IRC log for #devuan on 20210121

00:06.59DashiePiehow can I use a different java runtime to run a jar?
00:07.13*** join/#devuan telmich_ (~deadghost@2a0a:e5c0:0:2:400:b3ff:fe39:7beb)
00:07.34XenguyYou probably want #java, if it exists
00:08.03DashiePieno one can tell me how to use a different java jdk runtime here? even when I have both 11 and 8 installed?
00:08.56XenguyWTF would I know about java?
00:09.06XenguyThis is a devuan support channel
00:09.26XenguyBut feel free to idle, who knows?
00:24.37gnarfaceDashiePie: i think you just need to set 1 or 2 environment variables, the path to the other java home and maybe something else...
00:25.16DashiePieI was hoping there would be an easier solution, but I don't really know where devuan stores the jdk runtimes
00:25.29rrqDashiePie: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar blah.jar
00:25.49gnarfacethanks, rrq
00:28.57rrqand "dpkg -S bin/X" is often useful to find where a program X got installed
00:30.59DashiePiethank you
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01:47.16Guest60thinking of making an LFS install in the near future, i was thinking of using tcc to compile stuff
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15:12.02KREYRENi have /lib/systemd/system/oxem-node.service how can i run that on devuan?
15:12.06KREYRENopenrc supports these right
15:18.09gnarfaceprobably not, but i don't know
15:18.16gnarfaceyou should be looking for a script in /etc/init.d/
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15:35.00fsmithredmore info:
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15:42.22*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
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16:00.18KREYRENfsmithred, ah i was using thanks ^-^
16:12.08*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
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16:36.54alvHi all !! at what time is the devuan meeting this evening ?
16:37.50masonalv: 2021-01-21 @20:30 UTC
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16:39.15fsmithred3hrs 51min
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16:39.30masonthat too
16:39.32alvwow thanks !!! :D
16:39.42fsmithredstay awake!
16:40.33alvok i'll try hihihihihiihihi....
16:42.23fsmithredI assume you're using the Italian spelling there.
16:43.10masonalv: Do you have the meeting and pad links?
16:43.29alvsend it here
16:44.32fsmithredalv ^^^ pad
16:46.19alvthanks i'm there
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17:38.00KREYREN hehe ^-^
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17:44.02*** join/#devuan mojoman (
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17:53.51mojomanHi all. I’m stumped with a sound problem that I’d thought I see if anyone here could give input on. Running Devuan Beowulf 5.10.0-1-amd64 on an Intel NUC. Analog sound/Mic from the 3,5 mm has suddenly stopped working. I use PuleAudio, has worked liked a charm before with pacucontrol allowing. Now, the HDMI works but not 3,5mm.
17:54.08mojomanI’ve done the obvious stuff, controlled alsamixer and all looks good as far as I can tell. When I have analog output and is playing something, the mixer shows the correct output (e.g. opera) and the bars moving as audio is played. The same regardless ofd source (e.g. VLC, Clementine etc). But no sound. If I switch to HDMI sound works fine. It’s not a hardware issue as everything works on other OS.
17:54.22mojomanHas anyone here experienced anything similar? I starting to suspect vodoo.
17:54.42mojomanAny ideas is appreciated because I'm all out of them.
17:55.36mojomanSorry, my bad, running Chimeara, not beowulf
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18:01.14mojomanI also tried nicking my kids external usb sound card. When I plug that in it shows up, and I can choose that in the mixer. It works fine.
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18:10.02golinuxmojoman: Hey!  Nice to see you here!!
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18:42.23gnarfacemojoman: it worked in beowulf?
18:43.07gnarfacemojoman: first i'd try it without pulseaudio
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19:35.07mojomangoLinux: Hi, nice to see you! :-)
19:35.33mojomanSo, yeah, it worked in Beowulf and it worked earlier in chimeara
19:35.55mojomanI've tried it without pulseaudio but it didn't work then either
19:36.10mojomanRe-installed pulseaudio and it started to work.
19:36.20mojomanAt next boot it had stopped working.
19:36.38mojomanSo I tried a new re-install but this time it didn't work
19:36.55mojomanI see no pattern at all and I'm totally stumped here
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20:05.56ErRandirmaybe the alsactl settings restored at boot conflict with pulseaudio somehow?
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20:18.00mojomanErRandir, Yeah, I suspect it is alsa somehow. Any ideas on how to check it?
20:22.36gnarfaceit should show up in the boot log
20:22.50gnarfacethe call to alsactl store/restore
20:22.57gnarfaceit just goes in a static file
20:23.12gnarfacecalled asound.state or something like that, i forget exactly where
20:24.44gnarfacebut then pulseaudio probably reads that and generates something of it's own elsewhere
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20:37.11AnimaInvictaaccording to alsactl --help, it's in /var/lib/alsa/asound.state, if that helps.
20:37.32mojomanthanks, I just poked around in there
20:37.39mojomaniface CARD
20:38.28mojomanI got a headset jack fron so I'm guessing this is it
20:39.10mojomanBut the weird thing is it show as giving output in the mixer
20:39.10ErRandirchange value to true I guess
20:39.42mojomandirectly in the /var-file?
20:40.30ErRandirsure it's just text. Reload it with 'alsactl restore'.
20:42.31mojomanyeah, I made a copy of it that I edited, I'll try reloading with that specific file
20:43.10ErRandirnormally when you reboot it does 'alsactl store' to get the current settings back after the boot.
20:45.39gnarfacewas there headphones plugged in?
20:45.55gnarfacei've had problems with headphone auto-mute mode not firing reliably
20:45.57mojomanI tried alsactl restore -f newfile
20:46.03mojomanBut that didn't work
20:46.17mojomanyeah, the headphones was plugged in
20:47.33mojomanTried it with alsactl init as well. No go
20:48.21mojomanbut gave following output
20:48.24mojomanalsa-lib parser.c:260:(error_node) UCM is not supported for this HDA model (HDA Intel PCH at 0xc0b20000 irq 147)
20:48.24mojomanalsa-lib main.c:1014:(snd_use_case_mgr_open) error: failed to import hw:0 use case configuration -6
20:48.24mojomanFound hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Realtek ALC233" "HDA:10ec0235,80862074,00100002 HDA:8086280b,80860101,00100000" "0x8086" "0x2074"
20:48.24mojomanHardware is initialized using a generic method
20:48.24mojomanalsa-lib main.c:1014:(snd_use_case_mgr_open) error: failed to import hw:1 use case configuration -2
20:48.26mojomanFound hardware: "USB-Audio" "USB Mixer" "USB1b1c:0a3b" "" ""
20:48.28mojomanHardware is initialized using a generic method
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20:49.25ErRandirso 2 soundcards. Are you sure you're editing the correct settings in alsamixer?
20:49.50jessdid mojoman get correctly or incorrectly kicked for spam
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20:50.21jessi hope it was incorrectly
20:50.27gnarfaceit's just a bot
20:50.30gnarfacewe have problems with spammers
20:50.36gnarfacedon't paste more than 3 lines at once
20:51.02mojomanMy bad, pasted too many lines.
20:51.15jessi'll remove the ban on your other address then
20:51.22gnarfaceif there's USB devices also plugged into the machine, they may not come up in the right order every time, that could explain it sometimes working after reboots
20:51.28rwpThat's a Freenode global bot too as far as I know...
20:51.36mojomanHad to start a vpn to get back in :-)
20:51.50mojomanThanks, appreciate it
20:51.51jess(try to use pastebins instead)
20:54.00mojomananyway, the realtek card is the internal card.
20:54.32mojomanCould be the use case configuration -2 that causes the problem.
20:55.06mojomanI'm going to try to edit the standard conf file, and see if there is any difference on next boot
20:55.54mojomanThanks for the advice.
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