IRC log for #devuan on 20201207

00:13.32tuxd3vin a week or 2 we will have next Linux LTS version 5.10.x
00:19.49*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
00:38.51*** join/#devuan ac_laptop (~ac_laptop@
00:52.25*** join/#devuan cp- (
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00:59.33*** join/#devuan fncapkle (~sb35@
01:00.00*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
01:00.28*** join/#devuan Another1 (~cthulhu@
01:01.17*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
01:02.06*** join/#devuan Another1 (~cthulhu@
01:11.35*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
01:30.42masonHrm, didn't realize the next Debian was getting that close. Argh.
01:31.07*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
01:31.38masonI guess the NetworkManager stuff is happening without a vast amount of time to spare.
01:32.43*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
01:32.45fsmithredit's still pre-freeze, isn't it?
01:53.07masonAlpha from that post.
01:53.39masonI assume pre-freeze by a decent margin, but sure not generic testing still.
02:16.20fsmithredNot 'till spring. Here's a summary with links.
02:18.15*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
02:19.07onefangI guess you meant northern hemisphere spring.  Always annoys us southern hemisphere people when seasons are used like that.
02:19.55onefangSpring was last week.  I'm living in the future, just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.  B-)
02:20.30fsmithredsorry. Final freeze some time after march 12
02:20.46furrywolfyou're still stuck in spring?  we're all the way to winter here.  :P
02:28.14*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
02:38.52masononefang: We don't tend to plan things based on the southern hemisphere. I mean, it's only a matter of time before you guys fall off the bottom of the planet, from what I can see.
02:52.21onefangLeaving the planet is starting to sound like a good idea.
02:52.44onefangThink we are off topic, let alone off planet, right now though.
02:53.50masonI wish there were a usable off-topic channel associated! I've gone through two now.
02:54.01masonBut fair enough.
02:55.31*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
02:56.11pablocastellanosHi everybody! I'm trying to make new netinstall cds for buster (actually learning to do them). Until now, only achieved to modify it to use in serial port installations. My objective is to create an installer with the current buster (no old packages like the current netinstall) Any ideas how to proceed?
02:56.45masonBeowulf, FWIW.
02:58.24pablocastellanosDamn, it was confused. What I'm trying to do, is create a beowulf (thanks mason) that resembles debian 10.7 netinstall (our beowulf netinstall has the old kernel with security vulnerabilities)
03:00.38fsmithredcheck the beowulf branches
03:01.27fsmithredthere's also this:
03:01.53masonpablocastellanos: FWIW, a common theme is to use Refracta or similar images and do a debootstrap install. Not quite the same, but it's usable today.
03:02.07pablocastellanosfsmithred: Nice! 20190702+deb10u6+devuan1 looks like 10.6 debian
03:02.29fsmithredwe do have recent mini.iso
03:02.36masonThat said, I've been sporadically poking at making a Devuanized minimal live CD as Debian's version is an awesome install/recovery platform.
03:03.30pablocastellanosmason: My use case is installation of very small servers via serial port. But always downloads updates. I'm looking for a standard installation but with packages up to date inside the ISO image
03:04.06pablocastellanosfsmithred: A mini.iso is even better!!!
03:04.19masonpablocastellanos: Random thing to look at given what you're doing:
03:04.36masonI've not used it with Devuan, but most things can be adapted.
03:04.38pablocastellanosfsmithred: Usually I need to uninstall packages after installation. (console-setup for example)
03:09.12pablocastellanosfsmithred: Thanks for the information!
03:09.48fsmithredyw. have fun. good night. zzzzzz
03:13.07*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
03:17.51KREYREENheads-up: created tracking devuan support in QubesOS where i am interested in working on it depending on upstream response. ^-^
03:19.14pablocastellanosKREYREEN: Yayy!
03:19.59KREYREENmay need help with it though.. seems that qubes expects it to be packaged with their software <>
03:20.02onefangadds that link to the appropriate TODO.
03:20.15KREYREENonefang, thanku ^-^
03:21.10onefangDon't hold your breath though, I have waaay too many TODOs, and I'm waaay behind.  lol
03:21.36KREYREENI should be able to implement it myself they just have some weird build system for these though
03:22.08KREYREENwhich seems as a malpractice interpretation x.x
03:40.35*** join/#devuan Kohlrabi (
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06:47.27*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
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07:36.02*** join/#devuan Joril (~joril@
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07:43.19tuxd3v5.10-rc6 is already in Debian experimental
07:43.55tuxd3vonce 5.10 be released in 1 or 2 weeks it will go into unstable :)
08:03.59*** join/#devuan wikan (~wikan@2a02:a31d:853e:3000:215:c5ff:fe42:f530)
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09:52.35*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:de13:7a00:f9b3:ff5c:1d7:63db)
10:14.08*** join/#devuan djph (~dpurgert@devuan/community/dpurgert)
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12:30.10*** join/#devuan shK403 (~shK403@
12:34.59shK403Greetings folks, is just freshly installed the 'dev-1' and can't get past a tty-console asking for the login. Since the installer gave me no option to create a (super)user-account, I wonder how the correct input for (root)access would be! Any ideas? ;-)
12:36.51djphif you didn't create root's password, you're probably expected to use sudo
12:37.31shK403Just adding: since I just used another rEFInd distro which boots the kernel (I failed at creating proper bindings manually) is promps me to the terminal with login-question
12:38.02shK403explicitly asking for a login and the password
12:42.56*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
12:44.35shK403djph: it's the very first login scenario where I'm missing knowledge about useful/working login credentials. I'm not even getting an expeted(?) graphical interface there..! I'm expecting a standard combination so far, eventho it seems wierd in a fresh-made OS-Installation! Any other ideas? no offense - I imagine you have not gotten my question right
12:46.27djphshK403: You mean you're getting tty1 and it's asking you for a username?
12:46.40djphshK403: have you tried the username you created during install?
12:48.18shK403well guess you will ask me to reinstall, since I did not set any username( not knowing, only remeber the Computers name to be set up)
12:48.52djphso ... you didn't even go through the general user account setup steps?  How'd it get as far as installing then?
12:49.28*** join/#devuan landley (
12:51.24djphsounds like you were somehow able to skip a couple necessary steps
12:53.54shK403well im specialized in finding bugs by using unecessarily complicated way of doing things - this time it was seemingly the smallest USB-stick to use getting me there..! lol gonna grab some Coffee and going to retry this somehow! ty so far
13:15.22luser977tried root login?...
13:20.47gnarfaceshK403: it doesn't seem like you answered the question of whether you created a root password
13:21.46gnarfaceshK403: do you remember setting any passwords at all during the installation?
13:22.12shK403so luser977 I tried roor without any pw, it didn't get me on
13:22.12luser977reboot with init=/bin/sh in the kernel cli?
13:22.52shK403gnarface: no I don't remember setting them up!
13:23.03luser977what's the dfl pw on devuan live again?
13:23.16gnarfacetoor, i think
13:23.17*** join/#devuan menace__ (~deknos@unaffiliated/menace)
13:23.31gnarfaceshK403: if you didn't set any passwords you locked yourself out
13:23.48luser977shK403: try root login w. pw toor
13:24.00shK403root/toor didn't work neither, so gnarface must be right somehow i made an  unusable install!
13:24.17luser977then reboot with init= as above imo
13:24.25gnarfaceshK403: you can fix it fairly easily with the installer disk
13:24.38gnarfaceshK403: you can just boot into the installer again and re-do the steps you skipped
13:24.55gnarfaceshK403: assuming we're not talking about the live cd
13:25.35gnarfaceshK403: either set a root password this time, or create a non-root user you can su or sudo from
13:25.42shK403alright, I'm about trying these two things! ...we're talkin' bout the netinstall usb thing
13:26.17shK403thx so far, gonna reply after try
13:28.08*** join/#devuan luser978 (
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14:12.12*** join/#devuan amesser (
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14:47.41shK403I managed to get the net-Installer sucessfully finished as the installers guidance was not getting aborted by my input, so I did'nt miss to create users again! thanx to all participants I got the nice devuvan distro running on an older IBM notebook, which combines lovely in together!
15:00.11gast0nhi, any idea how I can list the packages that I have installed ordered by the largest ones?
15:05.09*** join/#devuan onefang (~dvs1@devuan/developer/onefang)
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15:18.05*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
15:22.47fsmithredgaston, make a package list: dpkg -l | awk '/ii/ { print $2 }' > list
15:23.23fsmithredThen sort by the "Installed size" line in the output of 'apt-cache show <package>'
15:23.33fsmithredwhich is a little more scripting than I have time for right now
15:34.17onefangMy Beowulf desktop is now running Linux kernel 5.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64, now that it has been signed.
15:34.43fsmithredsigned for secure boot?
15:37.28onefangI assume that's what it meant with the previous package name having "-unsigned" at the end.
15:41.03*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@
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15:42.24onefangSo there is linux-image-5.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64, and linux-image-5.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64-unsigned.  Until recently the first one didn't exist.  All the other kernel packages have -unsigned versions as well.
15:45.18*** join/#devuan dormito (~dormito@
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15:52.58*** join/#devuan Akuli (~akuli@
15:54.45dormitofor some reason partprobe and blockdev refuse to read/update/probe the partiton table of a loop device (or a /dev/mapper device). My rootfs is stored on a partition of this device. Is there a way to get a non-broke partiton probe in the initrd, or maybe to inject another binary?
15:54.52*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:57.37gnarfacedormito: seems like you're missing a package
15:58.47gnarfacenot sure what, maybe eudev? or something related?
15:58.58gnarfacei feel like i've seen this one before
15:59.22gnarfacesomething is either not installed or not running that is supposed to do that, probably...
16:00.58dormitodoes partprobe use udev to inform the kernel of partition tables? I'd think that'd be just like an ioctl or something
16:01.35dormitopretty sure I have eudev installed, not sure if initramfs-tools is sticking it in the initrd though.
16:03.57gnarfaceoh hmmm
16:04.45gnarfacedoes losetup work?
16:05.29dormitoit works in that it sets up the loop device, but I think it's provide by busybox and missing the '-P' option (which includes a probe in the setup)
16:15.22gnarfaceoh, you're using busybox, not bash?  i wonder if that's got something to do with it...
16:15.50*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
16:16.44dormitoI'm using the initrd that update-initramfs generated.
16:17.24gnarfacei can't think of any specific examples right now, but i do recall busybox not doing anything i wanted it to do either
16:18.32dormitodoes initramfs-tools have a nice way to include other specific programs? or do I need to manually edit the initrd image to include both the program and it's lib dependancies?
16:19.03gnarfacei don't know, did you look in /etc/initramfs-tools/ ?
16:20.01gnarfaceit looks extensible, but i don't know details
16:20.13dormitoyes, nothing obvously stoodout in the config files. and I've not yet seen a description of the hooks or scripts dirs. Although I suspect neither will directly do what I want.
16:22.04dormitoahh found a man page that describes it
16:22.35dormitoseems that the hooks (shell scripts), have a helper function, copy_exec which can be used to install binaries (and does dep resolution)
16:23.17dormito(which of course has the down side of pulling in glibc, but w/e)
16:32.53*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
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16:55.17*** join/#devuan KREYREEN (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
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18:34.16onefangxscreensaver on my new Beowulf install on my new desktop doesn't turn off the monitors.
18:34.54onefangOn a text console "setterm -blank 1" does turn off the monitors after the appropriate delay.
18:36.38onefangBack on openbox I run this - "while true; do xset dpms force off; sleep 30; done"  The screen blanks for about 4 seconds, but doesn't turn off the monitors, then unblanks for the rest of the 30 second sleep.
18:38.52fsmithredgood call, onefang. It doesn't work here, either.
18:39.18fsmithredJust tested it for the first time after using it all year. I use xfce4-power-manager to blank the screen.
18:39.25onefangxscreensaver with "Power Management Enabled" and "Quick Power-off in Blank Only Mode" both turned on, and "Blank Screen Only" selected, just blanks the screen, no monitor turn off.
18:39.36*** join/#devuan blizzow (
18:39.48onefangxfce4-power-manager works with openbox?
18:39.49fsmithredoh, here it didn't even blank the screen
18:39.56fsmithredworks with xfce
18:40.14fsmithrednot sure what I use with openbox, but it does blank. But that's in ascii.
18:40.35onefangWorked fine in ASCII.
18:41.12*** join/#devuan luna_is_here (
18:42.28onefang suggest using xfce4-power-manager.  lol
18:42.44onefangOr gnome-power-manager.
18:42.49fsmithredok, I enabled power management and it now blanks the screen
18:43.14fsmithredI didn't test if it powers off the screen
18:43.34onefangtries xfce4-power-manager
18:43.35*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (
18:44.07fsmithredI think the only reason I have xscreensaver running is so I can lock the screen when I go away
18:47.12onefangwaits a few minutes to see what xfce4-power-manager will do.
18:56.09onefangIt did sfa.  lol
18:58.34*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
19:02.43tuxd3vfsmithred, I used slimlock for that :)
19:03.13fsmithredtuxd3v, does that need slim to work?
19:04.05tuxd3vat least it need to be installed
19:04.25tuxd3vthen it has a config in /etc above ^^
19:05.22mcrhey. This is a perhaps an ironic place to ask this: I'm working on some network namespace code. Works great on devuan.  On ubuntu 20... systemd-logind loses it's mind.  I'm looking for some consulting on this.
19:07.51onefanggnome-power-manager isn't helping either.
19:08.16fsmithredbut xfce does work?
19:08.31fsmithredmcr, use devuan!
19:08.55fsmithredyou know about the change in interface names?
19:09.16onefangI configured xfce4-power-manager to blank after one minute, suspend after two, and turn off the monitors after three.  It did none of that.
19:09.42fsmithredeudev uses the old names. If you need new names in devuan, use net.ifnames=1 on boot command. If you want old names with systemd-udev, use net.ifnames=0 on boot command.
19:10.17fsmithredand you added it to the autostart file? (just checking)
19:13.09*** join/#devuan luna_is_here (
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19:29.00onefanggives up and goes back to xscreensaver for locking and setterm -blank 1 for turning off monitors.
19:31.02masononefang: Yeah, I find too many things that wake up my screens when xscreensaver puts them to sleep.
19:32.13onefangSo that's three things I have had to give up on with Beowulf.  Getting desktop Signal to relink with my phone, Psi and Psi+ simply not logging on, and this.
19:33.05onefangI tried that "use spectacles" thing with Signal, it just tried to re-autofocus and failed as usual again.
19:34.19masononefang: FWIW, I've had this same issue with DPMS on all of Devuan, Debian, and Ubuntu, so it's not unique to Beowulf.
19:34.26masonAll on the same hardware.
19:34.44onefangIt works fine on this desktop on Mint.
19:35.06masonOh, interesting. Be useful to see what they do differently. I suspect it's not actually related to xscreensaver.
19:35.08onefangBut I want to use Devuan.
19:37.25onefangAlas I can't try it on ASCII, the bleeding edge video card wont go into graphics mode, coz kernel is too old.  I even have to use a backported kernel for Beowulf.
19:39.14onefangTime to step away for a bit.
19:43.28tuxd3vonefang, what is your card?
19:45.09*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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19:49.27tuxd3v5.9.12 fixes problems with rx 6800
19:54.26masontuxd3v: That's why I hate having some drivers upstreamed. You can't have fixes unless you chase the bleeding edge. Might be worth a bug asking Debian to backport the fix.
19:56.14tuxd3vmason, that is true, and the distros take long time to backport newer kernels, obligating yourself to self build a kernel :/
19:57.16tuxd3vI hope debian does, because kernel 5.10 will take some time to be availlable
19:57.50tuxd3vin less than a month will be almost for sure in unstable
19:58.06tuxd3vbut majority of people are not there..
19:58.06masonI suspect that if BtrFS were maintained outside of the tree it'd have caught up to ZFS for stability by now.
20:03.17menace__there's still bcachefs at some point of time :D
20:04.19onefangRadeon RX 5600 XT BE is my graphics card.
20:05.28onefang5.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 is the latest kernel in Beowulf backports.
20:05.59onefangWhich I installed yesterday.
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21:26.06tuxd3vonefang, I didin't updated in a while and is true, I checkd now and its availlable 5.9
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21:33.30*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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22:02.03tuxd3vonefang, I hope they bring 5.9.12 or above, since it also fixs rx 6800 series ,in near future..
22:02.39tuxd3vand this cards only work with amdgpu, so we don't even have the option for RadeonSI mesa driver :)
22:03.20tuxd3va split O.o
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23:46.25XenguyLooks like Debian released a point release today.

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