IRC log for #devuan on 20201231

00:01.37fsmithredleafwiz, I've been using network-manager. I don't like it, but it seems to be working. I've also tried connman. Some people like that one.
00:02.02fsmithredboth of those will work with vpn, which wicd does not.
00:02.08leafwizSo wicd is kinda the one we kinda want to use?
00:02.10fsmithredbut I miss wicd
00:02.20leafwizBut it should be updated to p3_
00:02.27leafwizaka python3
00:02.34fsmithredit's the one we have been using
00:02.41fsmithredsome like n-m better
00:03.08fsmithredI'm using it because I figure it's the most likely one to replace wicd
00:03.55leafwizSure, if wicd was updated to python3 do you think people would like that better?
00:04.14fsmithredI think we'd probably stick to that as the default
00:04.26fsmithredgot someone in mind to do the work?
00:06.53leafwizmaybe.. :) Well, I was just thinking about updating all of the env statements in it to point to python2. That would prob be a nice small fix
00:07.28fsmithredoh, that might work
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00:08.15leafwizDo you know the source of the source-code devuan uses for its wicd install?
00:09.21fsmithredyeah, getting the link now
00:09.46fsmithredhasn't been touched in a long time
00:10.03fsmithrednewest is probably in the unstable branch
00:10.23leafwizI see.
00:11.20fsmithred1.7.4+tb2-6+devuan1.1 is the version in beowulf and ceres
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00:12.42leafwizyeah, so its the unstable branch that is the , well, newest?
00:16.05leafwizAh.. I get it. It was the tag
00:20.05leafwizSure okay, so that is the newest version which I should clone if I wanted to update the code
00:20.50leafwizI have been using Linux/bsd for a while, but i have never actually worked on other peoples code like this before :)
00:21.18leafwizI'll have a further look tomorrow.
00:31.53*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:01.18rwpI'll be sad if I have to leave wicd behind.  I have been wanting to try out connman since I haven't ever tried it before.
01:01.52XenguyYeah that's disappointing news, I use wicd as my daily driver
01:03.02golinuxMe too
01:03.37golinuxHope someone gets it working for devuan.
01:05.20rwpSince it is all python it would seem like that someone who was a python person could walk through it and convert it from 2 to 3 syntax relatively easily.
01:05.50rwpI am not a python person but I keep getting told by python people how good it is...
01:06.32rwpNetworkManager works acceptably well on personal laptops and things okay.  Really not going to have a problem there.  Since that is where it was designed to work.
01:07.14rwpBut my experience with it on servers is that it is *terrible* for remote systems.  Too often it has left things disconnected and won't automatically reconnect.
01:12.06*** join/#devuan rkta_ (~kt@
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03:09.29systemdleteI think the latest firefox has a bad leak in it.
03:10.08systemdleteI've been (trying to) watch Pluto TV and it eats up the memory in about a half hour or so.  I've had to reboot the system about 3 times now.
03:11.04tuxd3vsystemdlete, probably it uses /tmp to store the video, and it will grow with time..
03:14.27systemdleteI call that leaking.  Others may use other terms for it.
03:14.40systemdletetuxd3v:  I think you are probably correct.
03:15.02systemdleteBut still, if it ends up eating all the memory, what is the difference what we call it?
03:15.22tuxd3vhehe you need to be monitoring the /tmp
03:15.37tuxd3vfor example if you know that a episode consumes X memory
03:15.41systemdleteEither firefox is run amok, or pluto's code has run amok.   Either way, I don't think I have much control over it.
03:15.57systemdlete(I'm actually measuring that very thing atm)
03:16.18systemdleteSo, essentially, I have to babysit Pluto's poor coding... right.
03:16.27tuxd3vand you know the amount of ram you have in the computer, you need to restart the application so that he can cleanup the /tmp
03:17.12tuxd3vwhere do you got that application?
03:17.54tuxd3vyou are watching directly from ?
03:18.21systemdleteI'm half way through an episode of All in the Family, and it has already eaten close to a gig of memory.
03:19.15tuxd3vyeah specially 1080p it hits hard :(
03:19.22systemdleteMy TV decided to go moving partial black screen on me after just 2 years.   So I am watching on my desktop.
03:19.34systemdleteI've ordered a new TV, but it will be a few days...
03:19.51tuxd3vwhat is the app you are using?
03:20.14systemdleteis there pluto app for linux?
03:21.53systemdleteI don't know which I love more, Pluto or Youtube.  Neither one of them has nearly enough commercials.  Neither one repeats the same ones nearly enough for MY liking.
03:21.57tuxd3vI believe not :(, at least not yet
03:22.33tuxd3vin the web version you need to create an account right?
03:23.21onefangI tend to watch youtube (which is rare to be honest) via my VPN to a country where the main language is one I don't understand.  Makes the adverts fun.
03:24.35onefangDid leave me wondering why the Dutch are always trying to sell cars to children.
03:24.37*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
03:24.55onefangstops being OT and wanders out for groceries.
03:31.44systemdletehopes onefang FINDS groceries...
03:32.10systemdletetuxd3v:  I looked and noticed there were no temp files in /tmp opened by firefox
03:32.25systemdleteI even killed the tab running
03:33.36numzobps -e   something may still be running and holding that memory
03:33.43systemdletefirefox has barely released memory, even a couple minutes after killing that tab.
03:33.45tuxd3vsystemdlete, it will probably get that ramspace somewere, a lot of applications use /tmp and store the video
03:34.17systemdleteI'm watching the process in ps output, measuring usage every 30 seconds.
03:35.03systemdleteI watched it run while my program was running.  It continually ate memory, and even after I killed the tab running pluto, it still has not released all the memory it ate while pluto tab was open.
03:35.28systemdleteThe other tabs are more or less quiescent.  At very least, I did not open any of them.
03:35.44tuxd3vit could be a memory leak indeed
03:35.52systemdleteLook, it would not be the first time firefox got a leak...
03:36.23systemdleteAnd, depending on how pluto has "programmed" its javascript and such, who knows what impact that might have.
03:37.13systemdletePluto could well be using one of those javascript include files with all the fancy routines that make coding js easy.
03:37.21systemdleteAnd who knows what dwells within that...
03:39.36systemdleteSome months ago, I had run into this memory management issue (leak) with ff.  At that time, someone suggested I try to use ulimit to force oomkill or the like.  That did not seem to work though.
03:40.28systemdleteI'm guessing when one thread can not brk() any more, maybe it goes and grabs a new thread and continues eating memory there.  But I'm not a threads programmer, so I really don't know.
03:41.59systemdleteI'd really rather have firefox itself govern memory limits (which should be configurable, of course) and have a tab crash than having to reboot the entire system after it has strangulated it.
03:42.12systemdletes/after it/after ff/
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03:51.32tuxd3vI just limit the amount of threads in preferences to 3 threads.. case closed :)
04:11.37rwpsystemdlete, My Firefox hovers around 4 GB of memory in steady state.  I don't think I have ever seen it as small as only 1 GB.
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07:35.24Criggie~3.5 hours till the flash killswitch goes off.
07:35.32Criggie(for my timezone anyway)
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07:48.47golinuxoff topic (and does anyone really care?)
07:56.37gnarfaceCriggie: there's #devaun-offtopic now
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08:28.20Criggiegnarface: thank you.
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11:57.14APicHi. I want to upgrade my Server-VM from ascii to beowulf. aptitude shows me this:
11:57.24APicWhat can i do please?
11:58.41APicCurrent /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devuan.list is
12:01.02APicWhat is maybe important that Devuan ascii was preinstalled on my VM
12:03.16fsmithredAPic, you're using a deprecated repository
12:03.38fsmithredchange to or choose a specific mirror from the list
12:04.24fsmithredand you can comment out the deb-src lines if you're not downloading sources to rebuild packages
12:05.21APicI do download Sources from Time to Time
12:05.28APicThanks for the quick Answer!
12:05.46fsmithrededit, update and try again
12:06.05fsmithredyou shouold be getting libc6 2.28-10
12:10.39APic(apt update && aptitude full-upgrade) | tee apt.log  â†’  still
12:13.26APicMaybe i should finish the few upgradable Packages it shows me first. apt full-upgrade gives me no Error like aptitude full-upgrade:
12:14.28n4dirusing apt-get i usually first upgrade, then dist-upgrade
12:15.05n4dirno idea what the according switches for apt or aptitude are
12:15.05APicfull-upgrade _is_ dist-upgrade nowadays i think
12:15.33APicYup, dist-upgrade shows exactly the same Output as full-upgrade
12:15.51n4diri think it is the difference between apt, aptitude and apt-get. I meant first upgrade. Did you do that?
12:16.07*** join/#devuan fourto (disillusio@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/disillusion)
12:16.07n4dirthough i don't think it should result in problems.
12:17.33APicI did it, and now it created this:
12:17.36n4diralso it is recommended to first upgrade the release one is coming from
12:17.42APic# Devuan repositories
12:17.42APicdeb unstable main
12:17.42APicdeb-src unstable main
12:18.03APicI think i want to change that back to beowulf again
12:18.06APicunstable is ceres, no?
12:18.56n4diryou sure want to upgrade leaving out one release in between (even if you would want to go all the way up to unstable)
12:19.11n4diroh. you sure *don't want*
12:22.06APicNah, now it still shows the same broken fdisk-Deps
12:22.28APicMaybe i shall try another Mirror than
12:23.36fsmithredtry installing libc6=2.28-10
12:24.06fsmithredis libc6-dev installed? I had trouble with that on a couple upgrades
12:25.44fsmithredyes, sometimes you have to run the upgrade a few times to get everything
12:26.16APic# aptitude install libc6=2.28-10
12:26.16APicUnable to find a version "2.28-10" for the package "libc6"
12:26.16APicUnable to apply some actions, aborting
12:27.17fsmithredmaybe I need to update
12:28.04fsmithredapt policy libc6
12:28.24fsmithred2.28-10 500
12:28.48fsmithredrun 'apt update'
12:28.52fsmithredafter changing sources
12:29.18fsmithredyeah, that's the one you have installed. It's probably the ascii version.
12:29.46APicNeed to collect my Pizza now
12:30.16n4diri would check anything in preferences or apt.conf in /etc/apt to be sure there is nothing standing in the way. The command "apt-get policy" should tell too, if i am correct
12:30.48n4dirsure would tell about pinning? i think
12:32.43n4diras not sure what "apt-cache policy" tells me (not apt-get, sorry), i have to check the according files and folders manually anway.
12:32.54fsmithredlooks like he's running without dbus. That might cause trouble, too. But I'd expect it would say more about that.
12:33.20fsmithredyou can just do 'apt policy' now
12:33.27n4diri don't apt
12:33.45fsmithredapt search gives sucky output
12:33.58n4diri saw a nice output, but it is more easy for me to stick to muscle memory. And in general i see no advantage in apt (yet)
12:34.03fsmithredapt show and apt policy look the same as the other commands
12:34.19fsmithredless to type
12:34.44n4dirWell. Compared to what i typed only in this little chat, i can live with it.
12:34.58n4diri'd say if you don't like typing, use a different OS
12:35.13n4diror get used to command expansion/completion
12:35.40n4dirbut to each his own, sure
12:39.11*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
12:39.20DocScrutinizer05happy new year!
12:40.34n4dirsounds like neither US, nor south America, nor Europe :-) But happy new year
12:43.09fsmithredI think he's near you.
12:43.32fsmithredhappy new year (early) DocScrutinizer05
12:43.58n4dir2 PM, some european regions might be 3 PM. Some 1. weird stuff, time
12:44.26n4dirUS is 6 or 7 AM, i assume
12:44.42fsmithredyeah, a little before 8am now
12:52.37onefangIt'll be my turn to "happy new year" everyone in a bit over an hour.
12:54.20fsmithredyeah, I think Doc has his AM and PM confused
12:54.27fsmithredor he's in Japan today
12:54.56*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
13:00.46APic# apt-cache policy
13:00.46APicPackage files:
13:00.54APicPinned packages:
13:01.12APicOk, sorry, will use a Pastebin in Future again
13:01.25fsmithreddid you run apt update after editing sources.list?
13:01.40fsmithredyou should be able to see the newer libc6
13:03.13APicYes, i did. But now i changed it to and now it shows: 573 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
13:03.25APicSo seems b0rk?
13:03.45fsmithredwhatever mirror you're hitting with may be down
13:03.48APicapt full-upgrade seems to work fine now: 573 upgraded, 155 newly installed, 6 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
13:03.58APicThanks to You all
13:04.11n4dirslow hand clapping from here. As in: respect
13:08.36fsmithredhere is the mirror checker:
13:09.25fsmithredand here is the mirror list, in case you want to pick one close to you:
13:23.34*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
13:27.24onefangTake note of the "EXPERIMENTAL CODE - double check all results you see here, and read the logs if it's important." warning at the top of, there's a few bugs in it I need to fix.  It's mostly accurate though.
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14:02.18onefangHippy GNU Year!
14:02.39danyspin97can I report a bug regarding chimaere here or should I use #devuan-dev?
14:02.45danyspin97onefang: happy GNU Year :)
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14:18.56fsmithreddanyspin97, you can start here
14:19.13danyspin97fsmithred: I see, thanks!
14:20.09fsmithreddon't paste a bunch of lines here
14:20.35danyspin97while building a chimaera version, we encountered a problem with btrfs. Some package that depends on btrfs-tools hasn't been updated
14:21.15danyspin97because btrfs-tools was a virtual provided by btrfs-progs in beowulf
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14:21.37fsmithredyeah, -tools doesn't exist
14:22.05fsmithredwhat package wants btrfs-tools?
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14:24.13danyspin97one of the following
14:24.19danyspin97though I don't know which one for sure
14:24.25danyspin97Has this been already reported?
14:24.25fsmithredok, I'll look
14:24.30danyspin97thank you
14:24.59danyspin97this error has been generated by a CI, so I don't have shell access
14:26.05fsmithredonce I remember how to get one package on a line, I'll figure out which one needs btrfs-tools
14:26.26danyspin97you need to split them in bash?
14:27.02danyspin97for word in "pkg1 pkg2"
14:27.49fsmithredI'll try that
14:30.07*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
14:30.19fsmithredok, nothing in that list depends on any package that has btrfs in the name
14:31.26*** join/#devuan captainfixerpc14 (~joanne@
14:32.17fsmithreddanyspin97, was this live-sdk-beowulf #1 build? Or do you have a link so I can look at the console output?
14:32.36danyspin97fsmithred: yup, live-sdk-beowulf
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15:52.31Guest32Hi All, sorry if this has been noted already but I've just tried to access `` and got a cert expiry error.
15:52.50Guest32Looks like the Let's Encrypt cert expired a couple of days ago.
15:53.45Guest32Only realised because I've (finally) got around to upgrading from Ascii to Beowulf and thought that I ought to read the release notes... ;-)
16:01.55fsmithredthanks, I passed the word along
16:01.56Guest32After a painful 2020, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has worked on Devuan in any way, and to wish you all a much better 2021!
16:02.08Guest32Thanks fsmithred!
16:02.27fsmithredI think everyone is looking forward to the new year
16:05.02*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
16:05.12n4dirif 10% of the news is right, than you sure don't hope for 2021.
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16:24.19*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
16:25.24nemofsmithred: guess a cron job is having trouble, normally that sort of thing doesn't happen
16:25.46nemoI do appreciate LE emailing me.  avoided that situation on my teensy domain just last month
16:29.23APicHappy YOLD 3187 to all of You ☺
16:47.26systemdleterwp, tuxd3v:  My memory snooping script shows that firefox grew in memory usage overnight -- as I slept -- so there is definitely something going on here.  I will look into limiting the number of threads and memory, thanks for the suggestion.
16:53.03*** join/#devuan Burekzf (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
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17:09.58nemosystemdlete: yeah, my SO had that issue when tabs were open on facebook or gmail
17:10.06nemosystemdlete: something in the JS leaking memory
17:10.22nemosystemdlete: about:memory  for more info there, about:performance for a bit higher level...
17:11.01nemocan also be due to addons. adblock with huge blocklists plus a dynamic site seems problematic.
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17:15.03DashiePieI was planning on upgrading to Chimaera today, and then I saw that Guest32 brought up that error, and wondered if that would affect my upgrade
17:17.12nemoDashiePie: certificate is updated now
17:17.19nemo2021-03-31 expiration
17:17.30DashiePiewelp, that solves that, I guess
17:17.52nemoplus that wasn't the update server anyway
17:21.16DashiePieabout the only thing I could tell you is that error codes are easy to google
17:21.43DashiePiethat's the extent of my knowledge on stuff like that
17:23.22gnarfaceyou really should read that file then
17:23.45DashiePiethe release notes?
17:25.09nemognarface: hm. he's already on beowulf though, there's no chimaera release notes yet, are there?
17:25.22DashiePiehow would the Beowulf release notes help my knowledge of server backends or my upgrade to Chimaera?
17:25.36DashiePiealso, what nemo said
17:25.58DashiePieI'm already on Beowulf, cause that was the latest release when I installed it like, last month
17:27.54nemo  might possibly be helpful mapped to chimaera, even though a few of the steps are obviously not necessary.
17:28.13nemo(the jessie/ascii specific stuff)
17:29.12nemoThis site is free of cookies and javascript" ♥
17:33.41gnarfaceoh, i just misread as him upgrading to Beowulf
17:36.32DashiePieGuest was the one who did that, not me :P
17:39.55gnarfaceyea i just got the relevance transposed because i wasn't paying close enough attention
17:40.13gnarfacei'm not sure that there's not already chimera release notes though
17:40.51fsmithredno chimaera release notes yet
17:44.13nemofsmithred: so... chimaera will be released at same time as next debian stable? 'cause I was poking around and seems that is due out in 1 year?
17:44.27nemofsmithred: or will it be an incremental update to current stable?
17:44.31nemonot sure how these things work
17:44.39fsmithredwhen have we ever been in sync with debian releases?
17:44.56fsmithredif we get it out less than a year after debian, we'll be doing better than before
17:45.14fsmithredand actually there's a good chance of that because a lot of forked packages have already been forked
17:45.14nemofsmithred: ok. so... I guess I worded that badly
17:45.33nemofsmithred: "the absolute earliest chimaera could be stabilised is after next debian stable in at least a year?"
17:46.21fsmithredyeah, I supposed it's possible we could release after final freeze and before debian release, and I keep hoping for that, but I doubt it will happen.
17:47.00n4diri don't even know when the next debian might happen. Next year?
17:47.33nemoI thought their wiki said 2021-12
17:47.39fsmithredfinal freeze will be some time after March
17:47.49n4dirah. well. good enouogh
17:47.52nemooh.. just freeze
17:47.55fsmithredbeginning freeze might be in a couple weeks
17:48.07nemodamn... we need to get another release out. *sigh*
17:48.11nemoif only we weren't so laaaazy
17:48.28fsmithredwe need to get beowulf point-release out
17:48.47nemothe backport system is a nice idea, but it does so suck for unimportant software like games where users still expect to have the latest hotness and have no idea how to do a backport install
17:49.21n4dirsomething like a dual boot?
17:49.26nemowish there was another overlay like stable-noncritical-fun
17:49.47n4dirThere is that old list of Markus or Michal or such Kraft (or such), when you want and when you don't want debian
17:50.08nemoevery time we do a release where we miss the debian release we end up spending the next year or two supporting debian/ubuntu/mint users
17:50.29nemoI guess if we can get it in before final freeze our odds are good
17:51.55fsmithredDashiePie, you might want to look at this post. I made notes of my upgrade to chimaera back in july. Don't follow these instruction exactly because you'll probably run into different stuff.
17:55.46bmelowill devuan really switch to openrc in next release?
17:57.01fsmithredbmelo, who told you that? It's not true.
17:57.18fsmithredthe default is sysvinit and there are no plans to change that (yet)
17:57.34fsmithredthe installer gives you a choice of sysvinit, openrc or runit
18:00.42DashiePieif there's no security or updates, then does that mean the single line does all of that?
18:01.23DashiePieah, okay
18:01.30fsmithredif you want fixes faster, add a line for ceres but also pin it to a lower priority
18:01.46fsmithredthen you can selectively install stuff before it moves down into chimaera
18:02.10fsmithredif you're motivated to pay attention to which packages are at what stage
18:02.42DashiePieI think what I need from Chimaera is just some updates so amdgpu stops crashing... if the problem is with amdgpu, and not my actual gpu
18:03.18fsmithredfirst thing to try would probably be newer kernel from beowulf-backports
18:03.44fsmithredand firmware-amd-graphics from the same
18:10.13gnarfaceand maybe mesa too if it's in there
18:11.00nemoDashiePie: yeah, the random crashing is worrying for sure... hope you're not getting overheating or bad vram
18:11.43nemoDashiePie: but... I had a ton of probs w/ amd gpu on beowulf that went away in chimaera - mostly due to being able to ditch that stupid "pro" thing I was force-fitting into debian ☺
18:11.43DashiePieI hope so too, I want to play a bit of WoW again (1.12, compiled my own cmangos)
18:11.50nemobut also 'cause their stupid "pro" thing was just buggy
18:12.02nemosent them a bunch of stack traces from games
18:12.44nemoI think I'll only ever try that again if I wanna try OpenCL, and I certainly don't have time for that right now
18:23.45*** join/#devuan finsternis (~Y@
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18:47.39DocScrutinizer05>><fsmithred> I think he's near you.<< isn't the location of destination more relevant than that of source? I wish "happy b-day" when YOU have, not when I ;-D
18:48.20fsmithredso you were speaking to the new zealanders?
18:48.57DocScrutinizer05to those, and "on pull when due" for everybody else
18:52.19n4dirgit pull? or is there a cron job?
19:29.35*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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19:38.54systemdletetried ulimit with memory set to 100 (which is k, per man page), then launched firefox, but ff grabs memory as usual, or at least I did not notice any constraint.  The memory for just one thread was well over 500k
19:39.13systemdleteis ulimit broken in recent linux kernels?  Or am I doing something wrong.
19:39.26systemdlete(and, yes, I started ff from the SAME shell as ulimit)
19:40.31systemdleteSo I went and tried cgroups.  But that opens an entirely new can of worms.  I had to install several packages for cgroups, then rebooted.
19:40.59systemdleteso now the cgmanager is running, but if I try to create a cgroup, I am told that cgroups is not mounted.   And on and on...
19:41.04nemosystemdlete: I've successfully set ulimits for firefox, but it tends to crash things
19:41.19systemdleteI'm ok with ff crashing.
19:41.22nemosystemdlete: don't forget that the tabs are run in separate processes
19:41.27nemoby default anyway
19:41.33nemono idea if that option can be disabled anymore
19:41.34systemdleteI know.
19:42.01systemdleteIt doesn't matter for me.  As long as each tab is limited, I'd be OK.
19:42.43systemdleteDoes devuan have a sort of "default" cgmanager/cgroup configuration?  There is no /etc/cgmanager.conf or anything like that.
19:43.14systemdleteAnd the instructions for cgroups seems to be written in Redhatese, not linuxese.
19:43.26systemdlete(not too surprisingly I think)
19:44.26systemdletenemo:  You say you've gotten ulimit to work?  Or was that ulimits?
19:45.00systemdleteI was using ulimit in bash.  I can try ulimits; maybe bash's ulimit is buggy, idk.
19:46.07*** join/#devuan neoscholaris_ (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
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19:47.35nemosystemdlete: a few years ago. haven't had issues with firefox memory usage since  (probably due to umatrix/noscript, but also maybe due to not using social media and gmail's crappy new interface)
19:47.47nemosystemdlete: have you tried in a clean profile without addons?
19:47.50*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
19:48.07nemosystemdlete: at the time I think I just set ulimits on any processes that matched firefox or content process names, and it just worked
19:48.10nemoapart from crashing
19:48.30nemoat the time it was necessary 'cause firefox grew to like 100% of system memory, so I restricted it to a few gigabytes.
19:48.36nemoprefer crashing before locking up desktop
19:48.55nemoI don't know of any way firefox could possibly dodge a system ulimit...
19:49.03*** join/#devuan roo^y (sid215794@gateway/web/
19:49.04nemoso long as you keep doing it to new content processes that are spawned
19:49.15nemobut debugging it might be worthwhile
19:49.20*** join/#devuan jess (jess@freenode/staff/jess)
19:49.23nemoI'm a fan of about:memory
19:49.24*** join/#devuan kini (~kini@unaffiliated/kini)
19:49.44nemowas added as part of the memshrink project long ago
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23:37.08Guest3i'm going to switch from debian buster to devuan, why am i not changing the deb-src links and commenting them out?
23:38.13fsmithredyou want us to tell you why you are or are not doing something?
23:38.46Guest3is there something wrong with that?
23:38.59Guest3i trust the devuan project i'm just curious
23:39.37*** join/#devuan Helle (
23:39.59fsmithredyou can comment out or change the deb-src lines
23:40.07fsmithredthey won't be used during the migration
23:40.34fsmithredthey only get used if you want to download debian/devuan source packages to compile your own
23:41.03fsmithredyou're following the migration guide here?
23:47.00Guest3ah goddammit
23:47.06Guest3i wanted to try manual wifi config
23:47.14Guest3i guess i'll just install wicd as per the guide
23:47.41Guest3it's going well so far though
23:50.16Guest3got an error: GDbus.Error: org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit: Unit packagekit.service not found.
23:50.21Guest3this isn't a big deal right?
23:55.36Guest3it happened after doing apt-get upgrade

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