IRC log for #devuan on 20210205

00:03.02*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
00:10.02*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
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00:19.24*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (ut7NnFnH@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
00:23.48*** join/#devuan blottoface (
00:23.51*** join/#devuan psarria_ (~psarria@
00:44.31*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:48.57*** part/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
01:27.58*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
01:37.42systemdleteStill not having any luck with my webcam on refracta beowulf.   I'd appreciate help with this.
01:38.01systemdleteI am trying "cheese" to see if it will capture video, but it doesn't
01:38.40systemdleteThis is running in a VM; on the host by itself it works.  Possibly another vbox problem, not surprising, but maybe someone knows something about this already.
01:50.03numzobwow, googled "refracta" and learned something new
01:50.41gnarfacesystemdlete: i would expect you have to fix permissions in and out of the guest, as well as specifically assign the usb device to the guest
01:50.50gnarfacesystemdlete: but i don't know crap about vbox
01:51.07numzoband i know crap about webcams
01:51.36gnarfacemake sure you have v4l2-ctl and uvcdynctl and related tools available in the guest
01:52.35gnarfaceand make sure a pre-recorded clip of the same format will play in the guest too
01:57.58*** join/#devuan captain_ (~captain@
02:07.59*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
02:25.35*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
02:31.40gnarfacei think there's been problems with vbox before where the solution was just to use an older vbox version?
02:33.04*** join/#devuan _zxq9_ (
03:14.05*** part/#devuan Tashtari (~tashtari@unaffiliated/tashtari)
03:14.21*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
03:39.24*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:64d:2f00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:58.42*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
03:58.50*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:14.38systemdletegnarface:  vbox is the only major software platform whose quality improvements seems to run backwards by release.
04:14.58systemdleteThey continually "improve" the UI, but not the UX.
04:15.36systemdleteOne other solution I keep having people nag me with is to drop vbox altogether -- and I've been experimenting with that approach also.
04:16.10systemdleteThe main problem is that for the networking I have currently in vbox, under kvm, I will end up with more bridges than Portland, OR.
04:16.40systemdlete(Hint:  Virtualized network switches, folks!)
04:17.52*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:24.09*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
04:26.25*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:46.19*** join/#devuan Guest4 (442a443f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:46.29Guest4i want to try using pdksh as my interactive shell
04:46.55masonGuest4: Works well. I've used it for years.
04:46.59Guest4i've been thinking about it and i realize that command history is probably helpful
04:47.27Guest4i do like dash and will probably use it for scripts
04:47.49masonYep, sticking to POSIX is the right thing for scripts, but dash falls short as a user shell.
04:55.37*** join/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
04:57.11*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
05:05.50rrqmason: pm ?
05:15.17*** join/#devuan Bjornn (
05:29.11*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
05:33.43*** join/#devuan Guest4 (442a443f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
05:40.06*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:47.13*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
05:48.12*** join/#devuan n4dir (
06:04.19flingWhich command for checking if network is up?
06:04.36flingI mean I need to wait in a script until an interface gets the ip address with dhcp
06:04.40flingI have dhcpcd installed
06:10.03ukinefling: $>ip addr show
06:10.08ukinemight give you usable info
06:11.06n4dircat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate
06:11.16flingis not there some 'service …' command?
06:11.16ukinethere you go
06:11.23ukinesounds a lot more concise of an output
06:11.35flingn4dir: this works
06:12.25n4dirwell, my first idea was something like /etc/inet.d/networking status; that failed, then it bugged me, then i searched the web
06:12.36n4dirwhenever i will need it i will have forgotten it again :-)
06:13.33n4dirpoint of the ramble: i don't know how reliable that is in real life situation. Only found the link
06:54.51*** part/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
07:00.06*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
07:03.28*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
07:19.42*** join/#devuan Inepu (
07:27.13*** join/#devuan Joril (~joril@
07:36.03*** join/#devuan gnu_srs (
07:43.00*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
07:48.39*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
07:54.07*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
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07:57.01flingn4dir: ukine: it shows up with no ip address
07:57.09flingyou are wrong, sorry!
07:58.07n4diryeah, as said, i got no experience with it in real life
07:59.10*** join/#devuan MasterdonX (
07:59.30n4dirwait, you want to know the ip address? or you just want to know if it is up?
08:00.27flingI don't know if it is up or not
08:00.38flingI want to wait until it gets an ip address
08:00.47n4dirand /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate doesn't tell you?
08:03.24*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
08:04.44flingscripted with lxc instead
08:04.51fling/sys/class/net/eth0/operstate is always up
08:08.23n4dir.../carrier; that is
08:11.10flingcarrier shows 1 all the time too
08:11.14flingdon't need it anymore
08:24.19*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
08:27.07*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
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08:33.26*** join/#devuan rick8024 (
08:42.05*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
08:53.30*** join/#devuan georg-gast-1 (
08:56.48*** join/#devuan lts (
08:57.50*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
09:01.44*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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09:32.55*** join/#devuan MinceR (mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
09:32.57*** join/#devuan APic (
09:39.22*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
09:47.42*** join/#devuan dagelf (
10:03.59*** join/#devuan Defender1031 (
10:22.46*** join/#devuan harryruhr (~harryruhr@
10:28.17*** join/#devuan alv (~alv@
10:34.02*** join/#devuan morruth (~quassel@
10:55.23*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
11:12.56*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
11:20.31*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
11:44.02*** join/#devuan mns` (~miojo@
11:44.13mns`Good Morning!
11:57.44mns`Guys, which desktop environments are available in the devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64-desktop iso image?
12:32.21*** join/#devuan KREYREEN (~kreyren@gateway/tor-sasl/kreyren)
12:35.57mns`also, downloads from torrent doesn't works
12:46.26*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
12:50.51fsmithredmns`, xfce, mate, cinnamon, kde should all be in the dvd. If you want lxde, you can get it from repo after installing a base system.
12:51.42fsmithredtorrent was working a couple weeks ago when we updated the torrent file.
12:52.58*** join/#devuan rsx (
13:03.17*** join/#devuan KREYREEN (~kreyren@gateway/tor-sasl/kreyren)
13:11.40fsmithredmns`, I just tested the torrent file and the magnet link. Neither worked in transmission but both worked in qbittorrent.
13:16.42xinomilo.torrent works on transmission here (ceres)
13:17.05xinomilothis brings even more seeders :
13:18.13*** join/#devuan harryruhr (~harryruhr@2a03:2260:3019:ffff:452e:53ae:7af9:1fc5)
13:24.36mns`fsmithred: oh, thanks. I'm already downloading from ->
13:27.19mns`fsmithred: Now that I have some time left. I think I will contribute to kde on devuan
13:30.12mns`Guess i should go with Chimaera or Ceres, in a VM
13:30.39mns`xinomilo: thanks
13:42.16*** join/#devuan georg-gast-1 (
13:44.31fsmithredgo with chimaera or ceres if you're ok with breakage. Current stable is beowulf.
13:46.08mns`If i fix something in ceres, it goes -> testing (chimaera) right?
13:46.09fsmithredalthough I don't hear about much breakage.
13:46.54fsmithredwhat do you want to fix?
13:49.03mns`Nice, i'll tryit in a VM first. If i got a working desktop (I need for my university tasks) i'll install it on the metal
13:50.19mns`fsmithred: I just want to contribute to devuan whatever i can. And since i'm now interested in kde...
13:50.52fsmithredok. I don't think we've forked any kde packages.
13:51.05fsmithredbut hang around and you'll figure out something that needs to be done.
13:51.19fsmithredthe list keeps growing
13:51.34*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
13:51.49mns`fsmithred: I'll have a look to see if the state o the kde desktop in devuan without systemd, is the same as debian.
13:52.02*** join/#devuan harryruhr (~harryruhr@2a03:2260:3019:ffff:452e:53ae:7af9:1fc5)
13:52.36fsmithredgood start. I haven't tried kde in chimaera.
13:53.13mns`fsmithred: Ok, I'll do my homework  :)
14:06.25*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:21.44*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
14:21.45*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
14:22.15*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:37.19*** join/#devuan sgage (
14:37.53sgageI have spent a fair amount of time in KDE in Chimaera,
14:38.05sgageand it seems to be working quite well.
14:43.14masonAh, I missed Guest4, but if he comes back asking about shells, I tried noting in a PM that oksh is my favourite of the local crop, and building it's not painful.
15:22.23*** join/#devuan Shuswap (
15:24.50*** join/#devuan sgage (
15:50.23*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:56.20*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
16:01.20*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
16:14.42*** join/#devuan Akuli (
16:32.51*** join/#devuan fazzah (
16:34.14xrogaanIs Chimaera stable enough to be usable as a desktop environment?
16:39.09*** join/#devuan sgage (
16:39.53gnarfaceprobably not
16:39.57sgageIt is my daily driver, as the kool kidz say.
16:39.59fsmithredxrogaan, some people are using it
16:40.09fsmithredit or ceres and pretty happy with it
16:40.13gnarfacei think people are using it, but i remember 3 people having trouble trying it just yesterday alone
16:40.20sgageI have virtually zero problems with it.
16:40.38fsmithredI have chimaera on an old thinkpad and it works well. I don't use it for a lot.
16:40.42sgageI use MATE and KDE as DE's
16:40.46*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
16:40.46fsmithredxfce here
16:41.15fsmithreda lot of the devuan packages have been done for ceres/chimaera.
16:41.27fsmithredbut yeah, it's possible to have trouble.
16:41.51fsmithredtry it in a VM first to see if what you want is working.
16:41.59sgageEveryone pushes different parts of the envelope.
16:42.19fsmithredyeah, let us know if something is broken
16:42.36sgageIt seems my use case is not that challenging.
16:42.59sgageI'm talking my personal desktop, not a mission-critical server :-)
16:44.23fsmithredI'm just using the thinkpad for video conference
16:44.27xrogaanI'm pretty tired of the outdated software, like xfce stuck in a 6 years old version. But I don't want to be bleeding edge for most things.
16:45.14fsmithredwell, suspend on lid closing did not work in beowulf without jumping through hoops. I upgraded to chiaera and it just works.
16:45.57fsmithredI think the mouse control might still suck.
16:46.04xrogaanxfce 4.14 came out literally weeks after debian's buster and that's reason alone to not integrate it. Sorry for being cranky, just find the idea a bit silly at time.
16:46.09fsmithredtrackpad works fine
16:46.14xrogaananyhow, gotta make diner. Cya.
16:57.53*** join/#devuan mns` (~miojo@
17:29.17*** join/#devuan c-dog (
17:30.01c-doghello * - is anyone else noticing DNS timeouts when trying to connect to
17:31.50c-dogAccording to mxtools and other web based DNS tools, the DNS for is misconfigured - " is listed as a nameserver for but can't be found"
17:32.11*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
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17:48.50gnarfacec-dog: can confirm.  looks like ns3 is down
17:49.20c-dogyeah, it's weird. ns3 comes and goes intermittently for me
17:49.23gnarfacefsmithred: is not responding to dns queries anymore (on ipv4, anyway)
17:49.34gnarfacefsmithred: it's up though, i can ping it
17:49.47gnarfacens2 is fine still
17:51.13c-dogthanks for the info. at least those that need to know, know now. unfortunately, I have to run apt-get update repeatedly until the DNS eventually resolves
17:51.52xrogaanc-dog: you could redirect ns3 to ns2 IP in your /etc/hosts
17:52.25xrogaanmay not fully understand the issue
17:53.12gnarfacenah, that would work
17:53.24gnarfacenot an ideal solution though
17:53.30c-dogit would if you didn't have a set up like me :)
17:55.01onefangYou could pick a mirror from
17:58.53*** join/#devuan alexandros_c (~quassel@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
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18:14.36*** join/#devuan amesser (
18:17.55fsmithredgnarface, thanks, I passed the word on to those who can do.
18:51.47*** join/#devuan Shuswap (
18:53.08*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
18:57.02*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
18:58.46*** join/#devuan scramblez (
19:00.12scramblezI can no longer use root to login on console, or via a terminal in GUI.  I tried resetting the passwd, even deleting it from shadow file, but still can't use root. What is the correct way to reset  the root passwd on devuan?
19:03.49djphbe root, then run passwd
19:05.15scramblezRight, I've booted as rw and init=/bin/bash, then changed the passwd and tried to login as root on the console.  Authentication failed!
19:06.04scramblezWhen I try sudo as plain user, it complains my user is not in the sudoers file.  :-(
19:06.38scramblezThe question remains, why won't it allow me to login as root? And, why 'su -' also fails in a terminal?
19:12.21scramblezOn the console it returns "Login incorrect", although I keep entering the recently changed passwd.
19:12.54DashiePiehave you tried previously correct passwords to see if it actually changed the password?
19:13.36scramblezDashiePie: I can't remember the original passwd for root.  Last time I used it was 2 months ago or so,.
19:14.28scramblezHowever resetting it should take and if I delete it completely from the /etc/shadow file it should allow me to login as root without asking for a passwd, yes?
19:14.40scramblezNeither worked.  :(
19:15.07DashiePietry your user password
19:15.44scramblez"Login incorrect" ... sigh
19:16.01DashiePieI wouldn't know what it resets it to, unless it's the default for the graphical installer
19:16.43scramblezI thought the installer root passwd is locked?
19:16.46DashiePieI can't remember, I didn't even use that kind
19:17.06DashiePieyou can change the password in the graphical installer, and they recommend you do it, according to the guide
19:17.23scramblezThis is so weird!  I've never had such a problem before.
19:17.51DashiePieeither way, I don't really know the inner workings, so if it's something more than common sense, I wouldn't know where to point you except for maybe fsmithred
19:18.22scramblezI'm about to give up on common sense.  LOL!
19:19.06scramblezI'm booting with a Ubuntu LiveISO now to chroot into it.
19:19.36scramblezIs there something in Devuan stopping root from login on a console?  I'm sure I've logged in like this before.
19:19.51fsmithredwhat iso did you use to install devuan?
19:20.04scramblezThe netinstall from what I recall
19:20.08fsmithredand no, we don't do anything to block root
19:20.36scramblezWhy wouldn't a changed root passwd take and fail to login?
19:20.40fsmithredyou could chroot from netinstall iso, but buntu should work, too
19:20.51gnarfacescramblez: add "single" to the kernel command-line, reboot, run "passwd" after verifying your CAPS LOCK KEY IS OFF, then reboot again
19:20.54fsmithredwas that before or after you edited shadow?
19:21.21scramblezgnarface: will do, thanks
19:21.30gnarfacescramblez: oh, i guess you'll probably need to reboot, then add "single" from the grub prompt
19:21.31scramblezfsmithred: both before and after.
19:22.12gnarfacescramblez: before you follow my advice, put the shadow file back the way it was.  i don't know what the failure case would be if it is missing
19:22.14fsmithredyou didn't get 'command not found' when you ran passwd?
19:22.38fsmithredok, so not the usual path problem with root
19:23.22gnarfacedisabling root is a feature the netinstaller can engage, but iirc just setting a root password enables it again.
19:23.23scramblezI changed the kernel line in GRUB to rw and init=/bin/bash, then changed the passwd.  I've repeated this half a dozen times so far.
19:24.14gnarfacemake sure nothing else is in your removable drive bays
19:24.49gnarfacexlock will warn you if your capslock key is on but nothing else will
19:25.50scramblezAll I'm thinking is the GRUB keyboard is different to the devuan console.  :-/
19:26.11scramblezI'll try changing it with the Ubuntu liveiso just now and see if I can get in
19:27.18fsmithredwhile you're in there, you might add your user to the sudo group. You can remove yourself later if you don't need it.
19:28.29*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
19:32.04gnarfaceyea, sudo should work in theory too
19:33.53scramblezI'm fast losing the will to live ... LOL!
19:34.43scramblezadding single to the kernel options is no good - it asks for root passwd.
19:34.59scramblezI don't have capitals on, as you can see.
19:35.21scramblezI don't honestly know what else to try.
19:36.14*** join/#devuan wcd6 (~wcd6@
19:36.40*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
19:37.41scramblezOK, I reset it for the last time to a simple passwd for now.  Let's see if this takes.
19:37.59scramblezYES!  :-D
19:38.08scramblezWhat the ...?!
19:38.20*** part/#devuan wcd6 (~wcd6@
19:39.15scramblezOK, and was able to change it too, to a different passwd.  Hmm ...
19:40.14scramblezNow su - from a terminal in the GUI ...
19:40.40scramblezIt works!
19:42.45scramblezI'd like cairo-dock to launch when I start xfce, but I always end up starting it manually.  Any idea why this is so?
19:44.49fsmithredyou added it to the startup apps in xfce?
19:46.27scramblezI think I had done that - also selected the option to launch at start up from its own menu
19:46.44scramblezRebooting now ... on new kernel ...
19:46.48scramblezholding breath
19:48.28*** join/#devuan sgage (
19:49.32gnarfacekey mapping difference is not impossible as a cause for this, if you're not using the defaults
19:49.40gnarfaceespecially if you have a weird keyboard
19:49.56gnarface"single" would have worked though if you did it right
19:50.09gnarfaceyou would have had to do it from the grub prompt itself (press "e" to edit a menu entry)
19:51.05scramblezgnarface: that's what I thought too - anyway it seems to work now.
19:51.18scramblezPerhaps it didn't like too long a passwd?
19:51.40gnarfacei've verified passwords in excess of 72 characters in length, but not recently
19:52.01scramblezfsmithred: should I add "/usr/bin/cairo-dock" or "cairo-dock-session"?
19:52.12fsmithredI don't know
19:52.24fsmithredI would try each in a terminal to see what it does
19:52.31gnarfaceit's more likely some punctuation key or other non-alphanumeric is sending a different symbol at the grub prompt than your system setting, unless you're using utf8 or iso-8859-1
19:52.34fsmithredor maybe read docs if you like words
19:52.40scramblezHeh! "cairo-dock" worked.  :-)
19:53.30scramblezgnarface: it's a VM in QEMU - the host has UTF8
19:53.45scramblezThanks guys, appreciate your help!
19:53.55scramblezGot to run.
19:53.59gnarfaceoh, in a VM?  hmm, that could be related.... anyway, something is going on there still that looks self-inflicted, but what is important is that it's doing what you want for now
19:54.51scramblezgnarface: yes, I just couldn't understand why changing the passwd to a long string wouldn't take, but a short temporary passwd did.
19:54.52fsmithredqemu with vnc?
19:54.57gnarfacein a VM, the possibility that you're not even saving to the disk image you think you are loading comes up...
19:55.07scramblezNo VNC, just qemu.
19:55.29scramblezgnarface: this is the only devuan guest.
19:55.45scramblezI may reinstall at a later point, to get it booting in EFI
19:55.56scramblezOK, got to run - thanks again!
19:56.00*** part/#devuan scramblez (
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21:38.43*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
21:57.05*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
22:39.11*** join/#devuan Inepu (
23:15.31*** join/#devuan giricz81 (
23:32.34*** join/#devuan harryruhr (

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