IRC log for #devuan on 20210325

00:25.19*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
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01:24.57gnarfacesadsnork: i assume a day or two is normal, but maybe #devuan-dev or #devuan-www?
01:25.30*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
01:25.41gnarfacesadsnork: failing that, ask golinux jaromil or fsmithred maybe to put you in contact with someone
01:26.44golinuxsadsnork: You need to talk to onefang
01:28.12golinuxUnfortunately he does not have access to respond to mirror emails and those who do are now invisible.  We've been trying to find a solution to that for several weeks but no progress
01:28.44golinuxBest to try on #devuan-dev to catch him.
01:33.02*** join/#devuan specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
02:01.52*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
02:02.03sadsnorkAwesome, thanks for the help gnarface and golinux :-)
02:13.56*** join/#devuan halbeno (
02:28.08*** join/#devuan kini (~kini@unaffiliated/kini)
02:28.28onefangsadsnork: I do have access to the email address, the problem is -
02:29.51onefangIn Australia most of the plants are evergreens.  A bit of rain, a bit of sunshine, they'll flower, they don't care about seasons.  Just had lots of rain, and now lots of sunshine.  So I got lots of hayfever.  Been feeling shin for the last couple of days.
02:31.27sadsnorkHey onefang... no problem.  Here in Canada I haven't seen most plants in four or five months. :-)
02:31.59sadsnorkI mostly  just wanted to make sure my message wasn't flagged as spam.  It wouldn't be the first time unfortunately.
02:32.36onefangI'm processing your email now.  Yay Canadian mirror!
02:36.04onefangHow often do you intend to update it?
02:36.58onefangI highly recommend every 30 minutes.
02:37.46sadsnorkI can do that. :-)
02:42.12golinuxAh, good that you two hooked up.  onfang, I thought you didn't have admin access to the list . . .
02:42.21golinuxonefang really . . . is a simple email address, not the list, I have access to it.  I have read and write access to the mirrors email list, but not admin access.
02:44.43onefangsadsnork: You should be able to start rsyncing your mirror now, and it's been added to the list.
02:50.04onefangThis is Australia, even the plants try to kill you.  lol
02:51.00XenguyNot to mention the snakes
02:51.25onefangEverything except some of the sheep.
02:52.56*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
02:57.10sadsnorkHey onefang, I am resolving to, getting a fingerprint of SHA256:p0dv9nosuWPyE7F8gpJPZC0VGnv2J015TYzhrr4c9Rk, and receiving a "Permission denied (publickey)" message.
02:57.34sadsnorkDo the IP and fingerprint look correct?
02:58.47onefangYou are using your publickey?
02:58.59onefangWas there a step I skipped?  lol
02:59.46sadsnorkHmmm, is it under the username vesta?  I am following
03:00.03sadsnorkand the rsync described there is "rsync -avz ./"
03:00.26onefangTry now, there was a step I skipped.
03:00.49onefangJust got up, haven't had brekky yet.
03:01.39sadsnorkDang, still getting perm denied pubkey err.
03:02.12sadsnorksends onefang some extra strong coffee :-)
03:03.20*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
03:04.13onefangDoh!  TWO steps I skipped.  lol
03:04.19*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
03:05.42onefangTry now.
03:06.04sadsnorkThere it goes. :-)
03:07.12onefangActually there's a third step I'm missing, but that's coz I don't have admin access to the mailing list, which is to add you to it.  Still working on sorting that out.
03:07.23onefangBrekky time.
03:07.38sadsnorkSince it is 11pm here [and because I shouldn't keep you from your morning coffee] my plan is to go to bed and tomorrow I'll use some local network "foolery" to test doing an install off my new server directly.
03:08.01sadsnorkThen assuming it goes well I'll let you know and we can move on to whatever the next step is.  how's that sound eh?
03:08.14onefangOr you can just set your sources to use your mirror directly.
03:08.57onefangSince you are now in the mirror list, apt-panopticon will be checking on your mirror to.
03:08.59sadsnorkyes, I was thinking of doing that as well as poisoning my local DNS just to ensure I also got the virtal host sewtup properly too.
03:09.46sadsnorkOy!  I misspelled virtual AND setup.  Can you tell I need sleep?
03:09.59onefangYou wont be on the DNS-RR for
03:10.14sadsnorkDo you want me to cron the rsync right now?  Or can that wait for tomorrow?
03:10.40onefangCron it now.
03:10.49sadsnorkWill do.
03:19.46sadsnorkHmmm, looks like the initial rsync is going to take a while... certainly longer than the half hour interval between cron'ed attempts.  I kind of don't want to let the automated syncs run just yet if it is okay.
03:27.01onefangNo worries.
03:38.34sadsnorkAwesome... thanks for the help, it's time for me to crash.
03:38.35*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
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09:48.10*** join/#devuan slacko64_27336 (~puppy@
09:49.57slacko64_27336Having trouble setting the correct date and time in Refracta which is based in Devuan
09:50.53crashoverrideusually, when you have a userland problem with a distro, you go to #distro
09:51.06crashoverridei.e. if I have a problem with devuan, I come here, I don't go on #debian.
09:52.40pandakekok9crashoverride: actually, according to, Refracta support also belongs here
09:52.47slacko64_27336there's no refracta channel, that's why I came here
09:53.25crashoverrideWait lemme do a broken fork of devuan with promises I can't keep and defer my support here.
09:56.30slacko64_27336when setting time zone to new york, it says 3pm wednesday instead of 3 am Thursday
09:56.46crashoverridedo you have an NTP client running?
09:56.57crashoverridealso have you set your timezone properly?
09:57.16onefangRefracta is made by fsmithred, who is also one of the Devuan developers, and is active in helping out in this channel.
09:59.31crashoverrideonefang: now I wonder why it exists.
10:00.05crashoverrideI'll check it out, please disregard what I said above regarding the irrelevance of its support here.
10:00.55slacko64_27336I'm running Refracta in virtualbox btw
10:01.10crashoverridefsmithred: Ok one question, why would you make refracta as a distro instead of a meta-package for devuan?
10:01.24crashoverrideseems a little bit overkill...
10:01.28*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:01.39crashoverride"Hey guys, I needed to go down the stairs so I built a jetpack"
10:02.35crashoverrideslacko64_27336: does your VM have network?
10:02.39pandakekok9If I understand correctly, Refracta is like a lightweight, systemd-free alternative to Ubuntu. So if Ubuntu is to Debian, Refracta is to Devuan
10:03.00slacko64_27336no network yet
10:04.00onefangHave you told your VM that the "BIOS" is running in UTC time, but the host is running in local time, or the other way around?
10:04.01koollmancrashoverride: same as many other debian derivatives, really. Some people wanted a specific preconfigured setup and a few additional tools
10:04.22crashoverridekoollman: but I mean, what's wrong with `apt-get install preconfigured-setup-package`?
10:05.11koollmancrashoverride: more like adding another repo and then a few packages. But, yeah, I know. I'm just telling you why it exists, like many many other derivative distros :)
10:05.28slacko64_27336UTC was disabled in virtualbox settings. I tried enabling it but still same result
10:05.30koollmanI suppose mostly ease of use/setup
10:05.38fsmithredpandakekok9, that's not a good analogy. Ubuntu uses ubuntu repos, refracta uses devuan repos.
10:06.23fsmithredthere's no way you could do an "add-on" package to make refracta. It would need to be a "take-away" package, and it would take away the metapackages.
10:06.42fsmithredwhich you generally can't do, so I don't try to remove them. They aren't there to start with.
10:07.20fsmithredThere used to be a refracta forum but the service got bought by millenials who destroyed it.
10:07.34slacko64_27336Refracta version is 8.3 xfce btw
10:07.36crashoverridetapatalk?! :D
10:07.55crashoverridenow that does not help... what do you mean? :P
10:08.00fsmithredto set your time
10:08.22fsmithredslacko64_27336, refracta is on 10 same as debian
10:08.52fsmithredrefracta versions have always tracked debian versions since squeeze and sort of since lenny
10:08.56crashoverridefsmithred: do you mean the refracta forum was on tapatalk and that got bought off?
10:09.07pandakekok9fsmithred: Yeah, it seems my analogy is off there. When I think of "newbie-friendly Linux" I always think of Ubuntu
10:09.38fsmithredrefracta forum was on and they got bought by tapatalk.
10:09.50crashoverridenow I get it.
10:09.51fsmithredit's still there, but I locked it so you can't post
10:10.12crashoverrideGotta love web pages that only have `javascript:void(0);` links...
10:10.30fsmithredbesides being painfully ugly, they had a button on the page to "contribute money to refracta" but the money would go to them.
10:10.33crashoverrideso accessible.
10:10.42crashoverrideOH WOW.
10:10.54crashoverrideThat is so despicable...
10:11.02fsmithredI would get gold points
10:11.12fsmithredpayer would get add-free visits to the stie
10:11.13crashoverrideis that meant as an insult?
10:11.31fsmithredand if I got enough gold points, they'd let me have some cash
10:11.36crashoverride'cause that's what I would do if I wanted to aggravate someone I hate.
10:12.23crashoverride"hey thanks for your hard work, it brings many moneys in. Now if you're a nice little boy and suck my **** I'll let you have the crumbs."
10:12.26fsmithredwhen you change the time, sometimes it doesn't change in the panel clock right away
10:12.59crashoverrideI mean, internet is great; but some people could really stand being reminded of the feels of a good nose-pushing rapid fist movement.
10:13.15*** join/#devuan cranach (
10:13.27fsmithredI'm with you on that
10:13.37fsmithreddpkg-reconfigure tzdata
10:13.50fsmithredthose should be enough to fix it
10:14.08crashoverrideI was gonna detail the manual steps for doing this, eventually; but I'm glad there are tools for that ;P
10:14.25onefangslacko64_27336: no network yet
10:14.27crashoverridesee, that's why people with actual proefficiency in the specific software at hand are better at helping ;D
10:14.34onefangSo ntpdate wont help.
10:15.10fsmithredwhy not?
10:15.25fsmithredoh, for you
10:15.42crashoverridealso slacko64_27336 left.
10:16.10crashoverridelike, 5 minutes ago.
10:16.27onefangCoz the VM with the problem has no network to talk to NTP servers.  slacko said that, and yes, just noticed they left.
10:16.56crashoverride< crashoverride> slacko64_27336: does your VM have network?
10:16.58crashoverride< slacko64_27336> no network yet
10:17.00fsmithredhow many people here are having trouble setting the time?
10:17.07crashoverridejust that one afaict
10:17.14crashoverrideso, now, zero.
10:17.15fsmithrednot you?
10:17.17onefangJust slacko.
10:17.22crashoverrideno, I was initially helping.
10:17.27crashoverridethen we started helping each other :D
10:17.31crashoverrideand they left.
10:17.51fsmithredI'm still on my first coffee of the day, so this is all happening too fast
10:18.11onefangcrashoverride getting snarky about Refracta didn't help.  lol
10:18.23*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
10:18.25crashoverrideI'm only having one a day, 5hrs of sleep a night with a baby on the way in the next two weeks is definitely not enough.
10:18.50djphyou'll be up to 1 an hour in 2 weeks
10:18.53crashoverrideonefang: hey in my defense, I had no idea what it was and why it would be legitimate for it to send its support here.
10:18.57fsmithredso slacko is running refracta jessie.
10:19.05crashoverridedjph: don't try scaring me bruh :D
10:19.22djphcrashoverride: wait, first gremlin?
10:19.29crashoverridefsmithred: noice. Not old 'nuf IMHO.
10:19.38crashoverridefsmithred: software is like fine wine, the older, the better.
10:19.47crashoverridedjph: very first.
10:20.11djphcrashoverride: good times.  Yeah, you'll be all over coffee / tea / favored hot drink
10:20.15fsmithredI should probably upload my last jessie build that has the archiive mirror in sources.list
10:20.28crashoverridedjph: I actually have a hand-press for espresso.
10:20.34djph... i need to learn how to spin dev1 for rpi
10:20.42crashoverridedjph: takes a shitload of time to make ONE espresso, but you get full control over it.
10:20.52crashoverrideit's to espresso what assembly is to programming.
10:21.00djphfsmithred: yeah ... which I also have to learn ...
10:21.07onefangthinks coffee talk is #devuan-offtopic talk.
10:21.14crashoverridesorry onefang, and yes.
10:21.21crashoverrideonefang: tbh, baby talk too
10:21.39onefangAlso true.
10:21.56crashoverridebut djph isn't there so we'll go on another chan ;)
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17:54.56user___Did you see the ronr cloud fiasco today? -- this is not directly devuan related but, is there a mitigation plan in place when "upstream" debian or it's upstream pulls some key package or changes it's license overnight?
17:55.20user___executive summary: "This had the unfortunate effect of breaking the popular web development framework Ruby on Rails, which includes mimemagic 0.3.5 as a dependency. It also affects 172 other packages, which between them touch 577,148 different software repositories.'
17:55.40user___That must be a record number of repos rendered unbuildable with one command.
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17:58.31user___As usual, the comments to the article are highly entertaining and scary at the same time.
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18:02.13user___well, ruby-mimemagic package is in devuan
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18:07.14nemo_So. with the new openssl thing
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18:07.51nemowhat's the lag on the devuan repos?
18:08.06nemoI assume it's not as soon as debian pushes
18:08.35user___openssl has a new hole?
18:08.46nemothey warned us it was coming a few weeks ago
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18:24.36*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.1.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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18:52.55user___Is there a one stop (ok, 5 stop) method to get rid of all the language translation files on the system? Some packages install a lot of messages etc in 3 dozen languages, that is pollution.
18:54.27user___nemo: I see a new (to me) openssl package for beowulf. May be older to you.
18:54.33user___Setting up openssl (1.1.1d-0+deb10u5)
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18:55.55user___Which may be obsolete? I see references to 1.1.1k ?
18:57.29user___So erm Beowulf is "a little" out of date? Harrumph? Backports? golinux ? fsmithred ?
18:58.38user___I have beowulf-security and beowulf-backports in the sources.list
18:58.45user___What gives?
18:58.50user___I'll wait for an answer.
18:59.55user___upstream seems to be stuck on d too, j is "unstable" ?
19:00.09user___I don't like the use of the term "unstable" around a security related tool.
19:00.53user___so Buster is on 1.1.1d-0+deb10u4 and I just got u5 installed, see above
19:01.01user___Something is strange here.
19:01.32user___Now I am really confused.
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19:03.09user___Ah >>nemo re your link, apparently this bug being mitigated now was introduced in 1.1.1h and does not affect 1.1.1d -- I hope I am right.
19:04.07user___Also, the bug only affects the server side of openssl tls apparently, no concern for clients.
19:09.55fsmithreduser___, u4 is in beowulf main, u5 is in beowulf-security
19:10.21user___Well I upgraded to u5 just now, there is no further upgrade in the channel for now.
19:10.39user___Is openssh also upgraded as a result?
19:10.59fsmithredI wouldn't think so. They are separate.
19:12.40fsmithredold is not necessarily out of date. A lot of fixes get backported.
19:12.51fsmithredit's debian, so old software is a feature.
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19:14.51user___fsmithred: when openssl is upgraded, will all apps linked against it's libs have to be upgraded?
19:15.10user___Seems like not, but sometimes yes. I assume it depends on the kind of bug fixed.
19:15.58fsmithreduser___, that varies.
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19:27.03chr[]user___: at least u must restart applications using libssl
19:27.26user___Yes but I am not running any servers with ssl use
19:27.42user___Browsers etc get restarted daily at least
19:27.47user___irssi too :)
19:28.14user___In fact, I'll do it now
19:28.37*** join/#devuan user___ (~user@
19:29.18user___I suppose apt runs ldconfig -a by itself (/me has these things baked into his DNA since the 1990s when running Slackware)
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