IRC log for #devuan on 20210124

00:12.59*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
00:39.20*** part/#devuan romo (~romo@unaffiliated/romo)
00:51.27*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
01:22.53*** join/#devuan randomuser1975 (~randomuse@2607:fb90:284e:12f9:2112:975d:2bdd:bf4f)
01:23.35randomuser1975I came in earlier about my bonked chmod. Is it possible to download a list of fresh-install permissions and use that to script a fix?
01:25.41fsmithredrandomuser1975, try the desktop-live iso
01:26.34randomuser1975I don't have access to another computer at this time. Also, any solution I perform will be later as I am at work. I am simply seeking information at this time.
01:26.38fsmithredalso, you got an answer after you left
01:26.43fsmithred<rwp> randomuser1975 did not stay long enough for an answer.  But the permissions displayed in that photo looked okay to me.
01:26.43fsmithred<rwp> I am not a fan of those "hardening" scripts.  Maybe at one time those had a purpose.  But now they just break things.
01:26.43fsmithred<rwp> Because if there were a real problem to begin with then it would have gotten fixed in the OS distro already.
01:27.22randomuser1975The permissions are not. I can't even su because su can not access groups
01:28.01randomuser1975I can't start x11, init.d screams at me about sshkeys unsecured
01:28.13randomuser1975I can access root in the recovery console
01:30.32randomuser1975Fsmithred, rwp
01:30.46fsmithredthe permissions in that pic look right to me, too
01:30.58randomuser1975What's the problem then?
01:31.08fsmithredyou ran some script? What did the script do?
01:31.17randomuser1975Just a few select files/directories fucked?
01:31.19fsmithredI have no idea what the problem is.
01:31.35randomuser1975The script was a solution posted to ubuntu forums
01:31.42randomuser1975It was 4 or 5 lines
01:31.45fsmithredthat doesn't explain what id did
01:31.59randomuser1975`chmod -R xxx /dir`
01:32.16fsmithredyeah, that can definitely fuck things up
01:32.25randomuser1975Yes, I'm aware
01:32.44randomuser1975As I said, it found its way across the net it appears
01:32.59fsmithredsomething below the level of / needs permissions that are not xxx
01:33.50randomuser1975It was posted originally to ubuntu forums as a solution to "I accidently ran chmod 777 /"
01:34.04fsmithredssh keys should be chmod 400, I know that much
01:34.09randomuser1975I meant xxx as a variable
01:34.13fsmithredso did I
01:34.17randomuser1975Each line was different
01:34.30fsmithredwhich four dirs got hit?
01:34.45randomuser1975I can login but maybe the issues were not as big as I thoughy
01:34.51randomuser1975All of them
01:35.12randomuser1975The first line was a single chmod command for 5 or so dirs
01:35.19randomuser1975You can find it online
01:35.52fsmithredfor a few year, I wanted to post on ubuntu forum with the title "chmod 777: RESIST THE URGE"
01:36.22randomuser1975I'm not stupid enough to do /that/
01:36.35fsmithrednormally you don't need to change the permissions on any system files
01:36.43randomuser1975I was just trying to reset the system to its default chmod
01:36.58randomuser1975Since my initial problems werw with alsa
01:37.16randomuser1975Then I discovered that freshclam couldn't access its libraries
01:37.29randomuser1975So I saught to fix it to defaults
01:37.37randomuser1975Found this
01:38.12randomuser1975Only after did I see it shared elsewhere and responses were "This is stupid" and "It bricked my system"
01:39.50randomuser1975Do you have any suggestion at this time? I must return to the floor at work. I get home at 11 pst
01:40.17fsmithredonly suggestion is to boot the live and see what permissions are in the dirs you changed
01:40.27fsmithredassuming you don't want to reinstall
02:07.33*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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05:52.24*** join/#devuan infobot (
05:52.24*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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07:03.31*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
07:24.08*** join/#devuan lava2 (
07:33.24*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
07:56.32*** join/#devuan randomuser1975 (
07:56.52randomuser1975I am now at my terminal if anyone is willing to aide me further
07:58.48randomuser1975I have returned my umask to default 022 and am rebooting out of SUM
07:58.50rrqchmod 4755 /bin/su
07:59.30randomuser1975Going back to SUM to do that real quick
08:00.46randomuser1975It's now safe to login as standard to test it, I assume?
08:01.47randomuser1975I'm doing so now
08:02.09randomuser1975Inet.d screamed about ssh keys being fucked again
08:02.13randomuser1975Loging in
08:02.14rrqsame for fusermount mount ntfs-3g umount and rdisc6
08:02.34randomuser1975I now have su working
08:03.00randomuser1975Those are all in /bin?
08:03.09randomuser1975I thought some were in /sbin
08:04.23randomuser1975it seems rdisc6 is not installed
08:04.34rrqsome few in /usr/bin as well
08:05.04rrqthat's fne
08:05.12randomuser1975Did for /sbin/mount.nfs
08:06.12randomuser1975I assume this is towards wgetting the iso
08:06.19rrqbwrap chfn chsh firejail gpasswd ndisc6 newgrp passwd pmount procmail pumount rltraceroute6 sudo in /usr/bin
08:06.32randomuser1975All 4755 too?
08:06.38randomuser1975I don't use sudo
08:06.49rrqfor ssh it needs ~/.ssh to be 700
08:07.37rrqand possibly ~/.ssh/auhorized_keys to be 600
08:08.32rrqand you might want /etc/ssh/*key to be 600 as well
08:09.35randomuser1975Done. I don't have all the packages you list. I should probably reinstall firejail when done. I have use for it
08:09.57rrqthat's all fine
08:10.07randomuser1975After this, I'll probably publish my own default permissions file. I wonder if I could add it to apt
08:10.22randomuser1975Idk if I'll have time to maintain it
08:10.38randomuser1975Please continue
08:10.42randomuser1975And thank you, btw
08:11.20rrqit should let you ssh to the box now and us su ... I don;t knwo about your x problem
08:11.47randomuser1975This is a laptop, I have no use to ssh in
08:11.53randomuser1975I have no other comp
08:12.09randomuser1975That was the impairment to fixing it
08:12.42rrqfair enough. i misunderstood
08:12.54randomuser1975What should I do further
08:14.41randomuser1975The xorg log reads
08:14.59randomuser1975drmSetMaster: Permission denied
08:15.14rrqfurther down it tells about a log file
08:15.24randomuser1975AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
08:15.29randomuser1975This is the log file
08:15.40rrqfurther down it tells about another log file
08:16.27randomuser1975I'm in the only one, in .local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log
08:16.44randomuser1975I grepped permission error
08:16.59randomuser1975There is also a dbus permission error at
08:18.20randomuser1975The error is from dbus_core, and it may be minor as it is from org.freedesktop.Dbus.Error.AccessDenied
08:19.36randomuser1975This is x11 as a standard user
08:19.44randomuser1975I will try root
08:20.05randomuser1975X11 opens with root
08:20.19rrqI believe there are quirks involved wrt running startx as root or non-root but you'll have to wait for other people on that ... I'm using the "standard Devuan xfce" setup
08:20.22randomuser1975This may be due to the change in ascii
08:20.52randomuser1975I remember having to change settings per a changelog due to this behavior
08:21.38randomuser1975Anyway, can we continue with checking anything else?
08:22.50randomuser1975The script included /proc and /dev
08:24.13rrqyou've got the sticky bit set on the programs that need that; all other programs should be "-rwxr-xr-x" (755) I suppose
08:24.14randomuser1975And /var
08:24.19randomuser1975Really evetything
08:24.32randomuser1975Is there an easy way to set that enmasse
08:25.23randomuser1975Does tor need the stickybit, btw
08:25.39randomuser1975And fetchmail?
08:26.43rrqdon't know; if you have disk space you can set up a chroot with everything installed and check
08:28.08rrqor use the live iso (and check it)
08:30.35randomuser1975Could you please guide me to download it?
08:30.42randomuser1975I have not used chroot before
08:32.12rrqyes the live iso is "easier" .. let me find a fast mirror
08:33.12rrqusually fast:
08:33.32rrqits 1G
08:33.47rrqcommand: wget
08:34.13rrqsaves it as file devuan_ascii_2.1_amd64_desktop-live.iso
08:34.59rrqdo you have usb or dvd+media ?
08:35.17randomuser1975Not presently, no
08:35.24randomuser1975Which was another issue
08:36.06randomuser1975Also for record, I checked the ascii release notes and I have already enabled `allow_root_login` in xorg-common
08:36.19randomuser1975So the issue is not the known qwerk
08:37.59rrqit's a little bit trickier to run it directly from the disk ... esp with wokring X11 hmmm
08:38.13randomuser1975That's ok
08:38.45randomuser1975Should I extract the iso or attempt to mount it
08:39.28rrqyes you can browse the dis; the running file system is inside a squasfs file on the disk
08:39.35rrqso mount the disk
08:39.50rrqthen mount that squashfs
08:40.00randomuser1975Which is better, /mnt, or /media/sr0
08:40.20rrqmkdir /mnt/disk /mnt/fs
08:40.33randomuser1975One moment
08:40.34rrqmount file /mnt/disk
08:41.33randomuser1975Mounted in read-only mode
08:41.57rrqfind the squasfs ... (I'm still downloading)
08:42.18rrqthen: mount /mnt/disk/squasfs /mnt/fs
08:42.38randomuser1975You mean /live/filesystem.squashfs?
08:42.58rrqsounds good
08:43.19rrqmount /mnt/disk/live/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/fs
08:43.43randomuser1975I'm in
08:44.22rrqok now you can review /mnt/fs and compare ... it doesn't have fetchmail installed though
08:44.50randomuser1975You know who I am, dontcha
08:45.03*** join/#devuan amesser (
08:45.04randomuser1975What isvthe best way to compare
08:45.10rrqthe entries in /mnt/fs/dev are the initial static entries; the rest get created dynamically
08:45.13randomuser1975I'm sure there's a standard way
08:46.11rrqmake two "ls -alR" logs and diff them, perhaps?
08:46.46rrqthough only on subdirs below /  ... not / itself
08:47.05rrqskip /proc /dev and /sys which are (mostly) dynamic
08:47.11rrqand /run
08:48.42rrqre fetchmail and firejail and tor* it might be easiest to purge and install
08:48.53randomuser1975I performed it on both the fs and the system
08:49.22randomuser1975./bin/ /sbin/ /etc/ /lib/ /usr/
08:49.42randomuser1975Running a diff on both log files prints out content I do not understand
08:50.44randomuser1975I see why now
08:50.59randomuser1975It doesn't list permissions, it's colorcods
08:51.12rrqit does get a bit messy... perhaps "diff -y --suppress-common-lines ..." and pipe that into a file
08:51.36*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
08:51.54randomuser1975Did so
08:51.59randomuser1975Numerous output here
08:52.33randomuser1975Still in a color-coded format I do not understand
08:53.23rrqrigh hmm, your ls has colors I suppose
08:53.53randomuser1975But I expected numerical chmod
08:54.09rrqmaybe rerun with ls --color=never
08:55.05randomuser1975This list is still not saying chmod, only packagelists
08:55.41randomuser1975That is, filelists
08:56.38rrqtry: find . -type f | xargs -n 1 -I+ stat -c "%a %n" '+'
08:56.46rrqto make the file lists
08:57.16rrqor maybe put the name before the code: "%n %a"
08:57.32rrqthen diff gets happier
08:58.30randomuser1975Can I use xargs without x11?
08:58.42randomuser1975One moment
08:59.18rrqthat x means something else than X11
09:00.07rrq"execute" maybe, or "execute for"
09:01.12rrqxargs = "eXtended ARGuments"
09:01.26randomuser1975Sorry 'bout that
09:01.47randomuser1975I missed your instruction to purge and reinstall those packages
09:01.50randomuser1975So I did so
09:01.56randomuser1975Now to continue
09:03.06randomuser1975Now we're cooking with gas
09:03.19randomuser1975Command still running
09:03.35randomuser1975All these files are suffixed with the chmod
09:03.44randomuser1975Shouldn't they be prefixed?
09:04.08randomuser1975I'm changing the order
09:04.11rrqas file lists it works better to have the file name first
09:04.20rrqyou maight even want to add an A nd B to the file lists, as "%n %a A" and "%n %a B" in order to postprocess them by mreging and getting rid those that are equal ...
09:04.29randomuser1975Ah yes
09:05.25randomuser1975This produces error
09:05.42randomuser1975"Cannot stat %n %a B
09:06.05randomuser1975I probably bonked syntax
09:06.14rrqthe quotes ?
09:06.58rrqfind . -type f | xargs -n 1 -I+ stat -c "%n %a A" '+'
09:07.02randomuser1975"%n %a A" "%n %a B" '+'...
09:07.20rrqthat would be for the laptop dirs
09:07.24randomuser1975This'll take a while I'm sure
09:07.25rrqfind . -type f | xargs -n 1 -I+ stat -c "%n %a B" '+'
09:07.32rrqwould be for the squashfs dirs
09:07.38randomuser1975I'm still in /mnt/fs
09:07.56randomuser1975So in this case
09:08.05randomuser1975A is the squashfs
09:08.16randomuser1975And B is the bonked system
09:08.48rrqfair enough
09:09.12randomuser1975Interesting errors once going back to /
09:09.32randomuser1975./rub/udev/* no such file or directory
09:10.17randomuser1975All of it being in /run/udev/links/x2f*
09:10.29rrqskip /erun .. it's dynamic
09:10.51rrqskip /dev /proc /run and /sys
09:10.54randomuser1975I'm running your command from / with no additional arguments
09:11.11rrqthen it'll traverse into /mnt/fs as well
09:11.25randomuser1975What should I do
09:11.36rrqwell.. wait :)
09:12.22randomuser1975I'm cding into dirs now and prepending the log with >>
09:12.42randomuser1975The original was in /root/log.log
09:12.47rrqso you only get two lists then, A and B ? wwith A being rooted in the squasfs
09:12.53randomuser1975This one is /root/log1.log
09:13.21randomuser1975I did /bin
09:13.21randomuser1975Now /usr
09:13.28randomuser1975Then /sbin
09:13.34randomuser1975Then /etc
09:13.41randomuser1975Then what
09:13.45rrqcat /root/log.log /root/log1.log | sort -uk1,2 > /root/logX.log
09:13.58randomuser1975Any other dirs
09:14.48rrqpossibly /var
09:15.27randomuser1975Doing /var now
09:15.50rrqall added into log1.log I hope
09:16.53rrqthen sorting
09:17.03randomuser1975your command prouuces a file with the forst 47 lines all B
09:17.29randomuser1975Ok, there are a few A mixed
09:17.40randomuser1975How do I sort through this then
09:19.01randomuser1975Is A only appearing when it's different from B?
09:19.05randomuser1975I'm confused
09:19.08rrqyou should find both A and B for the same file together where they differ in file mod
09:20.06randomuser1975The first instance of A I find is for /bin/bash
09:20.16randomuser1975It does not list B next to it
09:20.16rrqa B line without preceding A line indicates a file that where not in the squashfs
09:20.35randomuser1975There are numerous
09:20.42randomuser1975It's almost all B
09:20.48rrqan A line without an equal B line indicates a common file with equal file mod
09:21.24randomuser1975So if there is a B with no A then it's fucked
09:21.31randomuser1975Should I be running diff?
09:21.34randomuser1975I'm using less
09:22.04randomuser1975None of these appear to be duplocates
09:22.18rrqso .. hmm find all A lines that followed by same file B line (and differing file mod) .. would be an awk
09:22.42randomuser1975I'm not versed on awk
09:24.00rrqmaybe: awk '$1==F { print; } {F=$1;}'
09:24.31rrqthat should print all B lines preceded by an equal file (differing mod) A line
09:24.31randomuser1975Why couldn't I just do "chmod %n %f on squashfs, then
09:24.38randomuser1975Run it
09:25.10randomuser1975Do I cat the logx into awk?
09:25.17rrqyes right
09:25.55rrqunless file names have spaces in them ...
09:26.30randomuser1975This produces an incredibly short list
09:27.07randomuser1975Most of them being ./share and ./local
09:27.11randomuser1975All of them B
09:27.32randomuser1975Only things of note are the first two lines in ./etc and ./lib
09:27.55rrqok that's all files with different file mod on the squasfs
09:27.55randomuser1975One is /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
09:28.23rrqhmm so you need the A line I suppose; different awk
09:28.33randomuser1975The second is /lib/x86_64/
09:29.00rrqmaybe: awk '$1==F { print F,M; } {F=$1; M=$2}'
09:29.05randomuser1975And the rest is mostly Wolfenstein Enemy Terretory and supertuxkart
09:30.16randomuser1975Same output except no letter, A or B suffixed
09:30.40rrqyes but now the file mod of the squashfs
09:30.56randomuser1975It's the same files
09:31.16randomuser1975I doubt the squashfs hs SuprtTuxKart and Wolfensten: ET
09:31.47rrqok; file names with spaces gets messier
09:32.36randomuser1975There is one difference
09:32.51randomuser1975Openssl.cnf is 644 on second run
09:33.04randomuser1975As is
09:33.27randomuser1975These were 755 originally
09:34.01rrqmaybe: awk '{X=$0; $NF=""; $(NF-1)=""} $0==F { print Y; } {F=$0; Y=X}'
09:34.19rrqthat might handle filenames with spaces
09:35.38rrqbut the squashfs doesn't have them anyhow
09:36.37randomuser1975This produces null output
09:37.47rrqok, use: awk 'NF!=3 {next;} $1==F { print F,M; } {F=$1; M=$2}'
09:38.06rrqthat should discard all lines with spaces in file names
09:39.05rrqthen fix up those few files
09:39.45randomuser1975This again produces the same two files of significance, and only these two files
09:40.05randomuser1975./etc/ssl/openssl.cnf 644
09:40.34rrqso all else is compatible; but of course the squasfs dowsn't have all files the laptop has
09:40.51randomuser1975./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 644
09:41.06randomuser1975Before going forward
09:41.15randomuser1975This is the /correct/ chmod?
09:42.30randomuser1975I think I should check /dev
09:42.31rrqthat should bring you back to having the x11 problem before "running random script to fix"
09:42.52randomuser1975Lemme check what dirs I had
09:42.56rrqmost of /dev is dynamic ... i.e. created at boot
09:43.39rrqI need to go
09:43.43randomuser1975I did /bin, /usr, /sbin, /etc, /var
09:44.13randomuser1975Thank you
09:44.19randomuser1975I'm trying it out
09:44.37randomuser1975I truly don't know if this worked, only two files have been modified
09:44.49randomuser1975On this checking awk at least
09:45.22randomuser1975And actually
09:45.31randomuser1975The second file chmod could not find
10:07.24gnarfaceif you have a script that is getting tripped up by there being spaces in file names, you could just try changing $PS1 to a newline character
10:43.14*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
11:00.36*** join/#devuan deby (
11:03.37debyhello, installing things in debian can also enable services automatically. I'm not a fun of this. Can this happen in Devuan too?
11:04.53debyfor example if I only install apache2, then apache2 is run every time I boot the system.
11:06.29gnarfacedeby: it's up to the individual package's maintainers, and yes, it's fairly common for them to be enabled by default.  in fact, the ones that don't are the ones that have historically been the biggest problem for people.
11:07.25gnarfacedeby: luckily it's far easier to disable them here than with systemd, so you really shouldn't worry.  just delete the init script and it *really* isn't gonna start.
11:08.32gnarfaceand no funny business like with systemd where they "oopsie" have it ignore that sometimes or just spastically relaunch everything that shuts down for any reason
11:08.46gnarfaceit's not complex enough to make mistakes like that
11:09.31debygnarface: I see. The problem is, that if I'm not vigilant when installing stuff I might not become aware that some service was enabled.
11:10.07gnarfacedeby: well for the most part if you learn how to manipulate the /etc/rc?.d/ symlinks they can be used to disable launch and usually won't be overwritten by updates
11:10.22gnarfacedeby: mistakes are made though, it's good to be vigilant either way
11:11.35gnarfacei mean, if you're really paranoid about security but you don't trust yourself enough, you could always just run a firewall that blocks inbound traffic.  that will work even if some service gets enabled accidentally
11:15.49onefangsysv-rc-conf can be helpful to see what services are enabled, and disabling them.
11:16.19gnarfacei just use nmap or nc to run a quick portscan but yea that works too
11:17.10gnarfacethere are more than one tools to edit the rc?.d symlinks but i prefer to do it by hand usually
11:17.17debdogfor the links: just rename them from S$something to K$something
11:17.35gnarfaceyea, the logic is so simple it almost doesn't need documentation
11:18.08gnarfaceyou can kinda figure it out by inference and observation
11:18.35debdogalso, there's a readme inside that folder :)
11:18.41gnarfaceheh yea
11:19.07gnarfacein /etc/init.d/
11:19.36gnarfaceoh, it's symlinked from all the /etc/rc?.d/ directories as well i see
11:19.42gnarfaceat least on ceres
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12:19.54*** join/#devuan nieuwland (~nieuwland@
12:23.26nieuwlandwe have an old devuan install here that i'm trying to update, but it cant find the package mirrors  anymore.. did the mirror dns names change? it's set to whats the new name then?
12:24.57luser977it's standard for an installed service or server to start immediately. this is BAD. stopnthe service by hand after installing, configure, start again or disable in /etc/rc?.d/ as needed.
12:30.47onefangnieuwland: Use for your package mirror, the country code mirrors are deprecated.  If you want one that is closer to you, look in
12:31.14nieuwlandok thannk!
12:31.57nieuwlandit works
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17:55.27user_Beowulf audio woes: continued: /etc/init.d/osspd start -> works but had to add: chown /dev/dsp /dev/adsp /dev/mixer; no sound from pulse
17:55.43user_syslog shows pulse trying to restart itself with every connection from osspd!
17:55.59user_Jan 24 19:53:43 beowulf pulseaudio[21771]: [pulseaudio] main.c: D-Bus name org.PulseAudio1 already taken.
17:56.02user_Jan 24 19:53:43 beowulf pulseaudio[21768]: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed.
17:56.13user_of course pulse is running, under xfce, just this... what the...
17:56.41user_Any ideas where to look? osspd provides /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer emulation for pulse
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17:58.43user_Anyone used padsp with a scripting language like perl or tcl?
18:01.51user_Excellent. Running an interp under padsp shows zero audio devices usable.
18:02.59user_padsp fakes open() on /dev/dsp but not stat() /dev/dsp
18:03.13user_Poettering, I hope you are hiccuping hard now.
18:08.58user_Right, the readme of osspd says it uses padsp as back end. Back to Poettering.
18:09.35*** join/#devuan n4dir (
18:13.15user_So /usr/lib/osspd/ossp-padsp does something which pulse/padsp do not like
18:13.28user_No log or error messages even with --log=6
18:13.51user_Is the /dev/dsp emulation in jack/jackd better?
18:14.21user_-.- <- this is Morse for 'K'. Means key. As in, answer please :)
18:23.05user_more strangeness, /dev/shm has several jack related things in it, but jack(d) is not running
18:26.29n4dirtry #lau perhaps
18:26.38n4diror #opensourcemusicians
18:26.53n4dirups: linux audio users, yes, lau. I forgot to spell it out
18:26.57user_right, this is more a #kernel question imho, or at least drivers
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19:12.21user_fluidsynth does the midi job 10 times better than timidity.
19:12.32*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
19:12.34buZzyeah, especially with a good soundfont
19:13.10user_Just for laughs, tmidity gets stuck and stutters while fluid does not. Neither is allowed high priority threads or low niceness
19:18.38*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
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19:35.07user_What happens on beowulf if one deinstalls pulse and does not install jack?
19:35.10user_No sound?
19:35.33n4dirnot for firefucker, iirc. Else sure.
19:35.39n4dirthere is a workaround though.
19:35.39buZzalsa should still work fine
19:38.35fsmithredff-esr does not need pulse
19:38.58fsmithredtor-browser does, and it will work with apulse
19:39.55*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
19:41.08gnarfaceuser_: everything should still work with bare alsa, and most of it actually does, unless you have a broken driver
19:41.34gnarface(partially-broken alsa driver is a common problem though)
19:42.07n4diri sure didn't find a way make amsynth and zynaddsubfx use anything but jack
19:42.18n4dirand some more
19:42.48user_n4dir: amsynth works great with alsa here
19:43.49gnarfacewell, "partially-broken" can mean that one driver can work for some hardware and software combinations but not others
19:44.55*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
19:44.57user_byebye pulse
19:44.58gnarfacethe stupid shared snd_hda_intel driver has had a long-standing regression with surround sound on my onboard audio device, but after extensive testing it seems like VLC actually works right?!?  maybe just for dts/ac3 content though, not sure
19:45.20user_That thing gave me hives for months.
19:45.31gnarfaceanyway it suggests that the breakage can be patched around with a clever enough ~/.asoundrc, which is a situation i've seen before
19:45.58user_I would like to tinker as little as possible with this and just go on with my other projects.
19:45.59gnarfacesometimes the driver just misses part of the setup, but certain programs cover it
19:46.19gnarfaceand in those cases sometimes you can make a custom config
19:46.36gnarfacein a fair world you shouldn't have to
19:58.59user_Is there an xfce tray volume control which works with alsa?
19:59.47user_there is an xfce4-alsa-plugin
20:00.12user_on github, depends on gtk...
20:00.48user_ not in Beowulf
20:01.03fsmithredthere is no more xfce mixer
20:01.42user_there is alsamixergui
20:01.52user_which looks like original Motif from 199x but hey
20:01.56user_pulse is GONE.
20:03.49fsmithredyeah, it works
20:04.23fsmithreddoes alsamixergui sit in the panel? Been a long time since I've used it.
20:04.57user_I need to restart xfce it does not see the volumeicon now
20:05.44*** join/#devuan user_ (~user@
20:06.20user_Hmm can't add volumeicon to a launcher in the tray. File path is /usr/bin/volumeicon but it does not appear in the launcher's config as installable binary?!
20:06.48fsmithredno need for a launcher. Add it to startup applications.
20:06.51user_grr it's a tray only app
20:08.09fsmithredwhy is that a problem?
20:08.37user_f.ex. it pulls in the network manager icon in the tray and the position is not controllable in the tray using the panel edit controls
20:09.24fsmithredn-m icon should not be affected by volumeicon
20:13.26user_How come I can't move the tray icon around?
20:14.00fsmithreddunno. I never tried that.
20:14.27user_AHH it is called "Notification Area" in the panel editor. And it can be moved with the arrows in the list.
20:14.34fsmithredmaybe they are in alphabetical order
20:14.48fsmithredthe whole thing moves, right?
20:15.03fsmithredor can you move the individual items?
20:15.05user_yes the volume icon and the network manager icon are in a mini tray
20:15.23user_which is moved as one item using the arrows in the panel edit and cannot be dragged etc
20:15.38*** join/#devuan AmeliaFloofPC (
20:15.44fsmithredI have those two plus hexchat, and they are in alphabetical order from left to right
20:15.59user_Yes that thing is not so configurable.
20:16.17AmeliaFloofPCis it possible to migrate to OpenRC from a SysVInit install
20:16.40fsmithredyes. apt install openrc
20:16.54fsmithredyou'll get on-screen instructions for what to do wtih the symlinks
20:17.11fsmithredat least I think you still have to do that manually. Maybe I'm wrong and it's automatic.
20:19.36*** join/#devuan AmeliaFloofPC (
20:19.41AmeliaFloofPCno it did it all
20:19.48AmeliaFloofPCI had to run a command that migrated them
20:19.55AmeliaFloofPCbut other than that I am now on OpenRC :)
20:20.12user_great. Now what? :)
20:20.26user_What's your beef with syvinit?
20:20.33AmeliaFloofPCIt was difficult for me to use
20:20.48AmeliaFloofPCits nice and hella fuckin stable
20:21.56AmeliaFloofPCI actually do have another issue.... Disk utils like parted and fdisk dont work even though they are installed. They say command not found whenever I run them (As user or as root)
20:24.01user_Ok so amsynth needs jack, does not run on bare alsa.
20:24.36user_in despite of permitting selection of alsa in the io controls
20:25.17user_qsynth also refuses to work w/o jack
20:30.44user_where does one find alsa-patch-bay ? Or Patchage?
20:31.59user_ hmm not in beowulf packages
20:32.56user_And no dates on it. W3C HTML 3 compat suggests ancient history and elderberry flavor
20:36.08gnarfaceAmeliaFloofPC: are you using a graphical login?  check the release notes about it
20:36.27AmeliaFloofPCis there a bug with parted and using xorg?
20:36.32AmeliaFloofPCwould switching to tty1 fix it?
20:37.05gnarfacei think it might be a permissions backend thing, there was a bug with those before anyway, it's mentioned in the release notes, certain combinations don't work
20:37.21gnarfaceswitching to tty1 might dodge it, not sure
20:37.30gnarfaceworth a try
20:37.33n4diruser_: alsa-patch-bay isn't the jack-alsa-bridge, is it?
20:38.54gnarfaceAmeliaFloofPC: you should read the whole thing really, but the part relevant to my earlier comment is the section "### Session management and policykit backends"
20:40.13gnarfacethere might have been other things that could cause issues like this for you too though... they removed /sbin and /usr/sbin from root's default path
20:41.56AmeliaFloofPCso Im kinda borked basically?
20:42.33fsmithreduse 'su -'
20:42.36gnarfaceno, did you read it?
20:42.53gnarfaceboth issues have simple fixes
20:42.54AmeliaFloofPCI already have a session manager tho
20:42.58gnarfaceyou just have to be aware of them
20:43.22fsmithredthe root path fix is independent of any session manager issues
20:43.30gnarfaceyes, they're different issues
20:43.38AmeliaFloofPCI was talking about the issue with fdisk and aprted
20:43.45gnarfacei was too
20:43.47fsmithredthat is the root path
20:43.51fsmithredcall /sbin/fdisk
20:44.01fsmithredpretty sure it's there
20:44.38AmeliaFloofPCok that makes sense
20:44.41AmeliaFloofPCit works ty
20:45.04fsmithreddo you like to run graphical apps as root, started from a terminal? You won't be able to do that with 'su -'
20:45.31gnarfacewell, not by default anyway
20:45.37gnarfaceyou can make some adjustments though...
20:46.21AmeliaFloofPCdo you know where parted is stored
20:46.36gnarfacedpkg -S parted
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20:47.42AmeliaFloofPCit doesnt mention the installed dir
20:47.54AmeliaFloofPCjust the pkg desc and if its installed and like conflicts
20:48.38gnarfacedid you use capital "S" or lower-cased?
20:48.54gnarfacecase matters with these
20:48.57AmeliaFloofPCgot it to work.
20:49.01AmeliaFloofPCI have parted
20:49.48AmeliaFloofPCthank you guys
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21:08.19user_Ok I made amsynth work on alsa w/o jack with vmpk etc. Requires manual patching with aconnect
21:08.55*** join/#devuan Hestben (~robert@
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21:09.16user_note: do not change midi instruments from vmpk - it crashes amsynth.
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21:12.59n4dirwhy not just use jack?
21:13.06user_I just wiped jack and pulse
21:15.16fsmithredmust be from alsa-oss because I don't have /dev/dsp.
21:15.23user_it's osspd
21:16.00fsmithredalsa-utils does not provide /dev/dsp. That's all I know.
21:16.16user_stumper: with pulse, I had osspd-pulse and I modded /etc/init.d/osspd to add: chown /dev/dsp etc
21:16.39user_that worked. Now with osspd-alsa I have the exact same init.d file and the permissions stay root.root on /dev/dsp
21:16.42user_WHAT THE
21:18.26user_ok, this is beyond me.
21:18.53user_I have: chown /dev/dsp /dev/adsp /dev/mixer 2>/dev/null
21:19.09user_in osspd in /etc/init.d ; there is no other chown in there
21:19.27user_I run $@ start and it makes /dev/dsp root.root
21:19.30user_this is insane
21:19.40user_I checked I put it where it should be and it used to work
21:20.00fsmithredtry root:audio instead of
21:20.03user_Something changes perms on /dev/dsp after the script runs. If I change perms on the device manually after the fact they stay is correct for this machine
21:20.15fsmithreddot works?
21:20.36user_I suspect the program deletes the device and re-creates it "later" since it's a daemon
21:20.45user_later meaning after the script runs
21:22.19user_adding a sleep 2 before chown in the script fixed it
21:22.31user_it was what I thought it was, daemon recreates file.
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21:26.50fluffywolfspots a floof!
21:28.40user_you two get a room
21:29.33user_the amsynth link I posted above is unrelated to devuan/debian package amsynth, sorry, my mistake.
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21:46.25grillonhi there
21:52.07grillonI have two vms on devuan in dhcp I set an IP for them on my default bridge network with libvirt.  But my vms still obtain random adress. We have check host and libvirt conf(on libvirt channel) every thing seems ok, they think it's my guest configuration. Do you know what I could check? NB: if I wait few minutes and I do dhclient eth0, I obtain the good IP...
22:03.02*** join/#devuan lagfra (~fra@
22:04.38grillonIf my interpretation of my tcpdump is good. Server want to give I want) but client reclaim this is the IP I obtain after installing the vm...
22:06.47grillonOk I see it's in dhclient.eth0.leases
22:06.58grilloncan I just erase this file?
22:10.05n4diri guess i would consider if setting the wished IP static in the interfaces file.
22:10.34grillonyes but I want to configure more than one guest
22:10.57grillonlet's try the backup file thank you
22:17.42grillonit's just incrementing
22:18.10grilloninstead of 107 I obtain 108 then 109 then 110 etc.
22:19.33n4diri stick to i would try to enforce it also in /etc/network/interfaces, but i am neither in libvirt nor in static IP addresses. Perhaps pointless comment
22:19.42n4dirif no one answers here you can probably also ask in #linux or such
22:19.51n4dirdoesn#t seem like a devuan specific problem
22:20.02n4dirshort version: good luck
22:21.32grillonthank you I was on #virt channel and we check together libvirt conf and it's ok, they think problem is in my guest conf that's why I ask here
22:21.53n4dirah, good then.
22:22.22n4dirjust wait. or ask again if it will take to long. i guess
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22:35.19grillonthank you @n4dir I wait
22:38.02rrqgrillon: which dhcp server is used, and how is that configured for static service (i.e. [macaddress or cliet hostname]-to-[IP] assignments)
22:38.51grillonI use a virtual bridge
22:39.39grillonmy config is
22:40.13rrqdo you mean that the networking is set up using a bridge where VM taps gets gridbed to the host outboutn interface, and that that bridging is some wway is associated with dhcp service?
22:40.38rrqgridbed = bridged, and outboutn = outbound
22:44.04grillonyes tht's what I mean
22:45.51grillonmy virtual bridge is associated with my physical host interface and acte as gateway, switch, and dhcp server
22:48.35rrqone issue would be that, if bridged with the outbound interface, the outer dhcp service (on a eg router) will see and act on dhcp requests; in competition with your gateway host dhcp ... but that's a different issue
22:49.24rrqor not ...
22:51.10rrqbut, presumably that <dhcp>...</dhcp> block is intended to declare the static assignments
22:52.38grillonhost is not in the same network
22:53.07grillonhost network is and guest network is
22:53.09rrqbridging operates at Etherent level, not IP level
22:53.53rrqthe purpose with bridging is to join interfaces to be on "the same network"
22:54.34grillonI do not think my bridge act as dhcp server on host network
22:54.58grillonit's like different physical network...physical and virtual
22:55.55grillonin my tcpdump I see only my virtual machine talking to dhcp serveur
22:55.58rrqyes, on inference from your conf, that is what the "nat" setup implies; that bridge only connects the VM taps into a network, and is also the gateway end of that nework
22:56.19grillonyes as you said :-)
22:56.27rrqall in all, you have a program servicing port 68
22:56.57rrqcould be named *dhcp* something or perhaps dnsmasq
22:57.19rrqor whatever the RH guys thinks is cute
22:57.38grillonI have dnsmasq
22:58.26rrqright; it will need a kill -HUP to re-read its static configuration
22:58.40rrqif you do: pgrep -a dnsmasq
22:58.57rrqit will tell you pid and all arguments used
22:59.33rrqit should have and argument like --dhcp-hostsfile=/home/share/dhcphosts
23:00.04rrqand that file should be a table of static assignments, in format "mac,hostname,ip"
23:01.26grillonyes I got it
23:01.39grillonand it's exactly what I want
23:02.21grillonI mean it's filled as it should be good mac, ip, hostname
23:02.41grillonin this order
23:03.19rrqhmm that's different order from mine (which works)
23:04.19rrqperhaps try reconfigure libvirt and use name= as ip and ip= as name, then restart
23:05.25rrq(if that works, then someone worried about semantics should lodge a bug to debian/libvirt)
23:06.17rrqbut remember also that the clients try to persist their last assignment by proposing that in their request, and dnsmasq typically accepts that
23:08.27grillonI think it's your last statement
23:09.05grillonbecause as I said if I wait few minutes and do dhclient eth0 on the guest I get the good IP
23:09.32grillonand sometimes I have two Ip when I boot (last given IP and IP I want)
23:10.45rrqthe client uses leases file... client:/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases
23:11.36grillonyes so I erased it but it's incrementing, instead of using IP it should
23:12.59grillonit's like it's about time...
23:15.14rrqhave you tried with "corrected" file for dnsmasq? and the leases file deleted
23:16.01rrqit might also be something with the macaddress; that it starts up with a random one and then the client sets it?
23:16.45rrq(would be rather odd)
23:17.30rrqdo "pgrep -a qemu" to ensure that the macaddress is assigned as command line argument
23:17.43rrq(that's on the host obviously)
23:18.27rrqor even: pgrep -a qemu | sed "s/ -/\n-/g"
23:19.46rrqor even even: pgrep -a qemu | sed "s/ -/\n-/g" | grep macaddr
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23:32.12grillonrrq here the pgrep qemu :
23:33.20rrqok it has a mac= assignment matching up with your intended devuan_front client
23:35.32grillonbefore doing it I erased leases files and restart every thing(virtual bridge, libvirt including dnsmasq), started tcpdump and finally the vm
23:36.14rrqso.. and you had changed the detail order for dnsmasq's conf .. you tried my order and it still didn't work?
23:36.15grillonhere my tcpdump :
23:37.49grillonhere ip addr on guest:
23:38.09grillonas you can see I have dual IPs the good and another
23:38.19rrqhmm first Reply is for
23:38.24grillonI did not changed dnsmasq conf yet
23:39.30grillonyes and I have dual Ips. Sometimes it's dual ip, sometimes only bad one bad ip. to have only the good one I need to wait few minutes and do dhclient eth0 on guest
23:40.05rrqhmm how many network management sub systems does the client have?
23:40.07grillondo you still want I switch hostname and IP in dnsmasq conf?
23:40.23rrqseems not necessary given that first reply is good
23:40.28grillonit's a fresh devuan installation
23:40.45rrqprobably dnsmasq is flexible :)
23:41.26rrqthe client is "fresh devuan"... with which networking?
23:43.33grillonyes client is a fresh devuan, what do you mean by which networking?
23:44.57rrqlet's see: is there an /etc/network/interfaces with a "allow-hotplug eth0" in?
23:45.43grillonyes there is
23:46.19rrqthat indicates the client wants udev to set up the network; and this typically competes with eg wicd for configuring eth0
23:47.11rrqfor your use case I would purge wicd
23:47.44grillonok how?
23:47.57rrqso: apt-get purge wicd
23:48.28grillonnot installed so not removed
23:48.53rrqok; hmm network-manager? same action
23:50.02grillonsame result
23:50.09rrqhmm now I see that your desired hostname "devuan_front" gets digested into the hostname "front" for the secondary dhcp request
23:50.33rrqprobably the client code takes offense to an underscore in the hostname
23:50.50grillonno I think it's because I change the hostname
23:50.58grillonit was front
23:51.10rrqok; and that causes a new dhcp request for the new hostname
23:51.11grillonmay be...
23:51.43rrqwhich dnsmasq does not associate with the assignment ... it's a theory
23:51.58grillonit's more starnge than that
23:52.14grillonhostname is still front
23:52.26grillonvm name is devuan_front
23:52.31rrqyes, and dhcp asks for the assignment for "front" which there is none
23:53.21rrqso, add that to the libvirt conf
23:53.41grillonwhat? front?
23:54.29grillonmaybe I should I change my hostname in devuan_front to have devuan_front everywhere?
23:55.09rrqyes, it seems important that the dhcp assignment agrees with the client about the hostname
23:56.29rrqthat's new knowledge for me; thank you for that.
23:57.01fsmithredHost  names  may  contain  only  alphanumeric
23:57.44fsmithredthat's right from the man page
23:58.08*** part/#devuan AnimaInvicta (
23:58.18grillonok my mystake, hostname is front and vm name is devuan_front
23:59.13rrqman page of what? meaning that hostname may be a FQDN I suppose
23:59.23fsmithredman hosts

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