IRC log for #devuan on 20210226

00:08.06*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:32.29*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
00:53.35*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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01:18.19*** part/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
01:42.57*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
01:47.44*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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03:06.03*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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04:26.26*** part/#devuan ukine (sid436777@gateway/web/
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05:09.20*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:09.46*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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06:16.19*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
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07:42.07*** join/#devuan nailyk (~nailyk@carbonfusion/co-admin/nailyk)
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08:54.50*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
09:01.41*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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09:38.50*** join/#devuan freemangordon (~ivo@
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10:03.41*** join/#devuan grumble (~Thunderbi@freenode/staff/grumble)
10:36.19*** join/#devuan ecsim (
10:50.52*** join/#devuan polar_flux (
10:51.55polar_fluxWhere can I get hold of xen-tools?
10:54.27debdogapt-get install xen-tools (or your question lacks info)
10:55.30polar_fluxThanks. I tried.
10:55.44polar_fluxI configured sources and so on.
10:56.43polar_fluxI get a lot of messages about failure to fetch and failure to resolve.
10:57.38polar_fluxOther packages were found ok. I installed xen domu already, on top of Beowulf, on a server.
10:58.54polar_fluxThe merged/pool branch is not showing on
11:01.35polar_fluxI suppose I can get source from somewhere, but I am new to devuan.
11:02.32polar_fluxI've used linux for ages, and got solaris sys admin cert before Oracle stamped on I can find my way around.
11:03.54polar_fluxI just can't find much documentation, and when codebases are close but different, then I could be climbing up the wrong tree for ages.
11:08.20gnarfacepolar_flux: first thing you should do is just try again.  there are temporary failures often
11:08.43gnarfacethere's possibly an issue with your sources.list, too
11:10.46gnarfaceif you paste your sources.list to someone here can sanity check it for you
11:10.48*** join/#devuan deldenzen (~delirious@
11:10.59deldenzenalright irc works
11:11.07deldenzenwas wondering where i can get a minimal devuan iso?
11:11.27gnarfacethere was a mini.iso
11:11.53*** join/#devuan Peregrinus_ (~peregrinu@
11:11.54deldenzenwas is past tense so im assuming there is no mini iso anymore
11:11.57deldenzenthats sad
11:12.01*** join/#devuan fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
11:12.25gnarfacemaybe there still is, try here:
11:13.03gnarfacemaybe this is it and they just renamed it
11:16.28rrq is not a bad place to start
11:25.17fsmithredmini isos are in the debian-installer tree
11:26.12fsmithrednot quite...
11:26.25fsmithredgo up and over for i386
11:26.31*** join/#devuan kiwi9 (~john@2001:8003:6da8:c01:2d8:61ff:fe7b:961b)
11:27.19deldenzenoh yeah baby lets go
11:27.24deldenzen@fsmithred, thanks!
11:27.31polar_flux@gnarface  : Thanks, I tried variations. I pasted into paste bin..with my I just send?
11:29.06fsmithreddeldenzen, I'm not certain if that is still good. If there have been kernel changes since Feb 2, it might not work. If that's the case, use the netinstall iso.
11:29.12gnarfacepolar_flux: please use because there's no ads, and no, don't put your name in it
11:29.19polar_fluxnumber 1187042.
11:29.30polar_fluxMy user name is on it
11:29.48polar_fluxin the name field.
11:30.11deldenzen@fsmithred, i could just update the kernel after installing it right?
11:32.04gnarfacepolar_flux: you probably don't want to just leave backports uncommented while you're not using it, but i dont' see anything else obviously wrong with it.... must be something else
11:32.50fsmithreddeldenzen, you won't get through the installation if kernel does not match modules
11:33.14polar_fluxI enabled backports to try...I didn't expect a change because the error messages were referencing a branch which is not present at
11:33.14gnarfacepolar_flux: have you tried it a second time since then?  just run "apt-get update" again?
11:33.14fsmithredIt happens early, so you won't waste a whole lot of time.
11:33.39deldenzenno i mean install a newer kernel AFTER installing everything and rebooting
11:34.18fsmithredthe kernel in the iso must match the modules in the repo or you won't complete the install.
11:34.31fsmithredit's only been a few weeks, so it should be good.
11:35.16polar_flux@gnarface:  I tried with --fix-missing too. Thanks for your help. I will try to download some DEB packages. Then just use a different distro for the Xen host.
11:36.51deldenzengot it
11:39.44*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
11:52.39gnarfacepolar_flux: well, the package might be broken too, but it seems weird... i still suspect you have a different issue
11:53.46gnarfacepolar_flux: here's the IPs i get right now for
11:54.13*** join/#devuan ecsim (
11:54.20fsmithredgnarface, I just gave him the package mirror list to select a different mirror
11:54.41gnarfaceoh ok
11:55.19fsmithredI see the package and aptitude says it would install it for me
11:56.28*** join/#devuan yanmaani (~yanmaani@gateway/tor-sasl/yanmaani)
11:56.45polar_flux@gnarface : got pointers from devuan-dev, relating to mirrors. They also pointed to a different directory with the package. Thanks again.
12:00.02fsmithreddifferent directory?
12:08.30polar_flux@fsmithred : no worries. Different directory to which the error messages were pointing me.
12:09.04fsmithredpolar_flux, can you get it now?
12:11.26polar_fluxI will, but I've been at it since 02:30, and I can see sunlight outside. I'll get back onto it in the dark.
12:12.02polar_fluxI'm on a different server.
12:12.33polar_fluxThey are proliants and they take their time to post.
12:12.57*** join/#devuan Kruppt (
12:16.31polar_fluxI copied all the information.
12:23.48*** join/#devuan epony (epony@unaffiliated/epony)
12:45.21*** join/#devuan ecsim (
12:58.17*** join/#devuan rsx (
13:20.34*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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13:56.04*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
14:09.20*** join/#devuan james1138 (47240d3d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
14:17.48*** join/#devuan danielinux (sbnc@wolfssl/developer/danielinux)
14:19.10*** join/#devuan bru (~bru@
14:19.20*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (
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14:21.14*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8760)
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14:24.40*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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14:30.10*** join/#devuan alv (~alv@
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15:14.16*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
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16:39.02*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
16:39.51*** part/#devuan Joril (~joril@
16:45.52*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:49.30*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:06.12*** join/#devuan nailyk (~nailyk@carbonfusion/co-admin/nailyk)
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17:20.33*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
17:30.56*** join/#devuan eyalroz (
17:33.14eyalrozOk, peops... I've found the culprit for my audio output device switching to HDMI...
17:33.18*** join/#devuan alv (~alv@
17:33.26eyalrozgnarf_08: In case you're interested...
17:33.48eyalrozThere's a setting for this in /etc/pulse/
17:33.57eyalroz(which is textual, not binary...)
17:34.15eyalrozIt's a pulseaudio module... load-module module-switch-on-port-available
17:39.19fsmithredeyalroz, did you change the line or did you comment it out?
17:40.17eyalrozfsmithred: Commented it out just now and reloaded. Actually, I still haven't verified this does the trick
17:40.18*** join/#devuan KnoP (
17:40.24eyalrozbut "AskUbuntu" says it should.
17:40.49fsmithredthey are often right
17:47.14*** join/#devuan mcr (
17:47.48eyalrozI wonder if Devuan shouldn't, by default, have automatic default output audio device switching disabled.
17:48.39fsmithredwhat does it mean?
17:55.16*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
17:55.57eyalrozfsmithred: What does what mean?
17:56.12eyalrozI mean, that the configuration file should ship with that line disabled by default
17:56.23eyalrozActually, I'm just writing the PA package maintainers suggests this.
17:56.25fsmithredwhat does it do?
17:56.32fsmithredand who does it do it to?
17:56.50eyalrozfsmithred: Just a second.
17:57.05eyalrozI'm writing this up and will paste a link.
17:57.10fsmithredcool, thanks
17:57.25xinomilopython3-libvirt 7.0.0 uploaded in ceres/sid, conflicts with libvirt0 6.7.0-3+devuan1
17:58.38xinomilojust a note, don't know if a bug report is needed (?)
18:00.14fsmithrednot sure if a bug report is needed, but that's the second one today
18:02.09*** join/#devuan KnoP (
18:03.14fsmithredeyalroz, so the edit causes it not to switch if a new device becomes available
18:03.21fsmithredand it uses whatever device it used last
18:03.26fsmithredI assume
18:03.27eyalrozfsmithred: Yes, exactly.
18:03.37fsmithredso what if it never used a device before?
18:03.45fsmithredwhat does it do?
18:04.09fsmithredtricky to test that
18:04.44eyalrozfsmithred: 1. I don't know. 2. It will likely choose some arbitrary default, which is not qualitatively different than what it does now, as it sees multiple available devices when it starts up.
18:05.28eyalrozI realize that, on a laptopt, auto-switching may be quite useful,
18:05.32fsmithredI'm concerned that it may need you to tell it to pick an available device
18:05.42fsmithredif it doesn't already know
18:05.53fsmithredwhich would cause it to fail for everyone the first time
18:06.27eyalrozfsmithred: That's a reasonable concern. Although even if you don't need to tell it that, it might still be "failing" by choosing something invalid.
18:07.15eyalrozI've just written about this.
18:07.22fsmithredI'm going to save the link and content of
18:07.25fsmithredoh, good.
18:07.32fsmithredThey probably know the answer.
18:07.43eyalrozI wonder if it's possible to create exceptions to the default-device-switching
18:08.12fsmithredat the very least this info will get onto the forum and future wiki and maybe future release notes
18:08.36fsmithreda little checkbox would be nice
18:08.56eyalrozBy the way - when I restarted pulseaudio, it arbitrary chose some device - which wasn't the last device I had selected,
18:09.30fsmithredso it's still doing the same thing, or different now?
18:10.11eyalrozfsmithred: I still don't know. I'll need to reboot to be 100% sure.
18:10.43eyalroza little checkbox would be nice <- You mean in pavucontrol? Yes, but I'd want this choice during the package configuration on installation
18:12.09*** join/#devuan Seb95passiongnul (
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19:04.28*** join/#devuan scoofy (
19:07.06scoofyso... here is how a typical system restart scenario plays out in systemd-linux:
19:07.22scoofy'$ reboot now'. system hangs after some time, black screen.
19:07.48scoofypress ctr-alt-del. message appears, waiting for zramswap, timeout: [0/35s]
19:08.12scoofywaited the timeout. then new timeout appears: [0 / 2min 5s]
19:08.40scoofyctrl-alt-del restarts the timer. so start pressing ctrl-alt-del like crazy
19:09.03scoofywarning message appears: "you have pressed ctrl-alt-del more than 7 times in 2 seconds. forcing reboot"
19:09.26scoofysystem still hangs. unresponsive. unplug device from socket
19:09.41scoofyplug device back in. congracts. you have sucessfully rebooted.
19:11.05scoofythe fact that "ctrl-alt-del more than 7 times in 2 seconds" is a special command means that the devs thought you'll at some point start pressing ctrl-alt-del like crazy, and made that into a function. (that still failed tho)
19:11.26*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
19:13.54scoofyshould have tried sysrq but there's no sysrq key on  this mini keyboard
19:16.21*** join/#devuan hagbard_ (~hagbard@unaffiliated/hagbard/x-0010135)
19:18.28DHEdid you still have shell access?
19:20.52scoofynope. ttys unresponsive
19:21.15scoofyno prompt, nothing
19:22.09scoofyi encountered bugs with zramswap earlier (i was testing that). made the reboot fail.
19:31.03scoofyalbeit i was testing how much can i push zramswap to the limit. that crashes too (dunno if that a kernel bug or what)
19:32.01scoofypage file read errors (from zram) made the subsequent reboot fail
19:34.46*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
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19:52.46*** join/#devuan james1138 (47240d3d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:44.53*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:44.55*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
21:00.45*** join/#devuan KnoP (
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21:13.40*** join/#devuan alv (~alv@
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22:13.19*** part/#devuan MetaYan (
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23:52.01*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)

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