IRC log for #devuan on 20210123

00:04.37*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
00:15.36*** join/#devuan n4dir (
00:19.58*** join/#devuan KREYREN (~kreyren@gateway/tor-sasl/kreyren)
00:20.41*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
00:31.17*** join/#devuan KREYREN (~kreyren@gateway/tor-sasl/kreyren)
00:33.09*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-ldicxneebncfwpqy)
01:14.35*** join/#devuan gnarface (
01:20.35*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
01:20.52*** join/#devuan vvi11ovv_ (~vvi11ovv@
01:24.02*** join/#devuan SwanDive (SwanDive@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/widowvondu)
01:24.11SwanDivehey guys
01:25.43SwanDiveI had a general question about the project, I was curious why systemd poses a security risk to Debian or even just a risk of getting Debian homogenized into another GNOME clone?
01:26.13*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
01:27.22asdflkjSwanDive: It’s a massive project with millions of lines of code that have never been thouroughly audited
01:27.53SwanDive@asdflkj right, so it posses a massive security risk
01:27.59asdflkjonce it had a bug that let you log in as root just by tapping backspace ~20 time
01:28.08SwanDiveyou're kidding me
01:28.58asdflkjnvm, that was grub
01:29.17SwanDiveno worries
01:29.21SwanDivelook i appreciate your answer
01:29.31SwanDivein search of a secure distro and came across devuan
01:29.46golinuxI used to enjoy reading the "wontfix" bugs when they were still very publicly available. Hundreds of them
01:30.18SwanDiveCorrect me if i'm wrong here, but it sounds like the basic ethics of linux were abandoned with Debian. It's sad.
01:31.47SwanDiveI was curious if Devuan has a mobile OS variant? Similiar to Lineage OS 17.1? I want to degoogle my phone
01:31.52asdflkjto be fair, IIRC they didn’t adopt it until other major distros had and had made it pretty standard
01:31.58asdflkjthat would be mobian
01:32.05SwanDiveah Mobian thanks!
01:32.24golinuxAnd this prophecy from 2014
01:32.49SwanDiveI have a multi boot image i downloaded onto my sd card, ran out of space applying updates to KDE neon so have to go out today and buy a bigger card. Really wanna get my pine phone up and running.
01:33.42golinuxWe could see it coming even so many years ago . . . but all that is a bit off topic which is Devuan support issues here.
01:34.04SwanDiveSo, what is systemd? Well, meet your new God. You may have been praying
01:34.04SwanDiveat the alter of simplicity, but your religion is being deprecated. It
01:34.04SwanDivelikely already happened without your knowledge during an upgrade of
01:34.04SwanDiveyour Linux box. systemd is the all knowing, all controlling meta-deity
01:34.04SwanDivethat sees all and supervises all
01:34.08golinuxWe do have #devuan-pfftopic for systemd venting.
01:34.09SwanDivehaha that is terrifying
01:34.27SwanDiveI did not realise that the privacy invasion had come into the linux world. always imagined it as a safe space
01:34.36SwanDiveand sorry yeah not the place for the pine phone talk
01:35.20SwanDiveI always imagined if this kind of thing would happen it would be to a paid linux distro like redhat
01:36.14SwanDiveappreciate u linking  it @golinux explains it in good detail
01:36.47SwanDivewhat next sudo becomes default user right
01:36.57asdflkjSwanDive: redhat is where systemd originally came from
01:37.16SwanDiveyeah i took a course at redhat and they harped on about how great systemd was
01:37.27SwanDivethat makes sense
01:38.02*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-dferchjehygkgvcq)
01:38.25SwanDiveI really have alot of respect for u guys here with the Devuan project
01:38.37SwanDivewe live in an age where we give out information like water
01:39.09SwanDiveIt is great to know the great minds behind this project are fighting for our right to privacy
01:39.29*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
01:40.33*** join/#devuan n4dir (
01:42.13SwanDiveanother question on the Devuan website it mentions init freedom. Has there been some issue with the daemon that needs to be replaced like systemd?
01:44.36SwanDiveseems very strange that System d accumulates more tasks than managing services
01:55.18SwanDiveguys thank u so much for your help today hope u have a lovely day
01:55.35*** part/#devuan SwanDive (SwanDive@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/widowvondu)
02:33.49*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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05:53.36*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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06:21.32*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
06:30.36*** join/#devuan ziao (~ziao@
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16:40.44*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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16:55.51*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
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18:34.33fsmithredluser977, I installed linuxcnc-buster in a VM and migrated it to beowulf using the following instructions. It went well.
18:36.55fsmithredI had to manually install a few things at the end to prevent them from being autoremoved: exfat, gvfs, gdisk, xdg-utils, zenity
18:37.16fsmithredI have no way to test the cnc functions
18:58.40luser977fsmithred: go there and tell them?  #linuxcnc
18:59.44luser977also, did your update/upgrade keep ghe rt kernel? that's the key.
19:00.32fsmithredluser977, of course it did. Devuan uses Debian kernels.
19:01.03fsmithredactually, I ended up with newer rt kernel. I just got finished removing the old ones.
19:01.19fsmithredgot -13 while the iso has -9 and -11
19:02.25luser977run the latency test program to see
19:02.41fsmithredI think I'll wait until aitor does some tests before I talk to the folks in #linuxcnc
19:03.02fsmithredWere they asking about devuan, or was that your idea?
19:04.02fsmithredI'm running it in a VM. Will that give valid results?
19:07.38luser977i don't know.
19:08.09luser977should be the worst compounded value from host and guest.
19:08.31luser977so if *that* is good...
19:08.42fsmithredI didn't test before converting it to devuan.
19:09.15luser977I don't know if a rt kernel stays rt in a vm
19:09.46luser977well, test it now. what could go wrong?
19:09.57fsmithredI did test
19:10.06fsmithreddon't know what it means, and the test never ends
19:10.23fsmithredand no easy way to save results other than screenshot
19:10.29luser977so? yes it never ends. low numbers win
19:11.08luser977low numbers and tight spread (no outliers)
19:13.39*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
19:16.45fsmithredI can run the original iso in vm alongside the installed and migrated system also in vm, and I'm getting higher numbers with the migrated (devuan) system
19:17.37fsmithrednow that's reversed
19:17.50fsmithredbut they are close. I'm running glxgears at the same time
19:24.20*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
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19:38.29luser977neat, I agree with "too complex"
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19:46.43*** join/#devuan user__ (~user@
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19:47.13user__Hilariously, fsmithred, the 1st comment and the following storm in that article are all about systemd :)
19:47.57fsmithredthe issue of non-free wireless drivers being absent from debian is not new.
19:48.46user__uses an openwrt routers used as STA with ethernet cable for that precise reason, when setting up things anew. And now, for other reasons.
19:49.43user__But now, ethernet plugs are gone from a lot of new laptops. And so are dvd drives. USB images should have a way to "live" patch a zipfs with non-free drivers into them during boot/install
19:50.06user__On Slackware this was possible even in 1995. I remember it. Just select "have disk" or such and pop in the diskette
19:53.10*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:53.57user__In any case, when I made NetBSD install "tapes" (tgz) and scripts I always provided at the end the "have patch disk" option.
19:54.13user__At the end of the install script I wrote.
19:54.33user__Which used as little user interaction as possible, the exact opposite of current scripts.
19:54.48user__[this is not a critique of current scripts]
20:00.12user__fsmithred: could you not amend refractainstaller to add such a feature in the future? "Install additional driver packages" from usb stick, once running from ram? Or from USB stick in another USB receptacle?
20:00.38fsmithreduser__, not needed if you have a network connection.
20:00.59fsmithredassuming you have contrib and non-free enabled in sources. list...
20:01.10fsmithredapt update && apt install firmware-whatever
20:01.26fsmithredthen run refractainstaller. It copies the live system as is.
20:01.44user__The idea was to get the network connection going 1st
20:02.15fsmithredthat's why I include wireless firmware packages in Refracta isos.
20:02.25fsmithredin that case, 'dpkg -i...
20:02.28user__Also some lshw/hwdet present on the live system and perhaps called directly from the installer.
20:02.47user__Ah ok, I did not notice that. The included wireless packages.
20:03.09user__Being able to run lshw or similar from the install script may be useful imo.
20:03.17fsmithredin Refracta isos, packages are included. In Devuan Live isos, wireless firmware is already installed
20:03.22user__A lot of people can't find the command easily (I can)
20:03.48user__Ok, I only have experience with Devual Live installs so far.
20:03.54fsmithredI don't think lshw is included in most isos or in a default debian/devuan install
20:04.00user__It is not.
20:04.41fsmithredyou might like a Refracta iso better. I included a bunch of extra stuff and excluded some metapackages and recommends
20:04.42user__Which MIDI synth / emulation did you say runs well on beowulf? There was a discussion a few hours ago.
20:05.01fsmithredno clue. n4dir uses amsynth
20:05.12n4dirhmm ...
20:05.21user__amsynth is like an OPL chip emulator? midi in sound out?
20:05.23fsmithredI tried it and it works
20:05.40fsmithredyeah, I needed it to play midi
20:06.00fsmithredmade audacity work and also another
20:06.05fsmithredmaybe musescore
20:06.07user__I have something called libwildmidi2 installed
20:06.09fsmithredor just muse
20:06.24n4diruser__: ask a bit more detailed or just again. I was just busy so am not in the topic right now
20:06.25*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
20:07.15n4dirperhaps i have an idea. perhaps not. i am very restricted with what i do, but ran in a few applications
20:08.11user__Do you have playmidi installed?
20:09.00user__Hmm shall I get timidity or another player?
20:09.53n4diri think i can't really tell you which one is good there.
20:10.01n4diri do hear those names, but hardly do such
20:10.09user__I have used timidity before, way back when
20:10.31n4dirlibrazik, the website, it has a list of packages (french, probably paquets or such)
20:10.43n4dirbut that still won't help which ones are there, only 'what'
20:11.14n4dirsorry: which ones are good it won't tell, only which ones are there
20:11.43user__what's that midi onscreen x11 keyboard called again? tvsomething?
20:12.44user__ah there's jack-keyboard too
20:12.48n4dirvirtual midi keyboard you ask for
20:12.57n4dirmamba too, and a few others
20:13.03n4dirvm... let me look
20:13.44n4dirjack-keyboard for me, if i need it at all
20:14.19n4dirah, right
20:14.56n4dirmamba i don't hear often, and i once opened it and it kinda was a bit more of "comfort" or such, but i don't recall well
20:15.08n4diras in: just keep it in mind, depending what you look for
20:15.23user__mamba is not in normal package streams
20:15.26user__that I can see
20:15.36n4dirah, sorry. I added the librazik repos.
20:15.55n4dirnever that sure which package is from where
20:17.48user__hmm fluidsynth is present
20:19.07n4diri looked at a backend for very short: qsynth
20:19.24n4dirbut really: i only do that little. Mostly i simply know the names
20:19.51user__soundfront has some serious instrument patch files. 120MB+
20:20.15n4diryeah. I installed all soundfonts from librazik, and those were like 1.5 gigs. I don't think i need them. ha ha
20:20.15*** join/#devuan mith_ (~Mithrandi@
20:20.45n4diruser__: iirc brocashelm had his say in offtopic, perhaps you ask him/her if he/she is online
20:20.55user__I think I am about to lose sound. jackd is being installed
20:21.34n4dirwith qjackctrl?
20:21.35*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
20:21.46user__I did not pay attention to that.
20:22.08n4dirthat way you could easily stop or start it
20:22.19n4dirwell: and configure. but i think fsmithred knows it better
20:23.08n4diruser__: perhaps look at a live CD like ubuntu-studio
20:23.21n4dirto get ideas about packages, i mean.
20:24.19n4dirah, i think librazik now has a live CD too.
20:25.12n4diri uploaded an iso librazik based on devuan instead of debian, but i really wouldn't trust that one. Better something "serious"
20:25.55*** join/#devuan luser978 (~resuuser@
20:26.27fsmithredyeah, I use qjackctl
20:26.30user__I still have sound but no midi sound from the vmpk
20:27.01n4diruser__: you need some synth running, and connecting the midi-keyboard to the synth
20:27.10*** join/#devuan luser977 (~resuuser@
20:27.24n4dirprobably with qjackctl, but in jack-keyboard you can do it from it's interface, iirc
20:27.39user__The only output I can see in MIDI Setup is Midi Through:0
20:27.43n4dirso say: start amsynth, start jack-keyboard, pick amsynth from jack-keyboard.
20:27.55fsmithredI got no midi from audacity until I installed amsynth. All the jack connections were automatic.
20:28.12n4dirfsmithred: some software does it automatically, some doesn't
20:28.27n4dirif you search for real brain fuck: ams
20:28.59user__I have amsynth on, still no output. Let's see about jack.
20:29.29user__worky just amsynth + open kbd from amsynth Utils
20:29.42n4dirworks now?
20:29.49n4diruh baby !
20:30.19user__My audio driver is still pulse but amsynth thinks it talks to alsa due to compat pulse alsa being loaded
20:30.27n4diruser__: seq24 is fun, but without a quick how-to very confusing. there is one on youtube (linux music channel, iirc)
20:30.47user__I'll just play around a bit. Also got tk707
20:30.52n4dirlooks as if it was from 1974
20:31.09n4diryeah. good luck, fun and all
20:31.14user__That's fine, to much gui polish makes stuff certainly bad under the hood
20:31.40*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
20:31.49n4dirit is if i want to test sounds in a synths really quick. Just an easy sequence, let it loop, while doing that fool with the "sounds"
20:32.43n4dirany DAW would do, but with seq24 i can do that more quickly, in a hurry
20:42.44user__timidity plays nicely.
20:43.06user__I get no sound from tk707 need to connect it to some player. Manually
20:47.06user__timidity drum patches sound like crap.
20:49.01user__timidity -iA followed by tk707 sorts the sound for tk707
20:49.33user__Not yet
20:57.04user__Something is wrong. amsynth plays in pulse as an alsa plugin source
20:57.30user__timidity plays nicely files from cli, timidity -iA shows as playing in pulse mixer and plays nothing
20:59.25user__The problem is timidity -iA, sorry
21:00.20user__so what's the other midi player/soft emulator you mentioned above again?
21:00.52n4dirthere was muse, rosegarden and musescore mentioned, iirc
21:01.13n4dirthough i for one don't think of them as "play midi  files".
21:02.23*** join/#devuan dagelf (
21:03.38n4dirwith apt-cache search i find: wildmidi, pmidi, showq, playmidi
21:05.34n4dirwell, perhaps qsynth, gui for fluidsynth. I wouldn't know
21:05.57user__playmidi requires a sequencer, which timidity is
21:06.42user__wildmidi would qualify if it had a daemon mode.
21:07.32user__Hmm yoshimi is interesting. Will try it later
21:07.39n4diruh yeah.
21:07.56n4diruser__: wouldn't using lmms to play midi files make most sense?
21:08.16user__I need a daemon sequencer for tk707, drum box.
21:08.24n4dirah, ok.
21:09.04user__timidity plays .mid just fine, but only cli, not as daemon
21:10.34user__blargh it may be permissions.
21:12.15user__Permissions fixed it.
21:12.28user__vigr + vigr -s ; add user to pulse-access:
21:12.34user__fsck you again, Poettering
21:12.55user__I think I need a permission group to wipe my a** from left to right now.
21:13.56*** join/#devuan Jjp137 (
21:15.31user__tk707 does not work nicely.
21:17.32user__what's the sound system called in /etc/init.d?
21:18.57n4diri sure never find alsa, pulse or jack there. No clue how that works
21:19.05user__sigh. fsmithred ?
21:19.21user__I have osspd and restarted it but that is not what I need now
21:20.38user__in xfce it is started by xfce in session etc
21:22.38user__from cli: pulseaudio --kill; pulseaudio --start; pulseaudio --check; echo $? -> 0
21:23.44fluffywolfthat seems like a poor replacement for apt-get purge pulseaudio
21:24.12user__fsmithred: was trying to find out how pulseaudio starts, sorted
21:24.42user__Ok so timidity advertises 4 sequencer channels but only 2 work. 0 and 1
21:34.34*** join/#devuan dagelf (
21:35.58user__and not for long, it gets "stuck" and starts chattering
21:36.53user__trying fluidsynth. Works w/o jackd using: fluidsynth -a alsa -m alsa_seq ... using pulse-alsa module and pulse
21:40.07user__verified cli on beowulf: fluidsynth -a alsa -m alsa_seq -s -i /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2
21:48.42user__anyone used hydrogen? It's overkill for what I need but heh.
21:54.58user__speaking of elusive gases, off topic: 0.2mm holes? Wow.
21:58.42*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
22:00.33user__Interesting most of these are not in the mainstream package series
22:05.27user__this would be nice to have, for example. Simple drum machine.
22:07.19user__zz time here, bye
22:15.47*** join/#devuan randomuser1975 (
22:15.56randomuser1975[Devuan 3] [Chmod] Issues with System-Wide Permissions
22:15.56randomuser1975I had run Lynis, a system security hardening script. Following its instructions, I changed the chmod to numerous files to much more secure
22:15.56randomuser1975ones. However, this caused permission errors with both alsa, and libraries. I saught the default permissions to restore my system at the directory root. In doing so, I discovered a script called "FixPermissions" originally posted to the Ubuntu Forums. Running this bricked my system. Looking around, this script apparentky has found its way around the net, bricking other people's systems (haha).
22:15.57randomuser1975I am able to access root only through the Kernel's recovery console. Attatched Image is the permission changes post-script. I have access to fix this, but I have no idea what to do. Please help.
22:20.43randomuser1975Reinstilation is undesirable at this time
22:30.37*** join/#devuan harryruhr (
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22:35.31rwprandomuser1975 did not stay long enough for an answer.  But the permissions displayed in that photo looked okay to me.
22:35.49rwpI am not a fan of those "hardening" scripts.  Maybe at one time those had a purpose.  But now they just break things.
22:36.07rwpBecause if there were a real problem to begin with then it would have gotten fixed in the OS distro already.
22:36.28*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
22:36.43rrqand running a script first, then seek answers how to recover is not always the best order of actions
22:51.18XenguyYeah, when random user whips out the scalpel and commences major surgery with a script, and then something goes wrong... it reminds me of automobile drivers that go out in a blizzard, and then want help getting pushed out of the snow...
22:52.07XenguyWhen I was younger I would help for the fun of it, and but now I just laugh and keep on going  B -D
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23:17.14*** join/#devuan cronolio (~alex@unaffiliated/cronolio)
23:58.38*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)

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