IRC log for #devuan on 20210314

00:35.48*** join/#devuan Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
00:42.59man_in_shackwhat do you peeps use for managing your wifi connection?
00:43.06man_in_shackgnome-network-manager crap?
00:43.10man_in_shackor something good? (:
00:45.49buZzwicd is nice
00:47.45man_in_shackwicd is no longer in deb/devuan unstable it seems
00:47.56*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
00:56.07*** join/#devuan sgage (
00:56.47*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
01:06.10*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
01:10.34jonadabuses a wired network.
01:18.15DHEif it's a fixed workstation, definitely. but you can install devuan on a laptop.
01:18.33DHEat least I hope so. plan to do it next week or so...
01:23.28*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
01:23.50fsmithredthere's also connman or ceni
01:24.24fsmithredyes you can install devuan on a laptop
01:24.24DHEI should write this down
01:25.18fsmithredI'm using network-manager now to see if I like it. It work. I miss wicd.
01:26.11tuxd3vuses wired connection, but for terminal 'ceni' works great
01:26.48fsmithredDHE, how new is the laptop?
01:40.26DHEcrap.  I think it's a year old HP with an i5
01:40.37DHE4 year old
01:42.47*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
01:49.42tuxd3vtime flies
01:52.15fsmithredthat's good. Sometimes new stuff is not yet supported.
01:52.37fsmithredif you want to test it out, try the desktop-live iso
01:53.02fsmithredit has most of the wireless firmwares installed
02:06.16DHEI'm not worried about hardware compatibility. I got centos 6 working on it.
02:06.45fsmithredhave you used the debian/devuan installer before?
02:06.55DHEyeah, on a server VM
02:07.27daimonhaha getting centos6 working on anything is a miracle
02:07.39DHE4 years ago? it was adequate
02:08.04daimonI have never had so much pain as CentOS6 installs have caused me
02:08.25daimonespecially in regards to network adapters
02:08.38daimonand harddisk controllers
02:16.14tuxd3v'ESC' key code is '\027' right?
02:16.21tuxd3vor I am missing something..
02:16.44DHEit's 27 in decimal, which sound be something else in hex
02:16.47DHEer, octal
02:16.48tuxd3vI am with some problems getting 'ESC' events with newt library..
02:18.10tuxd3vI will compile the library with that, many thanks :)
02:49.42gnarface1B in hexadecimal, 33 in octal
03:50.20*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:678:1d00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
04:54.10*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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05:43.27rgh[m]man ascii
05:49.05*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:28.24*** join/#devuan mozhaaak (
07:09.48*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
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08:09.14*** join/#devuan mes (~mes@
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08:19.43mozhaaakHello, does devuan have support for linux efistub?
08:22.09*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
08:32.15*** join/#devuan walex (
08:52.09*** join/#devuan st3ma (~st3ma@
08:59.21*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
09:05.41gnarfacemozhaaak: stick around for a while, i'm not sure of the answer to that but someone will know
09:05.56gnarface(if debian has it, the answer is probably yes)
09:49.48*** join/#devuan furrymcgee (~devuan@
10:43.14mozhaaakgnarface: Yes, I looked at it. Though I'm not able to find zz-efistub script
11:13.39*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
11:33.19gnarfacemozhaaak: did you try dpkg -S ?
11:33.34gnarfacemozhaaak: maybe check in /usr/share/doc/[package name]/
11:33.45gnarfaceor like /usr/share/doc/[package name]/examples/
11:33.56gnarfacei'm not familiar with it myself but sometimes stuff gets left in there
11:37.00mozhaaakgnarface: I wouldn't think locate / |grep efistub wasn't good enoug, though it is like nailing a nail with a shoe
11:45.34*** join/#devuan user1041 (~user1041@
12:07.55flingHow to get libappindicator3-1 on chimaera?
12:11.06*** join/#devuan Bjornn (
12:14.59*** join/#devuan azg256 (
12:31.05*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
12:42.38*** join/#devuan Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
12:51.02*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
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13:54.41*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
14:02.30*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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14:20.51*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
14:22.24*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:29.00daimonhey all how would I check the current clockrate of my cpu
14:29.23daimonin regards to speedstep etc
14:32.56daimonah nice
14:33.12daimon4 cores all at totally different speeds lol
14:33.28daimonanyway I can find out what core an application is on and find out what speed that core is running at
14:34.06debdogthere are tools like htop as well
14:34.28daimonlets see
14:34.34debdogesp. when it comes to processes it's much more helpful
14:35.12daimonI am in and found the application I am curious about
14:35.20daimonhow do I find what CPU core its bound to
14:36.08debdoghmm, I am no expert there, but I don't think a precess is really 'bond' to any CPU
14:36.22daimonah is there a way I can force one to
14:36.30daimonI am curious what server I need to buy to host it is all
14:36.35daimonits an application I developed
14:36.44daimonCPU: 53.3 (80.0)
14:36.54daimonapparently it peaked at 80% usage, but its only at 40% load
14:36.56daimonat the moment
14:37.25daimonso I would like to leave it running 24 hours and get some details on exactly how bad processor wise its going to be in production :)
14:37.28debdogwell, you can just monitor the process to figure out how much ressources it requires
14:38.17*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:38.20debdogthere is a highly configurable system monitor to set such things up, I just cannot recall its name :/
14:38.49debdogI am sure others will know. just be patient, sometimes it is rather slow in here
14:40.33daimoneh its not to bad :)
14:41.00daimonone of the nice things about devuan is that its just a small enough community to actually be friendly to most people you bump into
14:41.13daimonlarger distro's tend to carry a little more ... poison
14:41.21daimonpossible exception for gentoo
14:43.30Tenkawadaimon: you can try to use taskset to assign cpu/process affinity
14:45.07Tenkawasudo taskset -c -p 32694
14:45.07Tenkawapid 32694's current affinity list: 0-3
14:47.28daimonah nice! let me give that a go
14:48.19daimonpid 30601's current affinity list: 0-3
14:49.08daimonpid 30601's new affinity list: 3
14:49.24Tenkawaneat eh?
14:49.26onefangI use collectd to collect lots of system info as RRD data, then graph it.  There are LOTs of monitoring systems though, and all have some issue or another.
14:49.27daimonperfect! yes :)
14:50.23Tenkawahave to do it each time you run it but I think you can start it with that
14:50.30daimonthis particualr application all I care about is cpu load, its pumping 6000-8000 JSON objects through its self
14:50.40daimonnot much ram, nor much anything but a boat load of cpu
14:50.45Tenkawapossibly spawn the process with the taskset
14:51.33Tenkawaminimally batch it that soon as you do start it get the pid and switch it
14:52.10daimonI do not need to really care to much about batching
14:52.21daimonits a never ending task, the stream its reading is as far as it matters
14:52.44daimonthis application will get deployed on three systems and that is all they will do for the rest of their natural life
14:52.50Tenkawanod..ok so you have time to start it and manually switch it then?
14:52.59Tenkawaok cool
14:53.19daimonthere actually just stripping the protocol from secure websocket, to standard TCP
14:53.38daimonanother application reads all three and 'raids' the data into a single consistent stream, there is three incase 1 or 2 fail
14:54.09daimonbut it is a single threaded application
14:54.13daimonand that is ALOT of json
14:54.17Tenkawaheh oh joy heheh
14:54.40daimonthe application that raids this lot is going to be fun!
14:54.49Tenkawareminds me too much of my cobol batch processing days
14:55.03daimonwell its nearly cobol, its perl
14:55.14Tenkawano!!!! run!!!!!
14:55.17daimonI did write it in .NET 5 as well, but it performed no better
14:55.24daimoninfact ... nothing performed well
14:55.31daimonI even had to change the way the JSON was actually handled
14:55.43Tenkawayeah been there (.net) too
14:55.52daimoninstead of decoding he json I am doing an index/substr to extract the important data
14:55.55daimonsignificantly faster
14:56.49daimonand I can likely squeeze a little more from it, at the moment I am outputting things to STDERR/STDOUT for debug reasons which is fairly expensive
14:57.05Tenkawayet another reason I stayed out of coding except when I "had" to (I'm a sysadmin/dba/network admin)
14:58.10daimonI set out wanting to be an infra guy (for FreeBSD), but because freebsd 4.x and earlier required perl to compile the kernel ... I picked it up
14:58.24daimonthen someone said, hey I will give you some money for that knowledge!
14:58.37TenkawaI started way before then
14:58.58Tenkawais an old geek
14:59.05daimonthe earliest system I have memory of was a spectrum with twin tape drives, but I was 9 or something insane
14:59.11daimonmaybe younger
14:59.17daimonI am 36 at the moment
14:59.37Tenkawayeah I started on this stuff in 79
15:00.02daimonah so you must have a very long beard!
15:00.30Tenkawayeah I occasionally will get the ZZTop going lol
15:01.02onefangThink you have gone #devuan_offtopic.
15:01.07daimonyou likely have some competition with all the covid stuff recently, I know all the remote working has made mine extend at least a few cms
15:01.20daimonah my apologies onefang
15:03.21*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
15:18.58*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
15:32.51tuxd3vno one in #devuan_offtopic
15:35.05Tenkawaits -
15:37.59*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
15:47.09fsmithredExpert install gives you a choice of generic initrd with all available drivers or targeted with just drivers needed for the installed system. How does one undo that choice after the install?
15:48.10*** join/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
15:50.53iv4nshm4k0vfsmithred: /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf ?  Mayhaps dpkg-reconfigure on the owning package as well.
15:51.44fsmithrediv4nshm4k0v, that's what I thought, but someone compared that file between two different initrds and saw no difference
15:52.00fsmithredI just did part of an install to get a targeted one to look at it myself
15:55.36iv4nshm4k0vfsmithred: I'm not sure I understand; what specifically do you observe and how that differs from what you expect?  Also, I'm not familiar with the installer, so if the installer somehow fails to commit the user's choice into the initramfs.conf file, I won't probably be of any help.
15:56.12fsmithredthere is a difference in size, but I'm trying to find the switch to undo that difference
15:56.28fsmithredfrom what I heard, a bunch of .ko files are missing
15:56.43fsmithredI'm trying to figure out how to include them in the next update-initramfs
15:59.15*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
16:00.32iv4nshm4k0vfsmithred: bash$ diff -du -- <(zcat < small.initrd.img | cpio -t) <(zcat < big.initrd.img | cpio -t) ?  Also, I'm not sure that update-initramfs /always/ rebuilds the initrd file.
16:00.57fsmithredI think I found something
16:01.25fsmithredfile called driver-policy inside the targeted initrd says MODULES=dep
16:01.50fsmithredsays it overrides whatever is set in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
16:02.37iv4nshm4k0vfsmithred: $ dpkg -S -- driver-policy ?
16:03.11iv4nshm4k0vI'd expect it to come from either someplace under /etc or /usr/share/initramfs-tools .
16:03.23fsmithredapt-file can't find it
16:03.38fsmithredand dpkg does not exist on that system yet
16:04.01iv4nshm4k0vfsmithred: No dpkg?  How so?
16:04.12fsmithredstill early in the install
16:04.34iv4nshm4k0vfsmithred: $ find /etc /usr/share/initramfs-tools -name driver-policy ?
16:05.14fsmithredyeah, it's in conf.d/
16:05.31fsmithredso I can tell him to remove that file from the host system and update-initramfs -u
16:05.36fsmithredcool. Thanks for help.
16:13.20fsmithredyeah that works. Removing that file and rebuilding caused initrd.img to grow from 6.7M to 25M
16:40.52*** join/#devuan fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
16:46.06*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8755)
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18:58.02*** join/#devuan ravencrow (~ravencrow@unaffiliated/ravencrow)
18:59.42*** join/#devuan Wonka (produziert@
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19:41.47*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
21:03.46*** join/#devuan aitor_ (
21:06.16aitor_I developed a new terminal emulator in Gtk2, i have it working on my system
21:11.23aitor_the right click popup menu only has the clipboard features so far (copy&paste), but it'll be quite customizable, including an additional menu associated to the middle mouse button
21:13.51aitor_my original idea was to develop a gui environment for live-sdk, but i ended up working on a new terminal
21:14.34aitor_for *the* live-sdk
21:15.23aitor_suggestions are welcome
21:16.34aitor_for example, one would be able to customize the popup menu including his/her own most common git commands...
21:18.36aitor_nobody here?
21:18.47aitor_ok, time to dinner :)
21:39.13jonadabDo we have !tell in here?
21:40.03jonadab!tell aitor_ If you're developing this for X11-based systems, users will generally expect middle-click to paste from the current-selection buffer.
21:40.39jonadabGuess not.
21:40.59jonadabWell, he'll have to actually stay connected if he wants answers, then.
21:43.20debdogI think there's memoserv on freenode (for registered users)
21:43.40*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
21:46.06debdogjonadab: ^
21:50.11*** join/#devuan Guest46658 (~helle@unaffiliated/helle)
21:55.03*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
21:58.33*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
21:59.19jonadabYeah, but users who show up, ask a question, and leave, are almost never registered.
22:00.30*** join/#devuan rwp (
22:02.42golinuxjonadab: FYI, aitor is the dev who provides the Mate desktop for Devuan.  He doesn't post often and never stays long.  He has a life . . .
22:03.39golinuxOr is that Antofox
22:03.49golinuxis old and confused . . .
22:10.03*** join/#devuan aitor_ (
22:10.52aitor_sorry jonadab, i'm here again
22:11.18debdogor he might read the log :D
22:11.39aitor_golinux, yes, Antofox is the man who packaged mate-desktop
22:13.36aitor_debdog, my nickname should be guadiana:
22:15.10aitor_this spanish river appeares and disappears over time
22:17.23gnarfacehey aitor_ are you also the guy behind wicd?
22:19.18aitor_*beyond :)
22:19.30aitor_no, no, behind simple-netaid
22:19.41golinuxAnd live-sdk?
22:19.51aitor_a little bit
22:20.22golinuxowes aitor an apology for being so forgetful . . .
22:20.29tuxd3vaitor_, you have impmenented wifi configuration of networks in  simple-netaid?
22:20.35golinuxsends a hug too
22:21.35tuxd3vho, so now we can use it intead of wicd, for ethernet and WIFI?
22:21.51tuxd3vNice! :)
22:22.21aitor_yes, i only use simple-netaid time ago
22:23.03tuxd3vwhat repos hold it?
22:23.18tuxd3vor it is only in guinos?
22:23.35aitor_yes, only in gnuinos beowulf
22:24.01tuxd3vdoes you have pictures of the interface?
22:24.08tuxd3vsomewere, many thanks :9
22:24.35aitor_the isos already have an ncurses interface; but i'm also finishing the gui in gtk
22:25.04tuxd3vho nice to hear that :)
22:25.49aitor_the code is not updated:
22:26.15aitor_recently, i did several improvements
22:27.42Xenguyaitor_: wicd is disappearing (unless someone ports it from python2 to python3), so folks are looking around for an alternative these days
22:28.16gnarfaceyea, network-manager seems to be very polarizing and we need new options
22:28.22Xenguynetwork-manager is rather large for me, and I would prefer something less bloated
22:28.28aitor_simple-netaid is quite stable
22:28.32gnarfacewell, i say we very loosely... i gave up on graphical network management a long time ago
22:28.44gnarfacebut i have faith for the childrens' future
22:29.01Xenguy"For the children"
22:29.26tuxd3vaitor_, is has a simple and direct interface, seems very complete, and displays all the info we want, I mean I saw the pictures :)
22:29.27aitor_network-manager and conman interfere with sysadmins
22:29.35Xenguywicd has worked fine for me, though even it seemed rather buggy at time
22:30.10Xenguyaitor_: How does connman interfere with sysadmins?
22:30.52aitor_for instance, remaining in trying to connect again to the network
22:32.10aitor_depending on the way the system has been disconnected, of course; it'll not happen if you used connman for that
22:33.38aitor_i'm looking for an article i read time ago in the web, saying something like "for a suckless network manager", written by a sysadmin
22:34.19aitor_on the other hand, all the existent network managers depend on dbus
22:41.04aitor_golinux: pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
22:41.21aitor_didn't you like nonsense gibberish?
22:42.09aitor_ok, it's a silly taken from the code of the live-sdk, line nº 284:
22:42.38aitor_as you can see, everybody can contribute to the code of the live-sdk
22:43.18aitor_this is the most sensible part of the project...
22:43.37aitor_bye :)
22:46.08tuxd3vhehhe that was nice :)
22:46.40fsmithredit's actually a quote from The Wizard of Oz
22:46.59tuxd3vho :)
22:47.09tuxd3vI also liked: "A million hamsters are spinning their wheels right now"
22:55.53*** part/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
23:11.30*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
23:25.42*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)

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