IRC log for #devuan on 20210101

00:03.56bmelois there any bsd-style init out there for debian systems?
00:06.57Guest3ok there are some unmet dependencies for eudev
00:07.55Guest3should i do apt --fix-broken install or keep going by the guide
00:11.28Guest3are these questions easy to answer or something?
00:13.43Xenguy_Guest3: Hang in and idle for awhile; people come and go who can help
00:13.58Xenguy_Not at all
00:14.41Xenguy_It's New Years Eve also, so you may have to practice patience more than usual
00:15.28Guest3that's understandable
00:15.50Guest3is there any way to ensure the pc doesn't go into sleep while i wait?
00:16.39Xenguy_I'm not sure about the errors you're getting, but if it were me I'd just plow ahead and see how far you can get, i.e. let the errors ride if you can
00:17.17Guest3went into xfce power manager to turn display power management off
00:17.23Guest3hopefully that should do it
00:17.30Xenguy_See what you end up with, and if a reinstall is needed, oh well
00:18.16Xenguy_Yeah you found it, it's all largely configured there
00:18.42Guest3reboot just comes up as not found
00:18.48Guest3shutdown -r should work right?
00:19.58Guest3apt-get -f install works, so i guess i'll just install eudev after
00:20.30fsmithredyeah, sometimes you have to repeat the upgrade to get more packages
00:21.50Guest3alright so shutdown, halt, and poweroff do not work
00:21.55fsmithredif you're in buster, you shoul
00:22.07fsmithredI guess you don't know about root's path changes
00:22.10Guest3just says that command isn't found
00:22.16fsmithreddid you do 'su' to get root?
00:22.23fsmithreduse full path
00:22.35fsmithredor use 'su -' to get root
00:23.05fsmithredor put 'ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes' in /etc/default/su
00:23.17fsmithredto get the old behavior
00:23.31Guest3sbin reboot works
00:23.58Guest3unfortunately bc of how the comp is setup i have to go into windows to boot into debian
00:24.54Guest3have not tried loadlin
00:25.18Guest3i installed grub on the linux partition and never fixed it i guess
00:26.53Guest3ok so
00:27.04Guest3should i abort kernel removal?
00:27.16Guest3just did apt-get dist-upgrade
00:28.57fsmithredwhat kernel removal?
00:29.05fsmithredthat should not happen automatically
00:29.30fsmithredyou can keep the old kernel until you're sure the new kernel works
00:29.38Guest3alright i'll probably keep the old kernel then
00:30.23Guest3says that errors were encountered processing the linux 4.19 image
00:30.42Guest3everything else seems ok though
00:31.04Guest3should i purge the systemd libs now?
00:31.16fsmithredautoremove should be safe
00:31.28fsmithredor wait and do it later.
00:31.35fsmithredthe old stuff won't do anything
00:33.03fsmithredif you're sure sysvinit is running, I think it's safe to remove systemd
00:33.08Guest3so apt-get purge also ran into issues,
00:33.15Guest3unmet dependencies
00:33.21fsmithredpurge what?
00:33.28Guest3the systemd stuff
00:33.50fsmithredis elogind installed?
00:33.59Guest3after dist-upgrade
00:34.06fsmithredand libpam-elogind
00:34.13Guest3how do i check? eloginid --version?
00:34.26fsmithreddpkg -l | grep elogind
00:35.01Guest3it's dpkg -l is a lowercase L right?
00:35.11fsmithredit lists installed packages
00:35.14Guest3ok nothing came up
00:35.24fsmithredwhat desktop you got?
00:35.47fsmithredis libpam-systemd still installed?
00:36.26Guest3did the same thing except with grep libpam-systemd
00:36.30Guest3nothing came up
00:36.37Guest3however hostnamectl works
00:36.44Guest3so i'm assuming not all packages are gone
00:37.30fsmithredcat /proc/1/comm
00:37.49Guest3systemd comes up
00:37.52Guest3that's it
00:38.52fsmithredI guess you need to install sysvinit-core
00:39.08Guest3apt install sysvinit-core?
00:39.24fsmithredand then a reboot
00:39.30Guest3ok that didn't work
00:39.38Guest3i'm going to try apt --fix-broken install
00:39.40fsmithredwon't let you install it?
00:40.03Guest3it says Reading state info... done
00:40.13Guest3and then it pulls up the unmet dependencies
00:40.29Guest3which are the 4.19 kernel image, which depends on initramfs
00:40.52fsmithredyou don't need systemd-sysv
00:41.17Guest3what should i do
00:41.22Guest3it's not letting me install stuff
00:41.26fsmithredget debian out of your sources.list
00:41.35fsmithredor sources.list.d/whatever
00:41.42fsmithredthere is no systemd-sysv in devuan
00:42.01Guest3i commented all of the debian stuff out
00:42.11fsmithredand then apt update?
00:42.23Guest3all right so i guess i could do that
00:42.43fsmithredthat updates the package cache so that apt knows what's available
00:43.56Guest3still brings up unmet dependencies
00:51.37fsmithredwhat deps?
00:53.52Guest3the linux image depends on the initramfs-tools, systemd-sysv conflics with sysvinit core, and sysvinit depends on initscripts, sysv-rc/openrc/file-rc, and conflicts with systemd-sysv
00:54.22Guest3one of the sysvinit deps can be met with sysv-rc, openrc or file-rc
00:56.29fsmithredinstall sysv-rc
00:56.41fsmithredmaybe a few others with it
00:57.47fsmithredany progress?
00:57.52Guest3that depends on on innserv and startpar
00:58.12Guest3i guess i'm starting to understand where the term dependency hell comes from
00:58.29fsmithredyeah, and it seems to be getting worse
01:00.52Guest3ok so i tried fix broken install
01:01.24*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
01:02.59Guest3will be back in some time
01:03.06fsmithredok, here's a discussion that may help
01:10.08*** join/#devuan __dutch__ (~DutchIngr@unaffiliated/dutchingraham)
01:11.41Guest3i should reboot?
01:12.02Guest3that seems to be what worked for this person
01:12.26Guest3i believe i've installed wicd
01:13.03Guest3so i'll reboot and try to fix my install
01:14.57Guest3now it's asking to enter a runlevel
01:15.20Guest3because no inittab was found
01:15.36fsmithredthis is a reboot attempt?
01:16.09fsmithredmaybe you can still boot systemd
01:16.27fsmithredpress e at the boot menu
01:16.34fsmithredscroll down to the linux line
01:16.40fsmithredadd the following to that line
01:16.55fsmithredinit=/lib/systemd/... uh-ho
01:16.59fsmithredyou need to look
01:17.06fsmithredis it /lib/systemd/systemd?
01:17.41Guest3i thought it would be a good idea to do level 3 bc it started it normally
01:17.55Guest3but it says no more processes are left at the runlevel
01:18.07Guest3well that was stupid
01:18.12fsmithredyou have runlevel 3 configured specially?
01:18.32fsmithreddoes that file exist or not?
01:18.46fsmithredif so, boot systemd
01:18.54fsmithredotherwise you have to fix it in chroot
01:18.55Guest3can't type anything
01:19.03fsmithredat the boot menu?
01:19.09Guest3i guess
01:19.34fsmithredwhat does it look like?
01:19.39Guest3black screen
01:19.46fsmithredread me some words
01:19.48Guest3it says INIT: version 2.93 booting
01:19.56Guest3INIT: No inittab file found
01:20.00Guest3Enter runlevel:
01:20.01fsmithredyeah, that's not going to work
01:20.02Guest3so i typed 3
01:20.06Guest3and it sas
01:20.16Guest3init: entering runlevel: 3
01:20.17fsmithredand when you get to the boot menu, press e to edit
01:20.23Guest3no  more processes left
01:20.27Guest3and i can't type anything
01:20.27fsmithredyeah, ok
01:20.38fsmithredbecause it can't use sysvinit
01:20.57fsmithredyou must boot systemd
01:21.00Guest3i guess i'll turn the systemoff then
01:21.05Guest3bc i can't type anything
01:21.25fsmithredyeah, power button
01:23.20Guest3ok i'm in grub
01:23.26Guest3it's booting debian
01:23.37Guest3once again it's at the runlevel part
01:23.45fsmithredyou have to tell it to use system
01:23.57fsmithredat the boot menu press e to edit
01:24.03Guest3ok so 6
01:24.19Guest36 is supposed to reboot
01:24.21fsmithreddoes that work?
01:24.30Guest3well it's saying no more processes
01:24.31fsmithredyeah, if you're using sysvinit, 6 is reboot
01:24.36fsmithredbut you are not using sysvinit
01:24.39Guest3i think i am
01:24.40fsmithredor any other init system
01:24.46fsmithredit's dead
01:24.53Guest3because it just says INIT: version 2.93
01:25.07Guest3ah ok
01:25.10Guest3so reinstall then
01:25.11fsmithredyou think it was booting debian becausae you saw a menu that said Debian?
01:25.20fsmithredreboot systemd
01:25.24Guest3i'm trying
01:25.27fsmithredolisten to what I'm telling you to do
01:25.35fsmithreddo you know what the boot menu looks like?
01:25.37Guest3so i should press e in grub then?
01:25.48Guest3god i'm an idiot
01:25.55Guest3i thought i asked that but i guess i never did
01:26.03fsmithrednow with arrow keys, scroll down to the linux line
01:26.15fsmithredand to the end of that line
01:26.28fsmithredand I have to guess the path
01:26.44Guest3one sec i need to boot linux again
01:26.47fsmithredmaybe I don't
01:26.55fsmithredboot what linux?
01:27.11Guest3i need to go into windows uefi boot to do this
01:27.39Guest3ok it's starting
01:27.58Guest3at linux line
01:28.16Guest3the /boot/vmlinuz-4.19 line
01:28.46Guest3the top part says setparams 'Debian GNU/Linux'
01:29.21fsmithredscroll down to the line that starts wtih linux
01:29.27Guest3i'm tere
01:29.30Guest3what do i do
01:29.34fsmithredend of the line, type
01:29.58fsmithredthen press ctrl-x
01:30.20Guest3ok so everytime i type a forward slash a backslash accompanies it
01:30.40fsmithredonly when the line wraps, I hope
01:31.06Guest3so ctrl+x then
01:33.19*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
01:33.34Guest3so uh
01:33.43Guest3now i'm in emergency mode
01:33.45Guest3for systemd
01:33.59fsmithredit booted?
01:34.09fsmithredyou're at a command prompt?
01:34.26Guest3now it says give root password for maintenance
01:34.31Guest3or control d to continue
01:35.29Guest3but yeah i guess it did boot in emergency mode
01:35.35Guest3if that counts
01:35.38fsmithredgive root password
01:35.59Guest3i'm in a shell
01:36.05fsmithredlook in /boot and make sure there's initrd.img-<version> to match the running kernel
01:36.12fsmithreduname -r
01:36.17fsmithredto see the kernel version
01:36.20Guest3seems like there is
01:36.40Guest3same as the kernel
01:36.47fsmithredok, that's good
01:37.41fsmithredyou probably don't have internet connection
01:38.12Guest3should i do a connection test?
01:38.47Guest3tried, said ping: name or service not known
01:39.01fsmithredtry the numbers
01:39.09Guest38.8.8.8 says network is unreachable
01:39.14Guest3i think you're right about networks
01:39.43fsmithredI don't know how to get to multi-user graphical whatever they call it with systemd
01:40.08Guest3it failed to raise network interfaces
01:40.11Guest3that might be impossible
01:40.30fsmithredyou're in rescue mode or equivalent of runlevel 1
01:40.37fsmithredbut systemd does not have runlevels
01:40.39fsmithredit has targets
01:40.43fsmithredand I have no arrows
01:40.52Guest3ah ok
01:41.00fsmithredhow to change
01:41.03Guest3so it says target network is reached
01:41.09Guest3target network is online
01:41.12fsmithredoh, cool
01:41.22fsmithreddid you do something to connect?
01:41.24Guest3network time synchronization
01:41.29Guest3and system time synchronized
01:41.37Guest3this is just the systemd boot thing that comes up
01:41.51fsmithredip a
01:42.06fsmithredlook for an ip address on your interface
01:42.14fsmithredeth0 or enpsxxxxx
01:42.45Guest3shows up for lo
01:42.54fsmithredyeah, that's localhost. you.
01:43.01Guest3i can't see anything for eno2
01:43.12fsmithreddhclient eno2
01:43.20fsmithredthat's really the interface name?
01:43.42Guest3nothing came up for dhclient eno2
01:44.04fsmithredno error?
01:44.07fsmithredip a
01:44.27Guest3this time an ip came up
01:44.40fsmithredthat means you can continue with the upgrade
01:44.49fsmithredif only we knew what commands to use
01:45.08fsmithredwill show you what commands you used before
01:45.14fsmithredmight help to reorient you
01:45.36Guest3yeah ik that, so i should just continue with the migration?
01:45.48fsmithredtry it
01:45.50fsmithredI would
01:46.11fsmithredactually, I would be pretty angry if I were in your position
01:46.24fsmithredand I'm pretty angry right here in mine
01:47.09Guest3this isn't the first time i've had issues
01:47.22Guest3debian unstable screwed up for some reason
01:47.29Guest3probably bc i didn't use a minimal netinst
01:47.51Guest3maybe if i retry with a minimal netinst it'll not screw up as badly?
01:47.57Guest3i'm not sure
01:48.11Guest3anyways i guess it's a good time to mention the livecd image i used
01:48.29Guest3it was one of the ones that came preinstalled with a DE(xfce in my case)
01:49.13Guest3so it took up a lot more than the netinst(i think the netinst was a couple hundred mb, the one i used this time took at least 2 gb)
01:49.43fsmithredyeah, the full system is in the iso
01:49.58Guest3i'm mentioning this bc the debian wiki says that minimal isos are better for upgrading to testing or unstable
01:50.02fsmithredyou end up with about the same amount on the hard disk after install
01:50.19fsmithredoh, this was a new buster install?
01:50.30Guest3yeah more or less
01:50.41Guest3i installed, i think i installed git
01:50.49Guest3and that was kind of all i've done with this specific install
01:50.51fsmithredthat's the hard way to get devuan
01:51.06fsmithredeasier to start with a devuan iso
01:51.44fsmithredthe advice about netinstall is probably for upgrading to the testing suite when there are no isos for it.
01:52.02fsmithreddo a minimal install, then upgrade, then add the rest of what you want.
01:52.09fsmithredrather than upgrade a full system
01:52.51Guest3ah ic
01:53.43fsmithredthere are netinstall isos on that page
01:53.58Guest3i can live-test this right?
01:54.12fsmithredlive iso are up one level and over
01:54.56fsmithredYou can install from the live isos, but it's a different installer (refractainstaller)
01:55.10Guest3have you used both?
01:55.15fsmithredalso, the live isos have nonfree firmware installed so you can test wireless
01:55.34fsmithredlol,yeah, I've used them more times than I care to think about
01:55.43fsmithredI make the live isos, and I help test all of them
01:55.56Guest3i think the computer uses ethernet
01:56.10fsmithredgood. that works better.
01:56.58Guest3i'll try that then tomorrow
01:57.48fsmithredI think that will be easier than sorting out the migration
01:58.36Guest3well thank you for putting up with me
01:58.45Guest3and thank you for all the help
02:10.18*** join/#devuan Guest3 (442a443f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:15.45*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
02:59.55*** join/#devuan plasma41 (~plasma41@
03:06.48DashiePiehey, if I want newer stuff for Beowulf, what do I put in sources.list for backports?
03:07.06*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
03:07.35*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
03:11.15*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
03:17.05gnarfaceDashiePie: deb beowulf-backports main contrib non-free
03:17.35DashiePieokay, thanks
03:19.04*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@
03:31.57*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
03:41.46*** join/#devuan cronolio (~alex@unaffiliated/cronolio)
04:04.32*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
04:09.23Xenguy_Looks like wicd has been removed from Debian, pending Upstream's effort to port from Python2 to Python3...
04:10.11Xenguy_The current maintainer intends to bring it back, once Upstream is finished porting, which apparently won't be next Tuesday after lunch
04:12.20Xenguy_Work in progress
04:13.26*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
04:14.02Xenguy_Looks like I have to install Network Manager, or hack at wpa-supplicant.  Anyone use the latter?
04:23.16*** join/#devuan metalune[m] (metalunema@gateway/shell/
04:24.11metalune[m]I've been thinking about trying out devuan, because I switched from artix to debian (searching for a more stable system do to my work on) but I miss runit
04:24.26metalune[m]but I am unsure about how stable devuan is
04:27.59Xenguy_Devuan is Debian with some omissions I think
04:28.28Xenguy_So if you consider Debian stable, then I would say Devuan must needs be also
04:29.30Xenguy_I've used both over the years, and I see no real difference (besides the obvious systemd)
04:31.42metalune[m]hum.. because I had tons of problems with setting up pulseaudio myself and also with SDL (on artix) and I don't wanna re-encounter that in devuan if possible
04:32.54Xenguy_For me, audio (with PA) just works.  Beowulf required me to comment out 1 line in a PA file, and it was well documented in the Release Notes
04:33.22Xenguy_What is your hardware?  And did it work on Debian?
04:34.13metalune[m]It works flawlessly on debian
04:34.18metalune[m]and hardware wise... I have no idea
04:34.25metalune[m]I just use a ThinkPad x230
04:34.34metalune[m]there are usually no compatibility problems with i t
04:34.34Xenguy_So if you are installing Devuan on the same hardware, it should work also
04:34.47metalune[m]I will give it a try then
04:34.55Xenguy_Oh yeah, that should be no problem, I run the same thinkpad issue here
04:35.58metalune[m]thinkpad issue?
04:35.59Xenguy_Say, got any good X230 batteries to sell?  ; -)
04:36.07metalune[m]heh, no, sorry
04:36.10metalune[m]I need mine
04:36.14Xenguy_I just mean I run Thinkpads also
04:36.20metalune[m]I love this laptop
04:36.57Xenguy_I have an X220, and I love it the same way, but it's costing me money lately.  Any OT I suppose.
04:37.27Xenguy_There is #devuan-offtopic for that
04:38.40metalune[m]I am on there too
04:44.46*** part/#devuan miscalculated (miscalcula@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-yqnefliszoidjyqa)
05:01.17metalune[m]why is the devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64_desktop.iso 3.6GB large??
05:01.23metalune[m]what the hell is in that thing
05:04.06Xenguy_I always use the netinst ISO
05:05.19metalune[m]can't even consider that with my shitty internet
05:05.44metalune[m]I'm gonna go to bed now
05:05.49metalune[m]it's 6AM and I was up all night long
05:05.57Xenguy_HNY then
05:06.21metalune[m]ty ditto
05:06.36metalune[m]I'll tell you how it went after I dual-boot devuan in the morning
05:08.01DashiePiefsmithred: 'scuse me, but I have a question about my upgrade to Chimaera
05:11.32DashiePieor if anyone else can help me understand why this is happening... so, I did apt upgrade, and it's telling me that it wants to switch "user irc's directory from /var/run/ircd to /run/ircd"
05:12.09DashiePieI'm just unsure why this popped up?
05:18.28fsmithredbecause some package changed that dir. Say yes.
05:21.04Xenguy_HNY fsmithred
05:23.27DashiePiethanks, fsmith
05:24.19*** join/#devuan miscalculated (miscalcula@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-wyayhykgajqwsyxp)
05:43.02*** join/#devuan JackFrost (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
05:43.16*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:48.06*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
06:10.19*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
07:24.26*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
09:00.39*** join/#devuan dashie_ (
09:01.12dashie_I'm in irssi right now, trying to figure out why X is being stubborn
09:01.58dashie_specifically, I just upgraded, mostly, from Beowulf to Chimaera, and now X's auth portion is telling me that the MIT MAGIC COOKIE is invalid
09:02.28dashie_I'm using MATE as well
09:23.58*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
09:34.39*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc09:1900:20ef:d07a:a842:12b6)
09:46.39*** join/#devuan unixbsd (openbsdtai@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-aphyogwmouyqioig)
09:46.42unixbsdHappy New Year, Best wishes for 2021!
09:50.58*** join/#devuan dashie_ (
10:01.24*** join/#devuan dashie_ (
10:01.41dashie_anyone here?
10:19.43metalune[m]I am here
10:20.06dashie_oh, good
10:20.25dashie_so, I upgraded to Chimaera, and X stopped authenticating me
10:20.59dashie_my latest discovery, with the help of my dear friend, seems to have revealed that MATE can't find /etc/securetty
10:22.18*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
10:23.01berntehappy new year everyone
10:23.25dashie_can anyone help me? at all?
10:29.14metalune[m]uhm... I am not on devuan yet
10:29.20metalune[m]kinda new here myself
10:29.58dashie_I don't expect miracles, it's okay
10:30.27metalune[m]maybe go to #devuan-dev
10:30.47metalune[m]I think it's likely that you'll be able to get in contact with a dev there
10:40.04*** join/#devuan manopola (~manopola@gateway/tor-sasl/manopola)
10:55.28unixbsdWould *Java* be into the base cacerts?
11:07.35dashie_I think I found out why
11:07.43dashie_MATE was pretty much gutted
11:08.08dashie_unsure why
11:08.16unixbsdwhat do you mean by gutted?
11:08.19unixbsdI use evilwm ;)
11:08.47dashie_I mean when I upgraded, it removed a lot of MATE's packages
11:09.07dashie_when I autoremoved the rest of the packages, it was way less than the 223 it wanted to install
11:09.21dashie_30 or so vs 223
11:09.47dashie_and I have zero idea why
11:10.13dashie_I mean, zero idea why it didn't reinstall all those packages it was apparently missing
11:10.22unixbsdit can happen with upgrading, this is why, I usually debootstrap, and apt-get on clean /target, then put on another partition.
11:10.53dashie_if I reboot to a nice, clean desktop, I'll be happy
11:11.07dashie_the past 6 hours have been torture
11:11.14dashie_and tiring
11:12.08dashie_there were three packages that weren't ever updated, though
11:12.38dashie_all three of them are python2, but the dependents that are keeping them from upgrading are python?
11:12.44unixbsdI use an evilish script/c to create a new system within max. 5 min. on my own devuan apache2 server. this crap C code allows to install devuan in max. 5 min with own server:
11:12.46dashie_like, python 1
11:16.21dashie_brb, rebooting
11:16.31unixbsdgood luck
11:19.29*** join/#devuan dashie_ (
11:19.34dashie_aaaaaaaaaa, it didn't work
11:21.19unixbsddid you missed lib/modules? does it has a kernel... log? you can show us if you arent scared or dmesg... : cd / ; find -iname "*" | nc 9999  (<-- dangerous)
11:21.54dashie_as far as I can tell, it's not authenticating me in VT7, only VT1-6
11:22.24dashie_I'm stuck in the VTs
11:22.37dashie_command line*
11:22.46unixbsdah, it may no start X11.
11:23.03dashie_VT7 comes up, allows me to input my login
11:23.06unixbsdmaybe apt-get install slim and add legacy to help a bit:  apt-get install -y    xserver-xorg-legacy
11:23.55dashie_it says it fails to... hang on
11:24.04dashie_failed to start session
11:24.30unixbsdnormally "slim" is pretty ok to start X11 as login manager.
11:24.44unixbsdwhat about "   startx -- :2  " ?
11:24.52dashie_once I input my login, I have to click the login button again to even get that error message
11:25.11unixbsdis .xsession in $USER missing?
11:25.29dashie_I'm tired and also dumb
11:25.31unixbsdecho xterm > .xsession     <-- and try to login with slim
11:27.26dashie_I need sleep
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11:33.11unixbsdOn my intel N3050, supertuxkart on devuan ascii - tested on amd64 and i386 pae, gives for both: segmentation fault.
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16:36.35dashie_what's the command to fix broken packages with apt?
16:37.53fsmithredapt -f install
16:38.54dashie_well that's not good, it didn't find any broken packages
16:40.07dashie_okay, so here's the problem, VT7 refuses to load into MATE, I try to login, it blinks to a black screen, one of the other VTs, and then it says "failed to load session" or something similar
16:40.26dashie_I just upgraded to Chimaera last night, and this is the result
16:41.04dashie_if it's relevant, there are 3 packages still held back, all related to python2, and python1 seems to be what's preventing them from updating
16:41.42n4dirYou start the GUI session with startx?
16:42.49dashie_well, I just did, and it looks like a bunch of stuff is missing
16:43.39fsmithredstuff in mate is missing?
16:43.43fsmithredyou got to desktop?
16:44.10dashie_I tried startx in VT3, and it loaded, just not with everything intact
16:44.28dashie_some options are missing from the system dropdown, not all of my programs are showing up
16:44.39dashie_my wallpaper isn't loaded
16:44.55fsmithredcreate a new user, log in as that user and see if the desktop looks complete
16:45.09dashie_okay, what's the command to do that?
16:45.17fsmithredas root or with sudo
16:45.26dashie_not what I meant
16:45.27fsmithredadduser fred
16:46.00dashie_how do I stop the X session in VT3?
16:46.19fsmithredlog out of it?
16:46.29n4dirdisplay-manager involved? if yes: /etc/init.d/name_of stop.
16:46.40n4dirBut i think startx will then start the display-manager again.
16:46.58fsmithredno, it won't
16:47.07fsmithredit'll just start the desktop
16:47.16n4dirages ago i had a display-manager.
16:47.26fsmithredages ago I did not
16:47.50dashie_it seems frozen now
16:48.00dashie_nope, it shut down
16:48.11dashie_what does it mean by "room number"?
16:48.16fsmithredwhat graphics card you got?
16:48.28dashie_hd 7770 vapor-x from sapphire
16:48.29fsmithredyou can ignore those personal fields
16:48.37dashie_just enter through them?
16:48.52fsmithredI even leave real name blank
16:49.14dashie_didn't do anything, no dice
16:49.23fsmithredis firmware-amd-graphics installed?
16:49.39fsmithredyou saying no desktop with the new user?
16:49.54dashie_yes, it's installed
16:49.59dashie_same error with new user
16:50.44fsmithredis task-mate-desktop installed?
16:50.53n4dirnow try a  WindowManager.
16:50.54dashie_yes, I did purge it, but I reinstalled it
16:50.55fsmithredor desktop-base?
16:51.02dashie_desktop-base unsure about
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16:51.11fsmithredthose probably aren't ready in chimaera
16:51.18fsmithredI'm sure desktop-base isn't ready
16:51.19dashie_desktop-base installed
16:51.45fsmithredbut that probably wouldn't cause a problem
16:51.56fsmithredthere's not really anything in it for mate
16:52.23fsmithredthe task-desktop package might cause problems due to dependencies
16:52.34dashie_it didn't seem to
16:52.50fsmithredtry dist-upgrade again, I guess
16:52.57fsmithredsee if you can get the missing packages
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16:53.47dashie_now it's trying to remove 6 packages,
16:54.13dashie_a bunch of python ones, python, python-pygame, python-numpy
16:54.29dashie_python-olefile, python-pathlib
16:54.32fsmithredmaybe try 'aptitude full-upgrade' and see what other options it offers you
16:55.52dashie_it wants to remove one more file, as well as leave a couple dependencies unresolved
16:55.55fsmithredI don't see either python-numpy or python-pygame in chimaera
16:56.05fsmithreddidn't check the others
16:56.29dashie_it wants to remove libpython-stdlib, I think it was called
16:56.33fsmithredthere is python-pygame in ceres
16:56.42fsmithredso it will probably move into chimaera
16:56.57dashie_I think I needed them for one of my games
16:57.00dashie_don't remember
16:58.13fsmithredinteresting. I don't see libpython-stdlib in chimaera or ceres, but I have it installed, and it's a newer version than the one in beowulf
16:58.23fsmithredwelcome to the joys of running a testing system
16:58.37dashie_yeah, it's complaining about versions is why python 2 was held back
16:59.09fsmithredyou might need to add ceres to sources.list and pin it to a lower priority
16:59.48fsmithredthen you can selectively pull fixes from ceres
16:59.53n4dirif you don't you might just as well remove the testing lines from sources.list, don't you?
17:00.12fsmithredyeah, if you don't pin it, you'll upgrade to ceres
17:00.40fsmithredthen you not only get the fixes earlier, you get the breakage earlier, too
17:01.08dashie_how would I pin it in sources.list?
17:01.10n4dirthe opinions if it is better to run testing, mixed testing-unstable or unstable differ quite a bit. I am in favor of the latter
17:01.30dashie_and is that what you recommend?
17:01.47fsmithredcreate a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d/
17:01.52fsmithredcall it whatever you want
17:01.59fsmithredthree lines
17:02.34fsmithredPackage: *
17:02.35fsmithredPin: release n=ceres
17:02.35fsmithredPin-Priority: 50
17:02.52dashie_thankfully not a lot of typing, I can't exactly copy paste
17:02.59fsmithredyou could make it 100 instead of 50
17:03.27n4dirdashie_: i'd say that testing-unstable testing set to Default, aka pinning, is the most healthy way. Pure unstable is less fiddling, but more risk of breakage.
17:03.31n4dirAPT::Default-Release "testing";
17:03.36dashie_what does pin-priority do?
17:03.56n4dirthat in /etc/apt/apt.conf ; would work too, set "testing" accordingly (ceres? I wouldn't know)
17:04.31n4dirless typing, more i didn't say
17:04.40fsmithredpin-priority determines whether/when packages get installed or upgraded from that repo
17:04.44fsmithred500 is default
17:05.00fsmithredif you don't pin ceres, then any installed packages will get upgraded to ceres
17:05.16fsmithredpin it to less than 500 and you have to specify that you want to install from ceres
17:05.26fsmithredapt -t ceres install python-pygame
17:05.53fsmithredset ceres to 100 and the packages from ceres will be upgraded whenever you upgrade
17:06.04fsmithredless than 100 and they will only upgrade when you say so
17:06.44fsmithredsee man apt_preferences for full explanation of pinning
17:07.48fsmithredreading it now, maybe the 50 should be 1
17:08.28dashie_it comes up with an error
17:08.36n4diri got it set to 100 and that seems to work too.
17:08.51dashie_it basically says "that's not a source
17:09.11dashie_oh, I forgot to add it to my sources.list
17:09.16dashie_cause I am dumb
17:09.30n4dirwell, in the middle of a fight it happens to everyone, i guess
17:09.37n4diror i am dumb too, fine with that
17:10.01fsmithredset to 100 and any installed packages from ceres will get automatic upgrades
17:10.01dashie_yep, I'm fighting my computer... and losing terribly
17:10.22fsmithredyou have to swear at it, really bad stuff
17:10.30fsmithredthe worst you can think of
17:10.55dashie_it's the same everything as Chimaera, just Ceres instead?
17:11.12dashie_should I use main contrib and non-free?
17:11.28dashie_considering I have to manually install anything from there anyway
17:12.00n4dirI think once you installed a package with -t ; then it will get the according upgrades. So not really "manually"
17:12.20n4dircontrib and non-free depends if you need them.
17:12.24dashie_I have it set to priority 50
17:12.39fsmithredyou need it for firmware-amd-graphics
17:13.02n4dirAnd Sid and Ceres only have the "main" line, not security or such
17:13.44fsmithredthanks, you just reminded me that I need those lines commented out in the isos I'm making today
17:13.48dashie_I really think I'll just stick to what's in Chimaera
17:14.00dashie_you're welcome
17:14.08dashie_I'm glad my misfortune has helped someone
17:14.21dashie_not being sarcastic, but I'm still salty about it
17:14.23fsmithredyeah, if you have a problem, then you can see if there's a fix in ceres
17:14.24n4dirgood choice too. Adding sid is only useful as sometimes packages are "held", and a problem in testing can't be quickly fixed.
17:14.44n4diri don't think that happens all the time. It can happen.
17:15.34n4dirdashie_: Is the actual problem that you have no working GUI? Mate, that is? If so, install something working (or test if something else works). Then you got a GUI to troubleshoot more
17:15.38n4dirjust a proposal
17:15.46dashie_and yet again, I forgot to do apt update
17:15.55dashie_and I do have a gui, I just can't log in
17:16.09n4diryeah, i meant a working one
17:17.05n4dirwhich always can be the display-manager, which is the first thing i would move out of the way (for the troubleshooting)
17:17.46fsmithredyou still have policykit-1 and policykit-1-gnome installed?
17:18.03fsmithredelogind and libpam-elogind also
17:18.04dashie_will check
17:18.12fsmithredI need to go make lunch
17:18.33fsmithredI'll be back in about 20 minutes
17:18.59dashie_how do I search installed packages?
17:19.05dashie_because I'm dumb
17:19.18fsmithreddpkg -l |grep <pattern>
17:19.56dashie_policykit packages are installed
17:20.25dashie_yep, it's all installed
17:32.10dashie_n4dir: by the way, I think it has something to do with authentication, from some of the logs I've looked through, it says it's failed to authenticate the session
17:32.22dashie_not me, just the session
17:33.52n4dirThere is a lot of if and when and then (which softeware, so on).
17:33.59n4dirStill: you use a display-manager
17:34.14n4dirThe other thing: ages ago i had problems with the file ~/.Xauthority
17:34.39dashie_I use MATE, and that's all I know
17:34.41n4diri removed it, and the problem was solved. remove might mean: mv ~/.Xauthority ~/Xauthority_Backup
17:34.58dashie_my friend actually had me try that
17:35.00dashie_no dics
17:35.00n4dirthe thing before you see Mate itself. The login screen. Where you enter username and passwd
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17:35.20dashie_what about it is supposed to tip me off?
17:35.52n4dirYou got such a login screen? Which most call display-manger?
17:36.03dashie_uh, yeah, I get a login screen
17:36.42n4dirGood. So, first test, i would install a small WM, say "apt-get install fluxbox", and choose that from the display-manager
17:36.53n4dirCheck if that works. If it does, the problem is within Mate
17:37.14n4dirIf it doesn't, stop the display-manager, say /etc/init.d/name-of stop; then use startx to start X
17:37.31n4dirIf that fails too, then i ran out of ideas. You already tested a different user above, iirc
17:37.40dashie_it had two options by default, actually
17:37.52dashie_"default X session" was the other
17:37.54dashie_for some reason
17:38.17dashie_I tried that, unintentionally, if that matters
17:38.29n4dirThen there are log file. ~/.xsession-errors , or similar
17:38.39xinomilonever had issues with MATE, do you have elogind+lightdm installed along MATE?
17:39.08xinomiloi think slim DM had some issues, but never really used it tbh.
17:39.29dashie_I have elogind and lightdm
17:39.36dashie_I actually purged and reinstalled lightdm
17:39.42dashie_along with the entire MATE desktop
17:39.58dashie_to try to fix this
17:41.04xinomilotry n4dir suggestions
17:42.15xinomiloinstall a different WM/DE , check ~/.xsession-errors, auth/syslog/xorg logs..
17:42.31xinomilothere should be a hint someplace
17:43.02dashie_for some reason, the authentication "conversation" is failing
17:43.44dashie_it seems like it's looking for systemd components
17:44.12dashie_it also hasn't created /etc/securetty
17:45.41dashie_gkr-pam says it can't find the daemon it wants
17:47.53fsmithredinstalling on hardware or is this a VM?
17:49.22xinomilogkr-pam could be missing `libpam-gnome-keyring`
17:49.27xinomilonot sure
17:50.26dashie_it's installed
17:50.41dashie_I've never seen anything fuck me over this hard
17:51.34dashie_I gotta help cook
17:52.17n4dirisn't there a contradiction between the last sentence and the one before that? ha ha . Sorry, i couldn't resist
18:15.30dashie_oh so true, but I'm back now
18:16.43dashie_has anyone come up with why this is happening?
18:19.14dashie_that's not a good sign
18:26.17djphwhy what is happening?
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18:27.55dashie__I apologize, fsmith, I don't know how to use irssi either
18:28.03dashie__I do have libpam elogind
18:28.16fsmithredok, anything in ~/.xsession-errors?
18:28.42fsmithredor /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
18:29.02fsmithredlook for lines starting with EE in the Xorg log
18:29.04dashie__from xsession-erros I think
18:29.35dashie__lightdm gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
18:29.38dashie__something like that
18:30.23n4dirthere is a mouse for TTY. But before that is figured out the actual problem is probably solved
18:31.51fsmithredI can't find a package or file named gkr-pam
18:32.40dashie__it's something lightdm is trying to do
18:33.01fsmithredyou have this version of lightdm? 1.26.0-7+devuan1
18:33.09dashie__no errors in Xorg.0.log
18:33.38dashie__yes, that version
18:34.30fsmithreddpkg -l | egrep "policykit|polkit|consolekit|elogind|libpam" > kits
18:34.40fsmithrednc 9999 < kits
18:34.45fsmithredthen give me the link
18:36.11systemdletewas trying to search back...
18:36.18systemdleteis red-faced
18:36.37dashie__I just did that in /root by accident, should I put it somewhere else/
18:36.48dashie__I can cd real quick, I just need to know
18:36.48fsmithredno, it doesn't matter
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18:38.40systemdleteI've been able to implement cgroups for limiting ram usage.  It does seem to be working.  Just following up on this issue.   Configuring cgroups is simple, but only after much searching for clues.
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18:39.03dashie__I just quit and restarted irssi to get out of that
18:39.11dashie__I wish I knew how to control this client
18:39.26dashie__did you recieve the termbin, fsmith?
18:39.41systemdleteSo now I no longer have run-away firefox sessions eating up all my memory.  Eventually, it does crash, just as predicted.  But that is preferable over hanging the entire system and having to reboot, etc.
18:39.59fsmithredthat looks ok
18:40.27fsmithreddid you try a plain window manager?
18:40.28systemdleteI still can't wait for my new TV to arrive from Newegg.  Wish I had ordered it from Walmart, they would have gotten it here much faster.  But oh well.  So I read books instead.  Probably better anyway.
18:40.42dashie__a plain window manager?
18:40.47dashie__like what n4dir suggested?
18:40.48fsmithredinstall jwm then try 'startx /usr/bin/jwm'
18:40.58fsmithredI think that command is right
18:41.33systemdleteNEW TOPIC.   Does anyone know of an add-on for firefox that creates a log of network traffic, noting the web pages and javascripts, ip addresses, etc?   I know how to use the web developer tools, but that's not what I am looking for.
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18:42.00systemdleteI want to generate a log which I can run a script over later on to pull out various information.
18:42.02fsmithrednot ff addon, but iptraf will do that
18:42.13fsmithrednot sure about saving it to a log. I think it's possible.
18:42.29systemdletefsmithred:  THanks.  Will it note which javascript the traffic originated from?
18:42.36dashie__the only thing it loaded with is a taskbar at the bottom
18:43.09fsmithredno, just addresses
18:43.20fsmithredwhat? jwm?
18:43.27fsmithredyeah, that is correct
18:43.38fsmithredthere's a menu in there to start apps or open a terminal
18:43.59fsmithredas user, in your home dir
18:44.09fsmithredmv .config config.old
18:44.12fsmithredlog out log in
18:44.47fsmithredthat's the same as making a new user, which you already did
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18:45.58dashie__jwm outputted to Xorg.1.log, checking it out now
18:47.00n4dirdidn't i warn you people 2021 will get bad. What lousy problems to start a new year. But i think we are close
18:47.13dashie__everything is fine
18:47.29dashie__that log looks pristine
18:47.37fsmithredmaybe check the mate startup apps to see if things got turned off
18:47.51fsmithredassuming no mate packages are missing
18:48.12dashie__I just startx'd AND MATE LOADED
18:48.17dashie__it loaded my wallpaper, all my stuff
18:48.51dashie__I used startx in VT5 and it loaded my wallpaper and files
18:48.57dashie__I see all my emulators and everything
18:49.06dashie__except for the network thing
18:49.10dashie__in the top right taskbar
18:49.14fsmithredsoyou should be able to log out and then get in through lightdm
18:49.32fsmithredoh, you probably didn't replace wicd
18:49.48dashie__I'm on wired
18:49.50dashie__do I need it?
18:49.55fsmithredmake sure wicd is all gone and install
18:49.57fsmithredoh, maybe not
18:50.08dashie__if it's just for wifi, I don't need it
18:50.14fsmithredyou probably need something in /etc/network/interfaces
18:50.41dashie__it's loading power manager, pulseaudio, and the keyring
18:51.03fsmithredthis is with lightdm now?
18:51.21fsmithredsounds like it might be fixed
18:51.26dashie__I mean
18:51.30dashie__it's the display manager
18:51.33dashie__the login screen
18:51.36dashie__it won't let me log in there
18:51.41dashie__but it works in VT5?
18:52.06fsmithredsame version of lightdm that I'm using in chimaera on my laptop
18:52.08fsmithredwith xfce
18:52.16fsmithredwhich I upgraded from beowulf
18:52.27dashie__it's definitely just the login screen
18:53.22dashie__I don't understand at all
18:54.16fsmithredgot a command prompt?
18:54.24dashie__I can get terminal and root both
18:54.49dashie__at your command, sir
18:55.11fsmithredcat /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/01_debian.conf
18:55.20fsmithredlook at xserver-share
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18:55.26fsmithredis it true or false?
18:56.02dashie__xserver-share is FALSE
18:56.31fsmithredok, check /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to see that the same thing is commented or false
18:57.45fsmithredit'll be the second instance of xserver-share in lightdm.conf
18:57.52dashie__okay, looking now
18:57.53fsmithredfirst one is just part of the instructions
18:58.45dashie__it's true
18:58.53dashie__it's commented out, though I think?
18:59.02fsmithredstarts with #
18:59.04dashie__yeah, it's #xserver-share = true
18:59.15fsmithredok, try uncommenting that line
18:59.19fsmithredand restart lightdm
18:59.23fsmithredsee if it fixes it
18:59.32dashie__under seat*?
18:59.33fsmithredthat's something that was changed in recent version
19:00.00fsmithredthe one that has no space between the = and the words around it
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19:00.49fsmithredyeah, in the seat section
19:00.53dashie__no, that didn't fix it
19:01.16dashie__still getting failed session error on login screen
19:01.33dashie__should I comment that back out/
19:03.17dashie__I find it weird that the login screen is what's causing so much pain
19:04.20n4diri find it weird that people keep it installed :-)
19:05.01fsmithredwell, without it you can't shutdown or reboot from the desktop unless you do some fiddling with it
19:05.30n4diri think i can
19:05.47n4dirbut usually i do it from the terminal. and usually i don't use xfce
19:05.49dashie__you can fiddle with it? that's great
19:05.58dashie__I'm dumb and can't do that
19:06.30dashie__am I cool to use the x session in vt5 until we've found out why it won't me log in on vt7?
19:06.33fsmithredwhen I use a window manager, I usually configure sudo with no password for my user to shutdown and reboot
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19:06.50fsmithredyou could try a different login manager
19:06.58fsmithredslim or lxdm
19:07.25fsmithredbut none is ok, too
19:07.54dashie__I mean, it's just me on this computer, but I have two users for real use
19:08.01dashie__mine, and a mangos user to run my wow server
19:09.06fsmithredas soon as I clear some hard drive space, I'll copy my beowulf mate VM and then upgrade it to chimaera
19:09.20dashie__you may not get the same results as me
19:09.26fsmithredyeah, I know
19:09.49dashie__though, it was mostly stock, I did have some python stuff for that game I mentioned
19:09.55dashie__well, anyway
19:10.07dashie__uhm, am I free to use the session in VT5 without worry?
19:10.28dashie__or should I stop the login manager and use vt7?
19:11.46fsmithredI would stop the login manager and use vt1 because that's where I would be after booting up
19:12.25dashie__I just wanna watch some youtube videos
19:13.54dashie__I guess I'm cool to just use my desktop in vt5?
19:14.07dashie__okay, thanks
19:14.08fsmithreddoesn't have to be 5
19:14.21fsmithredany one you choose
19:17.35*** join/#devuan DashiePie (
19:17.41DashiePieoh sweet gui
19:17.51DashiePieI can finally eat and sleep soundly
19:18.16DashiePiethanks to all of you who've helped me get to this point
19:19.08n4dirupgrade to unstable, then we can have fun tomorrow again :-)
19:19.36n4dirkidding aside: glad this is solved. congrats
19:21.20xinomilosid/ceres is not what it used to be.. could just be called stable-proposed-backports :D
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19:25.14brocashelmyeah, sid is hardly living up to its name these days
19:25.31brocashelmmay as well just call it arch linux with apt
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20:11.24DashiePieI can't play youtube videos
20:13.13DashiePieor webms
20:13.55DashiePieit just breaks the page and says "error 256" and suggests restarting my stuff
20:14.26DashiePiedoesn't happen with just images
20:15.08DashiePieso much for usable :c
20:15.29fsmithredin the middle of upgrading here
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20:34.53DashiePieI think it has something to do with pepperflash now
20:35.45fsmithredsorry I could not reproduce your error
20:35.59fsmithredI just had one of the smoothest upgrades I've ever done
20:36.28fsmithredthis was a recent netinstall with speech synth (it reads to me)
20:36.44fsmithredorca was not working in lightdm or mate
20:36.51fsmithredafter the upgrade, it works
20:37.16DashiePieI'm a magnet for disaster
20:37.21DashiePieI'm that disaster kid meme
20:37.45fsmithredwell, if we can figure out what breaks, we should keep you around for QC
20:38.13fsmithredI can't think of all the ways people can break stuff, so any help is appreciated.
20:38.44fsmithredto be fair, I've seen a number of upgrades and migrations go badly
20:38.50DashiePieah shit, I just reinstalled pepperflash
20:38.55DashiePieit did nothing
20:39.07fsmithredwell, are you sure it's the same version you had before?
20:39.24fsmithredflash died yesterday
20:39.27fsmithredgive it up
20:40.53DashiePiereally wish they hadn't killed it
20:41.13DashiePieit doesn't even have anything to do with pepperflash
20:41.22DashiePiehow can I diagnose this?
20:42.45DashiePiehow do I run chromium in terminal?
20:43.05masonDashiePie: Just type "chromium"
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20:44.17brocashelmi just use mpv/youtube-dl for youtube videos
20:51.11DashiePieoh boy, today's just great
20:51.20fsmithredtry this...
20:51.38fsmithredln -s /var/lib/dbus/machine-id /etc/machine-id
20:51.53fsmithredthen try starting chromium in terminal again
20:51.56DashiePieas root or myself?
20:52.05fsmithreduser for chromium
20:53.01DashiePie2 less warnings, another stack track
20:54.59*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
20:58.11DashiePieI never should've upgraded
21:07.51DashiePieI found and tried glxinfo | egrep "(OpenGL vendor|OpenGL renderer|OpenGL version)
21:07.55DashiePieit sat there with a >
21:08.12DashiePieno words, just that >
21:08.32DashiePieI have the package installed that allows me to do that
21:09.39debdogtry glxinfo | egrep "(OpenGL vendor|OpenGL renderer|OpenGL version)"
21:09.39DashiePiefunnily enough, this command glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"
21:09.42DashiePiereturns yes
21:09.48debdogmissing " at the end
21:10.14DashiePiewell, there it is
21:10.18DashiePieoh boy
21:14.06DashiePiecould this have anything to do with the vulkan side of things?
21:14.52DashiePieI don't know
21:14.54DashiePieI have no idea
21:19.14DashiePieI have 32-bit libraries
21:19.17DashiePieanything with that?
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21:29.05DashiePiey'know what's funny?
21:29.18DashiePieit loaded an n64 rom just fine, no issues loading that at all in my emulator
21:31.29*** join/#devuan Guest9 (442a443f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:31.35Guest9how do i abort refracta
21:31.42DashiePieoh, and if you want my Xorg.0.log...
21:32.18Guest9alright uh
21:32.24Guest9i just clicked the exit option
21:32.32Guest9and it asked me for a password
21:32.48Guest9when i input nothing the install xterm window closed
21:32.58Guest9so hopefully i solved my issue
21:34.25fsmithredGuest9, where were you in the install?
21:34.37Guest9forgot to write down my device names
21:34.40fsmithredyou should be fine
21:34.49fsmithredoh, cli installer?
21:35.06Guest9i used gdisk i think
21:35.12fsmithredwhen it gets to rsync, it's harder to stop, because it's multi-threaded
21:35.26Guest9Alright then, that's good
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22:18.51DashiePiealso, web-based games aren't working
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22:28.12DashiePieas if I'd be caught dead playing that
22:28.21DashiePiecaught dead, alive, or otherwise
22:28.27fsmithredyou mentioned flash earlier
22:28.32fsmithredand then online games
22:28.47fsmithredif any of your online games are flash, they might get shut down
22:29.06Guest9they could also be js
22:29.14*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
22:29.22fsmithredthat is still very much alive
22:29.37Guest9they could have an extension blocking it
22:30.05Guest9idk much about the issue so i'm not sure
22:30.31DashiePiewell, I'm definitely talking about games that don't need flash to run
22:30.46DashiePieso many good games, though, like Decision and Last Stand
22:31.25Guest9newgrounds made something for it i think
22:31.32Guest9and some people have made flash emulators as well
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22:31.52DashiePietrue, true
22:33.12Guest9also some people like bennett foddy and the henry stickmin guy ported their games to other platforms(HTML5 and PC respectively)
22:34.36DashiePiethey're good people
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22:35.43Guest9what does the devuan keyring do?
22:38.07fsmithredauthenticates packages that get installed
22:38.11fsmithredfrom the devuan repo
22:38.14Guest9ah rihgt
22:38.41Guest9That's why there was the allow unauthenticated thing in the debian migration thing
22:40.11DashiePiewhat version of dxvk should I install in wine 5.0?
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23:17.22DashiePieI reinstalled Chromium and it works now
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