IRC log for #devuan on 20201213

00:39.03*** join/#devuan n4dir (
00:51.13*** join/#devuan Jjp137 (
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00:55.34*** join/#devuan dagelf (
01:59.04*** join/#devuan werneta (
02:07.43*** join/#devuan n4dir (
02:09.39*** join/#devuan fifiobarun (
02:52.17*** join/#devuan banisterfiend (~textual@ruby/staff/banisterfiend)
03:02.33*** join/#devuan onefang (~dvs1@devuan/developer/onefang)
03:31.11anjanhi, I keep getting downloading a file failed under "configure the package manager"
03:31.20anjanI can ping on tty2
03:31.29anjanand I have tried the other mirror
03:34.43anjanalright, I just decided not to select an archive
03:38.01*** join/#devuan landley (
03:38.20golinuxAre you using in your sources.list?
03:39.56*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:624:ef00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:40.55golinuxanjan: More info here:
03:46.02*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
03:47.42anjangolinux: interesting, I didnt gave beowulf main in my sources.list
03:47.57anjanbut I had beowulf-security and beowulf-updates
03:48.09anjanjust added it thanks.
03:49.10anjangolinux: Im getting "File has unexpected size. Mirror sync in progress?" during my apt update
03:57.02*** join/#devuan furrywolf (
04:17.38*** join/#devuan maggotbrain (
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05:06.55*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:19.31*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
05:20.35*** join/#devuan alv (
05:20.50alvmorning all !!!
05:21.11*** join/#devuan pablocastellanos (
05:23.52alvthere is a problem with the i386 packages on the repository and
05:25.21alvthe Error "Packages.xz was corrupt" !!!
05:28.17rrqpkgmaster should be ok now; it'll propagate to all hosts within 3 hours
05:31.59anjanI have had problem with that too
05:32.09anjangood to know it's fixed
05:32.46anjanI was pulling my hair out why it wasnt working during my install. I ended up installing chimera
05:35.44alvohhh thanks guys !!!!!!!
05:37.37alvwhat was the problem ????
05:47.23rrqnot sure; disturbed my breakfast, then lunch then afternoon tea :)
05:48.49onefangSo the problem is that you should eat more regular meals.
05:56.27alvseems to work now !!! anyway i'm waiting he will finish the installation !!!
05:57.42alvjust to be sure no problem arise !!!
05:58.50onefangMost of the mirrors update every 30 minutes, only some of them take up to 3 hours.
06:01.43*** join/#devuan jotaxpe_ (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
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06:05.16*** join/#devuan jotaxpe__ (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
06:09.06*** join/#devuan alv (
06:11.09alvok @onefang !!!
06:19.06*** join/#devuan alv_ (
06:30.50alv_ok it worked like a charm !!!
07:38.32*** join/#devuan Debluk (
08:17.14*** join/#devuan meandrain (~meandrain@
08:19.35*** join/#devuan landley (
08:22.29*** join/#devuan lovetolearn (
08:27.00*** join/#devuan landley_ (~landley@
09:01.24*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
09:30.26*** join/#devuan hooway (~quassel@
09:47.10*** join/#devuan drmbls (
10:27.29unixbsdis there a bug fix to KDE for getting Wireless? megabug, it asks for getting root passwrd, and no wireless is setup. you can do this endlessly, infinite. (tested devuan ascii and stable).
10:30.23gnarfacedid you check the release notes? in both cases to get the gui tools working there is stuff to do, i think
10:42.36*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:44.04*** join/#devuan ltl3 (9ede9152@unaffiliated/lovetolearn)
11:00.21*** join/#devuan suavedandy (uid468325@gateway/web/
11:12.09*** join/#devuan Junicchi (~anon@unaffiliated/junicchi)
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14:28.06*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
14:36.02*** join/#devuan toorcie (54cb05cf@
14:36.08toorcieHi. Anyone know how to be allowed to make a thread on r/devuan? The only mod is ''. 😕
14:37.11toorcieTo be an approved user, I clicked the button to send a request to the moderators but that was days ago and nothings happened.
14:43.45*** join/#devuan torciee (54cb05cf@
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15:01.51*** join/#devuan gast0n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
15:03.09MinceRsounds like reddit is not the way to go
15:35.31*** join/#devuan dagelf (
15:36.14*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
15:42.42*** join/#devuan dagelf (
15:51.15*** join/#devuan Debluk (
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15:57.23*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
16:00.31*** join/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
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16:23.06*** join/#devuan dagelf (
16:23.54*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
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17:48.29*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
17:52.23*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
18:02.40*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
18:22.28*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
18:24.05*** join/#devuan sammi` (
18:24.06*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:92ff:fe86:b66e)
18:25.38*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
18:48.23anjanHi, I have tried to find chromium in the repos and I cannot find it. I have main, non-free, and contrib enabled
18:49.42masonanjan: apt update - it should be there
18:49.48fsmithred$ apt policy chromium
18:49.53anjanIm using chimaera
18:50.04fsmithredok, hang on
18:50.06masonAh, it's there in Beowulf. Unsure of Chimaera.
18:51.06masonanjan: Yeah, there was some notion that it might be removed, and it appears to have been dropped.
18:51.09fsmithred500 chimaera/main amd64 Packages
18:51.29masonfsmithred: It's that thing I brought up in the last meeting.
18:51.36masonI hope it returns.
18:51.43fsmithredwell, it's showing up in chimaera and ceres
18:51.49fsmithredand sid
18:52.03masonIt's not showing up in Bullseye any more.
18:52.10anjanit's not showing up =(
18:52.17fsmithred83.0.4103.116-3.1+b2 50 in sid/ceres
18:52.24masonIt's still in Sid, yeah.
18:52.34fsmithredanjan, I'm using 86.x from ubuntu 18.04
18:52.36masonSo I guess it'll work its way back down.
18:52.53masonanjan: This is why stable is generally recommended, FWIW.
18:52.55fsmithredI just downloadede the deb and installed it. It's called chromium-browser
18:53.37fsmithredworks in chimaera
18:53.46anjanfsmithred: where can I download?
18:53.50masonJust need to make sure you manually check for security updates, in a manual install.
18:53.57anjanmason: ya, I know. it's just stable is ancient
18:54.10masonI'm ancient. What are you trying to say?
18:54.19anjanI installed debian stable for my dad
18:54.30anjanit's a great distro for my dad who doesnt like things changing
18:54.50anjanIm a linux enthusiast - used arch/void for years. So I like more up to date packages
18:55.03anjanI think Im becoming like my dad so I installed devuan testing
18:55.14masonI like stuff that works so I don't have to think about it, so I can focus on projects.
18:55.52fsmithredget the one for bionic. Looks like it's on 87 already. I'm out of date.
18:55.58fsmithredjust installed it last week.
18:57.24anjanfsmithred: thanks
18:57.29fsmithredyou also need
18:57.47anjanmason: is changing my release from chimaera to beowulf supported?
18:57.54fsmithredchromium-codes-ffmpeg or chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
18:58.11fsmithredI think one or the other. Pretty sure I installed both, and one replaced the other
18:59.00fsmithredyeah, I just have the -extra installed
18:59.26masonanjan: Moving backwards is generally unsupported. "Move forward or reinstall" generally.
18:59.47masonanjan: If I were you, since it's in unstable, I'd probably grab the unstable source package and do a local backport.
19:00.09masonYou're still left on your own tracking security updates.
19:00.13anjanmason: I have no idea what any of those words mean
19:00.19fsmithredouch. I just read that. Yes it's possible to downgrade. I don't advise it.
19:00.32anjanfsmithred:  I see
19:00.42masonanjan: You can get source packages, and generally you can build them with little change against the version of the OS you've got. They'll link against the versions of libraries you've got, etc.
19:01.40fsmithredIf you added the bionic security repo, and pinned it to a low priority, you could periodically check for updates from the command line or synaptic
19:01.49fsmithredand not have anything installed by accident
19:02.25fsmithredotherwise, bookmark that page I gave you and check it regularly
19:02.36anjanfsmithred: ya, Im deciding between not getting security updates and muddying up my pristine system by installing an ubuntu repo
19:02.43anjanor that
19:03.06*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
19:03.10fsmithredyou know how to do pinning?
19:03.24anjanI think Ive done it once when I was 10
19:03.31anjan(im 23 now)
19:03.51fsmithredif you're comfortable with that, you can be safe. I have sid and ceres repos in my beowulf, but nothing will be installed from them unless I tell it to pull from one of those.
19:03.59fsmithredand I never do that. I only check.
19:04.03fsmithred13 years ago?
19:04.14anjanya, thats when i first installed debian
19:04.16fsmithredmaybe this is not the first pin you should practice with.
19:04.41anjanis calling in firefox fixed tho?
19:04.52fsmithredis what?
19:04.59anjanlike jitsi, zoom, etc.
19:05.01anjanin firefox
19:05.03anjanis it ok?
19:05.05*** join/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
19:05.13fsmithredonly thing I use chromium for is jitsi and zoom
19:05.26anjanthats the only reason I need it
19:05.37fsmithredsome people have entered the chat in ff
19:06.06fsmithrednot sure how long they stayed
19:06.06anjanwell, if it's an important call, like my exam, Ill just load up my laptop
19:06.30anjanis chromium expected to be added to testing soon?
19:06.44*** join/#devuan aperifons__ (
19:07.47fsmithredsid/ceres still has 83.x
19:07.58fsmithredand it's a different one today than it was a week ago
19:08.22fsmithredI don't know if they backported patches
19:08.53fsmithredwhen I looked at the list of unfixed vulnerabilities in chromium, it was the longest such list I've ever seen
19:09.19anjanya web browsers were a mistake
19:09.27fsmithredmight not be a bad idea to only run that sucker inside a VM
19:11.51anjanfsmithred: ungoogled chromium seems to have a portable version
19:12.00anjando you think they have an autoupdating mechanism?
19:12.08anjantheir builds are unreproduceble tho
19:26.22fsmithredI have no idea
19:26.42anjanfsmithred: they have it in the open suse open build system
19:26.45fsmithredportable means what? appimage?
19:26.58anjanjust a tarball
19:27.07fsmithredtry it
19:27.09anjanof compiled binaries and the needed libraries
19:27.27fsmithredif it's like ff tarballs, you can unpack it in your home
19:27.28rwpFYI: Ubuntu package names it as chromium-browser. Debian package names it as chromium.
19:27.44fsmithredyeah, I have both installed at once
19:27.46anjanfsmithred: ya thats how this program is too
19:28.36anjanNo usable sandbox! Update your kernel
19:28.40anjanIm on 5.9.0
19:28.41rwpJitsi definitely works acceptably well in Firefox.  No real problems.  Just missing a few menu selections.
19:29.00*** join/#devuan Deknos (~deknos@unaffiliated/menace)
19:29.05anjanrwp: ah cheers. I was having trouble with video calls in firefox
19:29.15anjanI wonder if thats cause I wasnt running firefox-esr
19:29.30rwpI definitely use Beowulf Firefox for Jitsi no problem.  Routine usage here.
19:29.51anjanokie dokie
19:29.54anjanthanks rwp
19:29.55rwpIncluding sharing of the desktop.
19:30.02masonanjan: If you can pull something from an OpenSuSE build system repo, that's not a bad way to track new builds. If the builder is diligent, it can be useful.
19:30.03fsmithredcool, thanks
19:30.29anjanmason: the only issue is which one do I choose
19:30.31rwpChromium definitely works "better" in that all of the menu items exist for all of the little things.
19:30.42masonFWIW, you might read about Jitsi not working with Firefox. There were issues up until earlier this year.
19:31.05anjanmason: no, I tried using jitsi in firefox for like 6 months earlier this year
19:31.11anjanactually ya, that was earlier this year
19:31.15anjanthanks for the heads up guys
19:31.22anjanI prefer firefox over chromium 100%
19:31.47rwpIf I run Mozilla Firefox then it only works with pulseaudio and therefore I run Mozilla Firefox as "apulse firefox" with the apulse adapter for audio.  That works well actually.
19:31.47fsmithredungoogled-chromium_87.0.4280.88-1.1_linux/chrome: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ungoogled-chromium_87.0.4280.88-1.1_linux/chrome)
19:32.22anjanwow, devuan has emoji support by default
19:32.27fsmithredlooks like I have 2.28 in beowulf
19:32.29anjanI could never get that to work with void/arch
19:32.56rwpfirefox-esr runs with either pulse or alsa so when I tried upstream Mozilla Firefox I had no sound until I figured out to use the apulse adaptor.
19:35.15fsmithredok, I got it to install and run in chimaera but it complained about sandbox, and I can only start it with --no-sandbox
19:36.24fsmithredlooks like it works.
19:36.30fsmithreduntil I try to close the window
19:36.44rwpPersonally I wish that instead of handling web browser upgrades through the security path that they had simply moved them to the "volatile" area of $suite-updates next to tzdata and the other things that change continuously.
19:37.46rwpSince they are not backpatched like other security fixes are handled but are just jumped ahead to the latest top of tree upstream version.
19:44.25*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e0a:4e1:97e0:a69c:dc6e:df01:d357)
19:50.21anjananyone tried zoom over firefox?
19:51.42*** join/#devuan aperifons_ (
20:02.26*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8760)
20:04.24rwpanjan, Zoom?  Not I.
20:04.42anjanrwp: I hate it but I need it for university
20:05.02anjanthe fact that spyware is required for getting an education now........
20:05.04anjanvery unhappy
20:10.00golinuxSoon we will all be surrounded by spyware whatever we buy or wherever we go.
20:10.00rwpUnderstood.  It's the times we life in now.  "Sad life.  Probably have sad death.  But at least there is symmetry." --Zathras
20:10.18*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
20:10.35golinuxIt's good time to be old . . .
20:11.51rwpI am starting to have those dreams where you are dreaming that you have an exam but haven't been to class all semester...
20:12.54anjanrwp: Ive heard those dreams dont end after you graduate and Im terrified of that
20:13.08anjanmy mom is like "ya, Ive had that dream so many times, I have strategies"
20:13.31clortthose dreams do not end after you graduate
20:13.35clortfor me.  it's weird
20:19.48*** join/#devuan Debluk (
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22:06.59clortvpn borked: ip6tables-save: symbol lookup error: ip6tables-save: undefined symbol: xtables_
22:07.00*** join/#devuan cimmerian (~cimmerian@gateway/tor-sasl/cimmerian)
22:07.22clortiptables -L
22:07.22clortiptables: symbol lookup error: iptables: undefined symbol: xtables_fini
22:07.39clorti hate nvidia
22:07.47clorthalp tux3d
22:07.54clortneed a good kernel
22:11.44*** join/#devuan gnu_srs2 (
22:53.17rwpclort, That is an odd error.  I assume you are on Beowulf?  Does "ldd -d -r /usr/sbin/iptables" resolve all libs okay?  Does it find okay?
22:53.55rwpAn example from a Beowulf system here.
22:54.53rwpI am suspecting a mixup that if an executable can't find a symbol then I suspect a mixup of executable and libs.
22:56.11*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (
22:56.30clortundefined symbol: xtables_fini  (/usr/sbin/iptables)
22:56.51clortfrom ldd -r
23:08.19rwpWell...  That's not good. More comparison with my up to date Beowulf system:
23:08.59*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:3ac:0:db01:be7a:1c9a)
23:09.13clortit's the crappy nvidia kernel
23:11.24clortand the internet has one person with that error
23:11.43clortmaybe it's some state's trojan causing probs
23:16.51*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
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23:34.27gnarfacei dunno, valve's steamlink kernel throws iptables overboard too
23:34.46gnarfaceas does the kernel on my gp2x wiz, for whatever that's worth
23:35.03gnarfaceit seems like a common thing for all hardware vendors to
23:35.05gnarfaceto do*
23:36.05gnarfacei don't like it either, but it's possible you can still build and load missing stuff
23:37.20gnarfacetrojan or no, they clearly don't care about security at that layer
23:37.37gnarfaceyou might have to rebuild the whole kernel
23:38.02gnarfacesometimes that might require sourcing patches and firmware that don't exist or are protected under NDA
23:38.31*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
23:38.38gnarfacebut sometimes it's just that nobody has done the work
23:38.48gnarface(sometimes it's a lot of work)
23:51.25*** join/#devuan conifer (~conifer@gateway/tor-sasl/conifer)
23:53.02gnarfaceon the steam link apparently you can just kexec a whole different kernel after boot if you build it with their toolkit
23:53.19gnarfacenot sure if that'll work for tegra stuff or not though

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