IRC log for #devuan on 20201206

00:16.16*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
00:30.10*** join/#devuan fncapkle (~sb35@
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00:45.31tuxd3vonefang, Signal is some sort of Telegram app?
00:47.34*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
00:47.57onefangI've not used Telegram, but I think so.  Open source chat, with e2e encryption.
00:49.04XenguyTelegram is not FOSS, am I wrong?
00:49.24XenguyI thought there was some proprietary aspect
00:49.26tuxd3vI use time a month =D. Signal should be nice seems that it does the same at least a number of things..
00:49.51tuxd3vTelegram I believe its open
00:49.56onefang"Notably, all of Telegram's official apps are open source." Says wikipedia.  Maybe not the server side.
00:51.49tuxd3vmaybe not the Server.. what I know about it is that... In Russia, Secret Services put a lot of pressure on the developers for them to give the secret services access to Telegram, because of Islamic state Associate ...terrorism..
00:52.30tuxd3vThe Developers refused and leave Russia, they toughed US was more open, less restrictions..
00:52.40XenguyConfirmed that it's all FOSS, except for some proprietary stuff on the server side.
00:53.18tuxd3vThey mooved to US, the the NSA/CIA stated to put pressure on them because they wanted to aceess the data... so they discovered that US after all also wants access..
00:53.42golinuxIs this the new offtopic channel?
00:53.43tuxd3vthey leave USA
00:53.48XenguyThe US is the last place a project like that should choose to move to
00:54.03XenguyYes, #offtopic then
00:54.26tuxd3vthe went to Saudi Arabia or Barain or Qatar, and are continuing to develop it from there..
00:55.05tuxd3vgolinux, only a bit of history about Telegram :)
00:55.37XenguyWell also clarifying the licensing, which is important for me anyway
00:55.47tuxd3vThey continue to refuse to give access to Russia, so Russia banned the Service in the country, I don't know about the US..
01:09.14*** join/#devuan bbuccianti (~bbucciant@
01:09.20bbucciantiwe have something like coredumpctl ?
01:10.24Xenguyruns away...
01:18.29tuxd3vbbuccianti, are you talking about?
01:18.32tuxd3vsystemd-coredump: /usr/bin/coredumpctl
01:18.39tuxd3vrun away from it :)
01:19.32bbucciantihow do you produce coredumps?
01:19.33onefangbbuccianti is asking about something LIKE that, which does the same thing, but without systemd.
01:20.50onefangA quick search finds minicoredumper.
01:20.51tuxd3vho, tanks, onefang,
01:21.11tuxd3vbbuccianti, you can configure it via ulimits for example
01:23.18*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
01:24.34tuxd3vto disable in the shell you just:
01:24.38tuxd3vulimit -S -c 0
01:24.49tuxd3vsize 0 means no core dump
01:25.11tuxd3vto enable to particular program
01:25.42tuxd3vulimit -S -c unlimited my_program_will_coredump_name
01:25.53tuxd3vthis is a soft limit
01:26.06tuxd3vyou can enforce softlimits and also hardlimits
01:26.22tuxd3vusually soft limits are the first ones to activate
01:27.09tuxd3vhardlimits is the max value... above that size, no core dumps!
01:27.40tuxd3vso usually we define softlimits lets say some 30% bellow hardlimit sizes
01:27.58tuxd3vthis si also valid for other things, like file descriptors and such
01:28.24tuxd3vwhen a softlimit is achieve you are being warned via log
01:28.42tuxd3vyou can sel a nagios or something else to also alert you
01:29.33tuxd3vthe Idea is that soft limits being some 30% lower, can give you time to solve the problem that is happening in that server
01:32.12tuxd3vfor example to allow all programs to core dump, you can set a unlimited size
01:32.17tuxd3v* soft core unlimited
01:32.31tuxd3vin //etc/security/limits.conf
01:37.00tuxd3vbbuccianti, see the help of ulimit command
01:37.02*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
01:37.05tuxd3v'ulimit --help'
01:37.24tuxd3vit has a lot of options, that is to execute in the shell
01:42.28tuxd3vbbuccianti, you can also check the proc, about some config for core dumps..
01:42.35tuxd3vls -l /proc/sys/kernel/core_{pattern,pipe_limit,uses_pid}
01:44.27*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
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01:55.00tuxd3vXenguy, about matrix, I never used it, and I saw already a lot of folks using it even in their own phones
01:55.08tuxd3vdoes you know the concept?
01:55.24tuxd3vI came across this:
01:55.36furrywolfI've never used it, and it's so fucking annoying that we've started telling people in one of my channels to get a proper client if they want to talk.
01:56.27furrywolfit's not just annoying for the person using it, but it's annoying for everyone else in the channel, as it spams crap, can't send actions (/me) correctly, breaks urls, spams entire previous lines any time someone replies to one, and generally fills the channel with crap if anyone actually talks who uses it...
01:58.03tuxd3vfurrywolf, you are describing a Spam designed app..
01:58.12tuxd3vSo what is about the Matrix
01:58.37golinuxIt's what the cool kids are using and it is OT
01:58.40tuxd3vThye idea I got is that is a way to speak with diferent protocols? cold be this correct?
01:58.59bbucciantituxd3v: thanks! ulimit -c unlimited seems to do the trick
01:59.12tuxd3vbbuccianti, you welcome
01:59.15golinuxIt uses technology that I don't want to deal with
01:59.40tuxd3vgolinux, sorry, I just had a lot of buzz abouit people saying they are in the matrix
02:00.19golinuxIt's the latest fad
02:00.26golinuxIt too will pass
02:13.44*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8760)
02:54.32tuxd3vclort, actually 'tegra210-p3450-0000.dts' is already both things... the carrier and the module of jetson nano :)
03:28.34*** join/#devuan jotaxpe (jotaxpe@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/jotaxpe)
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03:59.41tuxd3vclort, the first move I made to create a uboot binary for Nvidia Jetson Nano... and the problem was already there :)
04:00.02tuxd3v1 move = 1 patch =)
04:00.21tuxd3vso I already have a patch for atf, regarding JNano :)
04:00.47tuxd3vyes it build uboot mainline, but I don't own the board so I don't know how good it is.. :S
04:02.45tuxd3vclort, what is the Kernel version you are running in the nano?
04:02.55tuxd3vcan you get the config of it?
04:03.09tuxd3v'modprobe configs'
04:03.40tuxd3v'zcat /proc/config.gz'
04:03.49tuxd3vpaste it here:
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05:02.38clortsorry i was afk tuxd3v
05:03.27tuxd3vyou were at sleep?
05:03.42tuxd3vno problem if you are we talk tomorow :)
05:03.56clortno i am here now
05:04.05clortmodprobe configs returns nothing
05:04.12tuxd3vho you still have a 4.9 on Jetson nano?
05:04.25clortit is what nvidia shipped with their ubuntu image
05:05.00tuxd3vclort, if you were at sleep we talk tomorrow no problem sorry
05:05.31clort  there's zcat
05:06.22clortdpaste is taking forever
05:06.57tuxd3vI already have it ;)
05:07.15tuxd3vnow I will try to build a kernel only to test my backends :)
05:07.33clortexcellent, thanks
05:13.53tuxd3vno problem, I am trying with mainline, because I am using the 5.9 branch for patching for another board, so I will go with mainline, I am now copying the source..
05:14.04*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
05:20.40clorti can switch irc to another machine now, so i can even stay with you while hacking uboot on the jetson
05:24.01tuxd3vclort, I need more information about the partition scheme used by Nvidia on this SoC
05:24.19tuxd3vI don't know, were to write yet the bootloader
05:24.19clorti will provide info i can
05:24.57tuxd3vI don't know ere the bootloader starts and where it ends, in the sdcard or emmc
05:25.11tuxd3vdoes you know about the SoC boot scheme?
05:25.23*** join/#devuan kreyren[m] (~kreyren@fsf/member/kreyren)
05:25.32clortno emmc sadly
05:25.49tuxd3vyou are working from emmc, or sdcard?
05:26.42tuxd3vyea, for sure the bootloader is 1 zone only
05:26.49clortif it has emmc i don't know how to access
05:27.07tuxd3vbut it could still have another partition for the environment, which is usually used
05:27.40clortproc/partitions sees mmcblk0 for sd card and sda for first usb drive
05:27.43tuxd3vI mean, the environment I usually don't use it
05:28.23tuxd3vyes the boot loader goes somewere between the partition table, to end were the first partition start
05:28.54tuxd3vthis space includes already the bootloader itself zone, plis the Enviroment zone
05:28.56clortthere are very many partitions and i do not know why
05:29.41tuxd3vcat you do a:
05:29.43clort  sd card partitions
05:29.44tuxd3v'parted /dev/mmcblk0'
05:30.42tuxd3vthe 'q'
05:30.44tuxd3vto quit
05:31.22tuxd3vwow Nvidia is a bit crazy.. it surpassed the crazinest of Rockchip by a few miles :)
05:31.32clorti made a 32GB os, 32GB osbackup and the rest is data
05:31.49clortyeah idk all that stuff, i just dd the whole card
05:34.02tuxd3vthe bootloader has a size of: 632.0 KiB
05:34.27tuxd3vI mean the uboot v2020.10 compiled already with atf v2.4
05:34.46clortwhy do they have so many partitions
05:35.17tuxd3vyea, that is what I will need to figure out :)
05:35.41clortdo you want the data?
05:35.52tuxd3vbut they are the vendor that won the race for sure in the partition numbers :)
05:36.18tuxd3vI will have to digg, theres no other way, you already helped me a lot :)
05:36.48tuxd3vI already saw that, I need to digg to check what partition does, and why
05:37.02clorti could afford maybe 30€ towards a nano.  the 2GB version is like 49€ from amazon
05:37.07clorta nano for you
05:37.39tuxd3vI didn't wanted to ask that
05:37.56clortwould be happy to donate if it helps
05:38.05tuxd3vlet me first, digg a bit on the partition types, and why there are many..
05:38.21tuxd3vlet me also build a kernel for it first, then we can decide :)
05:38.40tuxd3vI already saw that there are some patch's to mainline kernel
05:38.59tuxd3vbut I haven't yet look into them, but I will
05:40.57tuxd3v2 min left to download the full source from my Nas wich holds 5.10-rc6
05:41.52clortnew is good.  we have 5.9 for the droid4s now
05:44.10clorti think 4 people on the planet would appreciate this enough to send you 30€ for a 4GB nano :/
05:46.46clort"zaphod looked... and thought to himself 'this, i have no need for'"
05:49.34*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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06:07.13clortoflag=direct avoids dirty buffer constipation when you dd partitions!!
06:08.40tuxd3vI am building a kernel now
06:09.04tuxd3vBut I will have to digg deeper to understand the need for so many partitions :)
06:09.25clorti don't even know what they do for gpu drivers
06:10.02clortthere's a big nvgpu module
06:10.04tuxd3vyea that is yet another thing that could be related :)
06:10.21tuxd3vI believe its a blob :)
06:11.00*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
06:12.25clortone result i can share from my big microSD card benchmarking is that the sandisk mini usb3 uSD card reader significantly outperforms the kingston and transcend in IOPS
06:13.51tuxd3vyou have a big sdcard I saw the print
06:14.54tuxd3vI think I will let him continue compilation and tomorrow I will return to it :)
06:15.19tuxd3vI will have to search for information about the SoC
06:15.20clortit is the time of being horizontal for you?
06:15.45tuxd3vyea, its 6 of the morning :D
06:16.05tuxd3vI got the clock tick, and inspired by doing things and its almost morning
06:16.14tuxd3vyou are in Europe?
06:16.31clortyes, it looks dark outside
06:17.01clorti woke up an hour ago. new day for me!
06:17.34tuxd3vnice, I still need to sleep
06:17.57clortwhat else have you been werking on?
06:18.04tuxd3vtomorrow we will continue :)
06:18.31tuxd3vcompilation of things and network tests
06:18.43tuxd3vbut I will crash in the bed now :D
06:18.47clorti will continue uSD card benchmarks until finished
06:18.53clortok cheers ttyl tuxd3v
06:19.07tuxd3vsee you tomorrow :)
06:19.13tuxd3vor in some hours :)
07:00.34*** join/#devuan Uberius (~uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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15:25.36Chispitose ve que no conversan en la ventana pública...
15:33.15*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
15:45.41Chispitoviva la vida!
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16:22.52targzChispito: hi, this channel is exclusive to support, go to #devuan-es to speak in spanish
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19:23.55User_I was wondering if it was possible to have persistence on a live iso
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19:33.57aitor__User: using debian-installer you can get persistence in a very beautiful way
19:33.59golinuxUser_:  Yes!
19:35.14aitor__read this howto (in spanish):
19:36.38aitor__I followed the steps above years ago, and worked for me
19:36.56aitor__tested with crunchbang
19:38.22aitor__but it should work with any other live system including debian-installer
19:39.21aitor__golinux: greetings!
19:40.53aitor__i'm here to escape from #devuan-es :)
19:41.43fsmithredaitor__, that looks like a regular hard disk install. I think User_ was asking about persistence with a live-CD or live-usb
19:42.22golinuxsends aitor a hug.
19:42.26aitor__fsr: it works in a usb stick
19:42.44fsmithredyeah, but it's not a live system then, it's an installed system.
19:43.09aitor__yes, that's right
19:43.16golinuxGood that the folks who know about these things showed up.
19:43.23*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
19:43.38fsmithredadvantage of the live system is that you can always boot the original read-only system without persistence. Sometime nice to do that for banking or other stuff that needs to be secure.
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19:52.08aitor__fsmithred: do you know whether python-gtk2 will disappear from debian at least? It's not available in their repos
19:52.19aitor__neither in bullseye, nor in sid
19:53.50fsmithredno, I don't see it
19:54.50fsmithredonly python-gtk is chimaera or ceres (bullseye or sid) is python-gtkspellcheck-doc
19:55.01fsmithredin chimaera...
19:55.22User_Hi friends, yes i'm looking for an option within Devuan for a persistent live cd like set up on a usb key.
19:55.56fsmithredI always do it with refracta2usb
19:56.29fsmithredI think with the i386 iso you can dd the iso to a usb stick and then add a second partition, but that won't work with the amd64
19:56.55fsmithredand it's better to do it the other way (with real partitions)
19:56.56User_Mental Outlaws video sent me here and i donated what i could once i found out this distro supports anti-systemd and an MX-linux like snapshot of the system.
19:57.16fsmithredcool, thanks
19:58.13*** join/#devuan cosurgi (
19:58.33fsmithredthe other way is to have a fat partition, copy the contents of the iso to that partition and then add syslinux bootloader.
19:58.58fsmithredwith refracta2usb you can make a multi-boot usb stick with several live systems on it.
20:00.16User_nice !
20:01.30User_Tht sounds just like mx-linux snapshot and liveusb maker. It's good to know i can maintain my backup workflow with devuan.
20:02.06User_the devuan interface looks so smooth, like rich belgian chocolate or something.
20:02.28*** join/#devuan luser977 (
20:03.56fsmithredrefractasnapshot is like mx-linux snapshot. (or maybe it's the other way around)
20:04.52fsmithredI know antix used a modified version of refractansahphot some years ago, but they they made more changes to it/rewrote it. There might still be a little of my code hanging around in it.
20:06.04aitor__see you later, guys, i have things to do
20:06.28*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (~arnoldore@
20:07.03fsmithredrefracta2usb is not in the repo. You can get it on my sourceforge:
20:07.11fsmithredaitor__, take care. See you later.
20:07.18aitor__bye :)
20:08.46User_Sweet , is the code hosted somewhere ?
20:08.59User_in non.deb form ?
20:10.02fsmithredoh, probably not.
20:10.15fsmithredthe code is an ugly pile of shit. But it works.
20:10.54fsmithredit's just bash scripts, so there's no source to look at.
20:11.06fsmithrednothing to un-compile
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20:46.37fsmithredmeandrain ?
20:47.44clorttux3d seems to have gone Rip Van Winkle on me
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21:18.22User_thx, take care.
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21:36.29tuxd3vclort, I am hare, dinner :)
21:38.14*** join/#devuan bsd4me (
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22:08.11tuxd3vclort, have you ever tried to attach a serial debugger to your jetson nano?
22:08.32tuxd3vdoes you have a serial adapter?
22:08.54clorti don't think so
22:09.02tuxd3vthe madule for jetson nano:
22:09.35tuxd3vit states a baud rate of 15,2Mbit/s O.o
22:09.45tuxd3vsorry 12.5Mbit/s
22:10.07clorti don't know what to do with it
22:10.47*** join/#devuan GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon)
22:12.27tuxd3vcan you do a 'ls -la' on your /boot?
22:12.39*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (
22:12.42tuxd3vI believe you should join to #devuan-arm
22:12.52tuxd3vits a related subject :)
22:13.04clortif you can give me access then yes, otherwise pm
22:13.25tuxd3vyou need to be registered
22:13.45clorti won't be
22:27.13*** join/#devuan aqu4bot (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
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23:44.06clortwhen did they add /media/username/bunchacrapmountpoints
23:44.11clortand what are they for?
23:57.49*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)

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