IRC log for #devuan on 20201214

00:22.17*** join/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
00:23.37*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
00:32.18*** join/#devuan finsternis (~Y@
00:38.16*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
00:56.20*** join/#devuan IanJ (
01:00.00*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
01:03.20*** join/#devuan n4dir (
01:41.08*** join/#devuan disillusion (disillusio@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/disillusion)
02:05.32*** join/#devuan tokerly2 (~sb35@
02:06.30*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
03:04.37*** join/#devuan n4dir (~n4dir@
03:35.08*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
03:43.12*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@
04:11.39*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
04:25.03*** join/#devuan fncapkle (~sb35@
04:27.41*** join/#devuan nyov (~nyov@unaffiliated/nyov)
04:48.48clortwhat the heck started mounting things under /media/$user/130r81730r58713087
04:48.51clortwhose idea was that
04:49.22clorti didn't tell the system to mount there
04:49.26clortwho is doing this
04:49.30clortthey must be punished
04:51.51clortsomething pulled-in udisks2 i guess
05:05.35*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:09.17*** join/#devuan blottoman (
05:10.09*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
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05:30.22*** join/#devuan onefang (~dvs1@devuan/developer/onefang)
06:46.09*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
07:19.24*** join/#devuan landley (
07:24.57*** join/#devuan comb_ridge (
07:26.05comb_ridgeJust wondering how much support is out there for Devuan
07:27.21comb_ridgeBeen quite some time since I've used Debian - pre system d days; been using slackware and variants
07:28.45clortwhat are you paying
07:29.17comb_ridgepaying ??
07:29.24clortfor support
07:29.35clortmaybe i misunderstood you
07:30.36comb_ridgehaven't been - forums on slackware are good - very helpful; used Salix for some time mainly because I'm a "lazy slacker"
07:31.25comb_ridgeforums, general help, I'm just a general user getting things done w/O windoze
07:32.16*** join/#devuan Joril (~joril@
07:33.00clorti find most of my issues with my programs or OS are not devuan-specific or due to devuan's omission of systemd
07:33.33clortdevuan-specific issues are often discussed here
07:35.02comb_ridgeso basically most questions can be answered checking out Debian information??
07:36.06clortdepends on the question but most package manager type issues are addressed in debian discussions
07:38.09comb_ridgethanks - that helps to narrow it down.
07:40.19*** join/#devuan molly (
07:49.57*** join/#devuan pav5088 (~pav5088@
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08:04.00*** join/#devuan Deknos (~deknos@unaffiliated/menace)
08:19.52*** join/#devuan infobot (
08:19.52*** topic/#devuan is Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Beowulf 3.0 stable, ASCII 2.1 old-stable) | Forum | Chanlogs | take offtopic chat to #devuan-offtopic
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08:21.51*** join/#devuan ffernand (
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08:22.24*** join/#devuan ShorTie (~Idiot@unaffiliated/shortie)
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08:22.24*** join/#devuan unixbsd (openbsdtai@gateway/shell/ircnow/x-qdrshantmpimeyri)
08:22.24*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
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08:38.09*** join/#devuan hooway (~quassel@
08:50.41*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:08.39*** join/#devuan AEonFyr (~aeonfyr@unaffiliated/aeonfyr)
09:16.23*** join/#devuan banisterfiend (~textual@ruby/staff/banisterfiend)
09:29.50*** join/#devuan georg-gast-2 (
09:33.31*** join/#devuan Diagon (DiagonalAr@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/diagonalarg)
09:43.19*** part/#devuan Diagon (DiagonalAr@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/diagonalarg)
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10:52.46*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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12:00.44*** join/#devuan dagelf (
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12:18.08*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
12:35.48*** join/#devuan Gup (
12:39.03GupIs there currently some issue? Seems and are down?
12:52.48*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
13:03.19*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
13:05.40djphGup: google's shot
13:10.01*** join/#devuan dagelf (
13:13.40*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
13:22.42*** join/#devuan Debluk (
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14:33.06*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
14:41.52*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:46.07*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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14:54.34*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
14:55.48*** join/#devuan danyspin97 (
15:07.09Junicchii need to build latest version of network manager but meson throws systemd error
15:07.19Junicchianything you suggest?
15:09.19Junicchithere are lots of systemd options
15:26.25ShorTieis Devuan a systemd option though ??
15:29.22*** join/#devuan Gup (
15:32.07*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:35.07*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
15:38.01*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
15:50.38Junicchithis is the meson build file but there is no option to disable systemd at all
15:51.57Junicchile developer's note
15:52.01Junicchi"# FIXME: do this better!!!"
15:55.35*** join/#devuan Akuli (~akuli@
15:56.07*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:57.30ShorTiedidn't you get the Devuan deb dource and look for patches maybe  ??
15:59.48*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
16:01.06*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:09.06*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:13.59*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
16:23.00*** join/#devuan Debluk (
16:23.07*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:46.48*** join/#devuan landley (
17:00.07*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:01.08*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
17:01.16*** join/#devuan manopola (~manopola@gateway/tor-sasl/manopola)
17:09.49clortgood advice by ShorTie
17:30.16*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
17:30.41*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
17:31.45*** join/#devuan luser977 (
17:34.22*** join/#devuan aitor_ (
17:40.49*** join/#devuan fonxtadeluxe (
17:40.51fonxtadeluxehi all
17:41.42aitor_hi fonxtadeluxe
17:41.43fonxtadeluxejust a quick question, anyone ever tinkered with ati propriatery driver 13.1 for linux x86/686/586 and kernel 5.9
17:41.49fonxtadeluxehey aitor_
17:42.40aitor_not me
17:43.21fonxtadeluxenasty driver though, old card also hd3650, 13.1 i think is the last driver supporting the card, also quickly sifted debians page about ati driver install
17:44.25fonxtadeluxeare those drivers really needed, i mean the ati propriatary in order for the card to get running or is x-orgs-ati driver enough for 3d acceleration
17:45.09fonxtadeluxeas I just would very much like a game of warsow so i will be able to see if the card actually is working
17:45.34fonxtadeluxeas the thing on windows xp produces terrible results, because of the cpu gets cramped at 80% on idle
17:45.43fonxtadeluxespectre or souch not sure, even when offline and fresh install
17:45.46*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
17:46.06fonxtadeluxeif anyone can point me at the right dirrection would be very much happy, thanks
17:47.37fonxtadeluxeoh, the driver ofcourse, does not see the linux-header although there is one
17:47.57fonxtadeluxeand via sh amd.... with or without force does not yield any results
17:48.13fonxtadeluxeamd forums?
17:49.40fonxtadeluxeon a sidenote, linux-gaming iso dvd which has tons of games, including warsow although v1.x something does run from a live media but produces artefacts, on windows however none of those can be seen
17:50.15fonxtadeluxebut i have had similar problems with other ati gpus, where linux was the choice when discovering if card is broken as windows never seem to produce on screen artefacts
17:50.45clortapt-cache search warsow
17:50.48clortnot in devuan
17:50.58fonxtadeluxei know, but if downloaded it runs
17:51.22clortglmark2 is a fair test for gpu
17:51.38clortnot in repo though
17:52.21fonxtadeluxethere is also something similar like furmark from the same coders as furmark, especially for linux
17:52.29fonxtadeluxebut alas X11 does not run
17:52.55fonxtadeluxeamd forums it is :)
18:14.12*** join/#devuan luser977 (
18:21.42*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
18:27.24fonxtadeluxeoh i supposedly found out
18:27.45fonxtadeluxethe driver only supports X 1.12 and kernel <3.4
18:27.49fonxtadeluxegl for me :)
18:28.04clortyeah that's frequent
18:28.12clortapi changes -> bitrot
18:29.12clorti squint at most people who suggest 'improvements' now
18:29.18clortsquint like clint
18:29.48fonxtadeluxei guess i will try debian 6.0
18:29.56fonxtadeluxeif i find the cd
18:29.56clortnot to say there are't ay
18:31.45fonxtadeluxei can still upgrade via devuans repos and apt mark x11
18:31.59fonxtadeluxe6.0 buster does not have systemd yet or?
18:33.49clorti think not
18:34.39fonxtadeluxewill try and report, thanks for shedding some light on the subject and have a nice evenin all
18:47.44*** join/#devuan earthnative (
18:50.05*** join/#devuan aitor_ (
19:00.41*** join/#devuan blottoman (
19:02.02*** join/#devuan KnoP (
19:07.04*** join/#devuan user___ (
19:07.23user___Hi. How do I check what version of gvfs is on post-beowulf devuans?
19:07.42user___I have 1.38.1-5 on beowulf, it's the latest.
19:08.12user___I have android usb transfer trouble. Image mode works, normal file mode is hit and miss and has serious bugs.
19:08.47user___Has anyone else had trouble with phone to beowulf/other devuan connection via usb cable?
19:09.08fsmithredno, that works for me on an android tablet.
19:09.29user___all modes?
19:09.37fsmithredyou have gvfs-backends installed? That one is sometimes missing.
19:09.44fsmithredwhat do you mean "modes"?
19:09.55masonuser___: All modes here. Charge, storage, adb, tether.
19:10.02fsmithredI plug it in, two icons pop up, one says android device
19:10.13fsmithredtether worked, charge works
19:10.15user___there's image transfer mode which works fine and normal file mode which has trouble, sometimes works sometimes stale file lists etc
19:10.17fsmithredwhat's adb?
19:10.26masonAndroid Debugger
19:10.29user___the debugger
19:10.33fsmithrednever used it
19:10.40user___mason: on beowulf?
19:10.44masonuser___: yes
19:10.47fsmithredI move photos off the device ok.
19:10.49user___fsmithred: it's a development tool.
19:11.00masonfsmithred: It's a useful way to do file transfers, move things around on the phone, install things, etc.
19:11.05user___yeah photos mode always works fine, the storage mode has trouble
19:11.06fsmithred1.46.1-1 in ceres
19:11.25user___I found an arch forum post where in the past similar trouble was fixed with an upgrade of gvfs
19:12.21fsmithredsame version is in chimaera (current testing)
19:12.50fsmithrednot sure what the difference is between photo and storage
19:12.59fsmithredI open a file manager and move files back and forth
19:13.43*** join/#devuan luser977 (
19:13.51fsmithredI've also gotten bluetooth transfers to work, but that works less often than it doesn't work, and it takes a long time to figure out if it's working or not.
19:14.25fsmithreduser___, what gvfs packages are installed?
19:20.20user___I checked they are all auto installed, gvfs gvfs-common and backends
19:20.38user___What connects to port 5094 remote?! I seem to have some sort of problem in the phone
19:31.37fsmithredwhatever that is
19:32.16user___yeah it's not that. HART is an automation protocol used in factories and buildings. I don't have such.
19:33.46user___I'll be durned, the Swiss are spying on me...
19:37.14user___running nestat -tuan on non-rooted phones is super instructive sometimes. I understand the connection to nanny Vodafone. Almost. It's the bearer. But the Swiss?!
19:39.53rwpI am too afraid to look at what data exfiltration happens on my phone.  Therefore my policy is to not ever create any data of interest there.
19:41.45fsmithredstupid phone FTW
19:42.06ranixjust assume everything on an android or iphone is leaked
19:42.12fsmithredI won't even do email on the android tablet
19:42.30fsmithredyeah, I did it once. I could not separate my gmail accounts.
19:42.32user___exfiltration? It's not exfiltration. All your data is belong to them, they just show you snippets if you play nice and pay.
19:42.37ranixI know for a fact google passes data through 3rd party vendors just so they can claim plausible deniability when that info gets leaked to law enforcement etc.
19:42.59ranixthey go way out of their way to include vendors and contractors in their processes
19:43.17ranixeverywhere there's somewhere they want to have your data they put a temp there and blame him for the leak
20:02.03user___and we have bad news. using sshelper has no "spy" ip's on.
20:02.17user___using termux + sshd has 5 spy connections on.
20:02.25user___someone has trojaned termux
20:02.31user___it's from google play
20:02.50user___looking at versions and plausible explanations
20:03.20user___right, I am not registered so freenode does not let me talk on #termux. It is their loss.
20:03.49onefangI think you can get termux from F-droid, and this is off topic for a Devuan support channel.
20:04.14user___I'll look. Yes you are right. Sorry.
20:06.03user___interesting, now the monitor ip's are gone on the phone. Talking about them online helps?!
20:06.12user___<done with off topic>
20:06.20*** join/#devuan tibaret (sid146285@gateway/web/
20:13.45*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
20:14.08*** join/#devuan blottoman (
20:15.09*** join/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
20:19.30user___are there other packages besides gvfs and it's modules for android storage access?
20:31.09*** join/#devuan blottoman (
20:31.21rwpI enjoyed up through Android 4 where one could mount Android storage as a USB storage device.
20:31.43rwpAnd then for me personally in all later Android versions I just find it too hard to exchange files.
20:32.15rwpI recently did this again and did so by powering off, removing the SD card, mounting the SD card, moving files, then returning and booting up.
20:32.36rwpFor me that is the least hassle way of moving files now.  Sigh.  It worked better before.
20:33.34rwpFor a while a WiFi transfer app worked acceptably well.  But yet another Android update has broken that on mine.  Doesn't work now.  Sigh.
20:35.32onefangI use jmtpfs for mounting my Androids.
20:36.20onefangecho "Make sure phone is in 'transfer files' mode"
20:36.27onefangjmtpfs /media/phone
20:36.33onefangecho "'fusermount -u /media/phone' when you are done."
20:43.02user___jmtpfs mounts the phone and then only lists the 2 volumes mounted on the phone (external SD and internal) and gets stuck. Lists their names not contents
20:43.10user___So it's a deeper lying problem.
20:43.30clortwhispers 'maemo-leste'
20:43.53user___Very long delay between commands and responses, like 30 seconds or more.
20:45.37user___It seems to work but very slow. Also probably hammering a log somewhere.
20:45.43user___Thanks for the tip onefang
20:47.03user___Nice it works as user, no need to use a root dir like /media/phone
20:47.33*** join/#devuan tomaw_ (tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
20:51.39user___So the phone shows periodic connections to vodafone servers port 5094. No idea what it is. It is not rooted, I'll try to intercept it on the firewall on beowulf see if it's not encrypted.
20:55.35*** join/#devuan Copenhagen_Bram (~elon@unaffiliated/elon-satoshi/x-2794555)
20:55.47Copenhagen_BramIs Devuan Beowulf based on Debian 10?
20:56.11Copenhagen_BramOh, yes it is.
20:56.27Copenhagen_BramBased on 10.4? What about 10.7?
20:56.59masonCopenhagen_Bram: Debian releases speak to what's installed baseline, not what you get once you update.
20:57.12Copenhagen_BramOh ok
20:58.40*** join/#devuan blottoman (
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22:19.01*** join/#devuan Copenhagen_Bram (~elon@unaffiliated/elon-satoshi/x-2794555)
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22:46.35*** join/#devuan ShorTie (~Idiot@unaffiliated/shortie)
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22:51.13*** join/#devuan blottoman (
22:55.37*** join/#devuan AndyGB (
23:19.01*** join/#devuan ShorTie (~Idiot@unaffiliated/shortie)
23:58.41*** join/#devuan landley (

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