IRC log for #devuan on 20210218

00:07.11*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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00:22.35XenguyDoes anyone recall offhand what package needs to be reconfigured to display larger text on the console?
00:23.03plubi'd like multi-console though
00:23.07plubsomeone should write that for me
00:23.21plub2 or 3 or 4 virtual framebuffers
00:23.33XenguyI remember in the old days the default font was a nice large size, whereas nowadays some genius has decided to make the default console font a perfect size for 'young eyes'
00:23.41Xenguyplub: Don't hijack the question
00:23.49plubsorry i'll try to find an answer
00:23.56XenguyI don't need to hear if you don't know the answer
00:24.13fsmithredXenguy, dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
00:24.19XenguyThank you
00:26.14systemdleteyesterday's upgrade resulted in the creation of 2 new unix groups, render and kvm.  afaik, I don't have virtualization installed other than vbox client software.   Vbox has been working here for ages, so this is a bit odd.
00:27.17systemdleterender, I understand, is related to graphics, so it seems some features supporting X or other graphics tools now require this "render" ownership.
00:28.49systemdleteIt is the "kvm" group that has me a bit worried.   Why would that group suddenly be required when (a) I don't use kvm for virtualization (except for vbox which has been here for ages), and (b)
00:29.09systemdleteI did not install any new software that I can think of.
00:30.35fsmithredsystemdlete, eudev created it. Did you get an error message, or you just saw that it got created?
00:30.47systemdletethe apt history.log file only shows one entry yesterday (the previous update was on 2/6/2021) so the addition of kvm group must have been created by one of the package updates yesterday.
00:31.00fsmithredyeah, eudev
00:31.02systemdletefsmithred:  my nightly logwatch report.
00:31.18fsmithredcame from beowulf-proposed-updates along with a few other things
00:31.36systemdleteAny idea why?
00:31.39fsmithredsee bug#548 for more info
00:31.42systemdleteI find it strange.
00:31.50systemdletedevuan bug 548?
00:31.53fsmithredwhich has not yet been answered by the dev
00:32.19systemdleteI take it this would originate "upstream"?
00:32.32fsmithredwell, I don't know
00:32.40systemdleteok... thanks  for this info.
00:32.51systemdleteis grateful for logwatch...
00:33.15fsmithredit's not related to any changes in eudev that I'm aware of, and I was involved in reporting the problem and testing the fix.
00:33.26fsmithredbut there were probably some other changes, too
00:33.49fsmithred"the problem" is completely different from what we're talking about now
00:34.03numzobodd, in another distro i only eeded to add a kvm group when installing qemu
00:34.06systemdleteof course it is   ;)
00:34.18systemdleteyes, exactly.
00:34.59systemdletevbox USES kvm for guests that are configured to do so, but it is not needed by the guest itself.
00:35.11systemdletevbox offers kvm and other virt methods
00:35.35systemdleteif it were needed by the guest, it would have been configured for kvm long ago
00:38.32systemdletefsmithred:  I have not attempted to reboot since the update yesterday... from the sounds of the report, I wonder if my system is still bootable?
00:38.47systemdleteI'm guessing it is, since my update did not fail.
00:38.54fsmithredwhy would it not be bootable?
00:39.24systemdleteI guess I'd only need to worry if the update had failed as per the report (548)
00:39.39systemdleteand even then, that might not be an issue, idk.
00:39.41*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
00:40.54systemdleteMessing around with / modifying such basic and essential parts of the system is generally a bad idea.  GNU/Linux has been around for over 25 years now, so my feeling is that this portion of the system should be very stable by now.  Updates/changes/fixes rare.
00:41.10systemdlete(Oh, yes.  I know why it isn't... )
00:42.29systemdleteI guess some people think that the software base of GNU/Linux is some sort of self-amusement park, and don't realize that there might be actual serious applications in use.
00:42.37systemdletebut alas...
00:46.19systemdletejust by coincidence, this is a slashdot story that broke recently.  "If something's genuinely mission-critical and it's working, you leave it working."  I agree.
00:46.43systemdleteIf you want to play, there's a sandbox for that somewhere...
00:58.55*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
01:09.48*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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07:11.58ltsJust noticed some 404s in apt upgrade. How common is it that several mirrors fail sync? The one I use is on the list
07:25.30*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
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10:03.12djphlts: if your timing is good, it's fairly common
10:03.26djph("good" as in "you hit them mid-update")
10:16.22*** join/#devuan dice (
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10:28.53ltsRight, thanks for confirming
10:29.22onefangMy network has been down most of the day, I wonder what you are talking about?  Sounds a bit package mirror related to me.
10:31.16*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
10:32.18ltsI was just wondering how normal this is
10:32.18onefangdjph , lts ^^^
10:34.36onefang shows more info.  And some of the errors in the Updated column are coz I haven't updated how often some of the mirrors update.
10:35.27onefangI need to crack the whip and get some mirrors to fix a few things as well.  lol
10:37.40onefangSoooo, for the Updated column, a warning means "the upstream master pkgmaster has been updated, this mirror hasn't caught up yet, but is still within its update time".  A mirror not being fully up to date 10 minutes after pkgmaster updates, but it still has a 20 minute window to get updated.  Error means it's now outside of it's update window and still not updated.
10:39.01ltsThanks. Looks quite minor. The mirror I use still shows there as FAILED but now has started to work (in the last 30 minutes I think)
10:39.16ltsTo work = now has the newest updates
10:42.04*** join/#devuan psarria (~psarria@
11:20.44*** join/#devuan Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sooslow/x-31376162)
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12:32.10*** join/#devuan l41f3n (
12:33.02l41f3nHello, I can see embedded section for ascii devuan but not for beowulf. Is it normal ?
12:33.24l41f3nI would like install beowulf on my rapi3 :)
12:40.59*** join/#devuan AZG256 (
13:14.17fsmithredl41f3n, there are community-produced images for beowulf here -
13:15.05fsmithredand a forum section for arm discussion:
13:18.27l41f3nthank you fsmithred :)
13:18.55fsmithredalso #devuan-arm irc
13:22.12*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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17:06.56rwpfsmithred, TIL: Devuan BTS does not support severity important! "severity 548 important; Severity level `important' is not known. Recognized are: critical, grave, normal, minor, wishlist."
17:07.28rwpSeems odd they did not like that level and did not implement it in the BTS.
17:07.50fsmithredI'll mention it at our meeting today
17:08.27fsmithredthanks. I never noticed that because I never bother with severity. I think mine are all normal.
17:08.41rwpI also don't see "serious
17:08.50rwpI also don't see "serious" in the list either.  So that one was dropped too.
17:08.59fsmithreddebian has all those?
17:09.01rwpSo now I must decide, is it grave?
17:09.02*** join/#devuan st3ma (~st3ma@
17:09.09rwpYes.  See this list:
17:09.30fsmithreddoesn't really matter. The maintainer is aware of it and it will be taken care of.
17:10.11rwpYes.  But for us out in the field using the system we must maintain a list in our head of how everything is slightly different here versus there.
17:10.27fsmithredthe dev who got the bts up and running was the one who gave the talk on minimalism at the conference
17:11.32*** join/#devuan n4dir (
17:12.59rwpI have often used "important" when I thought something was significant to raise up out of the see of sometimes thousands of "normal" bugs.
17:13.04rwpOh well.  Anyway...  Just thought I would pass that tidbit along.
17:15.27*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:23.16luser977be sure to ask for severity levels "systemd_tainted" and "ridiculous". if the 1st is not accepted then the 2nd could be used instead.
17:25.27fsmithredsystemd_tainted might actually be a useful tag
17:25.42masonfsmithred: Less typing: unclean
17:25.46fsmithredas they fuck up more packages causing bugs
17:26.02fsmithredok, that works
17:30.20tuxd3vis observing gladly the systemd_tainted tag :)
17:45.29*** part/#devuan n4dir (
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17:56.01*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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18:05.25user__Updates on bluez-tools and bluetooth @beowulf: the bluez-tools are a huge huge set of C sources which mostly manipulate strings related to dbus. Iow, a Perl, bash (!), tcl, etc approach might have done the job as needed (in the right programmer's hand), using nothing (much) more than dbus-monitor and dbus-send, 2 cli tools supplied with dbus.
18:06.03*** join/#devuan enyc (
18:06.54user__Just as a simple example, bt-agent source in bluez-tools has a ~80loc C function to read and hash (!) the known devices pin file which may have 10 entries or so on a busy machine, and that hash table is used in a 300 loc C function to authenticate (bluetooth pairing) a new device. Would I rewrite this? No.
18:07.09user__Is anyone aware of a project accessing dbus from scripts only?
18:11.48fsmithredI used to have a script for shutdown/reboot that used dbus commands
18:20.11*** join/#devuan Kitty (
18:20.32Kittyhi, who would I need to talk to about a package being added to backports?
18:21.04fsmithredwhat do you want to backport?
18:22.29gnarfaceit is present in ceres
18:22.50KittyI'm currently using beowulf-backports
18:23.14fsmithredall of it?
18:23.39Kittywell I stuck it in apt config, and did a dist-upgrade
18:23.46Kittywhere doeas ceres fit ?
18:24.01Kittysid == testing?
18:24.19fsmithredchimaera is testing
18:24.20KittyI can never track the names, so always just think of stable, unstable, testing
18:24.27fsmithredsame version of dropbear in both
18:24.34Kittyand backports... which IIRC is stable+some stuff from testing
18:24.54gnarfaceit is also in beowulf already... why do you need the backports one now?
18:25.06fsmithred...that has not *all* been tested together
18:25.09*** join/#devuan plasma41 (~plasma41@
18:25.27Kittybecause version 2018.76 doesn't support ED25519 keys,
18:25.46Kittybut version 2020.79 or later does
18:26.18fsmithredhave you backported it yourself yet?
18:26.51Kittyhow would I do that?
18:27.01gnarfaceKitty: a lot of times debian backports patches for important stuff, but does not backport the version number.  has it been verified that the build in beowulf doesn't support ED25519 keys whatever they are, or is this assumption being made based on the version number alone, compared to that version number in other unrelated distros?
18:28.03gnarfaceKitty: i'm just mentioning it because it is common for people to go chasing their tail for no reason over such issues
18:28.17KittyI installed the dropbear that is in beowulf, and it doesn't support ed25519 keys.
18:28.31gnarfacethe backport process might be simple
18:28.35plasma41Just got Internet connectivity back. What software are we talking about?
18:28.43Kittythe upstream project only added it as a feature in version 2020.79 in jun 2020
18:30.00gnarfaceKitty: 1) you just check out the build deps for the beowulf version with "apt-get build-dep dropbear" then you get the source package from ceres with "apt-get -t ceres source dropbear" and then you build it with ... i think something like: cd ./dropbear[tab] && dpkg-buildpkg -us -uc
18:30.38gnarfaceKitty: the process is well documented at debian but they bury it in chapter 6 of the new maintainer's guide.  someone has a condensed summary of the process around here somewhere but i don't have the link
18:30.59Kittyeek, that looks complicated
18:31.35gnarfaceit is the best option all things considered
18:32.21Kittywhat is the name for the equivilant of testing?
18:32.25gnarfacenothing is really stopping you from just upgrading to ceres instead, other than the significantly higher cost in luck
18:32.32gnarfacechimera is testing
18:32.53plasma41Kitty: testing is chimaera
18:33.16fsmithredoldie but goodie:
18:33.29gnarfacein theory the backport process from ceres->beowulf should work just as well for chimera->beowulf
18:33.59fsmithredceres and chimaera are mostly the same now, since sid is in early freeze
18:34.42KittyE: The repository ' chimera Release' does not have a Release file.
18:34.51fsmithredtry again in a little while
18:34.58Kittylooks like it's not a simple case of swapping beowulf for chimera in the sources file
18:34.58fsmithredfew minutes maybe
18:35.07fsmithredalmost simple
18:35.13plasma41Kitty: Looks like the testing version of dropbear requires the testing release of libtommath-dev to compile. All other build dependencies are available in stable or stable-backports.
18:35.15*** join/#devuan orcus-de (~orcus_@
18:35.27fsmithredyou don't need -updates or -security for chimaera or ceres
18:35.43gnarfaceKitty: nothing will stop you from just installing the ceres or chimera version directly into beowulf either, but that's not advised because the library version mismatches might cause instability
18:35.59KittyI tried that, but it went into dependency hell
18:36.34gnarfaceah.  well, backporting is the way you get around that
18:36.41gnarfacein theory, anyway
18:36.50*** join/#devuan lkjasdf (
18:36.50gnarfacesometimes you have to backport some dependencies too
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18:37.18gnarfaceand it is possible to run into a situation where you end up recursively backporting basically the entire next release
18:37.38gnarface(in which case you might as well have just gone ahead and upgraded to it)
18:38.09Kittywhat am I doing wrong with my sources.list file... deb chimera main
18:38.26gnarfacethat's the binary line
18:38.45gnarfaceduplicate it with "deb-src" at the beginning instead of just "deb" for source packages
18:39.09gnarfacesource packages and binary packages are on different source lines
18:39.10Kittyexcept when I do apt-get update
18:39.12KittyI get E: The repository ' chimera Release' does not have a Release file.
18:39.28gnarfacelike fsmithred just said.  wait a few minutes, it is updating
18:39.41Kittyoh right, I hadn't understood that
18:39.56gnarfacedebian has over 150 mirrors... we have like 12 or 13
18:41.39Kitty - the file exists... is a dns round-robin
18:42.27gnarfaceyou don't necessarily see the same server every time
18:43.10gnarface"nslookup" will show you the whole list
18:43.26Kittybash: nslookup: command not found
18:43.29Kittyor maybe not
18:43.36gnarfaceheh, if furnished
18:43.51Kitty131.188.12.211 - it's doing this site
18:44.08Kittyah well, patience
18:44.56fsmithredit's up again
18:45.19Kittystill complaining :(
18:45.38fsmithredoh, sorry
18:46.17KittyE: The repository ' chimera Release' does not have a Release file.
18:46.52gnarfaceseems to be working here
18:47.15Kittychimera != chimaera
18:50.08plasma41Kitty: I was just about to point that out, but you realized it before I could type it out. Feel free to personally blame me for choosing a weirdly spelled codename.
18:50.27KittyI have dyslexia...
18:50.45fsmithredwow, I just tried installing the 2020 version in beowulf live iso, and it would be a mess. (remove a bunch and upgrade libc6 among others)
18:51.25fsmithredbackport or upgrade would be much better
18:53.32masonOr a chroot, if there end up being extensive build deps that are problematic.
18:55.02plasma41Kitty: I also proposed the codename for the release after chimaera: daedalus. Apologies for all the weird vowels.
18:56.25gnarfacegreat, google accepts both spellings
18:56.42gnarfaceno way to tell which is more proper due to sponsored links as responses
18:57.35plasma41fsmithred: Now you've got me curious. I'm going to try doing a local backport to see how hard it is.
19:02.00*** part/#devuan orcus-de (~orcus_@
19:09.21plasma41Well so far I can say that the build dependencies themselves don't spring any recursive dependency traps.
19:12.40Kittythank you all for your help
19:13.00KittyI'm logging off for the night. Thanks! am looking forward to using devuan some more
19:13.32plasma41Kitty: Thanks for stopping by!
19:14.22*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
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19:30.39user__I think this debian / devuan code name game should be taken to the next level, like those iq logic tests, where the green house is left of the one that has no dogs and not the last one in the row? One could win prizes for guessing the right code names in a short amount of time.
19:31.11fsmithredours are going in alphabetical order
19:31.24user__It is almost there, just needs some inpartial arbiter in the form of an irc trivia bot.
19:33.05user__Also, iirc, on, there used to be a table with code names in devuan, an debian, testing whatever, and numbers. Which are yet another facet. Is it still there?
19:33.40user__I don't see it
19:34.05user__ AHHH
19:34.38user__Kitty should see this. Left?
19:34.52user__Kitty: ^ tab completion let me down, sorry
19:35.35*** join/#devuan lkjasdf (
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19:36.18user__So, alphabetic: J A B C C ... well Debian also does it. J S B B S
19:36.26user__(this is so terrible)
19:36.53gnarfaceit makes more sense if you know more about how debian actually does it
19:37.12user__openwrt got a clue for the release names from somewhere and double the letter. Attack Attitude, Barrier Breaker etc
19:37.19fsmithredceres=sid and never changes, is not part of the alphabetical order
19:38.03fsmithredthey can wrap around to Attack Barrier?
19:38.21user__AA BB CC ...
19:38.33fsmithredthat's good for 26 versions in english
19:38.41fsmithredafter that...
19:38.47fsmithredAB AC AD
19:38.53user__Yes. By version 13 it will become sentient and rename itself I guess.
19:39.09fsmithredshit, I forgot about skynet
19:39.20fsmithredand we are way OT now
19:39.23user__Also version HH is close now. I wonder if they'll skip it.
19:39.33user__yes, let's stop this
19:39.35plasma41Kitty: AFAICT, if you download the dropbear source from testing as well as the libtommath binary packages from testing and the dephelper binary package from stable-backports, you should be able to compile dropbear on stable and install the resulting binary without triggering any recursive dependency traps.
19:40.11user__One question: why does Kitty need dropbear instead of sshd? Small device with no room for full sshd?
19:40.13gnarfacei remember when they came up with the naming convention for debian, the idea of running out of toy story characters before the distro collapsed in upon itself due to human arrogance was laughable.  but here we are...
19:40.41Kittyuser__: dropbear can be installed in the initramfs,
19:40.52Kittywhich means that you can use it on boot to unlock a LUKS petition
19:41.25gnarfacegod i hope you've tied the decryption keys to a server you physically own
19:41.36gnarfaceif that's some aws instance you're just asking for trouble
19:41.47user__Kitty: nice idea
19:41.59KittyI don't do cloud
19:42.38gnarfacewell, i wouldn't do this at all, and i would advise anyone not to, but it's a clever idea if you care more about the ability to lock people out on purpose than whether you lock them out on accident
19:42.38user__Well, technically, initramfs is a small device. Sort of.
19:43.07Kittygnarface: ?
19:43.21user__Kitty: have you considered importing the static dropbear usually compiled for use with busybox?
19:43.23gnarfaceKitty: lemme put it this way.  you'd better have unencrypted backups somewhere
19:43.55Kittybackups are encrypted as well. but we have multiple users with keys to decrypt
19:44.20user__I see packages for dropbear in beowulf including dropbear-initramfs
19:44.34Kittyyes, but they are not recent enough to support ED25519 keys
19:44.51user__I am not familiar with those
19:45.16Kittyecdsa and ed25519 keys are eliptic curve encryption keys
19:45.22user__ah ok
19:45.28KittyI wish it also supported ed25519-sk keys
19:46.08user__Ok, djb is behind this, then it has to be good :)
19:46.15plasma41Kitty: If you need any help with the above provided recipe, just let me know. I'd be happy to help.
19:47.18user__Kitty: you can always compile dropbear from scratch. Someone already have you the "debian way".
19:47.38Kittyyeah, I was trying to avoid having to go the from scratch route...
19:48.05user__Well, debian and bleeding edge packages -- does that even fit in one line of text?
19:48.43user__2018.76 to 2020.81 is "just" 5 versions behind.
19:49.37Kittyed25519 was added in June last year
19:49.44user__Interesting he had .deb packages up till 2004. On the dropbear site.
19:50.02plasma41Kitty: It only took me about fifteen minutes to do. Granted, I frequently do quick 'n dirty backports for my own personally use.
19:50.08user__Sorry, till 2009
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19:51.24user__So .80 would work?
19:51.38KittyI solved it by dist-upgrading to chimaera
19:51.48user__Is there an automated way to debianize an arch package or such? Almost sure they'd be on the latest.
19:51.54user__Oh ok.
19:51.58plasma41Kitty: That's one way to do it
19:52.34user__What happens if one simply takes the .deb from the version one needs and dpkg installs it? Assuming no big changes?
19:52.46user__did this in the past quite a few times.
19:53.13Kittyright, at this point, I'm going to stop playing with my laptop, and go watch NASA lower a rocket pupping semi autonomous nuclear powered robot, onto mars from a rocket powered sky crane
19:53.49plasma41user__: The close thing I can think of would be Bedrock Linux <>, but that's a whole other can of worms.
19:53.56lkjasdfyou switch to Klingon
19:54.35user__plasma41: nice link, thanks.
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20:25.24Guest0does devuan provide screensavers or do they come with xfce?
20:25.49Guest0i remember using debian stable and not having any screensavers with xfce
20:29.04plasma41Guest0: Try the xscreensavers packages
20:29.10gnarfaceGuest0: devuan and debian aren't different in this regard.  the screensavers are in the "xscreensaver*" packages
20:29.28Guest0ah ok so i guess my install must have come with the xscreensaver package
20:29.49ltsxfce4-goodies maybe too?
20:30.22gnarfacethere are some non-stock optional ones that usually aren't included because of video driver stability issues;  "apt-cache search ^xscreensaver"
20:31.19gnarfacexlockmore still exists somewhere i think, but it was pulled from debian several releases ago, and it has all the same screensavers as xscreensaver anyway
20:31.46ltsNope, debian/devuan doesn't seem to have xfce4-screensaver in xfce4-goodies. Arch does, I remember using that. Sorry for misinformation
20:31.55gnarfacea couple window managers have static lockscreens of their own built-in, superseding the xscreensaver functionality as far as their developers are concerned
20:32.42gnarface(personally i disagree but you're talking about people who get free monitors from their jobs and have never had to make one last more than 2 years)
20:33.57gnarfaceif you're using nvidia drivers i strongly recommend to avoid the xscreensaver-gl and xscreensaver-gl-extra packages
20:34.14gnarface(hard i/o locks, going back decades.... )
20:34.37Guest0hahaha yeah
20:35.41lkjasdf"If you are not running XScreenSaver on Linux, then it is safe to assume that your screen does not lock." --- the Xscreensaver author, highly biased, but with legitimate reasons and evidence
20:36.13rrqxautolock -time 5 -detectsleep -locker /usr/bin/xtrlock -b -corners 00-+ -cornerdelay 10 -notify 10 -notifier /usr/bin/play -v 0.1 /home/ralph/Sounds/860_1245242569.mp3
20:36.16lts"physlock -l && <any fancy screensaver you want> && physlock -L" is nice. Failure of screensaver will still lock you to a dedicated empty TTY.
20:36.57gnarfaceoh yea, to be clear, xscreensaver is not actual security software.  everyone should know that already.
20:37.20gnarfacei merely advocate it for display wear-leveling
20:38.34gnarfacethe problem with any screensaver software is if you kill it somehow, you've unlocked the screen then
20:42.51*** join/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
20:44.22user__First time I read about physlock
20:45.51user__lts: does physlock package install an /etc/init.d/ script?
20:46.21lts..and I remembered wrong. That command string was for removing ability to change tty during screensaver. What I meant was "<your fancy screensaver command> || physlock"
20:46.37ltsYou don't run it from a service though
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20:46.46user__what's the command again for cli auto timeout / logout ?
20:46.57user__lts: it has a -d option
20:47.06ltsHmm, never used that
20:47.25masongnarface: xscreensaver breaks on my workstation lately
20:47.43gnarfacemason: i assume it's just certain screensavers
20:48.33gnarfacemason: try stuff like space and rain
20:49.08gnarfacethe old pixel-based ones are the ones that suffer from the least video driver compatibility issues
20:49.19masongnarface: boxfit in this case - might be some interaction with nVidia, since there isn't a similar flakiness on my laptop, which has Intel graphics.
20:49.58masongnarface: I'll try something different. I've not been able to isolate a trigger, but the process just goes away.
21:03.25user__<ot> is that Mars landing on some live yt channel?
21:03.55user__yes, found
21:04.31masonuser__: NASA TV anyway, possibly YouTube as well -
21:04.54masonuser__: Note that #devuan-offtopic exists.
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