IRC log for #devuan on 20210324

00:14.05*** join/#devuan noordinaryspider (
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02:26.37*** join/#devuan onefang (~dvs1@devuan/developer/onefang)
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02:55.53xrogaanThe issue with e2fsprogs is solved, problem was "oops, pushed the wrong button."
02:57.06tuxd3vxrogaan, that problem sometimes reapear, specially after some months we forget about a solution for something, and we trigger that error again, nice you found the way!
02:58.19xrogaanno me, fool! The maintainer.
03:01.12tuxd3vxrogaan, I was speaking in a general manner, it hapens with everybody, sooner or later( me included ).
03:04.32xrogaanIt's alright, that's what I implied too.
03:10.17*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
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06:12.31*** join/#devuan MarrekNozka (~MarrekNoz@2a00:1028:83d8:685a:3e7c:3fff:fe7d:eaef)
06:25.34wdqOff to Work , see ya later !!
06:26.44*** join/#devuan noordinaryspider (
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13:23.23*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
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13:34.01pitrissHello guys. Please is there any way in SYSV init how I can call action when halt is triggered?
13:37.33*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
13:39.09gnarfacepitriss: symlink with name starting with "K" instead of "S" in /etc/rc?.d/
13:40.04gnarfacethere's also these if you want to get fancier:
13:41.16gnarfacethere's already a /etc/init.d/halt though maybe it already does what you want
13:41.44debdoghalt is runlevel 0, so it'd be rc0.d. there's a README inside
13:42.13pitrissgnarface: yeah I want it to be as much as possible fool proof. As I am running devuan on Pi4 and halt can't do proper poweroff of Pi4. But Argon One case have this handled by some GPIO magic and I would like to call one binary before it does halt.
13:43.22gnarfaceshould be a easy modification
13:43.45pitrissAnd I want to help dev of that case driver to implement support for devuan. And yeah I think I will need to modify default halt script, add some check if its run on Pi, and if yes, call my binary
13:44.12pitrissAnd to not mess with packaging maybe would be good to use alternatives to provide my script instead of default one
13:44.18*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
13:44.49gnarfacei'm sure people would appreciate that
13:45.04ShorTie"modify default halt script" sounds messy
13:45.27gnarfaceeh, probably just one line towards the end and a comment...
13:46.32ShorTiedoesn't matter, think of owner ship and moding it
13:47.18pitrissThats the plan.. three lines mod.. and not pretend that it is original one.
13:47.38gnarfacefor my own purposes i'd probably put it in a separate script too but i couldn't really say it doesn't belong in the halt script itself if it were to be actually integrated into the distro.  seems logical enough.
13:47.46pitrissI would use alternatives to provide it so it will be 100% reversible action
13:49.50pitrissAnd thats why I am asking here, because I want to provide it to others. So I want to do this in proper way if there is any
13:50.17*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
13:50.48gnarfacewell, the proper way would be to try to get it into Debian first in normal situations, but this one might be an exception...
13:50.57ShorTieproper way would be your own script you add to runlevel 0 i'd think
13:51.39gnarfacewell, either way it's not my call
13:51.52gnarfacepitriss: maybe ask over in #devuan-arm, but it's a slower channel
13:52.20pitrissI already did.:)
13:52.30gnarfaceoh, alright
13:53.17*** join/#devuan arnold_oree (~arnoldore@
13:53.41pitrissAnd I don't think we will get debian integration of Pi things anytime soon.. Especially in SYSVinit case ...
13:54.13gnarfaceyea probably not
13:55.34*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
13:55.39pitrissSo waiting for debian is not an option in this case. :) So I will do it somehow, probably I'll modify halt init script and put it in place via alternatives as it seems cleanest way. Thanks for opinions/advices:)
13:55.43fsmithredyou could make a package that uses dpkg-divert to use a modified halt script and add a switch to activate or deactivate it in /etc/default/whatever
13:55.59pitrissfsmithred: hmm
13:56.04pitrisssounds interesting.
13:56.30fsmithredI prefer editing a plain one-liner text file in /etc/default over messing with update-alternatives
13:58.17gnarfaceseems like a good idea
13:59.13fsmithredhere's an example:
13:59.28fsmithredit just replaces one file.
13:59.52fsmithredThat one does not use /etc/default. The only way to deactivate it would be to remove the package.
13:59.53pitrissfsmithred: thanks for advice.. It seems as cleaner solution.
14:00.48pitrissfsmithred: yes thats reasonable because my mod is needed to proper poweroff so Pi4 can be again started with a button on the case
14:01.07fsmithredone more thing I can think of that might be a problem for some people - if you use runit, it replaces the shutdown scripts with its own
14:01.54*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
14:07.45fsmithredoh, I was trying to find what runit did with the originals, but those get removed as part of sysvinit-core.
14:08.29fsmithredsbin/shutdown gets replaced with a symlink to /lib/runit/shutdown
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14:43.18pitrissfsmithred: I will be not modifying those so I may be OK.. thanks for your advice and research:)
14:51.04*** join/#devuan Josh_2 (~user@
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18:55.00*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.1.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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20:21.08*** join/#devuan TheCreeper1 (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
20:21.26sadsnorkIs there anybody from the mirror team around?  I sent an email to a couple days ago and was wondering what the usual turnaround time is on replies.  Or is there a better place to ask?
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.