IRC log for #devuan on 20210401

00:17.59*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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00:33.24*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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00:38.43mexonHi Folks, I know the general answer to this is 'when its ready' which is completely understandable but I'm looking for a general approximation of when Devuan's current testing branch will move to stable, given that Debian 11 is pretty close at this point
00:39.44ShorTiei'd say give it a month or 2 after debian stabilizes
00:40.18mexonFair enough, excellent, appreciate it.
00:54.55*** part/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
01:32.27*** join/#devuan specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
02:14.51*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
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03:33.20*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
03:43.09*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
03:45.06systemdleteerror during dist-upgrade from ascii to beowulf in eudev:
03:45.49systemdleteI've run --fix-missing but after applying additional upgrades (ones that got missed due to the breakage), the same error comes back.
03:58.15*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:08.18lts-systemdlete: I've used successfully, and that states "[apt-get install evdev] The last command is known to cause package breaks but we will fix this as part of the migration process" and then instructs to run "apt-get -f install". I haven't had issues with that.
04:08.23*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:09.14lts-i.e. --fix-broken
04:10.47*** join/#devuan pandakekok9 (~pandakeko@wikimedia-commons/pandakekok9)
04:20.19gnarfacesystemdlete: do you have a custom kernel or a very old one or one from a different distro or something?
04:20.40gnarfacesystemdlete: i haven't seen this error but it's the type of thing i'd expect to see if you had compiled the kernel without inotify
04:21.16gnarfaceor like, maybe if you forgot to upgrade the kernel to the current release
04:34.56*** join/#devuan infobot (
04:34.56*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.1 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
04:34.57*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
04:35.12pandakekok9Hi, can anyone look as to why my build of iwd for experimental is stalling?
05:41.47*** join/#devuan genr8_ (~genr8_@unaffiliated/genbtc)
05:47.49rrqpandakekok9: seems to be something lost in the final handshake w i386-builder
05:53.22*** join/#devuan ruenoak (
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05:59.47rrqlooking ...
06:21.59*** join/#devuan werneta (
06:25.06*** join/#devuan MarrekNozka (~MarrekNoz@2a00:1028:83d8:685a:3e7c:3fff:fe7d:eaef)
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07:44.24gnu_srssystemdlete: The comment about buster-to-beowulf is wrong. eudev is installed by a package udev depending on eudev.  You should not need to force the install.
07:46.02gnu_srsAnybody know hos to update that page?
07:56.08*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
08:01.10*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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09:00.10*** join/#devuan AntoFox (
09:20.54Xenguygnu_srs, Yes, there has been discussion of that page recently...
09:21.38XenguyBut what to correct exactly is always the question : -)
09:31.52*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
09:37.50*** join/#devuan MarrekNozka (~MarrekNoz@2a00:1028:83d8:685a:3e7c:3fff:fe7d:eaef)
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10:39.07gnu_srsXenguy: Regarding eudev this should be sufficient: Upgrade to eudev is made by the transitional package udev. No special measures are needed.
10:40.42gnu_srsSo all text surrounding apt-get install eudev and apt-get -f install can be removed. Replaced with the text above.
10:42.00*** join/#devuan TCZ (~tcz@
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14:51.06*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:179d:1cc6:8854:4d5c)
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17:47.10XenguyThanks for that gnu_srs .  Will capture that idea and run it by a few people.
17:47.10infobotXenguy: pas de quoi
17:53.12*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
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18:39.16fsmithredwtf? the bot now initiates conversation?
18:40.23crashoverridein french, too
18:42.21*** join/#devuan mro_name (
18:46.51*** join/#devuan furrymcgee (~devuan@
18:48.12*** join/#devuan ibanja (
18:48.46rwpI for one welcome our new info bot overlords.
18:48.54*** join/#devuan chwy (~chwy@unaffiliated/chwy)
18:51.44*** join/#devuan plasma41 (~plasma41@
18:52.46ibanjaI have upgraded several systems to beowulf. Most kept my apt-mark holds, but one did not.
18:53.06ibanjaIs there a way to downgrade and keep those old versions?
18:53.26ibanjaIt is important for compatibility reasons.
18:54.09plasma41ibanja: Downgrade an individual package or the whole system?
18:54.22ibanjaan individual package
18:55.15plasma41ibanja: That's often doable. Which package?
18:55.22ibanjaI am thinking a better option would be a user installed version of the package.
18:55.44ibanjathe two important packages are keepassx  and lyx
18:56.46plasma41ibanja: You're wanting to continue using the ascii versions of those packages, correct?
18:56.59*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
18:58.09plasma41ibanja: Ok, let me check the dependencies for those packages. One moment
19:00.27ibanjaplasma41: thanks... I am also wondering if using NIXos packaging or other universal packaging system such as flatpack would be the best option, but I have no experience and don't want to trash my system.
19:03.15*** join/#devuan sgage (
19:05.24plasma41ibanja: The changelog for keepassx indicates that the ascii version (2.0.3-1) and beowulf version (2.0.3-2) differ only in terms of minor tweak to the debian packaging, but are otherwise the same upstream version (2.0.3). (Source: Is there a change affecting you that is not mentioned in the changelog?
19:06.59ibanjaWOW... I must be using pre-ascii... sorry for the missinfo... (Installed: 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1+deb8u1 ---- Candidate: 2.0.3-2)
19:07.40ibanjathe problem is some old keepassx databases... and they are shared via nextcloud....
19:09.12ibanjaI think it's time to let the straglers upgrade or have a second install to deal with the problem.... OR user install an older version if that is even possible.
19:09.24*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
19:09.25plasma41ibanja: Ok, that version of keepassx is from jessie.
19:11.25ibanjaI could try to cull together the dependencies and put them into my local repo, but I wonder if this is getting a bit silly...
19:12.50*** join/#devuan MarrekNozka (~MarrekNoz@2a00:1028:83d8:685a:3e7c:3fff:fe7d:eaef)
19:14.37*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
19:15.54plasma41ibanja: Looking at the build dependencies for the jessie version of keepassx ( I see that Qt4 is required. Unfortunately Qt4 is not included in Beowulf so you would need to manually pull in all the Qt4 dependencies. Simply re-installing the old keepassx deb file wouldn't be enough.
19:15.59*** join/#devuan sammi` (
19:16.40ibanjaplasma41: I see...
19:16.43ibanjaplasma41: Thanks... I have a solution now... the computers that can't upgrade are stuck in version because of legacy software... so let's put them into a VM and let the host os handle the upgraded programs
19:17.22ibanjaI think that would work.
19:17.47*** join/#devuan Rick8024 (
19:19.45ibanjaplasma41: appreciate the helpful input...
19:20.34plasma41ibanja: As for lyx, while the ascii binary depends on older ascii versions of some dependencies, namely libboost, I believe a simple recompile of the older version atop beowulf should provide a usable binary.
19:21.54ibanjaplasma41: lyx... that would be very helpful. I will look into that. Thanks
19:22.25plasma41ibanja: Happy to help
19:23.07*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
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19:41.00systemdletegnarface:  I was following the official instructions at to upgrade to beowulf.
19:42.10systemdleteAlso, mine is ascii-to-beowulf, not buster-to-beowulf.  I suspect that buster already has a "base" load of software that is more compatible with beowulf than ascii.
19:43.13systemdleteSo if upgrading the kernel is a necessary step, then that should be a dependency that the upgrade finds automatically.  If a reboot is necessary, that should be clear from the procedure.
19:44.00systemdleteI have whatever the latest stock kernel is from the ascii repo.  I think it is 4.19.0
19:48.00fsmithredupgrade kernel is not required
19:48.21systemdleteI am unable to use my laptop in its current condition.
19:48.57systemdleteIt fails, the same way, every time I try to finish the upgrade.  There is plenty of disk space.
19:49.24fsmithredI've never seen that error before
19:49.25systemdleteI am even using ethernet rather than wireless to speed things up.
19:49.38fsmithreddid you verify that those things are in your kernel?
19:49.52systemdleteAgain, I am using whatever stock kernel is in the repo
19:49.53fsmithredgrep INOTIFY /boot/config-whatever
19:50.00fsmithredthat's nice
19:50.10systemdleteis that no good?
19:50.12fsmithreddid you verify that those things are really in it?
19:50.18fsmithredit should be good
19:50.20fsmithredprove it
19:50.45fsmithrednot necessarily to me, but to yourself
19:50.50systemdleteA stock kernel that is not compatible with stock packages?   Odd.
19:50.59fsmithredwould be very odd
19:51.07fsmithredyou can take it on faith or you can verify
19:52.26systemdleteIt says CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER=y
19:52.55fsmithredyeah, so does mine
19:55.08systemdletescratches his head
19:55.23fsmithredthat error message is coming from the preinst script
19:56.39fsmithredegrep -q "^[a-fA-F0-9]+ T \.?sys_${symbol}$" /proc/kallsyms
19:56.47fsmithredthat's in the failing test
19:57.38systemdletelistens as fsmithred steps through debugging the failing package...
19:58.06fsmithredcan you boot a live-usb and chroot the system?
19:58.16fsmithredor boot to single-user?
19:58.25systemdleteIf you know of a way to work around this, maybe we can run apt-get with some magic options
19:58.47fsmithrednot magic options. Just comment out the test.
19:58.58*** join/#devuan misgender (
19:59.23systemdleteHow does one "comment out the test" without building a custom package?
20:00.26systemdleteOr will building a custom package be relatively straightforward?
20:01.26fsmithrednano /var/lib/dpkg/info/eudev.preinst
20:01.52systemdletewon't that get overridden when I attempt the install again?
20:02.06systemdleteor does it pick up where it left off?
20:02.18systemdlete(I'm not very familiar with this, if you can't tell)
20:02.46fsmithredyou might get away with dpkg --configure -a
20:03.02fsmithredor even upgrade might not download it again
20:03.09fsmithredI'm not certain
20:03.23fsmithrednano +33 <that file>
20:03.31fsmithredand you'll be on a line that says 'exit 1'
20:03.43fsmithredpreced that with #
20:03.57systemdleteYes, I know how to comment it out.
20:04.03systemdleteAnd how to use vi.
20:04.09systemdlete(I don't use nano)
20:04.16fsmithredyou'll still see the error messge go by, but it won't dump you out
20:05.31fsmithredthe exit is right after the list of kernel features
20:05.34*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
20:06.06systemdleteI don't see that line in the preinst file
20:06.29systemdleteYou are saying line 33?
20:06.42systemdlete(I'm guessing that is what you meant with +33)
20:06.44fsmithredyeah, you should see the error message you got
20:06.57fsmithrednear the top of the script
20:06.58systemdleteAre we really talking about the same package
20:07.04systemdleteand script?
20:07.05fsmithredyou must be looking at the older one
20:07.48fsmithredsecond function is called check_kernel_features
20:07.50systemdletesoooo... the upgrade somehow downloaded the wrong package?
20:08.04fsmithredno, you're probably looking at the ascii version
20:08.39fsmithred# Hack to get the dpkg process' PID despite using debconf
20:08.48fsmithred^^^ see that at the top?
20:08.55systemdletewhy would it be doing that -- this is an upgrade to beowulf, and the packages should be coming from beowulf since the sources file was set -- by me -- to the beowulf repos.
20:09.11fsmithredI thought it was an upgrade FROM ascii
20:09.36fsmithredsee the line I just posted from the ascii version? Is that what you have?
20:09.46systemdleteIt IS an upgrade from ascii to beowulf
20:10.06fsmithredso anything that didn't get replaced by the beowulf version should be the ascii version
20:14.28systemdleteright.  so why is it upgrading eudev if it is already at the ascii version?  If beowulf has a newer eudev package, it should have downloaded it.
20:14.43systemdleteSorry, this is still not making sense.
20:14.59systemdleteI don't see any "exit 1" in the eudev.preinst file
20:15.08fsmithredbecause we are not looking at the same file
20:15.26systemdleteI am looking at the precise path you gave above
20:15.39fsmithredomg, you have ascii, I have beowulf
20:15.40systemdleteMaybe I misunderstnad
20:15.46systemdleteno kidding
20:16.20fsmithredthe two different versions do not have the same preinst file
20:16.28systemdleteno surprise there...
20:16.35fsmithredI don't know why the upgrade failed for you
20:16.46systemdleteRight.  I think that part I get.  Completely.
20:17.32systemdletewere you being sarcastic when you said "omg, ..." ?
20:18.05systemdleteor did you really just realize that we were on different releases?
20:18.23fsmithredno, but you keep asking why our files are not the same
20:18.29systemdlete(peoples' tones are hard to detect on chat)
20:18.37systemdleteI did not ask, actually.
20:18.46systemdleteI expect that they would be different, by default.
20:19.16systemdleteesp. for a package like eudev, being the pandoras box it is
20:20.26systemdletefsmithred:  I'm still trying to find the webpage that I am using to do the upgrade
20:20.55fsmithredshould be on
20:21.26systemdleteit is.  All I recall is that it said to modify the sources file, then run update and then release-upgrade (something like that)
20:21.40systemdletenot that page, no
20:22.17fsmithredchange sources, apt update, apt dist-upgrade is what I usually do
20:22.27systemdletethat was it
20:22.58systemdleteand it broke, exactly as we have been sorting this out
20:24.07fsmithredoh there are a couple of extra instructions: kill xscreensaver, force-downgrade upower
20:24.23fsmithredrepeat dist-upgrade, apt -f install
20:24.34fsmithrednot necessarily in that order
20:24.46fsmithredand I don't think any of those things would affect your error
20:24.53fsmithredanyway, I have to go
20:24.55systemdlete(they don't)
20:24.59systemdletethanks for your help
20:25.40systemdleteis left with a broken system just by following official debian instructions for performing a release upgrade. Go figure, right?
20:30.12*** join/#devuan morruth_ (~quassel@
20:35.05sadsnorkibanja, I am successfully using keepass 0.4.3 on Beowulf by (1) "apt-get install --no-install-recommends libqt4-xml libqtcore4 libqtgui4" (2) dpkg -i /path/keepass.deb (3) apt-mark hold keepassx
20:38.04*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
20:39.46gnu_srssystemdlete: Did you follow the Devuan instructions for an upgrade? I assume you did not mean Debian!
20:40.29*** part/#devuan chwy (~chwy@unaffiliated/chwy)
20:51.44systemdleteI went to debian because I thought that the upgrades would be the same
20:52.17systemdleteBut it sounds, from what fsmithred was saying, that the same instructions apply
21:05.56*** join/#devuan c0rnelius (~c0rnelius@2601:586:4d00:7950:ae83:f3ff:fe48:fde2)
21:06.22xrogaanIs this ... an April fool?
21:07.04xrogaanoh, no, it's real. It's a node package.
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21:55.20DPAI've now for the first time installed chimaera on a normal laptop (using debootstrap). The keyboard-configuration package doesn't seam to work anymore. And OMG, xfce now looks awful, the CSD, the icons, etc...
21:56.12*** join/#devuan eyalroz (
22:00.35Unit193DPA: 1. xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/DialogsUseHeader -s false  2.
22:01.16*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
22:01.17Unit193I also have a "fix" for the icons, but that's perhaps a little less acceptable here.  Oh, and use a git snapshot of elementary-xfce-icon-theme.
22:04.51golinuxWhen chimaera is released it will look the best it possibly can.  But yeah, I hear the default gtk-3 Xfce will gouge your eyes out.
22:05.06golinuxFugly . . .
22:06.25fsmithredit's not the desktop icons that are bad, it's the icons inside the xfce apps, like the settings manager
22:06.36fsmithredthe ones you can't change
22:08.19rwpDPA, Since you used debootstrap to install it means that you get complete control of everything.  But perhaps not enough is installed?
22:08.58rwpHow did you install XFCE?  Did you install task-xfce-desktop ?  And was that with or without recommends?
22:09.53rwpIt would be useful to run this and look at the Recommends and see if perhaps one of them would be useful: apt-cache show task-xfce-desktop | grep -e Depends: -e Recommends:
22:11.05*** join/#devuan ruenoak (
22:11.32Unit193fsmithred: Perhaps, but honestly with elementary the icons aren't too bad.  Maybe we're not seeing the same things, I guess?
22:12.05fsmithredwhat is elementary?
22:13.47fsmithredyup. That's the same icon set. They look a little brighter in the actual app.
22:15.31*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
22:19.20Unit193Fair enough.  With CSDs gone, I'm not really going to object too strongly to a few icons.  I restored some of the symlink ones (== terminal), so the rest are fine where they are.
22:20.02fsmithredwhat are "the symlink ones"?
22:20.31fsmithredyou edited .desktop files?
22:21.48DPAUnit193: Thanks, I'll try that.
22:21.48DPArwp: Yes, I installed it using task-xfce-desktop.
22:31.56fsmithredthat's a lot of symlinks to mess with
22:32.30*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (
22:33.51Unit193Can I link you to a package source in PM?
22:44.48*** join/#devuan kiwi9 (~john@2001:8003:6da8:c01:2d8:61ff:fe7b:961b)
22:58.23ibanjasadsnork: Yes... That worked...  THANKS!
23:02.40*** part/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
23:18.36crashoverrideI am sad
23:18.59crashoverrideI never paid much attention to bitcoin because I always thought it was a pile of doo
23:19.09crashoverrideboth in the way it was presented
23:19.12crashoverrideand in the claims
23:19.59crashoverride(fast transactions, low processing fees... yeah, no)
23:20.33crashoverridebut now that I am looking at it, a lot could have been more obvious to me.
23:20.44crashoverridefor instance, the fact that it clearly is of German origin.
23:21.14crashoverridethe white paper mentions "Electronic Cash" in the very first sentence of the paper.
23:21.41crashoverrideWords 8 and 9, if you don't count the word "Abstract."
23:21.52crashoverridealso, the mail address is using
23:22.07crashoverridegmx is a very famous german mail provider, and isn't much known outside of Germany.
23:23.47crashoverrideAlso, the word "Abstract." in the paper is, I think, a Germanism, as it is normally a header, and if not, followed by a colon.
23:29.11DHEI feel like you're a number of years late to the party
23:29.37crashoverrideI actually was really early to the party, back in 2012
23:29.45crashoverrideand went "meh, that's a load of bs"
23:29.50crashoverridestill think it is, fwiw.
23:30.07crashoverridebut what's not BS is finding out who invented it.
23:30.19DHEyou know what channel this is, right?
23:30.33crashoverrideand you feel like I'm obfuscating valuable trafic?
23:30.54crashoverrideI mean, fine, I can also write to #devuan-offtopic
23:33.41crashoverrideDHE: I like how you just opened your mouth just for the sake of it.
23:33.52crashoverrideyou could have ignored me, but, noooo.
23:37.36sadsnorkAwesome, glad that worked ibanja :-)
23:49.59*** join/#devuan asuekm (
23:50.18mikeeusasign the RMS support letter
23:50.51mikeeusaRMS said things that could be interpreted as flowing forth from a desire to marry cute young girls
23:51.06mikeeusa(Which YHWH allows)
23:51.12mikeeusaThus you should support him
23:51.18crashoverrideyeah, might be better with a "hi" as first message, and "please consider signing" instead of "SIGN IT ALREADY you p*ece of s*it!"
23:51.32mikeeusacrashoverride: I signed it
23:51.40crashoverrideno, you didn't read.
23:51.48crashoverridethat, or you cannot comprehend English well.
23:51.53fsmithredthis is a devuan support channel
23:52.06crashoverridefsmithred: yeah, and bitcoin is offtopic it seems. :D
23:52.11mikeeusaSteve Litt is saying you shouldn't sign it (on the DNG mailing list)
23:52.21*** mode/#devuan [+o fsmithred] by ChanServ
23:52.26mikeeusasaying you'll be fired from your job, have problems with your family
23:52.32crashoverridemikeeusa: dude, wtf, read what is written to you, instead of acting like a blind bot.
23:52.56mikeeusacrashoverride: maybe your messages aren't getting through?
23:52.57fsmithredmikeeusa, did you notice the part where I said this is a support channel? That was meant for you.
23:53.05mikeeusaall I got was this:19:51 < crashoverride> yeah, might be better with a "hi" as first message, and
23:53.11mikeeusano other msgs
23:53.11fsmithredstop with the off-topic talk please
23:53.16crashoverridemikeeusa: to you, certainly, and that's what I'm trying to help you with.
23:53.47mikeeusafsmithred: I'm a licensed attorney: I didn't "lose my job" for signing the RMS letter
23:53.57mikeeusa(RMS was pro-pedo, yes I know: good)
23:54.08crashoverridefor an attorney, you have incredibly poor reading skills.
23:54.10fsmithredno, but you will lose your speaking privileges here in about five seconds
23:54.12mikeeusa(YHWH supports marrying little girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28)
23:54.25mikeeusa(na'ar == child, padia == child, puella == young girl)
23:54.27*** mode/#devuan [+q mikeeusa!*@*] by fsmithred
23:54.42crashoverridesometimes I feel like it's bots...
23:54.54crashoverridebut then I remember how efficient american media is at brainwashing masses.
23:55.19crashoverridefsmithred: I mean, either it's that, or I'm deeply jealous of the skills of the author of said bot.
23:55.35crashoverridecould not parse well, but damn, it could link information accurately.
23:55.54*** part/#devuan mikeeusa (
23:56.05*** join/#devuan mkeeusa2 (
23:56.12mkeeusa2learn how to use IRC retard
23:56.19*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
23:56.21mkeeusa2RMS was right on his pro-pedo beliefs
23:56.23crashoverridetime for a host mask ban.
23:56.36mkeeusa2crashoverride: I have infinite hosts
23:56.48mkeeusa2been on the net longer than you
23:56.54crashoverrideI'd go for banning * but I mean...
23:56.57mkeeusa2you are faggots for not supporting RMS
23:57.05mkeeusa2crashoverride: infinite russian proxies too
23:57.14crashoverrideyou can also put the chan on +R
23:57.25mkeeusa2IRC is plain text
23:57.30*** mode/#devuan [+b *!*] by fsmithred
23:57.59crashoverridehopefully that does it :D
23:58.05fsmithredwhat does +R do?
23:58.12crashoverriderequires an account
23:58.19crashoverridenot sure if +R or +r
23:58.28DHEone's to join, one's to talk
23:58.39fsmithredI thought we already had that here, but maybe it changed
23:58.47crashoverrideto be fair, I like it without it.
23:58.56crashoverridebut for a few days or weeks, it can't hurt.
23:59.04crashoverrideespecially when such abuse happens.
23:59.53crashoverrideI mean, I should really consider auto-ignoring people who quote any scripture, really.

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