
23:09.16melodierwp your say looked a lot like the Daleks call
23:09.26rwpWafficus, Good!  You have the "deb beowulf-backports main" line in place already.
23:09.37rwpSo then we just need to dig up the command to install from it.  Anyone have that on the tip of their fingers already?
23:10.17fsmithredapt -t beowulf-backports install <package>
23:10.19melodieI wonder, about the snapshot tool : what if I asked the dev(s) in charge of it to merge it's best parts with antiX snapshot scripts best parts?
23:11.01fsmithredmelodie, you need to be more specific. What parts?
23:11.08melodiewould that be a request having a chance to be considered?
23:11.31fsmithredyeah, but only if you tell me what parts
23:11.49rwpWafficus, See fsmithred's command a few lines up, for emacs basically: apt-get install -t beowulf-backports -s emacs
23:12.13melodiehi fsmithred the parts that allow choosing if you want it for your own use or for distributing, then if so it will just ignore your home and for one, reset it to default, for two use prior whatever you have put inside /etc/skel
23:12.14rwpI added -s to simulate so that it will show but not do anything.  If that is what you want then remove the -s and install it for real from backports.
23:12.15Wafficusgotcha, will try that now thanks rwp
23:12.18Wafficusadding to my notes
23:12.58fsmithredmelodie, you can already do that with refractasnapshot by adjusting the excludes file
23:13.04melodiefsmithred I guess either the dev would need to try the actual Snapshot tool, or I would have to be very precise with a feature request, with steps by steps and screenshots
23:13.39melodiefsmithred yes, but that file will stay in the snapshot then in the iso that is to be distributed and it should not
23:13.40fsmithredlook at /usr/lib/refractasnapshot/snapshot_exclude.list
23:13.54rwpThanks fsmithred!  I was stuck trying to deduce the -t target being beowulf-backports.  I tried other things unsuccessfully.
23:13.54melodiefsmithred I have added an exclude directory
23:14.07fsmithredgood point. You can change the location of the excludes file and the config file.
23:14.20fsmithredPut them in the snapshot directory, and they won't be copied.
23:14.32melodieit still leaves traces
23:14.33fsmithredthe defaults will stay in their default location
23:14.55fsmithredyou want the log excised?
23:14.59melodiein the file where it says what exclude file path and file will be used
23:15.07fsmithredthat's the config file
23:15.12rwpWafficus, I am surprised by how many dependencies Emacs is pulling in.  But that is the full X graphical UI.  Are you using the GUI or the -nox TUI for emacs?
23:15.25fsmithredyou put that in the snapshot directory and use -c option to point to the config file
23:15.29fsmithredstart from command line
23:15.35rwpWafficus, When I test the emacs-nox here the upgrade is significantly smaller and less invasive.
23:15.47melodiefsmithred it is difficult for me to explain, I just found Devuan having a better finish, and antiX an easier snapshot tool
23:15.47rwpBut of course that is the curses text screen only.
23:15.59melodiefsmithred especially the gui
23:16.29fsmithredoh, I don't bother using the gui version of refractasnapshot.
23:16.40systemdlete2thinks deeply about strategy to rollback all of his VMs from btrfs to ext4
23:16.43melodiefsmithred what do you use?
23:16.49fsmithredcli version
23:16.59fsmithredrefractasnapshot -d -c refractasnapshot.conf
23:17.08Wafficusrwp: I'm using the graphical version of Emacs 27.
23:17.11melodieok good to know
23:17.18Wafficuson my Gentoo laptop, I also utilize Emacs Window Manager
23:17.24Wafficusbut for this particular Devuan desktop
23:17.28melodiefsmithred does refractasnapshot come with a man?
23:17.33WafficusI only want to use MATE desktop or Openbox, that's it
23:17.45melodie(it is working now so I can't disturb it)
23:17.46fsmithredreadme is accessible from within the program
23:17.48melodiea -h ?
23:17.57melodiegood to know too
23:17.58fsmithredyeah, -h|--help
23:18.08melodiedo you start it as root with su ?
23:18.25fsmithredI fixed my root's path in beowulf
23:18.37fsmithredn/m I fixed the path in the scripts
23:18.38rwpWafficus, Very good.  It's a choice so that is why I was asking.  Backports of X programs can have a significant cone of upgrade to the newer versions.  That's okay though.
23:18.48melodiedo you need to copy the whole refractasnaptshot.conf to the snapshot directory or only the part you want to change?
23:18.55Wafficusgotcha, its just my
23:18.55fsmithredall of it
23:18.58Wafficus*Just Works Desktop
23:19.04Wafficusso I don't mind anything installed on this machine personally
23:19.09fsmithredyou can do the same with the excludes files
23:19.18Wafficussweet, Emacs --version shows 27.1
23:19.24Wafficusgonna launch it and see if my config works
23:19.27melodiefsmithred ok I get it
23:20.29rwpfsmithred, It would be awesome if mentioned an example install using the "-t <release codename>-backports" option. :-)
23:20.34*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
23:20.58melodiefsmithred then you do " refractasnapshot -d -c refractasnapshot.conf " and that conf file contains the path to your custom exclude files then? I think I am starting to get it
23:21.05fsmithredmelodie, the excludes file is set to exclude everything I could think of that's private. You have to comment out some lines if you want to keep private keys.
23:21.14fsmithredyes, correct
23:21.44melodieI never create snapshots for my own use, only for redistribution
23:21.52fsmithredthere are some example lines with explanation in the excludes file
23:22.13fsmithredyeah, most of mine are for someone else
23:22.16melodiefsmithred I had to read them twice to be sure that # was the sign to use for comments
23:22.23melodiesome scripts sometimes use other signs
23:23.04melodieI didn't know what to think of the ' - ' signs at the start of the lines but I imitated the method
23:23.31fsmithredthat will work. It means that item will not be copied by rsync.
23:23.42fsmithredit will be excluded from the snapshot
23:23.46Wafficusnice, the only thing left is to look at the fonts present
23:23.59melodiewhat bugs me is my home is in French, what if I want the users to be able to choose at the boot of the live?
23:24.06WafficusI re-downloaded the 'Hack' font and placed it into /etc/fonts, and just need to check my Emacs itself to see if its actually using at per my config
23:24.18Wafficusother than that, looks like it was able to pull all my config dependencies just fine
23:24.47fsmithredchange default locale to C before you make the snapshot. And timezone to UTC.
23:25.10melodiefsmithred ah ! with what? dpkg-reconfigure locales ?
23:25.25fsmithredyes and dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
23:25.44melodiethanks a lot for all your help!
23:26.44fsmithreddo you understand the other build/rebuild options?
23:27.19fsmithredand then you can manually change stuff in the work_dir and do a quicker rebuild
23:27.20melodiefsmithred after reconfiguring locale and timezone, should I use "sync", or reboot or something before starting refractasnapshot?
23:27.37fsmithredI think reboot is probably easiest. Or 'init 1'
23:27.53melodieinit 1 ?
23:27.58melodiewhat does it do?
23:28.04Xenguyno, please, anything, but not the 'init', I beg of you
23:28.07melodieexcept going to init 1 ?
23:28.12melodieXenguy :D
23:28.18fsmithreddrops you to runlevel 1
23:28.37melodiebut what can anyone do in runlevel 1 ?
23:28.39fsmithredand all you have to do is press ctrl-d to return to the default runlevel
23:28.51fsmithredit restarts everything without a full reboot
23:29.07melodieok but I'll reboot
23:29.16fsmithredfaster, and it works if you don't need to reload the kernel
23:29.23melodieI use SSD's anyway so it's fast enough
23:29.33*** join/#devuan Wafficus (~Wafficus@
23:29.39Wafficushad to restart
23:30.11fsmithredif you want to be tricky, chroot the work_dir and reconfigure locales and tz there.
23:30.15melodiefsmithred so you run init 1 as root, then you press Ctrl+D and it magically has restarted everything faster?
23:30.17fsmithredthen re-squash
23:30.36fsmithredit's almost a reboot
23:30.59fsmithredXenguy, what don't you like about that?
23:31.15melodiewhen you chroot the work dir do you need to bind and stuff dev sys proc and tmpfs ?
23:31.46melodiemount and bind?
23:31.52fsmithreddepends on what you want to do
23:32.03melodiejust what you just suggested
23:32.07fsmithredI usually do those things
23:32.11melodiein that case, is it needed?
23:32.19fsmithredare you running refracta or pure devuan?
23:32.52Wafficusoh yeah, someone told me about refracta the other day, looked neat
23:32.55melodieI downloaded and installed devuan, so that should be devuan, right?
23:33.17fsmithredfor installing packages, I don't think you need to bind mount those things. For grub-install you definitely do.
23:33.21melodieI don't know about refracta anyway, only the name of the snapshot tool.
23:33.23Wafficusthanks guys for helping me get Emacs 27.1 on this machine :)
23:33.40*** part/#devuan rrq (~rrq@devuan/developer/rrq)
23:33.57melodiefsmithred lets get back to the work dir that I'd chroot :
23:34.10melodieonce inside the chroot I reconfigure locales and timezone.
23:34.21fsmithredthen exit the chroot
23:34.24melodiethen I exit the chroot in order to rebuild : is that right?
23:34.33fsmithredand run the re-squash option
23:34.42fsmithredof refractasnaphsot
23:34.48melodiethat will be for next day or so :)
23:34.50fsmithredI think it's #2
23:35.03melodie#2 ? there is a number two?
23:35.24fsmithredif you just edit the boot menu in the iso dir, you can use the option to re-run xorriso
23:35.30fsmithredthere are at least 4 options
23:36.01melodiewhere is that boot menu in the iso dir?
23:36.09melodiea file?
23:36.18melodieah !
23:36.25melodieok, I didn't know about it yet
23:36.54fsmithredor find the template in /usr/lib/refractasnapshot
23:37.15melodieI'll look tomorrow, not it's 1:36 am here, I can't keep on learning now
23:37.28melodieI'll reread the discussion from the log here tomorrow
23:37.35fsmithredhave fun
23:37.41melodiethanks! ^^
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