IRC log for #devuan on 20210322

00:45.51*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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01:00.36*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
01:24.53*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:40.04*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
01:48.02*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
01:56.54*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
02:20.15iv4nshm4k0vjonadab: I've had keyboards dying for various reasons, but can't say a cord was ever a problem for me.  As for Model Ms, I don't know how you estimate keyboard's worth, but at around 100 USD new from , I'd say they're somewhat costly.
02:39.46adhociv4nshm4k0v: if that is a full 101 key, then that is on the low side for a mechanical keyboard.
02:40.48adhocI wonder if the modern model m's come in PS2 and if they would work on my octane...
02:43.57iv4nshm4k0vadhoc: Unicomp offers keyboards with 87 to 122 keys, most of them in both PS/2 and USB varieties.
02:44.05*** join/#devuan VulcanRidr (
02:47.29*** join/#devuan edgar9380 (~edgariii@unaffiliated/edgar9380)
02:47.53edgar9380I have a 1600x1200 monitor, yet I can only do 1280x1024 max.
02:48.02edgar9380my GPU is a AMD Radeon R7 250 card too
02:48.35gnarfaceedgar9380: you need the firmware-amd-graphics package.  do you have it?
02:48.49gnarfaceedgar9380: (it's in non-free)
02:50.01gnarfaceedgar9380: (let me know if you don't know how to check)
02:52.11edgar9380I added the non-free Debian sources to my sources.list file
02:52.25edgar9380and I'm currently installing the firmware-amd-graphics package
02:52.58golinuxPlease that non-devuan related chat to #devuan-offtopic
02:53.55golinuxNot a good idea to use debian sources directly.  Devuan has everything that debian does except systemd
02:58.23*** join/#devuan edgar9380 (~edgariii@unaffiliated/edgar9380)
02:58.26*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
02:58.48edgar9380I got the non-free AMD drivers working now on my Devuan install.
02:58.54edgar9380working 100%
03:01.30gnarfaceso the resolution is right now
03:02.04gnarfaceor you're saying they already worked before hand
03:02.31gnarfaceyou typed Debian earlier, and there was some confusion about your intent
03:02.51Xenguyedgar9380, you are mixing Debian and Devuan sources?  That is the Frankenstein Opening : -)
03:03.18gnarfaceedgar9380: to be clear, you meant you put Devuan non-free in your sources.list, right?
03:03.50gnarfaceyea it really makes a mess if you actually mix devuan and debian repos
03:03.55edgar9380I choose the non-free Debian sources
03:04.11gnarfaceit isn't always apparent how it breaks things
03:04.27gnarfaceit causes package dependency tree corruption, basically
03:04.58gnarfaceand to be clear, Devuan has all the same packages for this stuff.  you should have used the Devuan repos in your sources, even for non-free
03:05.36XenguyYeah, you should be able to get everything you need from Devuan sources
03:38.10*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:66d:6900:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:54.56*** join/#devuan genr8_ (~genr8_@unaffiliated/genbtc)
03:55.59genr8_I just installed devuan and I noticed something weird with the packages "gcc" and "gcc-8". I haven't changed anything really.
03:57.28genr8_I did "apt get install linux-headers-4.19.0-14-amd64" and it auto-grabbed "gcc-8" version 8.3.0-6 (9,452KB) (from " beowulf/main amd64" repo)
03:59.28genr8_then later on, I did "apt install gcc make autoconf automake" and instead of ignoring gcc, it re-grabbed ANOTHER "gcc" version 4:8.3.0-1 (5,196KB) from the same repo
03:59.45adhocthe package; build-essential
04:00.04adhocwould be the obvious place to start, as far as I know
04:00.18genr8_ok but that doesnt exactly remove the concern here
04:00.39adhocgenr8_: should get the important packages you need to build thing like the kernel
04:01.21adhocwhat does; which gcc
04:01.23adhocreturn ?
04:01.51adhocthen run; gcc --version
04:01.52genr8_ok but also, I notice on this build-essential metapackage, the same thing is happening for G++ and G++-8
04:02.22genr8_it chose both to install, and the versions are also 8.3.0-6 and 4:8.3.0-1
04:02.40genr8_gcc --version produces 8.3.0-6
04:02.43adhocone of them will be in the path.
04:02.59rrqlook at the Depends: line
04:03.57genr8_thats not a valid answer
04:04.23adhocgenr8_: does not matter in the big scheme of things
04:04.56genr8_it should be investigated
04:04.57adhocinstalling build-essential will give you a sensible OS default environment.
04:05.37genr8_it does not convey good practices. judging by a "diff <(dpkg -L gcc) <(dpkg -L gcc-8)" they installed 95% of the same stuff but 5% is different
04:06.02adhocgenr8_: good, you have a neat little problem to solve, which is the metapacage and which is the compiler package? what is the chain?
04:06.19genr8_thats the issue. they both are real packages.
04:06.38*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
04:06.58adhocgenr8_: so long as they both produce valid executables?
04:07.10genr8_not OK in my book
04:07.23genr8_theres utility and plugin differences between the packages
04:07.35genr8_  <--- this is only showing version 4:8.3.0-1 and not even showing 8.3.0-6
04:07.36adhocgenr8_: it may suggest the kernel was built on a system with the minor version number different.
04:07.40rrqdo you have an example of "the same stuff"?
04:08.02genr8_do you want me to paste the output of that diff or something ?
04:08.14rrqone example is enough is from gcc-8 not gcc
04:09.50genr8_c89-gcc c99-gcc
04:10.10genr8_I see that. im saying theres 2 different packages here
04:11.03rrqthose two are both from gcc
04:11.15genr8_i see that.
04:11.24genr8_when you run the diff command you will see also.
04:11.26genr8_theres no reason to be having two REAL (non-meta) "gcc vs gcc-8" packages (with different versions, and different content) on 1 devuan.
04:12.29rrques, I don't know whether there is a reason. Apparently the Debian GCC Maintaners have some.
04:12.55genr8_so take it up with them ?
04:13.37rrqI would guess they would always beee keen on feeback for imporvements
04:13.56*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
04:14.09adhocgenr8_: I would purge all the packages that are bothering you, start with build-essentail, then install the meta kernel-headers package
04:14.45adhocpull the info from; dpkg --get-selections
04:15.06adhocthen you can do a diff, before/after
04:15.22adhocand pull the package versions, depends out
04:24.18*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:24.19genr8_Ok i made a mistake here
04:24.42genr8_[23:59:28] <genr8_> then later on, I did "apt install gcc make autoconf automake" and instead of ignoring gcc, it re-grabbed ANOTHER "gcc" version 4:8.3.0-1 (5,196KB) from the same repo  <----------- the second one is 5,196 BYTES not kilobytes :/
04:25.12adhocis that one a meta package?
04:25.50genr8_they call it a "dependency package"
04:33.29adhocone day I'd like to get my head around why they version that package; 4:8.3.0-1
04:33.45adhoc8.3.0 is the version of gcc,
04:33.52adhocwhat is the "4" ?
04:34.39genr8_so my confusion was for nothing. i feel bad for bothering people
04:34.45genr8_also: [00:34:19] <jmcnaught> genr8_: it's the epoch:
04:35.06adhocgenr8_: we all learn these things at some point
04:35.27adhocnever feel bad about the path to learning =)
04:35.43adhoceven of the initial reason for doing so, isn't the one you end up with ;)
04:37.52adhocthere is a reason folks sit in this (and other) channels
04:38.02adhocyou learn things along the way
04:38.07adhocand some times you can help
04:38.36adhocsome times you help and put both feel in it =P
04:38.42adhocwhich I though I did
04:39.09adhocbut the important thing is, you got there in the end =)
04:46.18*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:47.03*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:57.34genr8_I have a better question
04:58.54genr8_I thought I installed Devuan 3.1, but when I run "apt policy" it shows at 3.0.0
04:59.17genr8_is there some other way to confirm 3.1 ?
05:01.01adhocin /etc/ you will find a few files that have what the system things is the version it is running
05:01.30adhoccat /etc/devuan_version
05:01.44adhoccat /etc/debian_version
05:02.07genr8_says "beowulf" 10.0
05:02.14*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
05:02.24genr8_i dont think it likes keeping track of minor version number :P
05:02.28adhoccat /etc/os-release
05:03.00genr8_VERSION_ID="3" / VERSION="3 (beowulf)"
05:03.07adhocI have PRETTY_NAME="Devuan GNU/Linux ascii"
05:03.20adhocso not sure what happened in the next release
05:03.50genr8_PRETTY_NAME="Devuan GNU/Linux 3 (beowulf)"
05:04.34adhoconce you have a major version installed, you can keep it up to date with;
05:04.42adhocapt-get -yud dist-upgrade
05:04.56genr8_it says its up to date. but i dont actually find 3.1 listed anywhere
05:04.56adhocI am sure there are other ways,
05:07.09*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:12.31*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
05:13.33*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
05:17.16rrqgenr8_: well spotted. It should really say 3.1
05:21.49*** join/#devuan o01eg (~o01eg@2a02:2698:82a:1939:223b:b7a7:6a66:a313)
05:24.58*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
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05:34.24*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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07:25.19*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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07:54.52*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
07:55.46*** join/#devuan Nascher (~quassel@holarse/core/nascher)
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14:21.27*** join/#devuan naked_joe (2ebc784a@
14:23.27naked_joehello guys. Please help me to understand. If i install Beovulf, how install postgresql 13? i am a newbee.
14:24.07naked_joeand nodejs latest?  *.deb packages for debian 10  equivalent for Devuan?
14:25.03djphnaked_joe: use whatever's in the repos, same as you would on Debian Stable
14:26.04naked_joethanks for answer, What is name i need wrote? Example: sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
14:26.04infobotnaked_joe: de rien
14:27.25*** join/#devuan Josh_2 (~user@
14:29.51Jorilnaked_joe: buster
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14:31.30naked_joeopenrc have runner script? Or need wrote himself?
14:36.48naked_joeif i install some  server from Buster repo, OpenRC have sript for run  service or need wrote? For example: apach, DB or ACPID...
14:38.10*** join/#devuan Defender1031 (
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19:26.26tarzeaudoes tinysshd work/exist/install on devuan? can you share your /etc/init.d/tinysshd? (ok i could grab the package and check myself)
19:28.15tarzeaui thought devuan is without systemd?
19:28.28*** join/#devuan MarrekNozka (~MarrekNoz@2a00:1028:83d8:685a:3e7c:3fff:fe7d:eaef)
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19:30.10fsmithredyes, devuan is without systemd
19:30.45tarzeauall of it's packages are fixed to work without systemd as well?
19:31.10fsmithredwe fork the debian packages that require systemd
19:31.23fluffywolfI take it the problem is that it doesn't include an init script?
19:31.28fsmithredthe rest come from debian through our repo which filters out the banned packages
19:31.40fsmithredmeanwhile, debian is starting to drop init scripts from packages
19:32.03fsmithredand they should be going into an orphaned-init-scripts package
19:32.10fsmithrednot certain of the exact name
19:32.59tarzeaufsmithred: debian is not, some debian developers are maybe
19:33.00fsmithredlooks like beowulf, chimaera and ceres all have the same version of tinysshd
19:33.16tarzeauan outdated one
19:33.19fsmithredI didn't want to name any names
19:33.47tarzeauwhatever. i haven't written ini files since 25 years, and i'm not going to start again
19:35.58fsmithredtinysshd init script is not in orphan-sysvinit-scripts package
19:36.30fsmithreddid you look for one upstream?
19:37.34tarzeaujust shortly right now and couldn't find one
19:37.51tarzeaumy initscripts are cronjob entries with @reboot to start in a gnu screen
19:37.58tarzeausince like 15 years :)
19:39.34*** join/#devuan sammi`_ (
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21:38.31user_____Suggest a xfce4 compatible GUI program launcher which permits sudo launch, i.e. asks for root credentials before running the payload script?
21:40.13user_____There;s kdesu and gksudo -- anything xfce4 themed?
21:41.06user_____a separate kdesu program does not exist as a package.
21:41.37user_____gksudo also not.
21:42.31user_____there's lxqt-sudo
21:43.51user_____which pulls in qt etc
21:43.55user_____Anything else?
21:58.19user_____I see this is a hard problem, also affecting Wayland users (can't run gui apps as root - for example gparted!)
21:58.30user_____okay I'll find another way, thanks
22:10.00*** join/#devuan nextime (~nextime@devuan/developer/nextime)
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23:37.08tuxd3vhello, don't know how, but I got a file '/root/dead.letter' does this ever occurred to you?
23:43.32adhocI seem to recall you get this when you start to compose an email but don't end up sending it
23:43.43adhochas been a long time though
23:44.22tuxd3vthat could be the case, as it seems to be a mail message :)
23:49.15*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
23:58.03*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)

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