IRC log for #devuan on 20210202

00:24.47*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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21:13.10*** join/#devuan johnny222 (~Johnny222@2601:196:201:9fe0:4814:8c55:1cef:66dc)
21:14.07johnny222Just wondering how would I organize my sources.list to upgrade from Beowulf to Chimaera
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21:21.12jonadabFirst, use a Beowulf sources.list and do apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade to ensure you are on the current latest Beowulf.
21:22.13jonadabThen change beowulf to chimaera, and the YOLO approach at this point is apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade; be advised that it is not a good idea to do this blind on a production system.
21:22.37jonadabUpgrading in this fashion works about 80% of the time in my experience.
21:22.58jonadabThat's without-a-hitch works.
21:23.01johnny222For everything even the deb src ones
21:23.14johnny222Or do I put "testing" in place of beowulf
21:23.17jonadabYes, just replace all instances of "beowulf" with "chimaera".
21:23.25johnny222Will do
21:23.28jonadabYou can also put testing yes.
21:23.44johnny222It works the same though right
21:23.48jonadabThe semantic difference is that when chimaera becomes stable, having "chimaera" will leave you on chimaera at that point.
21:24.06jonadabWhereas, when chimaera becomes stable there'll be a new testing, and having "testing" will move you to it.
21:24.38jonadabRight now, it'll be the same.  When chimaera goes stable, then it matters.
21:24.54johnny222Do I leave the links untouched or do I change it from /merged to /devuan
21:25.15johnny222I just saw a difference looking at the devuan website
21:25.15jonadabNot 100% sure on that; I would probably leave it unchanged.
21:25.16fsmithrednot a good idea to use "testing" in sources.list
21:25.41fsmithreduse codenames. When bullseye goes stable and chimaera is still testing, you will want to be using codenames.
21:25.54jonadabTrue for most people.
21:25.56fsmithreduse merged
21:26.11fsmithredif you use /devuan you will only have access to around 200 packages
21:26.21jonadabThere are people who just want certain systems to always be on testing.  But if that's what you want, you probably *know* that's what you want.
21:26.37johnny222And also anything I have to do with keyrings after the dist upgrade
21:27.19fsmithredalso comment out chimaera-security and chimaera-updates
21:27.22jonadabFor most releases, the new keyring packages should be installed along with everything else.  When there are *new* relevant keyring packages (which has happened in some past Debian releases), then you have to install them.
21:27.22fsmithredthey don't exist yet
21:27.42fsmithrednewest keyring is 2017 I think
21:28.04*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
21:28.11fsmithredyou should have it unless you're on an old jessie that never got upgraded
21:28.20jonadabRight, they should be upgraded when the new versions come out, in most cases; but occasionally an entirely new keyring package is added for one reason or another.
21:28.41fsmithredI think we did that once
21:28.45jonadabe.g., the Devuan keyring when making the transition to Devuan.
21:28.58jonadabI think that's the most recent one I remember.
21:29.19johnny222Wait should I keep Beowulf-security commented in
21:29.39fsmithredafter you change beowulf to chimaera in sources.list
21:29.46fsmithredyou will only need one line
21:30.03fsmithredand it will be that way until chimaera is released as stable
21:30.14fsmithredthen you can uncomment the -security and -update lines
21:30.34jonadabI'd forgotten that wrinkle; it's been a while since I ran a pre-release version.
21:31.36johnny222So basically update the regular deb ones with chimaera, put chimaera in place of the deb-src ones but # comment them out
21:31.38fsmithredthere's another wrinkle if you're starting with a fresh beowulf install
21:31.44jonadab(For a while I ran old-oldstable, until I entirely gave up on the last vestiges of Gnome that I was still using, apart from Gimp.)
21:32.11fsmithredwhen you run apt update, you have to tell it "yes" when it complains about the suite moving from testing to stable
21:32.33fsmithredbecause we made the release isos before the repo was changed to account for the new release
21:32.41johnny222Was I correct in my last message?
21:32.56johnny222Just double checking
21:33.08fsmithredif you do apt-get update, you don't get to answer "yes" and it's confusing.
21:33.22fsmithredI use sed to replace every instance of beowulf with chimaera
21:33.23johnny222By update I just meant change the text in sources
21:33.30fsmithredand then comment out -update and -security
21:33.49johnny222I have -updates
21:33.52jonadabuses M-x replace-string
21:33.55fsmithredI usually comment out the deb-src lines too. Most people aren't going to pull sources and build packages
21:34.13fsmithredM-x? Is that midnight-commander?
21:34.28jonadabM-x means you hold down the meta key and press X.  In Emacs.
21:34.41johnny222Da meta key
21:34.48johnny222I don't have one
21:34.55fsmithredlol. The only true editor is nano.
21:35.01jonadabOn most PC keyboards, alt is meta.
21:35.22johnny222Or u can map caps to ESC/meta
21:38.33fsmithredjohnny222, what desktop are you running?
21:40.03johnny222Like de right now
21:40.31fsmithrednot sure how that goes if you installed the desktop from the installer.
21:40.51johnny222I used netinstall
21:41.36fsmithredyeah, and at the tasksel window, was devuan-desktop and xfce4 both checked, or did you install a base system and add stuff after first reboot?
21:42.26johnny222I did a base system on openrc
21:43.07jonadabgenerally installs as little as possible prior to having a bootable running system.
21:43.32jonadabI want to get to that point as quickly as possible, so I can then run my install-all-the-things script.
21:43.44jonadabIN the background, in a screen session, via ssh.
21:43.45johnny222Actually no I did leave the default xfce de
21:44.22johnny222But afterwards I installed DWM some place but didn't really enjoy it
21:44.44fsmithredI think you'll be ok. Looks like task-xfce-desktop has been devuanized in chimaera/ceres
21:45.19fsmithredlooks like the only difference in dependencies has to do with libreoffice
21:45.55fsmithredand it's a Recommends, so you could even exclude it if necessary.
21:46.32fsmithredthis is scary. beowulf has libreoffice-gtk2 and chimaera has libreoffice-gtk3.
21:47.09johnny222Is it a bad idea to use debian sources on devuan
21:47.12fsmithredI haven't tried the new one yet, but based on other gtk3 escapades, I'd say it has the chance of being a real nightmare.
21:47.15fsmithredyes, bad idea
21:47.35fsmithredthe way our repo works is that we merge debian repo with ours
21:47.47fsmithredand we filter the packages that require systemd
21:47.56fsmithredand replace them with our devuanized versions
21:48.10fsmithredif you use debian sources, you might bypass the filter
21:48.59fsmithredif you need third-party software, it's safer to download the debs rather than add their repo.
21:53.20johnny222Is there devuan nonfree
21:53.28johnny222I'm guessing yes
21:56.36*** join/#devuan triffid (
21:56.55johnny222How's OpenOffice compared to gtk3 libreoffice
22:02.06*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
22:04.52*** join/#devuan Shuswap (
22:08.04*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
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22:14.07jonadabis still using OpenOffice simply due to never seeing a reason to switch.
22:20.44*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
22:20.58sadsnorkjonadab: Do you know if the current version of OpenOffice will work without JRE?
22:21.28jonadabOpenOffice hasn't required Java for years.
22:21.32sadsnorkOr if it is possible to install only writer and calc?
22:21.39jonadabThat I don't know.
22:21.53johnny222switching from stable to testing, is it just apt upgrade or apt dist-upgrade like Debian
22:22.11jonadabThat stuff works the same in Devuan as in Debian.
22:22.11sadsnorkStrange, it is listed on their system requirements page:
22:22.27jonadabsadsnork: I think there's an obscure feature somewhere or another that doesn't work without it.
22:22.42jonadabBut you don't actually need it.
22:23.11sadsnorkBased on the description it *may* be accessibility only.
22:23.27sadsnorkThanks for letting me know it works without it though. :-)
22:24.36sadsnorkOh, this explains a little better:
22:24.50sadsnorkLooks like it is Base and "special functionality" for other components.
22:25.04gnarfacewell, the libreoffice components in the repos currently are packaged separately
22:25.19gnarfacei think the openoffice ones were too but i can't recall for sure
22:25.49gnarfaceso i'm pretty sure you can just install writer and calc
22:28.28sadsnorkThank gnarface, I think the ".deb" download is a .tar.gz with multiple .debs inside it for the components.
22:28.36sadsnorkI'm downloading it now. :-)
22:38.13*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
22:43.11*** join/#devuan Mike_ (
22:43.47Guest10711Hello, I need help, installing Devuan 64 on amd laptop and cant startx
22:44.21Guest10711terminated error 11
22:44.45Guest10711managed to Vim the sources.list and run all updates
22:46.35gnarfaceGuest10711: find the xorg log
22:46.48gnarfaceGuest10711: it's usually in /usr/log/ or ~/.local/share/xorg/
22:54.52Guest10711Ok, I should add that I have to change the tty to get to this point, it actyally hangs during Ipv6 addcong (netdev_change) eth0
22:55.23Guest10711it only sgows that much in recovery mode
22:55.41Guest10711live usb stuck at same point
22:57.45Guest10711This laptop is lowend amd-apu radeon r3
22:58.00Guest10711im committed to free only sources
22:58.07gnarfacewe need to see the contents of that xorg log
22:58.28Guest10711can u remind me live root pass??
22:58.35gnarfacei think it's toor
22:59.50Guest10711oh right!
23:01.01Guest10711ok this scary
23:01.14gnarfaceyou only care about the lines containing "(EE)"
23:01.49Guest10711systemd-logind: took control of session
23:02.14gnarfacepaste it up to and give me the link
23:02.31gnarfaceyou said this is the devuan live image?
23:02.42Guest10711yes both
23:03.11Guest10711I can paste a screenshot
23:03.13*** join/#devuan Tashtari (~tashtari@unaffiliated/tashtari)
23:03.30Guest10711im on UbuntuTouch phone atm
23:03.56gnarfaceoh, you can't get network up on it either?
23:04.10gnarfacei wonder if you just need a newer kernel
23:04.15Guest10711network is up luckily, but no gui
23:04.15gnarfacewhat kernel is that in that live image?
23:04.28gnarfacewell if the network is up you can use pastebinit
23:04.41gnarfaceyou don't need a mouse for that
23:04.53gnarfacejust install pastebinit
23:05.09Guest10711EE open /dev/dri/card0
23:05.29Guest10711EE Unable to find framebuffer
23:05.44gnarfacewhat does "uname -a" output?
23:06.18Guest10711EE screen 0 deleted cause no config
23:06.53Guest10711EE No framebuffer mode, please specify busIDs
23:08.03Guest10711Linux Devuan 4.19.0-9-amd64
23:08.18gnarfaceyea that's too old
23:08.20Guest10711Debian 4.19.118-2
23:08.46gnarfaceyou either need to get the backports kernel on there or the unstable kernel
23:08.48Guest10711the install uso was gotten today let me jump off li e
23:11.29Guest10711ok this Iso was downloaded today, non-live is
23:11.56Guest10711Debian 4.19.118-2+deb10u1
23:12.19gnarfacenon-live?  so you can install the backports kernel?
23:12.19Guest10711i went to ftp off for iso
23:12.48Guest10711Im off live in non booting system
23:14.08gnarfacei'm confused about what you're saying
23:15.20gnarfacedeb beowulf-backports main contrib non-free
23:15.26gnarfaceadd this to your /etc/apt/sources.list ^^
23:16.05gnarfacethen run this: apt-get update && apt-get -t beowulf-backports install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64 firmware-amd-graphics
23:16.11Guest10711ok, does it have to be non free
23:16.16gnarfaceoh, right
23:16.26gnarfaceit might not have to be, i don't know
23:16.38gnarfaceyou can omit contrib and non-free
23:16.48gnarfacethen also omit firmware-amd-graphics
23:16.54Guest10711Im just saying the issue is the same for ISO install and also Live
23:17.15gnarfaceok i understand, my advice stays the same
23:17.21gnarfacetry the beowulf-backports kernel
23:17.42gnarfaceactually it might not be that easy
23:18.06gnarfaceyou could try this first to see what kernels are available: apt-get -t beowulf-backports search ^linux-image-
23:20.29gnarface(you still have to run "apt-get update" first either way)
23:22.29Guest10711firmware-amd-graphics is non free Im guessing
23:23.00gnarfacei don't know for sure you'll need it, but it's possible you will have reduced functionality without it
23:23.33gnarfaceif it's like regular amd video cards, 2d, unaccelerated graphics will still work
23:23.34Guest10711ok, linux-header-amd64 backports done
23:23.57gnarfacemake sure it's actually the backports one it's pointing to
23:24.03Guest10711yea i know usb3 surveillance runs through gpu lol
23:24.04gnarfaceit's like 5.10 or something like that
23:24.15gnarface5.9 or 5.10 at least
23:25.55*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
23:26.09Guest10711installing linux-image
23:29.25gnarfacealso, make sure your user is in the "video" group
23:29.42gnarfacethough, if it comes down to that, the errors should change in the xorg log accordingly
23:30.22Guest10711no change in errors :(
23:30.35Guest10711after reboot and startx
23:31.19Guest10711so no coice but non free?
23:31.57Guest10711is there a way to o ly pull amd-firmware and nothing else for future apt-get upgrades?
23:34.19Guest10711apt-cache search has image-5.9
23:35.29Guest10711theres alot of 4.19nvm im on bpo
23:37.34gnarfaceare you sure you are actually on the new kernel?  was there any change to the output of "uname -a" ?
23:37.41Guest10711no 5.10 for me :(
23:37.59Guest10711uname is 5.9 bpo
23:38.24gnarfaceapt-get install firmware-amd-graphics
23:38.43gnarfaceer, sorry, i mean: apt-get -t beowulf-backports install firmware-amd-graphics
23:38.55gnarfacethen remove that backports line from your sources.list (or comment it out)
23:39.23gnarfacethen re-run "apt-get update" and future upgrades will not include backports even by accident
23:39.53*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
23:39.57Guest10711i need to non-free a src
23:41.03gnarfacemaybe, i'm not sure
23:41.33gnarfaceyou don't want to install *everything* from backports
23:41.46gnarfacei think you only want firmware-amd-graphics and the kernel and headers
23:41.53gnarfaceyou might also need mesa
23:41.56gnarfacefrom there
23:42.01gnarfaceif it's there
23:42.14Guest10711which one to non-free?
23:42.43gnarfacei'm not sure what you're asking
23:43.03gnarfacethere's no non-free kernel, just firmware-amd-graphics is in non-free
23:43.59Guest10711beowulf, security, updates, or just backports, or all?
23:44.24gnarfacejust backports
23:44.43gnarfaceyou should literally only need that one package from non-free
23:44.57Guest10711how do I add words in vim lol
23:45.07Guest10711i only learned cc or r
23:45.42gnarfacejust use nano instead
23:45.48gnarfacethe instructions are printed at the bottom
23:46.37gnarfaceit's i for insert, i think though
23:49.49Guest10711firmware-amd-graphics no candidate, another package
23:50.22gnarfacein beowulf backports?
23:50.31rrqfirmware-amd-graphics is in beowulf/non-free
23:50.46gnarfaceis there just not one in backports?
23:50.58Guest10711oops hang on
23:51.08Guest10711i non freed security
23:53.21Guest10711beowulf main non-free
23:53.56Guest10711beowulf-backports main non-free
23:58.37Guest10711it has to say contrib
23:59.35*** part/#devuan romo (~romo@unaffiliated/romo)

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