IRC log for #devuan on 20210308

00:01.57*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
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03:00.25DashiePieis anyone familiar with retroarch?
03:01.19*** join/#devuan psarria (~psarria@
03:11.24*** join/#devuan tomg (
03:18.25DashiePieanyone know why retroarch won't download cores from the core updater menu?
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04:13.06gnarfaceDashiePie: dunno, check to make sure your download url is correct in the config file
04:13.43DashiePieI think it's because the cores folder is set to where apt/aptitude would set them
04:14.23DashiePieI am dumb, but I just need to unhide hidden folders and set it to the cores folder in .config instead, I s'pose
04:16.40*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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05:04.03DashiePiewell, the psp core works, so that's good, but unfortunately, the mupen64plus core they have seems to disable my hotkeys and controller? not sure why that is, but I can't play games with it
05:17.03gnarfacemaybe it's just grabbing something else as the default controller instead
05:17.21gnarfacei would have to assume they have separate controller configs
05:17.36gnarfacedevice mappings not button mappings, but maybe both
05:17.57*** join/#devuan zyklon (
05:18.14gnarfacei'm not familiar with retroarch specifically, but it has to be able to find the right device from a list in /dev/input/ and /dev/hidraw*
05:18.40gnarfacesteam games get it wrong too sometimes
05:19.09gnarfacebut could be a permissions issue too
05:55.19*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:03.19DashiePieit worked with the package manager core, mupen64plus 2.0, but it didn't with the retroarch download core 2.2
06:03.52DashiePienot sure what I did, or if I really did anything, but it totally screwed the pooch
06:04.22DashiePiewhen I start a game with that core, I can't even use esc to close retroarch, or f1 to open the menu
06:04.26DashiePieworks with the psp core
06:04.45DashiePiedifferent controller, but I don't know why that'd make a difference
06:06.10DashiePieso to summarize, it should work, but something's running interference, and I don't know what
06:06.41DashiePieit may be that I have two mupen64plus cores, but honestly, they're in entirely different places, and I don't know why that'd affect anything
06:08.10*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
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11:07.14linux_partyiLinux OS rocks!
11:11.18*** join/#devuan bilbo_b (~quassel@2a02:908:172:a2c0:20d:b9ff:fe35:b114)
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12:52.50*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
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13:02.18Jorilis that a new distribution made by Apple? :D
13:14.09*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
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14:52.37linux_party@Joril Nope!
14:53.39*** join/#devuan dagelf (
14:55.53linux_partyBut it’s interface is better than macOS’s…
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14:58.36*** join/#devuan Rick8024 (
14:59.31*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
15:02.00*** join/#devuan ecsim (
15:04.39masonMy interface is better than MacOS too. I run Openbox.
15:08.25*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
15:20.43MinceRalmost all interfaces are
15:20.54MinceRmaybe it's made by cisco or logitech
15:21.18tarzeaunot if you look at the APIs and how to program software using that api
15:21.41tarzeaumacOS APIs have evolved since 1988, and are still widely popular, on macos/ios obviously, but also using gnustep
15:22.03tarzeaui mean if you have ever written graphical software, you'll agree qt or gtk is not the greatest things, neither is java with swing
15:25.02masontarzeau: 1988 is a bit late - but this might be better in #devuan-offtopic
15:26.24linux_partyiLinux GUI is a mix of Mate, Openbox, Tint2 and many custom interface elements.
15:30.20*** join/#devuan dagelf (
15:33.06linux_partyiLinux OS can even run on an Atom or Pentium 4 CPU…
15:33.32masonlinux_party: This also would be better in #devuan_offtopic, since it's not wildly focussed on Devuan itself.
15:35.35MinceRpopularity proves nothing
15:46.17*** mode/#devuan [+o buZz] by ChanServ
15:46.21*** mode/#devuan [+b *!*linux_par@*] by buZz
15:46.21*** kick/#devuan [linux_party!~buzz@unaffiliated/buzz] by buZz (spammer)
15:46.24*** mode/#devuan [-o buZz] by buZz
15:46.41buZzits literally proprietary, GPL-violating
15:48.28MinceRthat explains the 'i', then
15:49.19buZzi thought the i stood for ugly
15:49.26buZzsame as with apple
15:52.39buZzor just a remainder from the clone of the iPaq
15:52.49buZz'hey they have a i , so should we!'
15:53.06MinceRyeah, i forgot that compaq used this prefix too
15:53.13fsmithredwhat init system does it use?
15:53.27buZzfsmithred: its debian 10 with a custom WM
15:53.32buZzmaybe not even custom
15:53.34buZzso, systemd
15:53.50buZzthere's no source, the only download source is a google drive O_o
15:55.48fsmithredi can find one glowing review of it
15:55.56fsmithredon at least two websites
15:56.05buZzi think its just a week old or something
15:56.40onefangI think it's #devuan_offtopic.
15:56.46buZzwhatever, just nonsense spam
15:56.49buZzonefang: agreed
15:56.51*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
16:00.39*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
16:04.31masonbuZz: FWIW, it's not strictly violating the GPL. There's a distinction between a business relationship and a license. It might subvert the spirit of the license, but the GPL only applies to people who receive the software from you, so if you don't get the software from them, they're not obligated to provide source. That said, I have no idea at all if their linking their EULA from their download page and
16:04.37masonsaying to read it before downloading has enforceable meaning if they're not doing something to register that someone has agreed to the EULA.
16:05.09buZzmason: right, they are just giving binaries without source, while claiming its opensource software
16:05.23buZzi guess GPL requires for a request for source
16:05.36buZzbut i'm not gonna use their only contact info , a phone number in greece ...
16:05.58masonYeah, it varies between GPLv2 and v3 even. They've certainly created a messy, confusing situation, regardless of what they've done with the software. :P
16:06.29buZzits just spam, anyway
16:06.43buZzimho not only the advertizing, but also the distro
16:06.50masonI wonder if they were more trolling or spamming, though. I'd think trolling, given that folks in here very likely aren't going to see their set-up and think "wow, that's for me...."
16:07.01buZzin the same way that xubuntu/kubuntu/eubuntu/whatever are spam
16:07.14buZzhe was doing the exact same on many other channels, mason
16:07.41buZzor is, even
16:07.45masonAlright, that weights it towards being spam. I hadn't seen it, but I'm in a weird mix of channels.
16:08.20buZzi saw it in #arduino and #armbian
16:13.10*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
16:13.46dreameroh lol, they even came in here
16:13.50dreamerdamn spambots.
16:16.15buZzyeah wasnt paying attention earlier on, sorry
16:31.27*** join/#devuan onefang (~dvs1@devuan/developer/onefang)
16:47.29*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (uGUt7@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
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17:52.02xinomiloOT, i believe i know the developer.. but first time i hear of this distro though..
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