IRC log for #devuan on 20201216

00:22.46*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
00:25.42*** join/#devuan n4dir (
00:29.55*** join/#devuan bjb (
01:06.29*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:22.33*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
01:37.24*** join/#devuan _zxq9_ (
01:40.41*** join/#devuan hombre[m]1 (hombreasra@gateway/shell/
02:19.03*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
02:21.32*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
02:30.33*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
02:39.48*** join/#devuan hkuj (hkujmatrix@gateway/shell/
02:43.11*** join/#devuan grin[m] (gringrinhu@gateway/shell/
02:44.23*** join/#devuan bpmedley (~bpm@2601:246:8101:4eb0:9d5e:8ff7:5cb2:13f6)
02:54.51*** join/#devuan Schoumi (~schoumi@2001:41d0:2:9518::1)
03:11.15*** join/#devuan rkta (~kt@
03:20.13*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
03:34.09*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
03:41.00*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
03:51.31*** join/#devuan ArctixFelix (
04:13.00*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
04:25.47*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:33.42*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:61cf:2f51:714f:18db)
04:51.10*** join/#devuan picmyk (~totallype@
05:03.08*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:42.49*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
05:55.12*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
06:00.12*** join/#devuan ephemer0l_ (~ephemer0l@pentoo/user/ephemer0l)
06:01.16*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
07:01.36*** join/#devuan Debluk (
07:07.52*** join/#devuan tomtastic_ (~tomtastic@
07:19.19*** join/#devuan KnoP (~KnoP@
07:21.48*** join/#devuan blottoman (
07:24.40*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
07:30.07*** join/#devuan Joril (~joril@
08:06.09*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
08:17.21*** join/#devuan Hurgotron (
08:23.32*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
08:29.14*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
08:32.09*** join/#devuan rsx (
08:41.11*** join/#devuan rkta (~kt@
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08:51.30*** join/#devuan xinomilo (~xinomilo@gateway/tor-sasl/xinomilo)
08:51.35*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:17.46*** join/#devuan GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
10:01.56*** join/#devuan manopola (~manopola@gateway/tor-sasl/manopola)
10:14.19*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
10:19.58*** join/#devuan Rick8024 (
10:25.54*** join/#devuan luser978 (
10:43.17*** join/#devuan bbuccianti (~bbucciant@
10:58.12*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
11:11.16sammi`_for mason
11:38.35*** join/#devuan Debluk (
11:43.13*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
12:12.58*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
12:14.12*** join/#devuan banisterfiend (~textual@ruby/staff/banisterfiend)
12:35.14*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (
12:55.12*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
13:33.25*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
13:33.30*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
14:03.00*** join/#devuan IanJ (
14:05.32*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:18.27*** join/#devuan koollman (
14:26.51*** join/#devuan I_am_nobody777 (~I_am_nobo@
14:28.53I_am_nobody777Anyone there ?
14:34.08*** join/#devuan Kobaz (
14:35.03*** part/#devuan bbuccianti (~bbucciant@
14:35.49*** join/#devuan sgage (
14:37.24I_am_nobody777I just downloaded devuan minimal iso . dd ed it to a usb . It didn't boot .
14:37.52fsmithreduefi or bios hardware?
14:38.19fsmithredminimal-live is only bios, but I did make one for uefi
14:38.23fsmithredwant the link?
14:38.34fsmithrednote: I'm the one who makes all the live isos
14:38.49I_am_nobody777I thought it should support both .
14:39.34fsmithredthe desktop-live supports both
14:39.34I_am_nobody777Anyways , Thanks , the link would help . ps : I downloaded from torrent .
14:39.50fsmithredno torrent for this one
14:40.15I_am_nobody777Thanks very much  , will use wget.
14:40.33fsmithredit's usually pretty fast
14:41.00I_am_nobody777This is my first time at irc , Am I doing fine ? Any advices  ?
14:41.10fsmithredyeah, you're doing fine
14:41.27fsmithredas already hinted, don't ask to ask; just ask.
14:41.47fsmithredand sometimes answer will come after minutes or hours
14:45.24*** join/#devuan I_am_nobody777 (~I_am_nobo@
14:45.44I_am_nobody777ok , Thank you.
14:46.41fsmithredoh, you missed the last thing I said
14:46.52fsmithredanswers may come later
14:46.59fsmithredminutes or hours later
14:47.21I_am_nobody777ok , this is really cool
14:48.02fsmithredalso cool that people here are scattered all over the planet
14:48.42I_am_nobody777yeah , thanks to technology
14:49.40I_am_nobody777Has  anyone tried zfs root with devuan ?
14:53.06*** join/#devuan banister_ (
14:59.38sgageI_am_nobody: If you want something a bit more asynchronous
14:59.43*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:59.47sgagethere is a forum as well
15:09.17*** join/#devuan Debluk (
15:13.52*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
15:34.38*** join/#devuan bru (~bru@
15:37.02*** join/#devuan I_am_nobody777 (~I_am_nobo@
15:45.29*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@unaffiliated/kreyren)
15:49.38*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
15:52.47masonOh, he left before I could proselytize ZFS on Devuan.
15:53.19*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@unaffiliated/kreyren)
16:05.20*** join/#devuan o01eg (~o01eg@2a02:2698:82b:1890:1b1d:97c5:59b:5f71)
16:33.18*** join/#devuan dagelf (
16:36.50*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:39.43*** join/#devuan lava22 (
16:56.45*** join/#devuan coagen (~coagen@unaffiliated/coagen)
16:57.23*** join/#devuan dagelf (
17:02.39*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:92ff:fe86:b66e)
17:17.43rktaE: Failed to fetch 404  Not Found [IP: 2001:878:346::116 80] Should I just wait?
17:35.35*** join/#devuan blottoman (
17:37.57*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:39.34*** join/#devuan I_am_nobody777 (~I_am_nobo@
17:43.01masonrkta: Do you have IPv6 enabled?
17:52.51*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:92ff:fe86:b66e)
18:01.34*** join/#devuan dagelf (
18:03.42rktamason: I don't know, I did not configure something after install
18:04.26rktamason: ifconfig shows multiple inet6 addresses
18:05.48masonrkta: Right, but that doesn't mean you can talk to IPv6 things in the outside world. That depends on your connection to your ISP, or if you're using a tunnelf or it.
18:08.20rktamason: Yes, my ISP provides IPv6
18:08.54DHEbut the error was specifically 404, suggesting that connectivity is fine
18:09.06masonDHE: Yeah, just not noticed that. =cough=
18:11.11mason(I was thinking DNS didn't resolve, but as often happens, I was confused.)
18:13.06masonrkta: Anyway, if you try again you might get a different mirror.
18:13.36rktaI tried multiple times, will try again
18:14.33rktanope, same mirror, same error. Is a cache involved that I can clear?
18:15.17masonrkta: I don't believe so. I believe you're pulling Debian packages from, a mirror bouncer.
18:16.16rktaOk, then it is a debian problem, not devuan, is it?
18:16.22masonrkta: If I go to I'm evidently getting a different mirror, as I see your package.
18:16.31masonrkta: That's what I believe, yes.
18:16.51mason seems to exist
18:16.55masonfor me anyway
18:18.31rktamason: wget works here too, but aptitude still fails *shrug*
18:19.20masonrkta: I'm not sure how to get you to resolve a different Debian mirror beyond being tricky with /etc/hosts or something. But you could try that.
18:19.52masonrkta: Maybe add an entry in /etc/hosts giving a more workable mirror in place of
18:20.50masonrkta: There's a list here:
18:21.26masonI've not tested this theory but it might consistently get you faster downloads.
18:22.41rktamason: thanks, I gonna install the deb with dpkg and try changing the mirror if the problem occurs regularly
18:22.55*** join/#devuan Akuli (~akuli@
18:26.36masonrkta: That sounds like the best plan.
18:44.43*** join/#devuan bjb (
18:49.52*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
18:57.06*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
18:59.30*** join/#devuan Debluk (
19:19.48*** join/#devuan sgage (
19:21.00*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
19:37.20*** join/#devuan picmyk (
19:37.35*** join/#devuan specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
19:46.00*** join/#devuan picmyk (
19:46.27*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
19:48.59*** join/#devuan Deknos (~deknos@unaffiliated/menace)
20:17.41*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
20:21.20systemdleteI used dd to create swapfile on an encrypted btrfs, which in turn is on lvm partition.  On one system, this works fine, on the other it fails because the dd-generated file has holes in it.  Any ideas?
20:22.50systemdleteMy dd cmd was thus so: dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swap bs=1048576 count=100
20:23.40systemdletemkswap /home/swap ; swapon /home/swap
20:24.01systemdletekern.log reports that the swapfile has holes in it.
20:25.18systemdlete(Yes, I ddg'd for it.  Just admonitions to use dd, not fallocate, which solved many peoples' problem)
20:27.44masonsystemdlete: Be aware that it can be deeply problematic if you are forced into swap, but swap has both a CoW filesystem and an encrypted layer in-between you and it.
20:28.16masonsystemdlete: Does btrfs have an equivalent to ZFS volumes? If so, that'd be a better answer, although still far from ideal.
20:28.42systemdleteI did not realize that swap has encrytion already.  Is that enabled by default?
20:28.52masonBest would be just saving a raw partition to use for swap, or a raw MD, or even adding LUKS.
20:29.12systemdleteBut mason, I am thinking the problem is btrfs.  On the system where it worked, it was ext4 (with lvm encrypted)
20:29.38systemdleteI'm using luks for /home, so I figured it would be safe to have a swap on /home
20:30.02systemdleteBut since swap apparently has encryption already, maybe I can put the swap on another partition.
20:30.06masonsystemdlete: It doesn't on its own, but you can easily support it - reference (for instance) /dev/mapper/swap have something in /etc/crypttab that makes that exist, and give it a swap flag.
20:30.21masonsystemdlete: The real issue would be having swap living atop BtrFS.
20:30.22systemdleteoh, I see.  Thanks.
20:30.45systemdleteI didn't notice that until a moment after I posted, sorry.   That would be the kicker, yes.
20:31.18masonsystemdlete: It will probably work fine without pressure, but you really want swap when your system has memory pressure.
20:31.19systemdleteSo btrfs is likely to have holes in a dd'd file then.
20:33.54systemdletewhat happened -- I just typed something and it is gone
20:34.27systemdleteI'll create a lv for swap and add it to /etc/cryptfs
20:35.16*** join/#devuan IanJ (
20:39.31systemdletecrypttab, sorry.
20:39.58systemdleteanyway, is it that btrfs just doesn't support hole-less (non-sparse) files?  Why doesn't it work?
20:41.51*** join/#devuan landley (~landley@
20:46.09systemdlete -- slightly different problem, but it seems to point to some issue with sparseness on btrfs
20:47.59systemdleteI think I will create a new lv fs for /home (and swap), format it for ext4, copy my existing home to it, and create the swapfile there instead.  My objective is to only have to enter the crypt fs password once (I have my system set for autologin)
20:48.26systemdleteSounds to me like btrfs still needs some maturation or the like.
20:49.18*** join/#devuan IanJ (
20:52.34masonYeah. Hopefully it gets there someday.
20:59.12*** join/#devuan IanJ (
21:01.25systemdleteI'm not knocking btrfs.  It will eventually become the replacement for ext4 and friends.  I'm trying an experiment.  Instead of dd from /dev/zero, I'm dd'ing from /dev/random (which takes eternity, but...)
21:01.56systemdleteThen I'll see if mkswap/swapon works with that.  I don't dare use it for real, though.  Just an experiment.
21:02.49fsmithredit should be fine. It's not like swap is always full of zeroes.
21:03.04systemdleteEven if that much works, there is no guarantee that btrfs swap will work in use because maybe it will save zeroed blocks to the swapfile, leaving a hole in the table!
21:03.29systemdleteI'd rather not be a guinea pig for that result.
21:03.45fsmithredwhy btrfs and lvm? Doesn't the btrfs give you the features of lvm?
21:03.58systemdleteI haven't tried it, tbh.
21:04.17systemdleteI'm not anxious about using btrfs.  It's more that I'm trying not to be so... old.
21:04.51systemdleteI'm trying to be a bit... uh.  idk.
21:05.34golinuxTry a couch and a analyst to work that out
21:10.46n4dirmost hypes come and go. The de-facto standards stay. I am fine being old and ignoring the hypes. My 2 cents
21:11.45golinuxThe SNS syndrome is a mental defect IMO
21:13.17systemdlete(I think golinux is reminding us to take this to O.T. channel)
21:14.32*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
21:14.47golinuxGood idea!
21:14.50*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (
21:14.57systemdlete(I figured you would!)
21:15.24golinuxofftopic is our therapy center
21:15.41infobotin #devuan the exclamation mark ("!"), when put as first char in a line, is the infobot attention char (a shorthand for "infobot: ..." highlight). This is on special request, in most other channels the bot uses tilde ("~") as attention char, and you'll find factoids referring to that like "also see ~<factoid>"
21:15.51fsmithredoops. sorry.
21:16.23*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh_@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
21:16.32systemdleteheads over to therapy
21:16.39fsmithredgood luck
21:40.02*** join/#devuan picmyk (
21:41.34*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
21:43.19*** join/#devuan picmyk (
21:50.51*** join/#devuan picmyk (
22:04.38*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
22:12.02*** join/#devuan blottoman (
22:23.05*** join/#devuan byzandula (
22:24.56*** join/#devuan luser977 (
22:31.41*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
22:47.55*** join/#devuan tty (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
22:49.06*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
22:55.56*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
23:24.09*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
23:35.01*** join/#devuan blottoman (
23:55.00*** join/#devuan badasss (~btcagency@
23:55.15*** join/#devuan gnu_srs2 (
23:57.02badasssFree BitCoin Miner

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