IRC log for #devuan on 20210406

00:03.22*** join/#devuan adhoc (
00:06.25xrogaanquestion about runit: can it support user daemon?
00:06.39xrogaanso far I know, sysv doesn't and it's been an annoyance of mine.
00:06.49fsmithredwhat is user daemon?
00:07.38xrogaanright, so, software that runs in the background but get either killed when the user logoff, or don't get restarted needlessly.
00:08.04xrogaanFor instance, my mpd get started every time I login through slim, but it never gets stopped.
00:09.14fsmithredyou would probably have to write your own runscripts
00:09.51gnarfacehmm, doesn't lightdm do that automatically if you tell it to save your session?
00:10.11gnarfacei was pretty sure there was a way to get it to remember what was running and then run that again the next time you logged in
00:10.21masonxrogaan: man 5 crontab and look at "@reboot"
00:10.27gnarfacei remember because i had a problem with it doing that to something i didn't like
00:10.32masongnarface: session managers do that
00:10.42xrogaangnarface: that's not strickly what I need. xfce can do that too.
00:14.30xrogaanmason: sure, but how do you stop the thing once the user logs off?
00:16.18fsmithredput it in the desktop's startup apps
00:17.02masonxrogaan: Ah, that sounds like user services. What's a practical example?
00:20.02adhocthere used to be a dot file that bash (or maybe another shell) would run when the user logs out
00:20.13adhoclike .profile or .bashrc
00:20.40adhocnot sure that is useful if you open up random terminals regularly
00:20.45gnarfaceit's .logout, and it still works in bash
00:21.04gnarfaceyou could use that to kill off stuff you'd backgrounded if you stored the PID somewhere
00:21.28gnarfaceit wouldn't be a super difficult scripting process to do so
00:21.48gnarfacebut i would assum ethe built-in xfce feature has it covered for most use cases
00:21.59adhocright, used that alot to clean up processes after your dialup link had dropped,
00:22.07adhocnot so sure that would be handy in X land...
00:22.47gnarfaceoh, it's possible that some session managers might not call it properly.  i did noticed lately lightdm doesn't call .bash_profile properly either
00:22.54gnarfaceor .login or whatever
00:23.31gnarfacethat's a new thing; previously people coding these things cared about preserving the shell environment's behavior
00:23.48gnarfacenow they don't even seem to remember it's there
00:24.17adhocthey use systemd for that now
00:24.36sadsnorkshould have seen that coming.
00:25.07adhocif shell scripting is too hard, then what chance are they going to have of maintaining a sensible shell environment
00:25.20adhoceverything is in .ini type files
00:25.32adhocis going through that hell in a work project
00:44.08xrogaanmason: yeah, user service.
00:49.11xrogaanalso, yeah, it's quite difficult to change the PATH of the xfce session
00:52.00xrogaanThere is no real practical example per say. I'd just like for the system to not start new processes or stop processes running as I create a new session.
00:52.26xrogaanI usually have to kill pulseaudio because it doesn't end itself, since it's not depending on the graphical session.
00:54.17adhocis that a background service?
00:54.21adhocif not, why not ?
00:54.51adhocI've had plenty of issues with pulseaudio
00:59.43*** join/#devuan gateway2000 (
01:01.55xrogaanI'm looking at
01:02.14xrogaanIt could run as a user service. But then I'll need something to take care of its state.
01:02.16orcus-delightdm no sourcing .profile /etc/profile and friends is related to the different defaults they are using - ubuntu has different ones + it does deliver some missing support files ...  it's the same reason why ~/bin and ~/.local/bin do not get added to the PATH anymore  (at least at debian - didn't check for it at devuan) ...
01:03.03orcus-dethey == debian
01:06.01gnarfaceyea but the lines to add ~/bin to the user's path are still commented-out in .bash_profile... which doesn't run if you're using lightdm
01:06.52orcus-dethe xsession doesn't care about a bash profile
01:06.59gnarfacethe latter is an example of differing defaults, but the former breaks expected behavior in a bad way and the only reason they have for not doing it that way was "woops, didn't know it was supposed to do that.  oh well, i'm not doing it over.  suffer."
01:07.27orcus-dedid never ever test it with devuan ... I'm just hanging around here most of the time ...
01:07.30gnarfaceand then in the mean time they bold on all the same functionality over
01:09.19orcus-deI gave up a bit on reasoning with people that it's a shame to break functionality out of nowhere.. for almost zero reason
01:11.17gnarfacewell, there wasn't zero reason, the reason was they didn't even know the work was already done before they were halfway to reinventing the wheel
01:11.50gnarfacebut that's almost defensible... not backpedaling to restore the break though, that's just pure ugly pride and nothing more
01:12.42gnarfacei dunno, it's not even software i actually use myself, but this type of thing causes me support issues
01:13.26gnarfaceand when it's support issues with something that has worked since debian sarge, i think the "woops didn't know the work was done already!" defense is pretty thin
01:14.54*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
01:18.09orcus-deI asked mint-devs (done all the work to debug it and finding the reason being different compile time defaults ++ grabbing the required files) to add it again to lmde (the mint debian version) ... which ended in NOPE ... as "we are just doing it like debian does" ... with all the nasty side-effects (but ok lmde is more the fallback for mint in case canonical would get worse than it already is) ... at that point you can either give up and turn away from
01:18.09orcus-dea distro or try your best to keep people going in some way
01:19.24xrogaanforgot how I got xfce to look into ~/bin
01:19.44xrogaanprobably ~/.xsessionrc
01:24.49*** join/#devuan Josh_2 (~user@
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04:29.21*** join/#devuan systemdlete2 (
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04:43.10systemdlete2I'm using wicd, and it was working fine before about an hour or two ago.  All I did was change the ip address, which is set to be a fixed address on the laptop.  It is correctly assigning the address and I can see, briefly, when the route is set.
04:44.02systemdlete2But the connection does not last.  When it tries to connect, I see a message in the wicd window saying "openwrt verifying access point association," then finally it says "openwrt could not contact the wireless access point"
04:44.10systemdlete2This was not the behavior previously.
04:44.20systemdlete2(nothing but headaches with wireless lately...)
04:44.24adhocare you using dhcp ?
04:47.05adhocif so, is the dhcpd putting an IP for the host or are you setting the IP in wicd ?
04:47.55systemdlete2wicd is setting the IP address
04:48.09systemdlete2wicd is set to static address
04:48.26systemdlete2there is NO entry whatsoever in /etc/network/interfaces for the wireless
04:48.38systemdlete2wpa_supplicant IS running.
04:48.53systemdlete2(just telling you my environment; please excuse my tone)
04:49.19systemdlete2adhoc:  Do you know what those 2 messages mean specifically?
04:49.37systemdlete2I wish wicd had an option to show a trace of what it is doing/thinking...
04:56.21systemdlete2sorry, missed your 2nd question.  The dhcp server DOES have an entry for the laptop, but as I said, wicd is configured to set the address the same.
04:56.58systemdlete2adhoc: I also tried rebooting.  In fact, I even did a COLD boot.  Neither helped.
05:06.01adhocwhat is the name of your access points SSID ?
05:06.51adhocSome times when you set a static IP it ignores the DHCP data entirely
05:07.00adhocI had the problem in Debian 8 and 9
05:07.44adhocIf you put an entry in your /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf with the MAC address for you laptop, you would have a better chance of debugging this.
05:08.27adhocIt is possible (and I'm speculating) that the DHCP client is not getting a new lease and thefore the interface times out and is dropped.
05:08.41adhocI'm not sure what the DHCP server is, or its behaviour.
05:09.18adhocI hit something fairly similar last week setting up some new PXE booted machines.
05:10.08adhocWhen I hard set the IPs, the DHCP leases expired, as you need the lease in the first place to get the boot image, system config and kernel image.
05:10.43adhocAssuming you can edit the config for the DHCP server, I would set as little as you needed to for the client.
05:10.52adhocthen add more config is as you need it.
05:15.30systemdlete2These are not PXE clients.
05:15.43systemdlete2They have their own /boot with their own images and initrd's
05:17.09systemdlete2The server uses dnsmasq, but again, it is not serving dhcp in this case.  wicd is set to ignore dhcp with a static address.
05:17.36adhocok, similar problems may exist.
05:17.50systemdlete2How would the SSID impact any of this?
05:18.12adhocwhat is the "openwrt" in relation to the message you posted above?
05:18.34systemdlete2It's the software running on the router.
05:19.01systemdlete2just fyi, my android phone connects to the router just fine.  So it is not a router misconfig.
05:19.14adhocok, step back, are you running DHCP at all on the router?
05:19.18systemdlete2Also, the laptop WAS working a few hours ago, connecting to the router without a problem.
05:19.42systemdlete2not "dhcp" per se, but dnsmasq, which includes a dns and dhcp server combined.
05:19.53systemdlete2it is functionally equivalent, by and large.
05:20.03adhoccan you look at its logs ?
05:20.12systemdlete2I have.  No hints, sadly...
05:20.48systemdlete2Right now I am recharging the laptop.  Its battery only lasts a few hours.
05:21.41systemdlete2I can probably run the dnsmasq from the router console and get more info that way
05:21.59systemdlete2I've done that in the past.  But that won't tell me what is going on on the laptop.
05:22.30systemdlete2adhoc: One thing I definitely can report is
05:22.43systemdlete2that the wireless "chip" on the laptop is flakey.
05:22.44adhocis there a reason you need to run the fixed IP on the laptop on the network?
05:23.14adhocwhy not let the router hand out the IP, DNS, Route, etc?
05:23.30systemdlete2yes.  In order to do backups, which are run from a lan-side system.
05:23.40systemdlete2For the phone, it does do exactly that.
05:23.57adhoccan you IP for the specific MAC on the router?
05:24.16systemdlete2There is a mac filter for each of the devices.
05:24.26systemdlete2I've tried disabling it, but no difference.
05:24.45systemdlete2and, in fact, I can see the laptop connecting on the router... for about 3 seconds.
05:25.25systemdlete2If it were a problem with the filter, I would not see the laptop connection from the router, even for a moment.
05:25.37systemdlete2I don't think it is dnsmasq or the filter.
05:25.44systemdlete2Again, this was all working just hours ago.
05:26.07systemdlete2Something else is going wrong.  And this is a brand new devuan beowulf install on the laptop.
05:26.15adhocyou mention the "chip" us flakey?
05:26.36adhocdo you have any tools to look at the available SSIDs on the laptop and look at the relative signal strenghts ?
05:26.39systemdlete2Well, let me tell you what was going on, when I had it connecting at all...
05:26.50systemdlete2the strength is good
05:26.57adhocuntil it isn't ?
05:27.02systemdlete2usually, the router shows up in wicd as the 1st 2nd or 3rd
05:27.11systemdlete2well, let me explain
05:27.15adhocwhich chipset are you running ?
05:27.57systemdlete2I was able to connect from the laptop to the router, but trying to, say, ping the laptop was intermittent.  Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.  Even without changing a thing in the laptop or router config.
05:28.22gnarfacea lot of this stuff seems conflicting and similar to other problems but not quite
05:28.25gnarfacehard to say what is missing
05:28.47adhocgnarface: indeed.
05:28.51systemdlete2hi gnarface.  how ar you doing?
05:28.55gnarfaceit almost sounded like an issue with forgetting you'd enabled MAC address randomization on the client and MAC whitelisting on the router at the same time
05:29.18gnarfacebut after that last line it sounds more like there are either two devices sharing one IP or two routers sharing one SSID
05:29.18systemdlete2no.  I haven't done anything to randomize the mac address... unless that is a default.
05:29.43gnarfaceis it a pinephone?  some of the older pinephones had a bug briefly where MAC address randomization got enabled by default and was not possible to disable
05:29.44systemdlete2There is only one router configured for wireless.
05:29.51adhochave not run into the qca9377 before.
05:29.57gnarfacethough they fixed that on the pinephones shortly afterwards
05:30.00systemdlete2it is an alcatel running an old version of android (about 6 or so)
05:30.22systemdlete2but the phone doesn't have this issue.
05:30.25adhocthe client is an alcatel ?
05:30.36systemdlete2it gets a connection to the router and continues smoothly.
05:30.51systemdlete2the phone is an alcatel, which is the device that is working with the router
05:31.10adhocok, so what is the client device?
05:31.15systemdlete2it's the laptop that is having problems.
05:31.18systemdlete2with the same router.
05:31.30systemdlete2It's flakey.
05:32.09adhocis the laptop running devuan ?
05:32.29systemdlete2I even ran tcpdump on both sides of the connection earlier.  A few hours ago I was able to get a solid, steady connection.  I could send packets from the laptop to the Internet (ping, etc), but I could not receive packets.
05:32.40systemdlete2adhoc: Of course.  I would not be asking here if it weren't.
05:33.09systemdlete2but once in a while, some packets did make it through to the laptop from the openwrt side
05:33.26systemdlete2I'd run a test, take a breath for 30 seconds maybe, or a minute, whatever.
05:33.54systemdlete2Try again, and it would change behavior.  One moment working, rest, then not, rest etc
05:34.54adhocwhat is the wifi device on the laptop; internal or USB ?
05:35.23systemdlete2it's internal.  The laptop is really a 2-in-1 SoC.  It has a separable keyboard
05:35.41systemdlete2again, wifi device is a qca9377
05:36.22adhocso its an atheros 10k ?
05:36.23systemdlete2This is one of the issues also.  I'm looking for a dongle I can use to compare.
05:36.35systemdlete2I have the fw for it installed, too.
05:37.20systemdlete2hmmm.  I'm thinking maybe I should run memtest86 on it and see if it is having intermittent memory issues.
05:37.39systemdlete2At least I could eliminate that as a problem.
05:37.57systemdlete2anyway, the laptop is almost juiced out now.  So I will return to this again later.
05:38.01systemdlete2thanks for your help.
05:46.39*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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08:21.34gateway2000I'm getting some tofu (like this  Ã¢Â€Âœ) on the desktop for special characters like ",", etc, but not in my browser. I did the live install and selected en_US.utf8 or whatever it is as the locale
08:22.09gateway2000This is with the xfce default desktop for beowulf. Anybody have a clue how to straighten this out?
08:22.39*** join/#devuan Bronzu (
08:43.02gnarfacegateway2000: you just need to install some fonts that contain those glyphs
08:43.28gnarfacefirefox hides the problem by bundling its own now i think
08:43.54gateway2000Idk because the characters in question are " and - , but only in some situations
08:44.08gateway2000I think maybe it's a locale thing but idk much about it
08:44.33gnarfaceif it's just in stuff you're typing then it could be your keyboard mapping too
08:45.08gateway2000I saw the behavior in the display module of the xfce settings application and in a message in hexchat
08:45.29gnarfaceprobably the font then
08:45.52gateway2000Thanks, I'll see what I can see...
08:46.11gnarfacemake sure you did actually use the right locale
08:46.26gnarfaceen_US and en_GB are very similar but differ on characters like that
08:46.58onefangCould be the web site using those characters downloads it's own (or a Google font) font.  That's common.
08:47.41gnarfaceyea it could be sideloading fonts through a number of unsafe methods but you can verify cases like that by trying the characters in the URL bar
08:47.59gnarfaceif you get color emoji's in the URL bar it's using it's built-in glyphs
08:48.18krzychhi, how to mount lvm wolumen whith rw, not read-only in rescue mode
08:48.35gnarfacei don't use lvm or i'd tell you sorry
08:49.33gnarfacegateway2000: try this to get a partial listing of available font packages: apt-cache search ^ttf\-\|^fonts\-
08:51.26krzychgnarface: ok, maybe someone uses and knows :)
08:51.55gnarfacekrzych: hang out, it's a slow channel but someone knows
09:01.48*** join/#devuan alv (
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09:24.18gateway2000I tried rebooting into the live usb session and the issue did not persist. I know it's not an issue of what fonts are on the system. I'm thinking maybe somewhere along the line using the refracta installer something's dropped
09:24.52gateway2000locale output is the same for live and for installed session. I also tried regenerating the locales on the installed session just in case
09:25.17gateway2000If I can't figure anything out I'm going to try reinstalling from the full desktop iso
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09:38.03systemdleteDoes anyone here know of a reason why devuan might not respond to an ARP request over wireless?   I've narrowed down the problem to this and it is reproducible, but intermittent.
09:38.41crashoverrideI'm pretty sure this is firmware related, not OS related.
09:38.45systemdleteIf I start a connection over the wireless link between devuan beowulf and my openwrt router, about 75-90% of the time roughtly it fails.
09:39.09crashoverrideI'd say "swap the WLAN adapter" with another laptop.
09:39.15systemdleteI agree crashoverride.  But I thought I should check first to see if anyone knows of a previously reported issue.
09:39.39systemdleteIt's a SoC and it's a tablet.  No servicable parts here.
09:39.41crashoverrideif problem happens with the other laptop too (has to be a non-windows driver) and does not happen with your current's, you know.
09:39.45crashoverrideah well
09:39.51crashoverridesorry then
09:40.06systemdleteNo, that's good really.
09:40.15crashoverridehow so?
09:40.24systemdleteI strongly suspect it is the firmware also
09:40.38crashoverridethen put android on it
09:40.42crashoverridesee if it has a problem
09:40.47crashoverrideif not
09:40.54crashoverrideextract the blob used as a firmware for it
09:40.56systemdleteYou know I have actually thought of just that...
09:41.01crashoverridethen put debian back
09:41.04crashoverridedevuan sorry
09:41.14systemdletewell, I have multiple partitions I can use
09:41.15crashoverrideand use that firmware to see
09:41.21crashoverrideeven better
09:41.48systemdleteso you are saying to extract android's qca9377 blob?
09:41.51systemdleteor something else?
09:42.09crashoverrideextract all the blobs
09:42.11crashoverridejust in case
09:42.54systemdleteSo, it sounds like your theory rests on the notion that android's collection of proprietary blobs are different from linux's
09:43.09systemdletebut I thought that android was a linux variant?
09:43.25systemdleteshared code, something like that.  I haven't followed that story too closely.
09:44.10crashoverridesystemdlete: android is a COMMERCIALLY supported linux variant.
09:44.17crashoverrideand linux is a KERNEL.
09:44.30systemdleteInteresting idea though.  But frankly, I'd like to see what a different wireless dongle might do
09:44.32crashoverrideit would be good for people to finally start understanding the meaning of those very terms.
09:44.40systemdletesorry, you are 100% right
09:44.44systemdletemy bad.  very bad.
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09:44.59crashoverridenot your fault tho
09:45.03systemdletelet me rephrase:  I thought that android used a modified linux kernel and its drivers.
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09:45.10systemdlete(I know everyone does that, don't they?)
09:45.22crashoverrideit uses a patched kernel
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09:45.38systemdletepatched ~ modified
09:45.48crashoverrideand the drivers are usually only available to google, usually as blobs only.
09:46.11systemdlete"to google" you mean chrome os?
09:46.22crashoverrideno, android releases
09:46.34crashoverrideeven tho, that's valid for the pixel only
09:46.41systemdleteoh, ok.  I see now.
09:46.44crashoverridefor other brands, it goes straight to $vender.
09:47.23crashoverridedon't quote me on that, I'm no AOSP expert.
09:47.59crashoverridebut anyway, getting the blobs out of a supported android might be a good way to start.
09:48.18systemdleteI think my next move is to get myself another wireless dongle that works on linux., hopefully a tiny one that doesn't actually dongle
09:48.30*** join/#devuan twiggy (~Twig@
09:48.54systemdleteDon't I need to find the blob for the qca9377 specifically though?
09:49.36systemdleteIt's a qualcomm atheros.  Are blobs for those available to android?  idk.
09:50.15crashoverrideYou can surely find a link for that
09:50.28*** join/#devuan pandakekok9 (~pandakeko@wikimedia-commons/pandakekok9)
09:51.08systemdletetbh, I've never been 100% content with this tablet.
09:51.38systemdleteI bought it thinking the reviews got praise, so maybe it is decent.  Of course, first I had to remove the malware it comes with.
09:51.40systemdleteOh sorry.
09:51.53systemdleteNot "malware" -- I meant the OS that was on it.  sorry.
09:51.58*** join/#devuan dagelf (~quassel@
09:52.08crashoverrideit was clear the first time.
09:52.18crashoverrideyou're not the only one dealing with those kind of problems
09:52.47systemdleteOh I am sure others have struggles too, esp with so many proprietary impediments out there
09:55.09*** join/#devuan bilbo_b (~quassel@2a02:908:172:a2c0:20d:b9ff:fe35:b114)
09:55.56crashoverrideand honestly, going by reviews when buying a phone/tablet as a computer enthusiast (or worse, IT professional) is like checking the call of duty chat before buying a firearm.
09:57.44systemdleteWell, I do more than that.  I also check which chipset it has and other technical specs on it, bands, features.
09:58.15Wonkacheck lineageos wiki...
09:58.53Wonkamaybe even checkout the git repo containing the data files for said wiki, grep through them for features you want...
09:59.12systemdleteAnd when I do check reviews, I look at the worst reviews first.  If there are like 50 people who complain about, say, a disk drive burning out the first week, I'll avoid that product.
09:59.33systemdletethanks Wonka, will do.
09:59.37Wonkamy next one might be either a FairPhone 3+ or some OnePlus device
10:00.08crashoverrideI honestly am at loss when considering what to get next.
10:00.16crashoverrideeverything is terrible.
10:00.16Wonkahope there'll be a FairPhone 4 soon, featuring 5G
10:00.55crashoverrideyeah, fairphone 4, now with unibody. But hey, you can easily access the battery. It's glued, but you can look at it!
10:01.41crashoverridedjph: I mean...
10:01.54systemdleteThe worst part for me is the dread of calling upon the tech support, which is always in some dark cavern somewhere on the other side of the planet where people do not understand basic things like "I did not check the box.  In fact, I never saw it."
10:02.14crashoverridesystemdlete: what box?
10:02.20djphwhy... WHY ... does RAID-5 have to mock me?
10:02.39WonkaI have had really bad luck with four of my last five Android devices. Optimus 2X - Nvidia Tegra chipset, closed source. Nexus 7 (2012) - that flash problem. Asus Zenfone - x86, support got cancelled. bq Aquaris X2 Pro - first Android One to receive support for only two years instead of usually guaranteed 3 years.
10:02.40systemdleteOr, how about this one:  "I gave you my credit card to PURCHASE the item or service.  THat was NOT permission to bill me for other things."
10:02.42crashoverridedjph: because RAID60 told it to laugh in your face
10:02.51djphfair enough
10:03.03djph... but now I gotta go find something big to backup stuff to
10:03.04Wonkacrashoverride: fairphone with glued battery will not happen...
10:03.16djphand burn it to the ground and start over with big drives
10:03.28crashoverrideWonka: yeah, and before that we said: fairphone with mainboard and screen in one part will not happen
10:03.56crashoverridedjph: solid plan
10:04.36djphcrashoverride: yeah, I'm just more disappoint that "oh, you don't have to worry about this with LVM" was not accurate
10:04.42crashoverrideWonka: sorry, my bad, those are the EXACT two parts of the FP3.
10:04.56crashoverridenothing more, but still, you DO have a separate "everything" and a screen.
10:05.27djphfurther reading / digging was "oh, you don't have to worry about it when going to N to N+M drives"
10:05.51*** join/#devuan alv_ (~alv@
10:06.06crashoverridedjph: when people say "you don't have to worry", it almost always mean "I got lucky and I didn't realize"
10:07.40crashoverrideyou can even find gifs of people doing things incredibly stupid and lethal, being miraculously spared; and going at it again believing they can't die.
10:08.20crashoverridebut due to the nature of that bias, I don't think there's enough scientific evidence of people who have it and stay alive for it to ever be named.
10:09.30Wonkaon, I see "Display", "top module", "bottom module", "speaker module", "battery", "back cover", "camera". That's seven parts.
10:09.59crashoverridebattery isn't really a part.
10:10.07crashoverridesame for "back cover"
10:10.48crashoverridenow, lemme have a look at the rest, because I'm pretty positive "top" and "bottom" modules are ridiculous 10g modules with barely anything in them
10:11.03crashoverrideand "speaker" and "camera" are actually removable on most phones.
10:11.29crashoverrideso yeah, don't even need to look at the link
10:11.36crashoverridehere it is.
10:11.39systemdleteIt's a good thing that every model of phone of every different manufacturer have not tried to standardize their battery sizes.  It's more fun this way, and you can't try to cheat them out of THEIR profits by using the battery from an old phone in a different phone.
10:11.51djphcrashoverride: yeah, I went and dug into the documentation, and it's vague as to whether you can just extend the RAID virtual drive or not
10:12.02crashoverrideyou can CLEARLY see that 90% easily of the bulk of the phone is copmletely sealed on the mainboard on the right
10:12.07djphseems it might be related to the specific firmware, MAYBE
10:12.09systemdleteThis way, you have to hunt for the exact battery model you need.  Good luck finding it.
10:12.34systemdletebut this really should be in O.T., guys...
10:13.14crashoverridethe entire content of the chan for most of today should have been in #devuan-offtopic
10:13.47systemdletewell, maybe.  But I did come here with a rather devuan-specific question myself.  Thereafter, my convo wandered...
10:13.54djphoh well, rebuilding the array gives me reason to just install beowulf on said machine
10:14.10systemdleteWe'd better run to #devuan-offtopic before the cop arrives
10:14.22crashoverridedjph: don't derp like me and install an x86 system on an x86_64 machine...
10:14.46djphcrashoverride: I'm good there.  I don't even download x86 images :)
10:15.17crashoverrideWonka: yeah so after verification, the FP3 modules are literally cameras and microphones only.
10:16.08crashoverrideit's like saying your computer is modular because you can unplug your keyboard, mouse and webcam
10:16.16systemdleteis rolling on the floor... "derp" I love it!
10:16.53crashoverridedjph: I had to deploy devuan on an old computer, and I never re-setup my installation medium.
10:17.02djphoops :)
10:17.04systemdleteis too easy to amuse, really.
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10:17.25crashoverridedjph: and worst part, up to yesterday, I actually had 2.6GiB of total ram.
10:17.31crashoverridedjph: on a 16GiB system.
10:17.52crashoverridedidn't know it was x86 y'see?
10:18.17crashoverrideI was just assuming "modern software" was getting all cosy and dandy with all this ram
10:19.09crashoverrideand windowsed its way into most of it because "DeVeLoPeR tImE iS mOrE eXpEnSiVe ThAn RAM!!!!1111eleven"
10:21.50systemdleteBeD TiMe  BbL
10:22.04Wonkacrashoverride: that's still way more than other phones.
10:22.06crashoverridesystemdlete: no need to take that tone bro :P
10:22.18crashoverrideWonka: ok, that's fair.
10:23.00crashoverrideWonka: kinda like saying "this anti-vaxxer got sick, so in terms of antibodies, that's still way more than the other ones"
10:23.00systemdletelooks at his comments to examine tone. None found. Rolls over again and back to sleep...
10:23.23crashoverridebut aside from that, it also is true
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14:26.37x_waiting... on boot (Confuguring network interfaces ... ifup... waiting...)
14:27.12masonx_: Is that a recently converted system?
14:28.05x_devuan 3.1.0 + some mx packages
14:28.41masonx_: If so, that's around where I do this in my migrations: apt --purge install eudev systemd- libnss-systemd- elogind-
14:29.32x_and autologin doesnt work
14:31.48x_thank you
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14:49.27crashoverridemason: couldn't someone write a script to convert debian to devuan?
14:50.40masoncrashoverride: The trouble is that the process includes (for me) a couple reboots. This can be scripted with various bits being handed off, but the process ought to be simple enough to have manual application actually be simpler.
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14:54.28masoncrashoverride: Freshly re-annotated:
14:54.30crashoverridemason: technically, an RC script can make it automatic even with reboots.
14:54.54masoncrashoverride: Right. But the actual steps are minimal enough that hiding them away might not be a service to the user.
14:55.07crashoverrideRC services can display text.
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15:02.43crashoverridemason: is there a version that I can read the link without a multiple-MiB SGML parser?
15:05.17masoncrashoverride: Other than the contents of sources.list, that's all stuff I paste into my root shell. I see no SGML here. And it's 31 lines including whitespace and comments.
15:05.44crashoverridemason: it is literally 122 lines.
15:06.38masoncrashoverride: bpaste renders here without needing JavaScript and it presents no ads, so I'm not sure what your software is doing. Are you using wget or something?
15:07.03masoncrashoverride: try w3m or elinks instead
15:07.08crashoverrideliterally: curl -SsL | less
15:07.21crashoverridemason: w3m and elinks are SGML parsers.
15:07.29crashoverrideI was asking for a raw paste.
15:07.35masoncrashoverride: You might want to make use of a World Wide Web client here.
15:07.48crashoverrideokay I'll grep
15:08.11masonI'm afraid I can't help with this. It's a bit silly.
15:08.15crashoverridecurl -SsL
15:08.42crashoverrideit was too hard for you to visually identify the "raw" link, it's much easier for me to guess what it's gonna be called and grep it.
15:09.11crashoverrideanyhow, I can now read.
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15:34.18crashoverridemason: is that enough to migrate?
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15:37.46masoncrashoverride: It's what I've used, directly. I'd tend to pull out anything complex I know I can just reinstall, to simplify the process.
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15:56.49crashoverrideany idea how to restrict a package to a specific repo?
16:08.04ShorTiepin it
16:09.19ShorTiea list for a hole repro like raspi.list
16:15.14crashoverridemyeah well
16:15.30crashoverrideI have no idea what you wrote.
16:17.21crashoverridedevuan is missing some packages...
16:19.53crashoverrideI have actually ZERO idea how bad this is
16:20.12crashoverridebut I just downloaded a couple debs from debian sid and `dpkg -i` them.
16:20.22crashoverrideproblem solved (for now, this sounds like it's gonna blow in my face later)
16:20.42tuxd3vcrashoverride, what is your hardware?
16:21.05crashoverridemy hardware or my arch?
16:21.23tuxd3vyes, what board are you running?
16:21.38crashoverrideone sec, will look up
16:22.59crashoverridemy board is a 20AN0072GE
16:24.11tuxd3vho you are running x86, I tough for a moment that you were running arm or arm64, my bad :/
16:24.44crashoverrideI should be running x86_64 really, but my current arch is i686.
16:25.05crashoverrideI find your questions confusing.
16:25.39crashoverrideyou asked for my hardware, and you ended up talking about the arch for which the software I run has been built.
16:25.39tuxd3vcrashoverride, if you find it confusing its because its confusing :)
16:25.51crashoverridethere's nothing confusing.
16:25.58crashoverrideThere's a board: 20AN0072GE
16:26.14crashoverrideThere's a CPU: i7-4810MQ
16:26.27crashoverrideThere's a software arch: i686
16:26.46tuxd3vyeah you should have replied that you have a lenovo 14" laptop, and I would now at that very moment that you were running x86 or x86_64
16:27.07crashoverridewell, you asked about my "hardware"
16:27.18crashoverrideyou're lucky I didn't tell you what gun I own or what car I drive :D
16:27.54tuxd3vcrashoverride, indeed
16:27.55crashoverrideeither way
16:28.06tuxd3vwhat packages are you complaining about?
16:28.51crashoverridenng-utils, libnng1, and libnsl2.
16:29.25crashoverridethe rest was available in the normal repositories.
16:31.22crashoverrideis it a hell of a lot of noise for 2 files...
16:31.30crashoverride(and two symlinks)
16:31.53crashoverrideok, 3 files, actually.
16:31.59crashoverride3 packages, 3 files.
16:32.17tuxd3vI am in Chimaera( i686 ), and those packages are available
16:32.30crashoverrideyeah but that's not stable is it?
16:32.49tuxd3vnot yet
16:32.57crashoverridewhat versions do you have?
16:34.23crashoverrideSGML again.
16:34.30crashoverridecan't you people use normal pastebins?
16:34.59tuxd3vnope, is has tons of javascript trying to mess with my cookies and the rest :)
16:35.51tuxd3vcookies are a precious thing to me, I guard them close to my chest :)
16:36.11crashoverrideI see.
16:36.38crashoverrideso I got *exactly* the same versions installed.
16:37.54crashoverridewould be cool, maybe, to put them into backports?
16:38.05masoncrashoverride: Sorry, there's enough going on that I often won't see replies on IRC if they don't hit a highlight. Yes, graphical stuff, things like LibreOffice, web browsers... Big things that have lots of dependencies.
16:38.16tuxd3vhave you tried the backports way?
16:38.42crashoverridetuxd3v: no, that's why I'm complaining about them not being on backports. Because I didn't look. Otherwise, I might know they aren't there.
16:44.26gateway2000crashoverride what release are you on
16:45.27gateway2000those packages aren't in buster either
16:51.20crashoverridegateway2000: < crashoverride> but I just downloaded a couple debs from debian sid and `dpkg -i` them.
16:51.58crashoverrideand to answer your question, I'm using beowulf.
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17:00.00masoncrashoverride: Better to manually backport rather than trying to fit binary packages from another release.
17:00.11crashoverridemanually backport?
17:00.24crashoverridewhat's that?
17:00.45mason for example
17:01.16crashoverrideah yeah, no.
17:01.23crashoverrideI'm not gonna be a debian maintainer because of 3 files.
17:01.31crashoverridethank you very much.
17:02.32masonJust trying to help. It's really not that hard.
17:03.29crashoverridebut this is literally 3 files.
17:03.36crashoverridenot exagerating here.
17:04.13crashoverrideif you'd check how much data is from the actual payload and how much is from the package management and conventions, I wouldn't be surprised more than half is added as overhead.
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17:07.00crashoverrideplus, according to tuxd3v, those files are in Chimera, so when I upgrade, I'll be fine.
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17:08.36golinuxThe files will be in chimaera not chimera.  ;)
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17:13.30gateway2000I don't know who was here earlier but I had a problem with tofu characters on the desktop from the live install - I did end up reinstalling from the installer iso and the problem was resolved - not sure why this happened
17:14.52gateway2000Oops nevermind I'm doublechecking and they're still there - in the Display xfce4 settings module, my monitor name is nonsense
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17:20.06gateway2000This is what I'm talking about - it's supposed to say IBM 17" - I don't know if anybody else's run into this.
17:21.22gateway2000I've tried regenerating locales and it didn't do anything. It's also strange that in the live usb session this doesn't happen, and it actually didn't happen in the installed OS either at first, I just rechecked it and it's come back
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17:36.05gateway2000Since it doesn't have after install, but happens eventually, maybe that means it has to do with packages I installed post-installation
17:36.31gateway2000Sorry to flood the channel, if anybody has any ideas I'm all ears.
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17:37.49crashoverridegateway2000: what are tofu characters?
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17:38.37gateway2000crashoverride Nonsense filler characters - for example like in the screenshot I shared
17:40.43crashoverridegateway2000: are you maybe using a non-UTF8 locale?
17:41.28gateway2000I thought maybe that had happened on accident, but locale outputs en_US.UTF-8 down the line
17:42.17crashoverridewell, clearly *something* isn't UTF8 here.
17:42.32gateway2000I turned off one of my monitors in grub with a kernel line, when my build is finished I'm going to try undoing that and rebooting to see if that makes a difference
17:42.39gateway2000Yeah something's up for sure
17:43.21gateway2000in xsettings the monitor name is correct. just not in the gui display module
17:44.41crashoverridegateway2000: do you know what the first character is supposed to be?
17:44.52gateway2000should be I
17:45.02gateway2000the name is supposed to be IBM 17"
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17:47.13rmFrance o.o
17:47.27gateway2000yeah I know right
17:47.34gateway2000Never seen anything like it
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17:49.21crashoverrideThe only thing I can sortof make up with it is 倐
17:49.23rmtry a memtest
17:50.12rmwith memtest86+, i.e. rebooting into it
17:50.43rmI'd use a live CD from, and it has that memtest in "add-ons"
17:51.28crashoverrideah, no, could also be ၐ
17:52.27crashoverrideI'm guessing "France" is placeholder for your font for the UTF8 French flag.
17:57.36gateway2000Okay thanks all. Gonna reboot, try a few things. Will be back
17:57.51rmnext we know the thing is overclocked :)
17:58.07crashoverridequick question
17:58.38crashoverridewhen I dpkg --get-selections, the stuff that is listed as 'deinstall' is explicitely black listed, right?
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18:43.50rwpcrashoverride, No.  Those are packages that are in the "rc" state.  Removed but Conffiles remain.  The package is still half-installed in that state.
18:44.00rwpTry this: dpkg -l | grep ^rc
18:44.02crashoverriderwp: thanks :)
18:44.16rwpThat is the difference between "removed" and "purged".
18:44.23crashoverriderwp: it's a package from the devuan installer that is in that state.
18:44.33crashoverrideit's "deinstalled" literally
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18:47.01gateway2000memtest said the memory's fine, my fiddling didn't do anything. guess I'll just forget about it
18:47.23brocashelmanyone here using a cyberpower ups with their devuan systems? i installed their powerpanel deb (said to work on debian 8) on ceres (unstable) and it works just fine. great cli tool to communicate with my ups as i'm tired of sudden power shutoffs (for a split second) in my area
18:47.35brocashelmi can check it out with sudo pwrstat -status
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19:59.18plasma41brocashelm: Yes, I'm using a CyberPower UPS with my Devuan system.
20:01.40plasma41I've never heard of PowerPanel before. I'm reading about it now
20:04.49rwpcrashoverride, Right.  "deinstalled" is the string stored in dpkg's /var/lib/dpkg/status file. Maps to "rc" in the "dpkg -l" output. Probably will also have "config-files" in the package status field.
20:04.51brocashelmyeah, it works really nicely. had no issues installing it on ceres
20:05.23rwpcrashoverride, See "man dpkg-query" for documentation on package status states.
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20:05.37plasma41brocashelm: It has a non-free license, unfortunately
20:10.48plasma41brocashelm: The only other dedicated UPS monitoring and control software I've heard of is NUT (Network UPS Tools). It's packaged in De{bi,vu}an and is free software.
20:11.12*** part/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
20:11.58brocashelmi'm going to test that one out
20:13.37plasma41brocashelm: There's also some UPS related functionality in the Xfce Power Manager. It does what little I need, so I've never done a deep dive into NUT.
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20:16.58brocashelmplasma41: i can see that
20:47.39rwpFor APC UPS devices apcupsd works well and is free software and is packaged for the OS.
20:58.01Centurion_DanI always stuck with nut - it has a profile for APC ups's
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21:19.22flingWhat is needed for openvpn to set nameserver?
21:22.40rwpVPNs and nameservers are interesting, if you need to have a specific one in order to get local names resolved from the VPN.
21:23.20rwpI don't have an alive configuration right now but I remember that I had used resolvconf with a custom script to do the right thing, coupled with server side config with OpenVPN.
21:23.37rwpSorry that is such a vague, vague, vague description of one possible solution.
21:24.18rwpHaving always been a bind user it pains me to recommend unbound which makes overriding nameservers trivially easy.
21:24.57rwpAdditionally depending upon what you are doing and how you need to do it "sshuttle" is trivially easy to use with specific dns and works well, but is not a full VPN so it all depends.
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