IRC log for #devuan on 20201220

00:00.00fsmithredcheck anto's version too. (hezeh) It might be fixed there. He backports mate and cinnamon for devuan.
00:00.02systemdleteyes, I have had decent luck with xfce nearly everywhere.  lxde and lxqt have been somewhat less reliable.  Sometimes I found they didn't have all the pieces
00:00.14systemdleteok, will do.
00:01.01systemdletefsmithred:  Is the fact I installed using star not devuan matter?   I'm thinking that's mainly installer choice.  They all use the same repos, right?
00:01.36fsmithredlook in sources.list
00:02.11fsmithredyeah, I do know. Star is just devuan.
00:02.33systemdletethey are the same.
00:02.57systemdleteI'll give hezeh a go
00:03.06systemdletethanks for your patience again fsmithred!
00:03.08fsmithreddpkg -l task-mate-desktop
00:03.15fsmithredsee if the metapackage is installed
00:03.52systemdletedpkg-query: no packages found matching task-mate-desktop
00:04.08systemdleteI think I might have installed it differently, but idr now
00:04.37fsmithredthat'll make it easier to remove stuff
00:09.05systemdleteantofox-keyrings is missing?
00:09.15systemdletedo I need to contact the dev?
00:09.43systemdleteapt-get install antofox-keyrings --allow-unauthenticated
00:09.54systemdlete(instructions on page at
00:10.06systemdletebtw, there is no, only, it seems
00:10.30systemdleteother than that, the update worked, but gave me the error about needing the key.  So I did that and got this error
00:10.53fsmithredadd the key and then apt update again
00:11.21systemdletecan I use the keyserver instead of his instructions?
00:11.43fsmithreduse what keyserver?
00:12.12fsmithredI think I downloaded it from his site directly
00:12.37systemdletewell, the instructions at his page are not working for me.  I'll try adding the key with the method I know
00:13.32fsmithreddownload the .deb and install with dpkg
00:19.02systemdletethat worked to fix the key issue.  Thanks.
00:19.15systemdleteBut following his instructions doesn't seem to work.  Yours do.
00:20.36systemdletehe wants me to install mate-desktop-environment, but after the apt update, apt already knows I want to update all the mate packages.
00:20.58systemdleteCan I just do the update, and skip the mate-desktop-environment?
00:21.11fsmithredis that package already installed?
00:21.12systemdleteI see that apt wants to install all the 1.22 packages anyway
00:21.16systemdletenot sure
00:21.36fsmithreddpkg -l |grep mate
00:21.42systemdleteyes.  It says it already has latest version
00:21.52fsmithredwill show you all the installed packages with mate in the name
00:22.15fsmithredgotta go. bbl.
00:35.32*** join/#devuan n4dir (
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01:16.32*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
01:40.45systemdletefsmithred:  I upgraded one of my 2 star VM's and running my memory leak script for a few hours
01:43.00systemdleteand re-enabled the "show seconds" just to be sure that works right now.
01:43.19systemdleteand I am seeing 132 byte increases in memory by the panel again.
01:44.14Xenguysystemdlete: How do you typically monitor the memory leakage in MATE.  I confess I haven't been able to detect any memory problems with MATE, but I'm only looking on Ascii so far
01:44.21systemdleteLooks like about once every 1m 20s
01:44.30Xenguyer, leakage in mate-panel
01:44.40systemdleteXenguy:  I have a memory leak script I wrote myself.
01:44.54Xenguyhuh, ok
01:46.18systemdleteXenguy:  The leak is very tiny, so it is mostly unnoticeable.  Trouble is, over a day or so, that can amount to several 100MBs of growth.  After a few days or maybe weeks, it creates an OOM condition and all heck follows
01:47.20XenguyOK, will keep an eye on it as best I can, but so far so good
01:50.06systemdlete(it could just be something local here, though so many others have reported it also, so it is not likely)
01:55.41*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
01:58.46systemdleteInteresting to note that both mate-panel AND the clock applet are increasing by these 132 byte increments, though the clock not as frequently.
01:59.30systemdleteMore interesting yet is that the increases are not coming on the minute, but at varying times (number of seconds after the minute).
01:59.54systemdleteSo one has to wonder how/why these tiny memory increases are occurring.
02:02.34masonsystemdlete: Bad programming.
02:03.31*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
02:05.53systemdletemason: y'think?  lol.  yeah
02:06.04n4dirdid you shellcheck it?
02:07.15n4dirif it is bash or such. didn't fully understand it. But sure ain't hard to screw such
02:07.33masonsystemdlete: It can be hard to track that sort of thing. Might be an actual memory leak, or it could be bookkeeping without realistic self-awareness.
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02:10.09systemdletewhat does that mean?
02:10.54systemdleteI would hope that frameworks for building things like desktop environments would offer some sort of memory use profiling.  If nothing else, aren't there linters out there to do that sort of thing?
02:12.40systemdleten4dir: This is a perl script, and it is not the target we are looking at.  My script scans ps output every so many seconds
02:13.11systemdletethe target is mate-panel, and this is a known problem up until at least 1.24 (the latest according to mate devs)
02:13.27systemdletemate-panel is part of the MATE DE
02:13.27n4dirget rid of mate panel then?
02:14.26systemdleteOr just get rid of computers altogether why don't we.  That is CERTAIN to eliminate all bugs and security problems, right?
02:14.44n4diryou sure can use different panels or none at all in other DE's. iirc
02:15.24systemdleteIn that case, I'd rather just turn to  a different DE altogether.  But this is an interesting issue, and I kinda like MATE, ok?
02:15.50n4dirand why investigate a known problem?
02:16.35n4dirto me Mate didn't look outstanding ressource friendly in general
02:17.17masonsystemdlete: What I mean is, it might not be a memory leak in the sense of an error. It might be bad design insofar as it doesn't consider memory over time for little book-keeping details. I don't know - I don't use the stuff.
02:49.44systemdleteI still don't follow.   A memory leak is caused by not ensuring that memory is released once it is no longer needed.
02:50.41systemdleteOr are you saying that the panel needs 132 more bytes of memory every few minutes because it is keeping a log of some sort internally?
02:57.09systemdleteI agree with you that there is a basic design and/or implementation problem with it.
02:58.08*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
02:58.28systemdleten4dir:  We were not investigating a known problem per se.  We were investigating whether the 1.22 version had the corrections their devs referred to.  It was worth a try.
03:07.16*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
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03:08.41clortsorry i missed your question n4dir
03:09.17clortnew youtube-dl works for me
03:13.25n4diri could give you the link, if you need: Kunst in Aktion. It is quite ok
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03:45.49masonsystemdlete: That's the possibility, yeah, it's tracking something legitimately and not ever considering the impact over time. But I don't know. It's one of the possibilities.
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12:01.44postalhi guys how to fix this error. tried everything, nothing helps
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12:02.56gnarfacepostal: use and i'll look at it
12:07.43clorthi postal
12:07.57clortcan you describe the problem
12:16.50*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
12:17.39postalI can't apt upgrade for this error "Hash Sum mismatch"
12:19.28gnarfacepostal: well you have deb-multimedia in there, which you shouldn't do and may also be causing problems, but my best guess is that you started this when "stable" was different, and now it's hosed because they changed which release is called "stable" out from underneath you
12:20.10gnarfacepostal: use the proper release names and get deb-multimedia crap out of there and it should be able to complete the upgrade with a little massaging
12:20.40gnarfacepostal: (you might have to manually remove some packages, finish updating from the old release, then complete an upgrade to the new release)
12:21.12fsmithredcould be that the mirror is in the middle of updating. Try again in an hour or two.
12:22.25fsmithredusing third-party repos is a crap shoot and using "stable" instead of the current codename "beowulf" may cause problems when the debian stable changes and devuan does not.
12:26.35gnarfaceyea it might be relevant how long it has been since this started happening but i guess in my head i assumed "tried everything" included waiting a day
12:27.15gnarfacesame error occasionally comes out of my proxy when the server updates between the proxy cache refresh interval
12:27.52gnarface(clears itself within 5 minutes usually, or if i manually run an update without it)
12:41.51*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
12:42.15postalstill doesn't work even with current codename "beowulf" instead of "stable" and without deb-multimedia and other repos in sources.list.d
12:43.50gnarfacepostal: did you try it once with ascii first?
12:43.57gnarfacepostal: ascii instead of beowulf
12:48.09*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
12:53.13postalI installed clean beowulf, although I don't remember much, since this is not my laptop, but my mother's, I just update it from time to time
12:55.02gnarfaceoh, it's not an update from a previous version?
12:55.33gnarfacecould you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list and the contents of anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?
12:55.45gnarfacei'll just sanity check it for you
13:02.47gnarfaceor, you could just remove it all and use this example instead:
13:04.42*** join/#devuan Debluk (
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13:17.07postalMy sources.list and sources.list.d repos
13:21.44gnarfacepostal: and you're not running an apt proxy, right?  then i'd say yea probably just wait and speak up again if it's not cleared in a few hours
13:22.16gnarfaceusually doesn't need more than a half hour or so but i think it can regularly take 2?
13:22.22gnarfacedon't quote me on that
13:28.47postali don't use apt proxy
13:29.21gnarfacejust making sure
13:29.44fsmithredsome mirrors are down
13:33.14fsmithredpostal, here's a possible fix for the problem:
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13:48.14postalunfortunately i do "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*" before apt update constantly, but doesn't help.
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16:57.28captainfixerpc14model t car drawing
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17:01.47fsmithredcan it run linux?
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17:05.52captainfixerpc14working on that :P
17:14.35captainfixerpc14lsb_release -a
17:14.44captainfixerpc14too many keyboards
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19:03.07systemdletelightdm: PAM adding faulty module:
19:03.20systemdletelightdm: PAM unable to dlopen( /lib/security/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
19:03.43systemdletehehehheh... there is no escaping it, is there?
19:04.34systemdlete(it's EVERYwhere)
19:05.44systemdletefsmithred:  Thanks for the suggestion of the mate 1.22 repo.  Sadly, though, it did not help.  Apparently the fixes are only in 1.24+.   Still, thanks for trying.
19:06.30systemdleteI could try filing for a backport, but since this is a library dependency problem, I doubt there will be much enthusiasm to do such.  Better for me to wait for chimaera I think.
19:07.04fsmithredhow critical is this system? You might do ok with chimaera or chimaera/ceres
19:07.30*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
19:07.54systemdletefsmithred:  Probably NOTHING I *ever* do is really "critical" per se.  Mostly my own stuff.  But I really detest instability.  I'm funny like that.
19:08.03fsmithredpeople are reporting very stable systems (I'm one of the people)
19:08.44fsmithredI'm running chimaera xfce on an old thinkpad. Don't do a whole lot with it, but it's working.
19:09.06fsmithredI do jitsi with it, I ssh into it to check stuff 'cause I'm too lazy to turn around.
19:09.30systemdleteSo devuan project is waiting on debian to release theirs before devuan releases ours?
19:09.43systemdlete(summer '21)
19:09.58fsmithredyeah, we follow them. They have not even begun freeze on bullseye.
19:10.13fsmithredhowever, most of the forked packages are already forked and working.
19:11.08fsmithredand the list of forked packages does grow as time goes on. Latest thing is for upstream to drop init scripts from the package.
19:11.26systemdleteSo, one could say that Bullseye is a moving target (see what I did there?)
19:11.35fsmithredlol, yeah
19:13.23systemdlete"Latest thing is for upstream to drop init scripts from the package."   Does this mean debian has agreed to clean up their packaging to support multiple boot and runtime systems?   Or am I reading too much in there?
19:15.29fsmithredI think you're reading it backward.
19:16.21systemdleteSo more like "The package drops init scripts for upstream's latest thing?"
19:16.22fsmithredsome debian devs are not interested in compatibiity with other init systems
19:16.59systemdleteActually, fsmithred, it is probably surprising that there is any interest there at all!
19:17.23fsmithredbrb need food
19:17.38systemdleteSo what did that mean then?
19:43.55*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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19:58.01masonsystemdlete: Have you followed the recent/relevant Debian bug?
20:57.10rwpsystemdlete, Well before the creation of Devuan I decided that did things I did not want, and therefore have since removed it from the PAM configuration files.
20:57.39rwpAmong other things is responsible for creating the /run/user/$(id -u) files.
20:58.18rwpAmong other things breaks starting X with a permission denied error.  X tries to start, clears the screen, then gets stuck.
20:58.47rwpThis might be a problem due to the resulting cgroup non-configuration that I imposed by removing it.
20:59.23rwpSo I do the Luddite thing and remove it and revert to starting X the old ways.
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23:01.41aitor_there is something new in apt, apt-get install doesn't work without, only dpkg
23:01.46aitor_that's new for me
23:03.24aitor_today i've been able to build the sources of vdev in beowulf, but my images didn't boot neither in live mode nor after a hard disk installation
23:06.24aitor_if apt doesn't work without, then it'll be quite complicate to change from udev to any other *dev and vice versa
23:08.22aitor_nobody here... ok, time to bed
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